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Slaven Perović



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"=c::-:=-,;-,',,,',-:' ,-:tb,-,e'-""i\1ro",:"IITar~~t,\~I:!.:'e~lI?l - Prupustll [01' all Attributi(}ll _
.1I'/;caJaplllld:=ic Francu ...ka keramika art nouveaua i art decoa u Muzeiu vlrrnara
Fronch irr \OUl'<!llJl!1 J!..~ll!. :1~1.DecoPatten' il1 the stimara .Hllselll1l


Recenzenti / Readers
dr. sc. Marina Bregovac Pisk
prof. dr. sc. Frano Dulibić




Slaven Perović

Zagreb, 2014.

Izvorni znanstveni rad, Original scientific paper,

srpanj,2014. July2014

U zbirci crteža Muzeja Mimara čuva se crtež koji nosi The Drawings Collection of the Mi-
mara Museum keeps a drawing,
inventarni broj ATM2043 (Sl. 1.) i koji je u zbirku ušao inventory number ATM 2043 (Fig. 1)
pod naslovom Veduta dvorca. Vrijemei mjesto nastanka that came into the collection as View
of a Castle. Its time and place of origin
nigdje nisu navedeni. Crtež je nastao u tehnici crne,
are stated nowhere. It was dane in
sive i plavo zelene tinte perom te vodenih boja kistom black, grey and blue-green ink with
na papiru. Veličine je 215 x 148 mm. Smatram da bi pen and with watercolours with brusb
on paper. In size it is 215 x 148 mm. I
točniji naziv crteža bio Grad Eltz], da mu je autor Al- think it would be more accurate to call
fred Rethel (1816. - 1859.) te da je nastao u lipnju 1831. the drawing Castle Eltz", to attribute it
godine, a to ću ovim radom pokušati i pokazati. to Alfred Rethel, and that it was drawn
in the June 1831, which in this paper
I shali endeavour to proveo
U prvome je planu prikazan s leđa vitez na konju,
odjeven u oklop i s kacigom na glavi. Preko desnog In the foreground a knight on borse-
back is shown from the back; he is elad
ramena prebacio je crveni plašt. Lijevo od njega, na in armour and bas a helmet on bis
zidiću se vidi monogram koji izgleda poput dva slova head. Over bis rigbt shaulder he bas
east bis red eloak. To the left of bim,
R, leđima sljubljenih jedno s drugim iza kojih je točka.
on a little wall, amonogram can be
(Sl. 2.) Uz viteza, desno, hoda kopljonoša koji također seen that looks like two letter Rs,
ima kacigu, a koplje nosi na desnom ramenu. Desno backing anto each other. To the right
of the monogram is a dot. To the rigbt
od kopljonoše, naslonjen na zidić, stoji čovjek koji se of the knight is a spearrnan, who also
oslanja o štap, a odjeven je u odjeću s velikom bas a helmet, carrying the spear on bis
kapuljačom. Iza njegovih leđa, prema dvorcu, a i s rigbt shoulder. To the rigbt of bim,
leaning against the walls, stands a
druge strane puta, prikazana je bujna vegetacija man leaning on a staff dressed in
nekoliko nijansi zelene boje, koju sačinjavaju grmlje i elothing with a large hood. Behind his
bace, luxuriant greenery is shown,
stabla. S lijeve je strane puta strmi krov zgrade koja je consisting of busbes and trees. On the
očito podignuta na padini ispod puta. Put kojim kroče left band side of the road is the steep
vitez i kopljonoša dalje vijuga do zida koji je pokriven roof a building clearly erected on the
slop below the patb. The road the
crijepom i u kojem je prolaz kroz koji se ulazi u grad, knight and spearman are travelling
a koji čuvaju dva stražara s kopljima u rukama. Lijevi along winds off 'furtber to a wall that
sjedi na zidiću, a desni stoji uspravno, raširenih nogu, is capped with ti/es and in which there
is a passage giving entry into a castle
držeći koplje u lijevojruci. Prikaz samog grada zauzima guarded by two sentries with spears in
gotovo čitav crtež. Dojam velebnosti grada pojačan je tbeir bands. The left is sitting on a wall,
and the other standing uprigbt, legs
malim likovima viteza i kopljonoše iz prvoga plana. apart, holding the spear in bis left
Pročelje mu je razvedeno i očito nije nastalo u jednome hand. The depiction of the actual
mahu. Prozori koji ga ukrašavaju različiti su: neki su castle occupies almost the whole of the
drawing. Its majesty is emphasised by
jednostavni, pravokutni i bez ukrasa, dok su drugi the little figures of knight and spear-
dvostruki; ima ih koji imaju gotički luk i obzidani su man in the foreground. Thefacade is
kamenom, a neki su pak mali poput puškarnice. Na irregularly intricate and clearly was
not built at a breath. The windows
srednjem je pročelju erker s tri potpornja, gotičkim gracing it are different: some are simple
prozorom s mrežištern na prednjoj strani, dok se na rectangular apertures with no decor-

