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Building PHP Applications in Docker

A Step-by-Step Guide for PHP Developers Learning Docker

©2017, Karl L. Hughes

Chapter 1. Introduction to Docker

Chapter 2. Running a PHP Script in Docker

Chapter 3. Creating a SlimPHP Application

Chapter 4. Connecting to the Database

Chapter 5. Next Steps

Chapter 1. Introduction to Docker
Since its first release in 2013, Docker has become the container engine of choice for
many developers, and it may be replacing a virtual machine near you soon. This book
offers a step-by-step guide that will walk you through the process of building a real PHP
web application using Docker while explaining the basics of the platform along the way.
The application we build in this book will do many of the key things that PHP developers
need to do on a daily basis, including:
• Installing dependencies using Composer.
• Using a web framework (SlimPHP) for routing.
• Getting data from a third-party API.
• Saving data to a database.
• Securely setting environmental variables.
This book was written for seasoned PHP developers who want to learn to develop web
applications with Docker, learn how Docker works, and like learning by building real,
working applications. Once you've completed this book, you'll be ready for more
advanced Docker topics, and I’ve included some resources to help you at the end.
All the code I include in this book is open source and freely available on Github. If you
see any problems or you want to suggest an improvement, feel free to make a pull
request. Finally, check often for blog posts, courses, and new books
on both Docker and PHP.

What is Docker?
Docker is a platform for managing and running containers. Containers are like virtual
machines, but they don't actually emulate the whole operating system. Instead, all of
the containers you run share the same underlying kernel with the host machine, which
means that they're much lighter-weight than virtual machines. Because of this,
containers are very efficient, and most real-world applications run many containers at
once. Docker helps you link these containers together using networks of containers, and
helps you define your containers using Docker Compose configuration files. While this
book doesn’t cover these topics in detail, it will get you started, and more in-depth
courses are available at

Diagram 1: Docker Container vs. Virtual Machine

Why Docker?
PHP developers who are familiar with virtual machines or have used Vagrant will most
easily understand containers by comparing them with virtual machines. The important
difference between containers and virtual machines in practice is that you will rarely use
one single Docker container for your whole application. Instead, you will run your PHP
code in one container, your web server in another container, and your database in third
container. Some applications I've worked on use dozens of linked containers to operate!
If you haven't used a virtual machine before, Docker containers can still help you
improve your development workflow. Developers who work on teams that run PHP and
Apache natively on their operating system often run into the "works on my machine"
problem. One team member updates the web application and everything seems to work

fine, but then when the application is deployed to the server or run by another team
member, it mysteriously breaks. Docker solves these problems by allowing developers
to set up and share replicable development environments, and then test and deploy
applications in exactly the same state using containers.
At this point you may want to read a little more about Docker. While this book will walk
you through the process of building and running a PHP web application on Docker, it
does not attempt to cover the inner-workings of Docker, containers, or operating
system virtualization. You can read more on Docker and many of these related topics on
Docker's website.

What can I expect from this book?

While the computer science behind containers is an interesting topic, this book takes a
pragmatic approach. Many PHP developers (including myself) are hands-on learners, so I
wrote this book to help people who learn by doing. Along the way, I've included some
diagrams for visual learners, code samples (as well as a complete code repo on Github),
and links to free and paid resources to learn more about each of the topics covered.
Reading the Docker documentation is a good idea, but I find that starting out with a
working application gives me better context for the docs, and deepens my
understanding of what I read there. If you're a PHP developer, this book will take you on
a journey to build your first application and give you that foundation you need to truly
understand how Docker works and how you could use it to build better software.
The application we build in this book is simple REST API, but it covers most of the typical
problems that PHP developers will need to solve when using Docker. Throughout the
course of building this application, I’ll show you to install packages using Composer, get
data from a third party API, save data to a database, and use environmental variables
with Docker. Rather than explain everything up front, most details will be uncovered as
you build the application.
The best way to read this book would be to sit down with it and your computer for an
afternoon and work through it. Hopefully by the end, you'll be ready to start using
Docker for your next PHP project.
There are a few prerequisites to this book. You should have an understanding of what
PHP is and the basics of its syntax, you should know how to open your computer's
terminal and run PHP scripts from it, and you should have the community version of

Docker (available for Mac, Windows, or Linux) installed on your computer. Assuming
you've got those things, let's get started!

