Trader's Guide To Financial Astrology

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A Trader’s Guide to Financial Astrology: Forecasting Market Cycles

Using Planetary and Lunar Movements. Larry Pesavento and Shane Smoleny.
© 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2015 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


NOTE: Page references in italics refer to figures and tables.

A Aries point, defined, 38, 39 (See also

Planetary position coordinate 215
Adams, Evangeline, 3 system)
Admetos characteristics of, 27, 27, 33
direct and retrograde motion, 87 Aspects
themes, 17, 17 applying, 72, 73, 73
“All boats rise with an incoming tide” asymmetrical, 77–78, 78, 79
(phrase), 94 defined, 46 (See also Transiting
Angular coordinate system aspects; Transits, visual
defined, 38 representation)
planet-versus-planet (angle) cycle, financial astrology cycles by aspect,
87–88 88, 88–89, 89 (See also Cycles
See also Planetary position coordinate and transit forecasting)
system; Transiting aspects See also New Moon
Apollon Astrology
direct and retrograde motion, 87 defined, 1
themes, 16–17, 16 understanding, for financial
Applying aspect, 72, 73, 73 astrology, 2–3
April Earnings Rally, 138–139, 139 See also Angular coordinate system;
Aquarius, characteristics of, 32, 32, 33 Planets; Zodiac signs
Basic sine wave cycle, 84, 85 Declination, visual representation of,
Bernanke, Ben, 11 68, 68
Bradley, Donald, 4, 126, 154 “Don’t confuse brains with a bull
Bradley Barometer siderographpe, 4, market” (phrase), 96
126–128, 127, 128 Dow Jones Industrial Average
Bradley Barometer versus, 127, 128,
C 128
efficiency test (See New Moon)
Cancer inner planetary combinations and,
characteristics of, 28, 28–29, 33 18
United States as, 136, 137 lunar cycles for financial forecasting,
Capricorn, characteristics of, 31, 145–149, 146, 147, 148
31–32, 33 solar cycles in relation to, 133–143,
Conjunction 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143
defined, 46
superconjunction, 51
superconjunction with orbs, 73, 73 E
transits, visual representation, 72, Earth
216 72–73, 73 precession and, 33–34

See also Transits, visual as reference point for zodiac signs,

representation 24, 25
Constellations of stars Efficiency test
discovery of new constellations, 35 defined, 94–95
zodiac signs and, 25 New Moon transiting aspect,
Controls, purpose of, 94 overview, 96, 96–99, 97,
Culmination. See Conjunction 98, 99
Cupido New Moon transiting aspect,
direct and retrograde motion, 89 walkthroughs, 96, 99–111,
themes, 14, 14 99–111
Cycles and transit forecasting, Energy focus points. See Planets
cycle analysis, 116 (See also Planetary
cycles, advantages and disadvantages, Fall Crash Cycle, 141, 141
88, 88–89, 89 Financial astrology, 1–5
cycles, defining, 84–88, 85 astrology, defined, 1
overview, 83–84 astrology knowledge for, 2–3
transits for forecasting markets, defined, 2
89–90, 90 historical background, 3–4
overview, 153–154 High-water mark, opposition and, 56
theory, 4–5 Horizon, visualizing transits on. See
See also Cycles and transit Transits, visual representation
forecasting; Dow Jones Industrial Human behavior, forecasting, 2–3. See
Average; Forecasting tools; also Planetary meanings; Transits;
Moon; New Moon Zodiac signs
Financial trigger planets, overview,
10. See also Mars; Mercury; Sun; I
First Quarter (Sun-Moon aspect), 61, Ides of March, 142, 143
62 Inner planets
Forecasting tools as financial trigger planets, 10
Bradley Barometer siderograph, 4, inner planetary combinations,
127, 128, 128 18–19
transits for forecasting markets, Mars themes, 9, 9–10
89–90, 90 (See also Cycles and Mercury themes, 8, 8
transit forecasting) Moon themes, 9, 9
verification of transits in financial New Moon’s effect on market and,
markets, 126–128, 127, 128, 94–95
128, 130 (See also Planetary Sun themes, 8, 8 217
meanings) Venus themes, 9, 9