1. Alfred Rethel: Grad Eltz,

Muzeja Mimara, Zagreb
1 Alfred Rethel: Castle Eltz,
Mimara Museum, Zagreb

2. Alfred Rethel: GradEltz(detalj),

Muzeja Mimara, Zagreb
bočnoj vidi uzak prozor šiljatoga vrha. Iznad erkera je 2 Alfred Rethel: Castle Eltz
šiljati krović, sljubljen s pročeljem na kojem se vide (detail), Mimara Museum,
grede koje nose zid, dok je prostor između njih ispunjen Zagreb
ciglama. a uglovima dvorca su tornjići, u donjem dijelu
okrugloga t1ocrta, dok su im najviši katovi i strmi krovići ations, while others are doubled, there
višekutni. Osim tornjića, na strmim krovovima, koji are same that baue a Gothic arcb and
završavaju metalnim šiljatim ukrasima sa zastavicama, are lined with stone, while others are
small, no better tban loopholes. In the
vide se i dimnjaci. Iznad krovova su oblaci, a ostatak centre of the facade is a bay on three
neba prikazan je urednim povlačenjem usporednih, corbels, a Gothic unndoui with tracery
on thefront, white on the side a narroiu
blago neravnih crta. Lijevo od dvorca, u daljini, unndoui with apointed top can be seen.
prikazane su ptice u letu. Over the bay is a pointed rooJ, abutting
anto the facade, on which the beams
that bear the wall can be seen, while
Alfred Rethel rodio se u Diepenbendu pokraj Aachena the space between is.filled in with bricks.
15. svibnja 1816. godine. Umro je Dusseldorfu 1. 7bere are turrets at the corner of the
prosinca 1859. godine. Bio je brat slikara povijesnih i castle, in the lower part of the circular
ground plan, while the top .fioors and
prizora iz svakodnevnog života, Otta Rethela (1822. - steep roofs are polygonal. Apart from
1892.). U Aachenu je učio kod jean-Baptistea Josepha the torrents, on the steep roofs that end
with pointed metal ornamentations
Bastinea (1783. - 1844.) koji je bio pod Davidovim with flags, chimneys are to be seen.
utjecajem, a zatim na Akademiji u Dusseldorfu kod Over the roofs are clouds, and the rest
Friedricha Wilhelma von Schadowa (1789. -1862.) od of the sky is shown with neatly draum
parallel but slightly uneven lines. To the
1829. do 1836. godine. Na Staatliche Kunstakademie left of the castle, flying birds are
predavali su mu profesori Christoph Kolbe (1771. - pictured in the distance.
1836.) i Theodor Hildebrandt (1804. - 1874.) koji su
Alfred Rethel was born in Diepen-
brzo kod Rethela uočili posebnu nadarenost za benden by Aacben on May 15, 1816
povijesno slikarstvo. Usavršavao se kod Philippa Veita and died in Dusseldorf on December
1, 1859. He was the brother of a
(1793. - 1877.) iM. Tatiga u Frankfurtu na Majni od painter of bistorical and eueryday
1836. do 1847. godine, i kasnije u Aachenu, Dusseldorfu scenes, Otto Rethel 0822-1892). In
i Dresdenu. Putovao je Italijom 1844.145. godinu. Aachen he studied with jean-Baptiste
joseph Bastine O 783-1844},who was
Oženio je Marie Grahl, kćerku sitnoslikara Augusta mucb injluenced by David, and then
Grahla 1851. godine. Simptomi mentalne bolesti pojavili at the Dusseldorf Academy, where he
su mu se za drugoga puta u Italiju 1852. na 1853. was taugbt by Friedrich Wilhelm von
Schadow O 789-1862}from 1829 to
godinu. Na Rethela su u početku, zahvaljujući von 1836. At the Staatlicbe Kunstaeademie
Schadowu i Veitu, jak utjecaj imali nazarenci, ali se he was taugbt by Christoph Kolbe

0771-1836) and Tbeodor Hilde- njihova utjecaja oslobađa oko 1840. godine, kada je
brandt (J 804-1874), who quickly no-
ticed that Rethel had a particular tal- počeo stvarati snažnim, crtačkim načinom, težeći većoj
ent for history painting. He did [ur- slikarskoj izražajnosti. Većje za studiranja na Akademiji
ther studies with Philipp Veit (J 793- u Dusseldorfu bio zapažen, a osobni je način u
1877)andM. Tatig, in Frankfurt-am-
Main from 1836 to 1847 and later in potpunosti razvio u frankfurtskom razdoblju. Slikao je
Aacben, Diisseldorf and Dresden. He na platnu, izrađivao drvoreze i to često za ilustracije,
travelled around Italy during 1844/
1845; he married Marie Grahl, daug-
crtao i izrađivao akvarele. Godine 1840. bio je zadužen
hter of the miniaturist August Grabl za uređenje Carske dvorane u Gradskoj vijećnici u
in 1851. Symptoms ofmental illness Aachenu u kojoj je 1847./48. naslikao četiri freske za
appeared during his second journey
to Italy in 1852 and 1853. At the
koje je nacrtao pripremne crteže." Izražajne konture
beginning, thanks to von Schadow na Rethelovim crtežima ukazuju na utjecaj Petera von
and Veit, the Nazarenes had a great Corneliusa (1783. - 1867.). Izvori arabesknog ritma na
impact on Rethel, but be broke from
them around 1840, when he started mnogim crtežima izravan su utjecaj Eugena Napoleona
to produced work in which the dra- Neureuthera (1806. - 1882.). Na skicama za freske u
wing was powerfully featured, ende-
avouring to be a pa inter who was as
Aachenu (nastalima između 1840. i 1845,) kao i na
expressive aspossible. While he was still akvarelima iz niza Hanibal prelazi Alpe (nastalima
a student of the Academy in Dussel- između1842. i 1844.) vidljivo je da je Rethel u
dorf, he was already noticed, and he
deueloped his personal manner to the potpunosti napustio načine kasnoga romantizma.
ful! in the Frankfurt period. He painted Proučavanje germanske povijesti, kao i Tita Livija"
on canuas, cut woodcuts, often for omogućilo mu je stvaranje jednostavnog i monu-
illustrations, he drew and made
watercolours. In 1840hewasgiven the mentalnog likovnog izraza. Iako se Rethel može
task of decorating the Imperial Hall in ubrojiti u realistične slikare povijesnih tema, on je
the City Council Chamber in Aachen,
in which in 1847 to 1848 he painted
sačuvao romantičarsku maštu prikazujući stvarne
four frescos for which he drew the događaje u svjetlu umjetnikove unutrašnje vizije. Tako
cartoons'. The expressive contours on je niz drvoreza Ples smrti nastao kao odgovor na
bis drawings were the influence of
Peter von Cornelius (1783-1867). The revolucionarne događaje u Njemačkoj s prijelaza s
sources of the arabesque rbytbms on 1848. na 1849. godinu. Pojedini crteži, poput Prizora
many of the drawings are the direct borbe na barileadama' svjedoče o Rethelu kao o
influence of Eugen Napoleon Neu-
reutber (1806-1882). On the drawings realističnom crtaču kroničaru. Ipak, pripremni crteži
for the Aachen frescos, between 1840 za niz drvoreza Ples smrti ukazuju na autora
and 1845, and in the watercolours in
the series Hannibal Crossing the Alps,
romantičara koji nikada nije posve raskinuo s
created between 1842 and 1844, we nasljeđem Nazarenaca.' Umro je duševno bolestan u
can see that Rethel had entirely Dusseldorfu 1. prosinca 1859. godine.
abandoned the ways of Late Roman-
ticism. Studying the history of the
Germans and Liuy', enahled him to Rethel je bio vrlo nadaren i vješt crtač što je bilo vidljivo
create a simple and monumental već u njegovom djetinjstvu. Prenosio je na papir, na
visual expression. And altbougb Rethel
can be counted among the realistic način previše zreo za svoju dob, dojmove o svijetu
painters of history, he preserved a oko sebe, svoje maštarije, priče i legende koje je slušao.
romantic imagination showing real Jedan od ranih crteža, Sapfo, nacrta o je strogim
euents in the light of the artist's inner
oision. Tbus the series ojDance of Death linearnim potezima, poput onih na grčkim vazama.
woodcuts was created in response to the Kada je jednom u Burtscheidu, kao trinaestogodišnjak,
turnultuous year of revolutions, 1848
and 1849. Same of the draunngs, like
išao u školu, ugledao je bika kojega su vodili u
Scene of the Battle at the Barricades" klaonicu. Bik se oteo i napravio velik nered. Rethel se
teil of Rethel as a realistic chronicler of odmah zaustavio i zabilježio dojmove na papiru.? Crtež
a draugbtsman. Still, the preparatory
drawings for the Dance of Death svjedoči o neobičnoj nadarenosti za prikazivanje
woodblocks showa romantic artist who pokreta, drame i za organiziranje prostora. U ranoj
never made a clean break with the
Nazarene inberitance? He died men-
mladosti nastali su sigurni crteži prirode, ruševina
tally deranged in Dusseldorf on gradova i šume oko Aachena. Već je s trinaest godina,
December 1, 1859. zahvaljujući nesvakidašnjoj crtačkoj nadarenosti,
Rethel was an extremely talented and
primljen na Akademiju u Dusseldorfu. Na toj se
skilled draugbtsman, which was akademiji njegovalo monumentalno slikarstvo. Osim