Chapter 2. Running a PHP Script in Docker
Before we start building our application, it's helpful to get an idea of how Docker works
by simply running a PHP script in Docker. Let's start by writing a classic Hello World!
script in PHP:

echo "Hello World!";

You can run this script in a VM or on your laptop (assuming you have PHP installed) by
running php hellp.php from your terminal. You should see the output Hello World! just
as we typed it above.

Introduction to Docker Images

Docker runs every process within a container. All these containers run on a "host"
machine, which will be your computer in this book. Once your application is ready for a
production environment, the server (or several servers) will act as your Docker host.
Behind each running container is an "image." Docker images are created and maintained
by software developers using Dockerfiles. In other words, if you want to create your
own Docker image from scratch, you first make a new Dockerfile, then build an image
from it, then run a container from the image.

Diagram 2: Dockerfiles, Images, Containers

Fortunately for us, we usually don't have to build our own images from scratch. Most
popular software platforms (including PHP) have images that are officially provided by
the developers of the software, or by groups of interested users. You will rarely need to
build a completely new image, but later we'll see how to extend an existing image by
writing your own Dockerfile.
Docker images can be built and stored on your host machine, or they can live in a
remote "registry". In addition to maintaining the core Docker platform, the Docker team
maintains a large registry called Docker Hub, where public images can be stored for free.
Most open source software teams host official images on Docker Hub, including PHP.

Getting a PHP Docker Image

In order to run our hello.php script in a container, we first need to "pull" an image for
PHP. Let's start with the latest stable version of PHP. In your terminal, run:
$ docker pull php:latest

You should see something like this in your terminal:

latest: Pulling from library/php
94ed0c431eb5: Pull complete
8d5410041793: Downloading 41.6MB/82.75MB
6ab2a160fa31: Download complete
247a60c07518: Download complete
b09bee244a51: Download complete
b808e084c9be: Downloading 7.222MB/9.858MB
1d362d99e847: Waiting

This indicates that Docker is pulling the version of the PHP image tagged latest. When
it's done, Docker will indicate that it has pulled the latest version by showing you a
status like this:
Status: Downloaded newer image for php:latest

The “latest” tag is a standard convention that most Docker images use for
the most up-to-date version of their software. Beware using “latest”
indiscriminately though as it will automatically track the “latest” version
even when there is a major version change.
Since our hello.php script is simple, it doesn't matter which version of PHP we use, but
what if we need to run an older version of PHP for an existing project? This is where
Docker truly shines as we just need to specify the PHP version when we run docker
pull. For example, to download the PHP 5.6 image, we just run:

$ docker pull php:5.6

We can use this method to get newer, and unreleased versions of PHP as well (assuming
there's a at least a Beta version on the PHP registry’s list). This makes running PHP in
Docker very helpful for developers who need to work with multiple versions of PHP on a
regular basis.

Getting Code Into a Container

In order to understand the next step, you have to know a little bit about how Docker
accesses files on the host system. A running container can't just reach down and read or
write files to your computer - that container is essentially its own isolated system.
Instead, we have to run containers with data from the host system mounted in a volume
or add code while building the image.
Later in this book we'll cover building Docker images from Dockerfiles and adding code
that way, but for this simple Hello World! example, we're just going to mount the
hello.php file into our PHP container using a volume.

Running our Hello World script in Docker

Now that we've pulled a couple PHP images from Docker Hub and we know a little
about how Docker uses volumes, we can run our script in a container from the terminal:
$ docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/app php:latest php /app/hello.php

If everything was done correctly, you should see Hello World! in your command line.
You just ran your first PHP script in Docker!

What's going on here?

Let’s go over that Docker command and what it all meant:
• docker run This is Docker’s command to run a command within a new container.
There are a lot of options that you can pass in, but we'll just start with the basics.
• --rm This tells Docker to "remove" the container after the command is run.
Alternatively, you can save the container to run it again, but if you don't eventually
remove the container, it will just sit around taking up space, so it's best to set the
remove flag in most cases.
• -v $(pwd):/app This is telling Docker to mount a volume. You typically pass in a path
to a folder on your host system, a colon, and then a path to the folder in the
container. Volumes are a powerful tool, but for this simple example we’re just

mounting the current directory (using $(pwd)) from our terminal into the /app
directory in the new Docker container.
• php:latestThis indicates the image we’re using for this container. You could specify
another PHP image (eg: php:7.0 or php:5.6) to use a specific version of the
• php /app/hello.php Finally, this is the command that Docker will run in the
container. Since we mounted our code in the /app directory on the container, we
have to run our script from that directory.
Now that you have a basic understanding of Docker and can run a PHP script within
containers, it's time to build something a little more useful and interesting. This might
also be a good time to take a break and read up on some of the core Docker concepts in
their documentation. When you’re ready, read on to start building a PHP web
application in Docker.