See also New Moon; Solar cycles
Full Moon J
financial forecasting with lunar
cycles, 145–151, 146, 147, 148, January Effect, 142, 143
149, 150 Jupiter
as high-water mark, 56 direct and retrograde motion, 89
Sun-Moon aspect, 62, 63 outer planetary combinations,
See also Moon 19–20
themes, 11, 11
Gemini, characteristics of, 28, 28, 33
Grouping, of planetary energies, 48–49 Kronos
direct and retrograde motion, 89
H themes, 16, 16

direct and retrograde motion, 89
themes, 15, 15 Law of large numbers, 89, 96
Harmonic angles, 45 Leo, characteristics of, 29, 29, 33
Libra, characteristics of, 30, 30, 33 N
Longitudinal angle, visual
representation of, 68, 68, 69, 68 Natal charts, 50
See also Conjunction Negative angles, 46
Lunar cycles, defined, 5. See also Moon Neptune
direct and retrograde motion, 87
outer planetary combinations, 19–20
M themes, 13, 13
New Moon, 95–115
Market outcomes, forecasting, 2–3
efficiency test, defined, 94–95
Market turning points. See New
financial forecasting with lunar
cycles, 145–151, 146, 147, 148,
149, 150
cycle of, 120
overview, 95
direct and retrograde motion, 87
Sun and Moon (case study), 94–95
as financial trigger planet, 10
transiting aspect, overview, 96,
inner planetary combinations,
96–99, 97, 98, 99
transiting aspect, walkthroughs, 95,
themes, 9, 9–10
96, 99–111, 99–111
See also Planetary meanings
Newton, Isaac, 4
218 Mercury
North node, of Moon themes, 12
direct and retrograde motion, 87

as financial trigger planet, 10

inner planetary combinations, O
18–19 Opposition, 56–60, 57, 59, 60, 61
themes, 8, 8 Orb of influence, 71, 71–72
Moon Outer planets
financial forecasting using lunar generally, 10
cycles, 145–151, 146, 147, 148, Jupiter themes, 11, 11
149, 150 Neptune themes, 12, 12
as financial trigger planet, 10 north node of Moon themes, 12
Full Moon as high-water mark, 56 outer planetary combinations,
inner planetary combinations, 19–20
18–19 Pluto themes, 13, 13
lunar cycles, defined, 5 Saturn themes, 11, 11
north node of Moon themes, 12 Uranus themes, 12, 12
themes, 9, 9
transits and key Sun-Moon aspects,
61, 61–63, 62, 63 P
See also New Moon Partnerships, opposition and, 56–57
Morgan, J. P., 3 Pisces, characteristics of, 32, 32, 33
Planetary meanings, 115–131 trans-Neptunian, 13–18, 14, 15, 16,
overview, 115 17
past issues with accuracy and two planets building common aspect
financial markets, 130 with third planet, 74–77, 76
verification of, using cycles, See also Planetary meanings
116–125, 119, 120, 121, 122, Pluto
123, 124, 125 direct and retrograde motion, 87
verification of transits in financial outer planetary combinations, 19–20
markets, 126–128, 127, 128, themes, 13, 13
128, 130 Poseidon
Planetary position coordinate system, direct and retrograde motion, 87
37–43 themes, 18, 18
Aries point, 38, 39 Positive angles, 46
Cancer, in reference to Aries point, Precession
38–40, 40 changing views of sky and, 34
Capricorn, in reference to Aries defined, 33
point, 40, 40–41 Sun’s position and, 34
Libra, in reference to Aries point, Predefined angles, 47–48
40, 41
planetary position, defined, 38 Q 219
Taurus, in reference to Aries point,