slikanja na platnu, učilo se i slikanje fresaka. Crtalo se uisible in bis childhood. He put on
paper impressions oj the world about
prema živim modelima, ali puno više po gipsanim bim, bis Jancies, stories and legends
odljevima antičkih kipova. Akademija je posjedovala he had heard in away tbat was too
velik broj crteža i grafika talijanskih starih majstora mature Jar bis age. One oj tbe early
drawings, Sappho, was dane in strict
koje su studenti precrtavali vježbajući tako vještinu linear strokes, like those on Greek
crtanja. Iste godine kada i Rethel u Dusseldorf je stigao uases. Once in Burtscbeid, a tbirteen-
year-old on his way to school, he saw
i Ernst Deger (1809. - 1885,) koji je pripadao a bull being tahen to the slaugbter
nazarencima, a koji su na mladog Rethela jako utjecali. house. The bull broke loose and
Zanemare li se crtanke s likovima iz dječjih knjiga, iz created great disorder. Rethel halted
at once and put bis impressions down
godina umjetničkog oblikovanja na Akademiji u on paper." The drawing shows bis
Dusseldorfu preživjelo je šest crtanki. U prvoj su uncommon ability to show mooement,
sačuvani povijesni prikazi, crteži krajolika i arhitekture. drama and to organise space. In his
early youtb he produced confident
Druga je crtanka, iz 1831. godine (osim crteža Nudenje draunngs oj nature, ruined castles and
krune Heinrichu der Vogleru) prava bilježnica za the Jorests around Aachen. AI the age
oj thirteen, tbanhs to his great skill in
vježbanje u koju je prenosio stvarnot koja ga je drawing, he was accepted at the
okruživala. Ovaj je likovni putopisni dnevnik nastao Dusseldorf Academy. At this academy,
kada je Rethel imao petnaest godina i važan je za Mimarin tbey cultiuated a monumental style oj
pairuing . As well as painii ng On
crtež Grad Eltz o čemu će kasnije još biti riječi. Ova se canuas, he learned how to pairu
crtanka, koja je 1940. godine pripadala obitelji Sohn- frescoes. He did do life studies, but
Rethel, kako me je obavijestila kustosica Dagmar mucb more tban that, he copied plaster
casts oj ancient sculptures . The
Preising, danas nalazi u Suermondt-Ludwig-Museumu Academy had a large number oj
u Aachenu. Preostale su crtanke uglavnom bile dnevnici draunngs and prints by tbe Italian old
masters, which tbe students copied,
s putovanja. a jedno je krenuo 1833. godine preko exercising tbeir bands. In tbe same
Rajne u Koblenz, Bacharach, Ingelheim i Frankfurt na year as Retbel, Erns Deger (1809-
Majni. Crtanka nastala 1834. godine ispunjena je 1885) also arriued in Dusseldorf he
was a Nazarene, a member oj tbe
prikazima krajolika, između ostalog i porječja Ahra. U group tbat had such an influence on
njoj je i povijesni prikaz Rudolf von Habsburg u pratnji tbe young Rethel.
biskupa. Dvije su crtanke nastale 1835. godine, a u njma !f one ignores the drawings from a
sketchbook with figures from
je prikazan nastavak putovanja preko urnberga u children's books, Jrom the years at
Munchen i u Bavarske Alpe, ali svjedoče i o tome da je which he wasjormed as an artist in
DiisseldorJ, six sketchbooks baue
posjetio Alte Pinakothek, gdje je kopirao krila Durerova sunnued. In tbe jl1'Sttbere are historical
oltara naslikanog za obitelj Paumgartner. Roditelji su depictions, drawings oj landscapes
mu napustili Aachen i preselili u Wetter an der Ruhr u and arcbitecture. The second sketcb-
book, [rom 1831, except the drawing
blizini Hagena. Tada je nastala crtanaka s prikazima The Crown Offered to Heinrich der
doline Ruhra i Westerwalda, Dusseldorfa, Donje Rajne. Vogler, is a real exercise book, into
Zabilježio je šetnje uz obale Rajne i Mosselea. which he rendered tbe reality that
surrounded bim. This visual travel
diary was created when Rethel was
Wolfgang Muller iz Koningswintera, Rethelov prijatelj Jifteen, and il is important Jar the
Mimara Castle Eltz, more about which
iz djetinjstva, koji je studirao medicinu i kojega je Rethel below. This sketchbook, which in 1940
upoznao u Dusseldorfu, napisao je u svojim sjećanjima belonged to tbe Sobri-Retbel farnily, as
kako je u društvu s umjetnikom lutao oko Dusseldorfa curator Dagmar Preising inJormed
me, is today in the Suermondt-Ludung-
i Wetter an der Ruhra, s crtankom i gitarom, pjevajući Museum in Aacben. The other sketcb-
i prepričavajući fantastične priče. a prvome listu u books were on the whole diaries from
Crtanki iz 1831., gore lijevo od prikaza ruševine grada his traoels. He undertook one such in
1833, aeross the Rhine to Koblenz,
Wettera, Rethel je nacrtao dva lika koja hodaju Bacbaracb, Ingelbeim and Prankfurt-
prirodom. Vrlo je lako moguće da je tu umjetnik nacrtao am-Main. Another was created
sebe u društvu Wolfganga Mullera. Na sljedećem je in 1834 and is filled with depictions oj
landscapes, including the valley oj the
listu prikaz Wettera s ruševinom kule okrugloga tlorisa, Abr. It contains the historica! depiction
na trećem je prikaz sela, gudura, romaničke bifore i u oj Rudolf von Habsburg in the
Company of Bishops. Twosketchbooks
prvome planu dolje, velikoga miša koji nam ukazuje were created in 1835, and show the
na to kako je Rethel već s petnaest godina bio izvrstan continuation oj the journey, via