Chapter 3. Creating a SlimPHP Application
In the rest of this book, we'll focus on our web application: a weather checker. We'll use
the MetaWeather API to search for a location and get the weather there. When we find
results, we'll save them to the database so that future requests will get the cached
version of the results.
I chose the MetaWeather API because it is free and does not require an
API key. There are other weather APIs you can use for free, but most
require you to sign up and get a key.
Our application will provide a very simple REST API that we'll use to interact with the
service. We'll create two endpoints:
• GET /locations/:location_id - Gets the weather from the database (if it exists) or
MetaWeather if a cached version does not.
• DELETE /locations/:location_id Deletes the cached version of the MetaWeather
results from the database. The next call to GET weather for this location will come
from the MetaWeather API.
Before we get to the application logic, let's start simple and get a fresh installation of
SlimPHP installed and running using Docker.

Installing Slim Framework

Slim is a minimal PHP web development framework. Unlike more comprehensive
frameworks like Laravel or CakePHP, Slim does not include much more than a router,
middleware stack, and dependency injector. If you're familiar with Node's Express
framework, Slim will feel familiar to you, but even if you're not, it's such a small
framework that it's pretty easy to grasp. That's why I've chosen it for this book: I don't
want the framework to throw you off, but I didn't want to build everything from scratch
either as the focus here is on Docker, not our PHP application.
Setting up Slim with Docker actually takes fewer commands than doing it with a locally
installed version of PHP. We will use Composer, but thanks to Docker we don't even
need to install it on our host machine.
From your command line, create a new directory for your Dockerized PHP application:
$ mkdir weather-app

And navigate to it:

$ cd weather-app

Now install Slim using the official Composer Docker image:

$ docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/app composer:latest require slim/slim "^3.0"

If you view the weather-app/ directory, you'll see two files (composer.json and
composer.lock) and one directory (vendor/):

$ ls
composer.json composer.lock vendor

What's going on here?

Our docker run command was similar to the one we ran in Chapter 2, but we used a
different image. Instead of the PHP image we used to run the hello.php script, we used
a Composer image. Let's take a look at what changed.
• composer:latest This indicates the image we’re using for this container. You can
specify a specific version of Composer if you need to; just check the list of image
tags supported on Docker Hub.
• require slim/slim "^3.0" This is the command that actually installs Slim PHP into
the container's working directory. Because that working directory is a volume from
our host directory, the files composer installs are now present on your host
machine as well as in the container.
At this point, your application doesn't actually do anything, but Slim has been installed
and we now have some idea how composer works with PHP in Docker.

Stubbing Out Endpoints

In order to give our application life, we need to have a couple endpoints. As mentioned
above, Slim is little more than a router, but that actually takes care of most of our
application. Let's start out by creating an index.php file with a couple stubbed out
endpoints that we can build upon throughout the rest of this tutorial.

<?php require 'vendor/autoload.php';

// Instantiate the App object

$app = new \Slim\App();

// Declare routes
$app->get('/locations/{id}', function ($request, $response, $args) {
return $response->withStatus(200)->write("Location {$args['id']} retrieved.

$app->delete('/locations/{id}', function ($request, $response, $args) {

return $response->withStatus(200)->write("Location {$args['id']} deleted.")

// Run the application


What's going on here?

This single file creates two API endpoints that simply return text for now. In case you're
not familiar with Composer or Slim's routing system, here's what's going on:
• require 'vendor/autoload.php'; Any PHP project that uses Composer must include
Composer's autoload.php file somewhere. Since our new application is just one file,
we've added it as the first thing.
• $app = new \Slim\App(); This creates a new Slim PHP application instance. Slim can
handle middleware and help with dependency injection as well, but for now we're
just using its routing methods.
• $app->get('/locations/{id}', function ($request, $response, $args) {...});
This first endpoint handles GET requests to an endpoint that follows the pattern
/locations/{id} where id will be a unique indicator for a location. We'll go into
more detail about this endpoint and the callback function later in the tutorial.
• $app->delete('/locations/{id}', function ($request, $response, $args)
{...}); This second endpoint handles DELETE requests to an endpoint that follows
the pattern /locations/{id}. This will be for deleting the weather details for a
specific location stored in our database.
• $app->run(); Finally, this line runs the Slim application, enabling any endpoints
defined above. This is usually the last line in any Slim project.