40, 42 Quantitative easing, lunar cycles for
Planets, 7–21 financial forecasting, 148
combined themes, 19–20
cycles and typical periods of, 84, 85 R
defined, 8 Rectification, 26
inner, 8, 8–10, 9 Retrograde motion, of planets making
lunar cycle and, 5 transit, 77–80, 78, 79, 80
outer, 11, 11–13, 12, 13 Rhythm, cycles and, 86–87
overview, 7
planetary aspects and alignments,
68, 68–70, 69, 70 (See also S
Transits, visual representation) Sagittarius, characteristics of, 31, 31, 33
planetary cycles, 4–5 Santa Claus Rally, 141, 142
planet-versus-planet (angle) cycle, Saturn
87–88 direct and retrograde motion, 87
planet versus sign (position) cycle, 87 outer planetary combinations, 19–20
relationships with each other (See Saturn opposite Uranus (opposition
Transiting aspects) case study), 58, 59
transits, 4 themes, 11, 11
Scorpio, characteristics of, 30, 30–31, Superconjunction
33 defined, 51
Seasonal patterns. See Solar cycles with orbs, 71, 71
Second law (Newton), 4 Synodic orbital periods, 85–86
Sextile, 52, 53
Sidereal orbital periods, 85–86 T
Signs. See Zodiac signs
Solar cycles, 133–143 Taurus, characteristics of, 27, 27–28,
initial observations, 136 33
interpreting basic solar cycle graph, Third Quarter (Sun-Moon aspect), 82,
135, 135 83
overview, 133 Transiting aspects, 45–63
performance summaries, 136, 137 aspect meanings, table, 60
by sign segments, 138–141, 139, aspect positions on 360-degree
140, 141, 142, 143 wheel, 61
solar cycle profit analysis, 137, aspects, defined, 46
137–138, 138 defined, 45
solar cycle turning dates, 135, 136 grouping planetary energies, 48–49
solar versus sign (position) cycle, harmonic angles, 45
220 134, 134–135 key aspect angles, 49–56, 51, 52,
types of, 133 53, 54

See also Sun opposition and, 56–60, 57, 59

S&P 500, lunar cycles for financial predefined angles, 47–48
forecasting, 149, 149–150, 150 transits, defined, 46–47, 47
Square, 53–56, 54 See also Transits, visual
Stars representation
discovery of new constellations, 35 Transits
zodiac signs and, 25 combined transits, 129, 129
Summer Rally, 139, 140 defined, 4, 46–47, 47
Sun See also Cycles and transit
as financial trigger planet, 10 forecasting; Planetary meanings;
inner planetary combinations, 18–19 Transiting aspects; Transits, visual
lunar cycles in relation to, 145–151, representation
146, 147, 148, 149, 150 Transits, visual representation, 65–84
precession and position of, 34 conjunction, 72, 72–73, 73
solar cycles, 133–143, 134, 135, 136, key Sun-Moon aspects, 81, 81–83,
137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143 82, 83
solar house, 24 orb of influence, 71, 71–72
themes, 8, 8 overlapping asymmetrical aspects
transits and key Sun-Moon aspects, flare up, 77–78, 78, 79
61, 62–63, 62, 63 overview, 65–66
planetary aspects and alignments, themes, 9, 9
68, 68–70, 69, 70 Verification. See Planetary meanings
retrograde motion of planets making Virgo, characteristics of, 29, 29–30, 33
transit, 77–80, 78, 79, 80 Visual representation of transits. See
visual strength of aspect versus peak Transits, visual representation
event, 73–77, 74, 75, 76, 77 Vulcanus
Trans-Neptunian planets direct and retrograde motion, 87
Admetos themes, 16, 16 themes, 17, 17
Apollon themes, 16, 16
Cupido themes, 14, 14 W
Hades themes, 15, 15
Kronos themes, 15, 15–16 Walkthrough
overview, 14 defined, 95, 116
Poseidon themes, 17, 17 examples, 96, 99–111, 99–111
Vulcanus themes, 17, 17 See also Planetary meanings
Zeus themes, 15, 15
Trans-Neptunian planets and, 13–18, Y
14, 15, 16, 17
Yin and Yang energy, 12
Trine, 52–53, 54
Turn dates, of solar cycle, 135, 136 221

U Zeus
United States, Cancer sign and, 136, 137 direct and retrograde motion, 87
Uranian astrology. See Trans-Neptunian themes, 15, 15
planets Zodiac signs, 23–36
Uranian Book of Planetary Pictures, 119 defined, 23, 24–25
Uranus discovery of new constellations and,
direct and retrograde motion, 89 35
outer planetary combinations, 19–20 financial astrology cycle by position
Saturn opposite Uranus (opposition or signs, 88, 89
case study), 58, 59 meaning of, 26–33, 27, 28, 29, 30,
themes, 12, 12 31, 32, 33
planet versus sign (position) cycle, 87
precession, 33–34
V relationships of planets, signs,
Venus angles, and transits, 65, 65 (See
direct and retrograde motion, 87 also Transiting aspects)
as financial trigger planet, 10 zodiac, defined, 25, 25–26
inner planetary combinations, See also Cycles and transit
18–19 forecasting; Solar cycles

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