Nuremberg to Munich, and to the crtač životinja. Četvrti je crtež akvareliran, a prikazuje
Bauarian Alps, shouiing also that he
had visited the Alte Pinakothek, where tvornicu industrijalca Friedricha Harkorta, istu onu koja
he copied the wings of the Durer altar se vidi na prvome crtežu. Crtež je obojen žutom,
painted for the Paumgartner family. crvenkastom, smeđom, sivkastim okerom, zelenom i
Rethel's family left Aachen and moved
to Wetter an der Rubr; close to Hagen. blijedoplavom. Vrloje dojmljivo prikazana industrijska
Tben came the sketchbook untb depi- arhitektura uklopljena u srednjovjekovni grad." Dalje
ctions of the valley of the Ruhr,
Westerwald, Dusseldorf, the Lower
lutajući okolicom, Rethel je olovkom bilježio
Rh ine. He recorded strolls along the zanimljivosti: Ruševine tornja Volmarsteitr s malim
Rhine and the Mose!. likom u podnožju kojim je ukazao na velebnost tornja;
Wolfgang Muller of K6nigswinter, a legendarni Hohensyburg na tri crteža, od kojih je na
friend of Rethel's from his childhood, prvome prikazao romaničku crkvu, a na preostalima
who studied medicine and whom he ruševine grada", krajolike s utvrdama na kojima je
met in Dusseldorf, wrote in bis
memoirs that he had wandered bilježio njihova imena - Sieburg, Keiserberg i Siegerland
around Diisseldorf and Wetter an der na jednom ili Freisburg na drugom'"; u Koblenzu stari
Rubr with the artist, guitar and
drawing book in band, singing and
Grad kneza izbornika i Erker na Kaufbauses", u
retailing fantastic tales. On the first Bacharachu je izuzetno zrelim prikazom arhitektonskih
sheet of the 1831 Sketchbook, top, left oblika nacrtao crkvu sv. Petra, a crtež je nazvao Crkva
of the depiction of the ruins of Burg
Wetter, Rethel drew two figures uial- u Bacbaracbu'", Eifelski krajolik S konjima u prvome
king in a natural setting. It ispossible planu'>; Viteški grad na Rajni". Pogled na Traben";
that here the artist was drawing prikaz velike stijene Wellstein kod Trarbacha
bimself in company with Muller. In the
next is a picture of Wetter with a dramatičan je krajolik kojim Rethel izražava svu svoju
ruined round tower, and in the third, snagu i nepogrješivu preciznost; na crtežima su jako
a village, a gorge, Romanesque
mullioned windows, and in the
promišljeni odnosi arhitekture i krajolika, biljaka i
foreground bottom a large mouse, zgrada, malih ljudskih likova nacrtanih uz stabla kako
which tells us that when he was only bi svojom sićušnošću ukazali na njihovu velebnost."
fi.fteen he was outstanding in drawing
animals. The fourth drawing is Na jednome je crtežu prikazao stari hrast preciznošću
watercoloured and shows the factory portretista 17; studirao je odnose debla i kvrgavog
of the industrialist Friedrich Harkort, korijenja"; na poleđini crteža konja nacrta o je biljku
the same that is seen in the first
drawing. It is coloured in yellow, konjsko kopito", S posebnom je pažnjom crtao seosku
reddish, brown, grey ochre, green and arhitekturu", ali i već spomenute prikaze crkava i
light blue. Tbe industriai architecture
incorporated into the medieval fort is
gradova, gotičke rebraste svodove", romaničke prozore
presented extremely impressively. 7 Stil! ili podrumski prozor koji je prikazao precizno, do
wandering further around, Rethel zadnjega kamenčića koji ga uokviruje". U ovoj je
recorded in pencil the interesting
features of the Ruins of Volmarstein
crtanki nacrta o i dva crteža koji prikazuju aktove
Tower", with alittle figure at the foot mladića koji sjede: jednoga je prikazao sučelice,
of the building to gioe a sense of its uzdignute lijeve ruke, kao da drži koplje ili štap, lica
majestic scale; the legendary
Hohensyburg, in three draunngs, in sumarno prikazanog, a drugoga, oštroga profila i
the first of which he showed a polu duge kose, torza lagano zanesenog ulijevo i nogu
Romanesque church, and on the savijenih u koljenima, koje su sasvim okrenute ulijevo."
others the ruins of the castle",
landscapes with forts on which he Studije draperija na dva su lista, a detaljan prikaz desne
recorded the names - Sieburg, ruke u oklopu na jednome." I crteži životinja pozorno
Keiserberg and Siegerland on one or
Freisburg on another 0; in Koblenz
su nacrtani: već spomenuti miš, magarci, konji, mačke,
was the old Castle of the Elector and krave, divlja svinja, lavice i lavovi - list s osam studija
Bay on the Old Kaufhauses", in na kojemu je Rethel izričito napisao da je životinje
Bacbaracb there is an outstandingly
mature depiction in which he drew the crtao uživo, a mogao ih je vidjeti u cirkusu ili
architectural sbapes of the Cburcb of zvjerinjaku; lavovi, tigrovi i sjeverni medvjedi na listu
St Peter, calling the drawing Church
in Bacharach 12; Eifel Landscape with
na kojem je deset studija životinja i nadnevak napisan
Horses in the Foreground'", Knightly Rethelovom rukom: 11. lipnja 1831.25, a nacrtao je i
Castle on the Rhine!'. A view of sklupčanog psa." Na listu 22, iznad crteža konja, gore
Traben'", a depiction of the huge rock
Wellstein by Trarbach, is a dramatic
desno, također je nadnevak: 19. lipnja 1831. Ne smijem
landscape that Rethel rendered with zaboraviti ptice koje možemo vidjeti skoro na svakom