Running Our Application for the First Time
Now we can run our application in a Docker container just to try it out. There will be two
endpoints that won't really do anything, but at least it will let us verify that we're on
track before we continue expanding the application. From the terminal, run:
$ docker run --rm -p 38000:80 -v $(pwd):/var/www/html php:apache

Now if you navigate to http://localhost:38000/index.php/locations/1 in your web

browser, you should see an empty page with the following text:
Location 1 retrieved.

You've just successfully run your first PHP web application in Docker!

What's going on here?

The docker run command we used this time was different from the two we used to run
our hello.php script and our composer require... command. The reason is that this
time we wanted to get the latest version of PHP with Apache included so we could serve
our web application. Let's take a look at the new parts of the command in more detail:
• -p 38000:80 Here we are defining port mapping between our container and host
system. This command says that Docker should map port 80 on the container to
port 38000 on our host machine. You can pick any valid port on your host, but it's
probably a good idea to use a high one (10000+) because many of the lower ones
are reserved for built-in processes on most standard machines. For the container,
you must use port 80 because that's the port the Docker image exposes and Apache
runs on.
• -v $(pwd):/var/www/html This time, we're mounting the code from our host
machine to the container's /var/www/html directory. The reason is that the PHP
Apache image serves code from this directory. This is a subtle but critical difference
between the PHP scripts we ran before. Make sure to carefully read the official PHP
Docker image documentation to avoid missing things like this.
• php:apache This image is the official PHP Apache image tag. It bundles PHP and
Apache (a popular web server) into one container, allowing you to quickly serve
your code for local development. While we won't cover it in this tutorial, another
option would be to use the php:fpm image and a linked nginx container.
• Finally, you'll notice that there's no command after the image name this time. This
can trip new Docker users up, but by default, most images run some command even

if you don't specify one. In the case of the PHP Apache image, the default command
runs a shell script that starts Apache. This script is exactly what we want, so there's
no reason to change it.
At this point, your terminal will show any Apache requests that come in, so when you
loaded the first URL, you probably saw something like: - - [21/Aug/2017:18:35:33 +0000] "GET /index.php/locations/1 HTTP/1.
1" 200 250 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_12_6) AppleWebKit/537
.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/60.0.3112.101 Safari/537.36"

You can stop and exit the terminal by sending a "break" signal to the terminal. On Macs,
this is done by holding control and pressing c.

Running in detached mode

Another option for running your new web application is to run the container in
"detached mode." This means you will not see terminal output from your container. This
is done by adding the -d flag to our previous command:
$ docker run -d --rm -p 38000:80 -v $(pwd):/var/www/html php:apache

Stopping a container
Immediately after starting the container in detached mode, your terminal will show the
full ID of the new container - something like
a403bf1018222a42baafffbc513f6749b6c3bbec5a19c4b3adf55e89bd23fb77 . If you want to
stop this container, you can tell Docker using the docker stop command with the
container's ID. For example:
$ docker stop a403bf1018222a42baafffbc513f6749b6c3bbec5a19c4b3adf55e89bd23fb77

Because typing that whole ID is cumbersome, Docker allows you to just type the first
three or more characters if you prefer:
$ docker stop a40

Naming containers
Finally, I recommend naming your containers. We will do this for many later examples in
this book as it is much easier to remember a container by name than by the randomly
assigned IDs, plus IDs are random, so each time you run a new version of the container,
it gets a new ID. Names can be given out many times as long as there's not already a
container with the same name. To name our new application container we could re-
create it with the --name flag passed in:

$ docker run -d --rm --name=weather-app -p 38000:80 -v $(pwd):/var/www/html php

There are many more options available when using the docker run command, so you
may want to read over the documentation in more detail. We will cover some of these
options as we develop the rest of our application.

Connecting to the MetaWeather API

The next step in building our API is to retrieve data from the MetaWeather API. This is
mostly a PHP problem, and running in Docker shouldn't really matter but let's start off
by making sure all our existing containers are stopped:
$ docker ps

This command will list all running containers. You can also see stopped containers by
adding the -a flag.
If any containers are running, then use docker stop <ID> to stop them before we
continue on.

