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Porras,Arvin Joshua M.


1.Explain the concept of ‘’Core Memories’’.

Based on the movie Inside Out,the core memories are the memories that the person needs to develop
his/her self to face challenges.This memories is the golden events that also help develops a person.It is
most likely a foundation of a person in facing the real world.

2.Explain the concept of ‘’Island of Personality’’.Is personality the same as character?

The Island of Personality is the place inside our mind psychologically speaking,were our peesonalities is
different.The island of personality holds several events in her life which came from her past core
memories.Yes it is the same as character because this personalities makes her the person who face the
reality of the world.

3.Identify the different emotions presented in the movie and define each.

Joy-this emotion always make her happy and feel the happiness she needed.

Sadness-this emotion always feel the loneliness and feel sorry in every mistake she did.

Anger-this emotion wants to feel her to be angry in different ways.

Disgust-this emotion always makes her to feel to be honest to herself.

Fear-this emotion makes riley feel not to be brave and honest to herself.

4.What is the significance of ‘’Bing-Bong’’ in Riley’s life?

Bing-Bong is Riley’s imaginary friend.It always make her happy when Rilley is sad.Bing-Bong and Riley
made together a wheel cart that they are dreaming they can use it to go to the moon together.Bing-
Bong the imaginary friend of Riley always want the happiness in Riley’s heart.

5.How does environment and series of events affect the growth and development of an individual?

The kind of environment is one of the reason what person he/she will be.If the environment is
descent,the person might grow peace and descent,vice-versa if the environment is not that descent,the
person’s personality will not that descent.Certain events will also affect the growth and development of
an individual,For example inside the house,if both parents always arguing or maybe worse got
separated,the child might rebeled in there house or maybe his/her mind is full angerness.

6.Identify the part/s on the movie where it exhibit/s the development on sensory,motor,language and
intellectual aspect of a child.

Sensory-when riley’s recognize her parents carry her and feel the safety and comfortable.

Motor-when riley made her first goal in ice hockey.when her father teaches her to play.

Language-when riley’s singing while making a drawing in their wall.

Intellectual-when riley understand what is the reasoned they leave Minnesota.

7.How Social Development was affected or evolved in Riley’s life?What are the contributing factors?

When they leave Minnesota for good and have a different life in San Francisco.San Francisco is far from
Minnesota,far from riley’s friend and her hobby ice hockey.The environment is different from were she
born so the adjustment is there and it takes time to adjust so Riley’s social development is affected not
herself but also her parents because of the attitudes that Riley show.

8.On what part of the movie does Riley’s Moral Values were elated and had been challenged.Identify
those part/s in the movie.

When Riley had a try-out for ice hockey team of her school and one mistaked she let her anger eats her
and leave the court and her mother.When Riley sneaks to her parents and let her emotions deals with
her loneliness.But in the end she realizes that if you let your emotions eat you,many things will lost
especially family.


MAPEH 17 SPECIAL EDUCAION related to the movie inside-out in the development of an individual and
how he/she deals with challenges.Our subject explains how the environment affect the growth and
develooment of an individual and how the movie shows what our subject taught to us student.


For me,this movie made me refreshened from my childhood memories eventhough it’s a couple of years
ago.It made me realize that my environment where we live makes me who am I today.The people that
surrounds especially my parents help me to be the best version of myself.In this movie also made me
realize that sometimes we let our emotions decides for ourselves and not thinking what will be the
outcome in our decision in lfe.And lastly,family is the main core memory and our foundation to face the
real world and how we will handle it.

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