crtežu krajolika, gradina ili ruševina, prikazane kako all bis strengtb and his unerring pre-
cision, the relations of arcbitecture
lete visoko u daljini, čime se naglašava dojam and landscape, plants and buildings,
prostranosti i visine neba. Na poleđini posljednjega the little buman figures draum along
lista, na kojemu je nacrtao nekoliko stabalaca", nalazi the trees to gioe an impression of the
majesty of it all are all bigbly
se i crtež Nudenje krune Heinrichu der vogleru?" Iznad considered." In one of the draunngs
crteža deset je redaka teksta u kojima spominje crkvene he depicted an ancient oak, with the
precision of the portrait artist'", he
reformatorejeronima Praškogš'.jana Husa30, Huldrycha studied Ihe relations betuieen tbe trune
Zwinglija" i Martina Luthera". U posljednjem odjeljku and the enouy roots'", on the bach of
od tri reda spominje brošuru, ako takva postoji, u kojoj the drawing of a borse he drew the
plant wild gingel; which looks like a
bi našao podatke o načinu rezanja graverskim horse S boof'". He drew rural buildings
dlijetom, a ne o baeropisu - iz čega se može zaključiti with particular care", as well as the
da je želio proučiti određenu grafičku tehniku." already ment ioned depict ions of
castles and cburcbes, Gotbic ribbed
oaulting", Romanesque windows and
Crtež Grad Eltz iz Mimarine zbirke ušao je u zbirku a cellar unndoui that he showed in
precise detail down to the last of the
pod nazivom Veduta dvorca. Nije mu bio naveden pebbles framing it12.In this drawing
autor, tehnika kojom je nacrtan ni vrijeme nastanka. he also drew tuio n udes, sbounng
Prelistavajući Aachener Kunstblatter iz 2002. godine, young men sitting; one is sboum
frontally, with bis left arm raised, as
naišao sam na osvrt na katalog izložbe Alfred Rethel ij he were holding a spear ar staff, bis
(1816 - 1859), Zeichnungen und Olstudien, autorice face sboum only sumrnarily, and
Dagmar Preising.34 Jedan među reproduciranim another with a sbarp profile, shoulder
lengtb ha ir, tarsa lightly leaning
crtežima asocirao me na crtež iz Muzeja Mimara. U leftuiards and bent legs entirely in
Bćnćzitu " sam potražio Rethelov potpis i našao motion to the left23 There are studies
of drapery on Iwo sheets, and a
nekoliko načina na koje se potpisivao, ali i desetak detailed depiction of a rigbt band in
načina na koje je pisao svoj monogram. Shvatio sam mail on another". The draunngs of
kako sam na dobrome putu. Rethelovo crtačko djelo animals are also carefully executed;
tbere is tbe mouse already mentioned,
dobro je obrađeno u literaturi i ubrzo više nisam imao asses, horses, cats, crows, wild boar;
sumnji oko autorstva. Najveću mi je poteškoću stvaralo lions - a sheet with eigbt studies, on
smještanje crteža u uži vremenski okvir. Kada sam which Rethel expressly stated tbat he
had draum from the lije, which he
nabavio knjigu J. Heinricha Schmidta Ein Skizzenbuch migb! baue been able to see in same
des jungen Alfred Retbei", shvatio sam da je ono što circus ar menagerie; lions, tigers and
polar bears on a sheet with ten studies,
me najviše zbunjivalo u datiranju zapravo bila Rethelova dated with Retbel's hand: June 11
mladost i potpuna prožetost duhom romantizma. Do 1831", and he also drewa dog that
tada, naime, nisam vidio crteže iz najranijeg doba was curled uro Above tbe drawing of
the horse, on the picture 22, upper
Rethelova stvaralaštva. Kada sam crtež Grad Eltz iz rigbt, tbere is also Retbel's date: June
Mimarine zbirke usporedio s crtežima iz Crtanke iz 19 1831. I sbould not forget Ihe birds
1831. godine, bilo mi je jasno da s velikom sigurnošću that we can see on almost every
drawing of landscape, castle ar ruins,
vrijeme nastanka crteža mogu staviti upravo u tu sboum f1ying in tbe distance and in
godinu, točnije, u lipanj 1831. godine. Bilo je lako uočiti the beigbts, emphasising the sense of
the space and beigbt of the sky. On tbe
nedvojbene sličnosti s pojedinim crtežima - u back of the last sbeet, on which he had
kompoziciji, načinu prikazivanja prirode, krajolika, draum several trees", he drew The
ljudskih likova i arhitekture, a i za akvareliranje skoro Crown Offereel to Heinrich eler
Vogler". Aboue the drawing are ten
cijeloga lista našao sam primjer. Crtež iz Crtanke koji lines of ioriting in which he mentions
najbolje možemo usporediti s Mimarinim je Viteškigrad the Reformers Jerome of Prag ue", Jan
na Rajni". Sva je prilika kako je Mimarin crtež nastao Htls30, Ulrich Zwingli31 and Martin
Luther". In the last section, tbree lines
u isto vrijeme, možda upravo na isti dan, kada i crtež long, he mentions same brochure, if
ovoga grada. Naime, radi se o istome gradu. Na ovome there is such, in which I coulel finel
information about how to cut with the
je crtežu prikazana južna strana grada Eltza." U pismu burin, not about etching - clearly
od 17. kolovoza 2003. godine pokojni gospodin Jakov uianting lo study a clearly defined
grof Eltz Vukovarski potvrdio mi je kako crtež prikazuje printmaeing tecbniquev,
južnu stranu dvorca Eltza. Stoga bi bilo točnije da se The drawing Castle Eltz came into the
četrdeseti crtež iz Crtanke iz 1831. nazove Grad Eltz, collectionnamedView of a Castle. The