Adding Guzzle
While you can get data from MetaWeather's API using PHP's built in cURL adapter, I
prefer Guzzle as it takes less work to make API calls. Plus, this will give us an opportunity
to install a new package using Composer. Open up the composer.json file that was
automatically created when we set up Slim, and add a line to the require block for
"require": {
"slim/slim": "^3.0",
"guzzlehttp/guzzle": "~6.0"

Now in your terminal, run:

$ docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/app composer:latest update

The container will install the new packages and update your composer.lock file. During
this process, you should see some output like this in the terminal:
Loading composer repositories with package information
Updating dependencies (including require-dev)
Package operations: 3 installs, 0 updates, 0 removals
- Installing guzzlehttp/promises (v1.3.1): Downloading (100%)
- Installing guzzlehttp/psr7 (1.4.2): Downloading (100%)

- Installing guzzlehttp/guzzle (6.3.0): Downloading (100%)
guzzlehttp/guzzle suggests installing psr/log (Required for using the Log middl
Writing lock file
Generating autoload files

Now Guzzle is installed, and ready to be used.

Calling the MetaWeather API

The endpoint we'll be using takes a woeid ("Where On Earth ID") and returns the
weather forecast in JSON format. Initially, our application will just pass requests through
to MetaWeather and return the same JSON data that they do. We’ll add database
caching in the next chapter. Here's our updated index.php file:
<?php require 'vendor/autoload.php';

// Create a new Container with Guzzle injected

$container = new \Slim\Container([
'http' => function () {
return new GuzzleHttp\Client();

// Instantiate the App object

$app = new \Slim\App($container);

// Get weather by location ID

$app->get('/locations/{id}', function ($request, $response, $args) {

// Get the weather from MetaWeather

$result = $this->http->get("{$args

// Return the results as JSON

return $response->withStatus(200)->withJson(json_decode($result));

// The delete endpoint is unchanged

$app->delete('/locations/{id}', function ($request, $response, $args) {
return $response->withStatus(200)->write("Location {$args['id']} deleted.")

// Run the application


What's going on here?
We've made some updates - mostly to the get('/locations/{id}', ...) endpoint. Let's
take a look at what's new here:
• $container = new \Slim\Container([...]); If you're not familiar with Slim's
Dependency Injection system, you can read up on it here. Since this book isn't
focused on dependency injection, I'll just say that this injects Guzzle into the
application so we can use it in any of our routes by calling $this->http. It makes our
code more concise, and allows us to mock the library if we add tests to the
application later.
• $result = $this->http-
>get("{$args['id']}")... This is
where we make the call to MetaWeather through Guzzle. As you can see, we're
simply passing the locationId from our Slim route into the API endpoint provided by
MetaWeather. We also call getBody() and getContents() since we just want to get
the response as a string rather than a stream.
• return $response->withStatus(200)->withJson(json_decode($result)); Finally, we
respond with a 200 response code and withJson(...). Slim provides this method to
automatically set JSON response headers, but because the response from
MetaWeather came back as a JSON string, we have to run json_decode on it before
re-encoding it into JSON.

Testing it out
Our application is ready to pass a real location ID to MetaWeather's API and return
some data. First, find a location ID using this WOEID lookup tool. I'm using my home
town of Chicago's ID for testing: 2379574.
Now, let's run the Docker container again:
$ docker run -d --rm --name=weather-app -p 38000:80 -v $(pwd):/var/www/html php

And visit the running application in your browser at

http://localhost:38000/index.php/locations/2379574. You should receive a response
in JSON that looks something like this:
"consolidated_weather": [
"id": 5560109107249152,

"weather_state_name": "Heavy Rain",
"weather_state_abbr": "hr",
"wind_direction_compass": "SSW",
"created": "2017-08-21T17:23:20.408640Z",
"applicable_date": "2017-08-21",
"min_temp": 22.711666666666662,
"max_temp": 29.093333333333334,
"the_temp": 28.166666666666668,
"wind_speed": 5.319549422227524,
"wind_direction": 201.1261629987385,
"air_pressure": 1012.975,
"humidity": 74,
"visibility": 14.841140240992603,
"predictability": 77
"time": "2017-08-21T14:31:16.860660-05:00",
"sun_rise": "2017-08-21T06:05:09.010298-05:00",
"sun_set": "2017-08-21T19:42:46.959306-05:00",
"timezone_name": "LMT",
"parent": {
"title": "Illinois",
"location_type": "Region / State / Province",
"woeid": 2347572,
"latt_long": ""
"sources": [
"title": "BBC",
"slug": "bbc",
"url": "",
"crawl_rate": 180
"title": "Chicago",
"location_type": "City",
"woeid": 2379574,
"latt_long": "41.884151,-87.632408",
"timezone": "US/Central"

