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Soran university

Factually of science
Department of biology

Preparation and standardization of approximately

0.1Nof(NaOH) sodium hydroxide by using standardized
hydrochloric acid(HCl)

Prepared By:Lina azad karim

Super vised By:Dr.Hemn.A.smaill
Prepared By:Lina azad karim
Supervised By:Dr.Hemn.A.smaill
Material and Aparatus……………………………………………
Result and discussion……….……………………………………
List of figures
Figure 1volumetric
Figure 2gratuated
Figure4 burret….…….……………………………………………
Figure5 conical flask…………………………………………….

sodium hydroxide (NaOH)):- also known as Caustic soda or lye,Is a highly
verastile substance used in variety of manufacturing processes ,sodium hydroxide
is usefull for it is ability to alter fats. It is used to make soap and as main
ingredient in house hold produts duch as liquid drain cleaners . sodium hydroxide
(NaOH) is usually sold in pure form as whitr pellets or as solition in water.

Methyle red:- Methyle red also called C.I acid.Red 2 is an idicator dye that
turns red in acidic solution . it is azo dye and it is dark red crystalline powder .
Methyle red is a pH indicator , it is red in a pH under 4.4 yellow ina pH over 6.2
and orange in between with a pKa of 5.1 .

Hydrochloric acid(HCL) :- hydro chloric acid also known as muratic acid is

an aqueouse solution of hydrogine chloride . it is a colorless solution with a
distinictive pungent smell , it is classified as a strong acid it is component
of the gastric acid in the digestive systems of most animal species oncluding
Matheryals And Apparatus
3-indicator (Methyle red)
Buret: used to measure the volume of liquid .
Conical Flask: used for mixing chemicals .
Volumetric flask: used to prepare precious standard solutions.
Gratuated clyinder: used for measuring volumes of liquids.
Stand : used to hold burret.
First fill burret by secondary solution (HCL) that produced in first tab.
Melting (NaOH) in water and transported to conical flask.
Next add 4 drops of methyle red to conical flask, put conical flask
Under burret and open burret valve, After then when the color of (NaOH)
Change close burret’s valve finally, write how many of (NaOH) flow to the conical
Flask until color changing
Result :-
Volume(mL) and Normality (eq/L)
HCl 12.7 ml 0.066eq/L
NaOH 10mL 0.083eq/L
First normality of HCl was 0.066eq/L which was found in the first experiment
Next cloud found the volume of HCl according the ammount of HCl which
Flown from the burrete to conical flask it was 12.7mL then the volume of
NaOH which used was 10mL at a last cloud found the normality concentration
NaOH by equation 1.
Learning how to prepare , finding concentration and standardize the
unstandardized substance by using secondary standard solution , for
Example in this experiment the Hcl was unstandardized substance and could
found it is notmality concentration by using NaOH which was secondary standard

Defention of hydrochloric acid by Merryam -webster.
Sodium hydroxide defention by Merryem webster.

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