3. Alfred Rethel: Grad Eltz,

pogled na južnu stranu,
Crtanka iz 1831., Suermondt-
Ludwig-Museum, Aachen
3 Alfred Rethel: Castle Eltz,
a View from the South, 1831
Sketchbook, Suermondt-
Ludung-Museum, Aachen

name of the artist, the technique and

the date were not giuen, Looking
tbrougb the Aachener Kunstblatter of
2002, I came across a reference to the
catalogue of the exhibition Alfred
Rethel (1816 - 1859), Zeichnungen und
Olstudien, written by Dagmar Prei-
sing". One of the draunngs reminded
me of the drawing in the Mimara
Museum. In Benezu'! I looked for
Retbel's signature and found that he
signed his name in several ways, and
rendered bis monogram in a dozen
ways.I realisedI was on the rigbt road.
Retbel's drawing work bas been well
couered in the literature and I very
soon had no more doubt about who
had done the work. The greatest
problem was in placing the drawing
more precisely on the timescale. Wben
I obtained the book of j. Heinrich
Schmidt, Ein Sk:izzenbuch des jungen
Alfred Rethel-", I realised that what
had most led me astray was Rethel's
youth and his being completely im-
bued with the spirit of Romanticism.
Previously I had not seen drawings pogled na južnu stranu (51.3,), Rethel je pak grad Eltz
from the earliest period of his work. s Mimarina crteža crtao s mjesta koje je bilo na razini
Wben I compared the Castle Eltzfrom
the Mimara Collection with the dra- čuvara kod ulaza u grad. Dok je crtao Grad Eltz, pogled
wings from The 1831 Sketchbook, it na južnu stranu, bio je smješten niže, u podnožju
was dear that I could assign the time samoga brijega. a oba je crteža posvetio punu
with a great degree of certainty to that
year, or more precisely, inJune1831. pozornost detaljima: načinu nizanja kamenja na
It was easy to see the great simi/arities ogradama, prikazivanju pojedinih crjepova na
in the indiuidual draunngs, in the krovovima, pojedinih prozora, bilja oko dvorca i sl.
composition, the way in which nature
is depicted, the landscapes, the human Mali likovi - vitez, kopljonoša, čuvari - odgovaraju
figures and the arcbitecture, and I also malim likovima koji naglašavaju velebnost arhitekture
found an example of a whole sheet
being watercoloured. The drawing
ili prirode na isti način kao na crtežima 7, 11 ili 27 u
from the Sketchbook that can be best Crtanki iz 1831. godine. Konj s leđa s naznakom jahača
compared with the Mimara drawing s crteža 8 iz Crtanke(SI. 4.), iako prikazan puno većim,
is the Knightly Castle on the Rhine".
It is very likely that the Mimara draw- mogao je biti vježbom za crtež viteza na konju s
ing was created at the same time, Mimarina crteža. a istome je crtežu u donjem lijevom
maybe on the very same day, as the kutu prikaz iste tvornice Harkort na utvrdi Wetter an
drawing of this castle. For it is the same
castle. In this drawing, the southern der Ruhr koju vidimo na prvome crtežu u Crtanki.
side of Castle Eltz is sboum'". In a let- Rethelovo ulje na platnu na kojem je ta tvornica u
ter of August 17, 2003, the late Count
Jakov Eltz of Vukovar confirmed to me
potpunosti prikazana nastalo je 1834. godine." Na listu
that the drawing does depict the 25 još je jedan prikaz iste tvornice, u potpunosti
southern side of Castle Eltz. Accor- akvareliran kao i Mimarin crtež (Sl. 5.). Crtež Grad
dingly, I would propose that the 40·
draunngfrom the 1831 Sketchbook he Eltz, danas u Zbirci Mimara, nastao je u tehnici crne,
called Castle Eltz, a View from the sive i plavozelene tinte perom te vodenih boja kistom

4. Alfred Rethel: Konj s leda s

naznakom jahača (detalj crteža
8 iz Crtanke iz 1831.),
Suermondt -Ludwig-Museum,
4 Alfred Rethel: The horse from
behind with an indication of a
rider, 1831 Sketchbook,

South (Fig. 3). Rethel drew Castle Eltz

in the Mimara version from a place
that was at the same level as the guards
at the entrance. Houeter; while he was
drawing Castle Eltz, a View from the
South, he was located lower, at thefoot
of the hill. He paid a lot of attention to
the details in both pictures. the way in
which the stones on the walls are
sequenced, the depiction of single tiles
on the roofs, indiuidual windows,
plants around the castle and so on.
The little-figures, the enigbt, spearman,
guards, are similar to the littlefigures
that bring out of the majesty of the
building or nature in the same way
as in draunngs 7, 11 or27inthe1831
sketchbook. The borse from bebind
with an indication of a rider in
drawing 8 from the sketchbook (Fig.
4), altbougb shown mucb larger, could
baue been an exercise for the drawing
of the enigbt on borsebach in the
Mimara drawing. On the same draw-
ing, in the lower left band corner, there
is a depiction of the same factory of
Harkort on the fort of Wetter an der
Rubr; which we see in the first draw-
ing in the sketchbook. Retbel's oil on
caru/as in which tbis factory is sboum
in full was done in 183439. On sheet
25 tbere is another picture of the same
castle, fully uiatercoloured, like the
Mimara drawing (Fig. 5). Castle Eltz
was done in black, grey and blue-
green ink with uiatercolours on ioory
coloured paper. And blue-green ink
appears in some of the windows on the
facade of the castle. This is best seen
on the mon ogram, where it can be

