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Adding information
Contrasting ideas
 And
 Too  But
 As well as  However
 Also  Although / even though
 In addition  Despite / despite the fact that
 Furthermore  In spite of / in spite of the fact that
 Moreover  Nevertheless
 In addition to  Nonetheless
 Besides
 While
 Added to this,
 Whereas
 Similarly
 Unlike
 Apart from
 By contrast
 What is more
 By the same token
Emphasis  Conversely
 In contrast to
 Above all
 Instead
 Especially
 Likewise
 I would also like to highlight
 It is worth mentioning  On the contrary
 In theory… in practice…

 Aside from Giving examples
 Except for
 Excepting  As an example
 Excluding  As an illustration, we can say that…
 Other than  For instance
 In particular
Generalizing  Including
 As a rule  Markedly
 As usual  Namely, …
 For the most part  Particularly
 Generally  Singularly
 Generally speaking  Such as
 Usually
Giving a reason Sequencing ideas
 As  Firstly/At first/First of all/In the first
 Because place
 Because of  To begin with
 Due to/due to the fact that  Secondly
 Owing to/ owing to the fact that
 Finally
 Since
 Considering that  Lastly
 Eventually
 The first point is
Giving a result/cause and  The former,… the latter
effect/consequence  Then
 As a result
 Accordingly Restatement
 Therefore
 In other words
 So
 In brief
 Consequently
 This means that  In short
 For this purpose  That is
 For this reason  That is to say
 Hence  To put it in another way
 Thereupon  To put it in a differently
 Thus
 This/that is why
Giving your opinion
 In my opinion
 In short  In my humble opinion
 In brief  I believe that
 In summary  I think that
 To summarise  It seems to me
 In a nutshell  In my view
 To sum up  From my point of view
 All in all  Personally
 By and large
 On balance
 On the whole
 To summarize
 To conclude

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