5. Alfred Rethel: Tvornica

Harkort na utvrdi Wetter an der
Ruhr, Crtanka iz 1831.,
5 Alfred Retbel. Factory of
Harkort on the fort of Wener an
der Ruhr, 1831 Sketchbook,

seen that the original monogram was na papiru boje bjelokosti. Plavozelena tinta pojavljuje
ioritten in grey ink. IVhether someone
e/se at alater time, and not the artist, se na pojedinim prozorima na pročelju dvorca. ajbolje
thickened it is impossible to say. se vidi na monogramu gdje je razvidno kako je prvotni
Perbaps because oj the subsequent monogram bio napisan sivom tintom. Je li naknadno
application of blue-green ink, tbefirst
letter in the monogram, A, started to netko drugi, a ne sam autor, podebljavao monogram,
look more like a mirror image R. nemoguće je reći. Možda je upravo zbog naknadnog
Putting ioatercolour on over a draw-
ing is a tecbnique Alfred Rethel used
nanošenja plavo zelenom tintom prvo slovo u
three times in the sketchbook; in draw- monogramu (A) počelo više sličiti zrcalno prikazanom
ing 4, in the left band corner is a land- slovu R. anošenje vodene boje preko crteža tehnika
scape in which he uiasbed over the
pencil. Tbere is uiasb 011pari oj draw-
je kojom se Alfred Rethel tri puta poslužio u Crtanki:
ing 25, in which there is alle oj the na crtežu 4, u gornjem je lijevom kutu prikazan krajolik
depictions of tbe Harhortfactory. And na kojem je lavirao olovku. Laviran je i dio crteža 25
pari oj drawing 42 was dane in uiasb,
on top oj pencil. Taking all this into na kojem je jedan od prikaza tvornice Harkort. I dio
account, r think J can with great eon- crteža 42 nastao je u tehnici laviranja, i to preko olovke.
Jidence state that the author oj the
drawing Castle Eltz [rom the Mimara
Uzevši u obzir sve navedeno, s velikom sigurnošću
Museum is Alfred Retbel, and that it tvrdim da je autor crtežu Grad Eltz iz zbirke Muzeja
was draum in tbejune 1831, the year Mimara Alfred Rethel i da je crtež nastao u lipnju 1831.
oj the 1831 Sketchbook, ar not long
tbereafter. Perbaps it was meant to be godine, kad i Crtanka iz 1831. godine ili nedugo nakon
a presentJor someone. Perbapsfor bis njena nastanka. Možda je nastao kao dar nekome.
trauelling companio n, Wolfgang Možda suputniku, prijatelju Wolfgangu Mulleru iz
Muller from Konigsunnter, orperbaps
it was gioen to S0111eone011his return Koningswintera ili je darovan nekome drugome po
from his jou rney. povratku s puta,

Bilješke: Notes:

I Radi se o gradu Eltzu (njemački: Burg Eltz) u jemačkoj koji je I The building in this case is CastleEltz,
sagrađen iznad rijeke Moselle, između Koblenza i Triera. Od XII. ar Burg Eltz, built abooe the Moselle,
stoljeća njime vlada obitelj Eltz. U Hrvatskoj, u Vukovaru, nalazi se between Koblenz and Trier. Since the
12' century, il bas been beld by the
dvorac Eltz (njemački: Schloss Eltz), sagrađen u XVIII. stoljeću, u
Eltz Family. In Croatia, in Vukovar,
kojemu je danas Gradski muzej Vukovar. there is the Eltz Palace, ar Schloss Eltz,
built in the 18" century, today bousing
Ulrich Thieme und Felix Becker, 1934., str. 187. Vukovar Munictpal Museum.

3 Rimski povjesničar (59. prije Krista - 17.). 2 Ulrich Tbieme and Felix Beceer, 1934,
4 Aachen, Stadtisches Suermondt-Museurn, olovka, 200 x 142 mm.
3 Roman bistorian, 59 BC - AD 17
s Youri Kouznetsov u La Peinture allemande cl l'epoque du 4 Aacben, Stiidtisches Suermondt-Mu-
romantisme, 1976., str. XLI. seum, pencil, 200 x 142 mm.

6 Crtež se čuva u Frankfurtu u Stadel Museumu. 5 Youri Kouznetsou in La Peinture alle-

mande a l'epoque du romantisme,
7 U crtanki slike 1, 2, 3 i 25. 1976, p. XLI.

6 Now in Frankfurt in the StadelMuseum.

8 U crtanki slika 7.
7 In tbeseetcbbooepiaures i, 2, 3 and25.
9 U crtanki slike 9, 10 i 30.
8 In the seetcbbooe picture 7.
10 U crtanki slike 29 i 31.
9 In thesketchbookpictures9, 10 and30.
1\ U crtanki slike 34 i 35.
10 In the seetcbbook pictures 29 and 31.
12 U crtanki slika 36. - Ovaj je precizan crtež bio vrlo koristan pri
II In the seetcbbook pictures 34 and 35.
obnovi crkve koja je izgorjela 1872. godine.
12 In the seetcbbook picture 36. This pre-
13 U crtanki slika 32. - Eifel je brdski lanac koji se nalazi u zapadnoj cise drawing was later oj great use in
jemačkoj i istočnoj Belgiji. Prostire se na području jugozapadnog the reconstruclion oj the church,
dijela Sjeverne Rajne-Vestfalije. which burned down in 1872.

14 U crtanki slika 40. - ]. Heinricha Schmidta crtež podsjeća na Grad 13 In the seetcbbook picture 32.
Bi.irresheim u Eifelu iako navodi kako se prikaz razlikuje od
14 In the sketcbbooe picture 40. The dra-
postojećeg stanja. wing reminds ]. Heinrich Schmidt oj
Castle Burresbeim in Eifel, altbougb
IS U crtanki slika 37. does say that the picture is difJerent
from the current condition.
16 U crtanki slike 5, 10 i 11.
15 In the seetcbbook picture 37.
17 U crtanki slika 27.
16 In tbesketcbbooeptctures'i, 10 andll.
18 U crtanki slike 8. i 16 17 In the seetcbbooe picture 27 .

19 (Asarum europaeum), u crtanki slika 22. 18 In thesketchbookpictures8 and16.

20 U crtanki slike 3, 12,26, 31, 37i 42. 19 (Asarum europa eu mJ, In the seetcb-
book picture 22.
21 U crtanki slike 33 i 39.
20 In the sketcbbooe pictures 3, 12, 26,
31,37 and42.
22 U crtanki slika 8.
21 In the seetcbbooe pictures 33 and 39.
23 U crtanki slike 21 i 24.
22 In the seetcbbooe picture 8.
24 U crtanki slike 13, 14 i 16
23 In the sketcbbooe pictures 21 and24.
25]. Heinrich Schmidt tu spominje i vuka, kojega ja na tom crtežu ne
24 Inthesketchbookpictures1314 and16.

25 j. Heinrich Schmidt mentions a wolf 26 U crtanki slike 3,2,4,8,22, 14 i 16, 15, 19i 42verso, 20, 17i 23.
here, which I cannot see.
27 U crtanki slika 43.
26 In the sketchbook pictures 3, 2, 4, 8,
22, 14 and 16, 15, 19 and 42 verso,
20, 17 and 23.
28 Henrik I. (876. - 936.), saski knez od 912. godine i kralj Njemačke
od 919. godine do smrti.
27 In the sketchbook picture 43.
29 (1379. - 1416.), češki reformator, najvažniji sljedbenik Jana Husa.
28 Henry I (876-936), Duke of Saxony
from 912 and King of Germany from 30 (1369. - 1415.), češki svećenik i filozof, reformator crkve.
919 until his death.

29 (13 79 - 1416), Czech reformer, most

31 (1484. - 153l.), vođa švicarske reformacije.
important of the followers of Jan Hus.
32 (1483. -1546.), katolički svećenik i profesor teologije, rodonačelnik
30 (1369 - 1415), Czech minister and protestantske reformacije.
philosopher, reformer
33 Crtanka je veličine kvarta, 22,5 x 27 cm. Korice su joj smeđe-
.H (1484 -1531), leaderoftbe Reforma- -ljubičaste boje, sadrži 43 lista svijetIoga crvenkasto-žutoga papira.
tion in Switzerland.
Svi su crteži, osim nekoliko akvareliranih nacrtani olovkom. Sve
32 (J 483 - 1546), Catholic priest and pro-
podatke o ovoj crtanki crpio sam iz: J. Heinrich Schmidt: Ein
fessor of theology who started the Sleizzenbucb desjungen Alfred Rethel, L.Schwann, Di.isseldorf,1940.
Protestant Reformation.
34 Zur Stiftung der Werke von Alfred Rethel, Aachener Kunstblatter
33 Tbe sketchbook is quarto stze, 22.5 x 1998. - 2002., broj 62., str. 33l. - 332.
27 cm, with broumisb-purple covers,
with 43 sheets on light reddisb or 35 Emmanuel Benezit, 1999., str. 603.
yellow paper. All of the draunngs,
except a few in uiatercolours, are
draum in pencil. All the information
36 J. Heinrich Schmidt: Ein Skizzenbuch des jungen Alfred Rethel, L.
about this has been gatheredfrom j. Schwann, Di.isseldorf, 1940.
Heinrich Schmidt: Ein Skizzenbuch
des jungen Alfred Rethel, L. Scbioann, 37 U crtanki slika 40. - J. Heinrich Schmidt, 1940.
Dusseldorf, 1940
38 Isto, str. 19. i 20.
34 Work with burin. - Zur Stiftung der
Werke von Alfred Rethel, Aacbener 39 La Peinture allemande il l'epoque du romantisme, 1976., str. 159. i 160.
Kunstbldtter 1998. -2002, no. 62,pp.

35 Emmanuel Benezit, 1999, p. 603.

36 j. Heinrich Schmidt: Ein Skizzenbuch

des jungen Alfred Rethel, L. Scbuiann,
Dusseldorf, 1940.

s: In the sketchbook picture40. -j. Hein-

rich Schmidt, 1940.

J8 Ibid, pp. 19 and 20.

39La Peinture allemande iI l'epoque du

romantisme, 1976, pp. 159 and 160.

Literatura / Literature:

BENEZJT: Dictionnaire critique et documentaire des peintres, sculpteurs,
dessinateurs et graueurs, Tome XI, Librairie Grund, Paris, 1999

c.G. BOERi\CR: Nacbgeiassene Zeicbnungen von Alfred Retbei (1816 - 1859),

Diisseldorf, 1968

HANS FELDBCSCH: Alfred Retbel, eine Ausstellung im Kronungssaal des Aacbener

Ratbauses zur Erinnerung an sein Todesjabr 1859, Suermondt-
-Museum, Aachen, 1959

WlLUBALDFRA1\KE: Alfred Rethels Zeicbnungen, Benjamin Sarz Verlag, Berlin, Wien, 1921

KURTGERSTENBERG: Alfred Retbel, Der Kunstler und Menscb, Delphin Verlag,

Miinchen, 1920

JAHNJOHANNES: W6rterbuch der Kunst, Alfred Kroner Verlag, Stuttgart, 1975

Kindlers Malerei Lexicon, Band X, Deutscher Tachenbuch Verlag,

Ziirich, 1976

KARLKOETSCHAU: Alfred Retbels Kunst vor dem Hintergrund der Historienmalerei

einer Zeit, Verlag des Kunstvereins fur die Rheinlande und
Westfalen, Diisseldorf, 1929

YOURIKOUZNETSOV, La Peinture allemande il l'epoque du romantisme, 1976, Orangerie

WERNERHOFMANN, des Tuileries, 25. 10. 1976 - 28. 2. 1977, EM , Paris, 1976

ADAMC. OELLERS: Die Karlsfresken im Aacbener Rathaus und die Olstudien im

Museum Burg Frankenberg, Museum Burg Frankenberg, 1987

JOSEF POi\TE:\: Alfred Retbel, Des Meisters Werke in 300 Abbildungen, Deutsche
Verlags-Anstalt, Stuttgart & Leipzig, 1911

DAGMARPREJSJNG: Alfred Retbel (1816 - 1859), Zeicbnungen und Olstudien,

Suermondt-Ludwig-Museum, 2. 8. - 15. 9. 1991, Aachen 1991

KARLSCHEFFLER: Die europaiscbe Kunst im neurizehruen fabrhundert, Band I,

Bruno Cassirer Verlag, Berlin, 1926

JAKOBHEINRICHSCHMIDT: Eiri Skizzenbuch des jungen Alfred Rethel, L. Schwann,

Diisseldorf, 1940

HANSWOLFGANGSINGER: Allgemeines Kunstler-Lexieon, Band V, Riitten & Loening,

Franfurkt a/M, 1901

Ulrich Thieme und Felix Becker, Allgemeines Lexikon der

Bildenden Kunstler von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart, Band
XXVIII, Leipzig, 1934

WOLDEMARVONSEIDUTZ: Handzeicbnungen Alfred Rethels aus dem eoniglicben

Kupfersticbkabinett zu Dresden, Verlag von Julius, Berlin, 1918

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