Your Dockerized PHP application is now returning real data from an external data source
and being served in Apache, but you'll probably notice that it's not exactly the speediest
application in the world (mine clocked in at 2.9 seconds page load time!).
MetaWeather is a free service, and not intended to be blazingly fast around the world.
In order to fix that, we're going to save responses from MetaWeather in our own MySQL
database and serve those saved responses up when we can. This will greatly improve

performance, but will also show us how to add a database to a PHP application with

Chapter 4. Connecting to the Database
Before we can connect a database, we need to make sure that our PHP container has all
the necessary extensions installed. By default, the PHP Docker image from Docker Hub is
pretty lightweight, so it doesn't include many PHP extensions or Linux packages you
might need. This tradeoff between smaller and more flexible images is one you'll have
to make based on your project priorities, but since we know we'll need MySQL for this
project, let's extend the base PHP image with the required extensions.
The base PHP images are usually a good starting point, but I’ve also
started keeping some PHP images with more common extensions enabled
in Github. Check out this repository for more.

Creating a Custom Dockerfile

In the root of your weather-app project, next to the index.php file, create a new file
called simply Dockerfile. Dockerfiles have no extension, and are used by Docker to
configure and set up images. All the images on Docker Hub have a corresponding
Dockerfile, and usually you can find them on Github. PHP's Dockerfiles are here, but
they may be a little confusing since they build on one-another. Our Dockerfile will be
much simpler:
FROM php:apache

RUN docker-php-source extract && docker-php-ext-install mysqli && docker-php-so

urce delete

What's going on here?

This Dockerfile has two lines:
• FROM php:apache This tells Docker where to start when building the image. You can
start with just a Linux distribution (like Ubuntu or the super light Alpine), or you can
extend a more specific container as we did in this case. Here we're extending the
php:apache image we used to run our container before.

• RUN docker-php-source extract... This is the line that adds the PHP extensions we
need. In our case, we just want to use mysqli functions for our database. Since this
is such a common extension, the PHP image has methods for adding it automatically
when we extend the base image with these lines.

You can learn more about creating PHP Dockerfiles in our courses or you
can read the official Docker documentation for more options for extending
existing PHP images.

Building the Image

In order to create an image, we will build it from the Dockerfile we created above:
$ docker build . -t shiphp/weather-app

When you run this command, you will see a bunch of output as Docker builds your
image, ending with something like:
Removing intermediate container 80b3f79714b2
Successfully built 8dc1f8c175a1
Successfully tagged shiphp/weather-app:latest

What's going on here?

The Docker build command reads your Dockerfile and creates an image that can then be
used to run a container. In this case, we're passing two parameters to the command:
• . This little dot lets Docker know the “context” of our build - in this case, it's the
current directory. You can also use an absolute path like /Users/username/weather-
app if you know the exact path of your Dockerfile. Docker automatically builds this
image in the context of the directory containing your Dockerfile, so make sure your
Dockerfile is located at the root of your project.
• -t shiphp/weather-app The -t flag sets a "tag" for your image. This tag will allow
you to more easily create a container from the image or push the image to a
registry to share it with others.
You can see a list of all the Docker images on your local machine by running $ docker
images. When you run this command, you should see something like this in your
shiphp/weather-app latest 8dc1f8c175a1 27 minutes ago 391MB

Running a MySQL Container

In the introduction, I mentioned that Docker containers could be "linked" through
Docker's network feature. In order to have our PHP application get data from our

database, we need to link it to an active database container. Let's start a new MySQL
container so we can link our web application to it:
$ docker run -d --rm --name weather-db -e MYSQL_USER=admin -e MYSQL_DATABASE=we
ather -e MYSQL_PASSWORD=p23l%v11p -e MYSQL_RANDOM_ROOT_PASSWORD=true mysql:5.7

What's going on here?

When you run the above docker run command, Docker will get the latest version of the
MySQL 5.7 image and start a container named weather-db. Like PHP, MySQL has listed
their Docker images on Docker Hub, and you can use them in much the same way. Some
of the flags above are new though, so let's take a closer look:
• -dThis runs the container in "detached" mode, meaning that you won't have to
keep your terminal connected to the container.
• --name weather-db Naming our database container is important because it's easier
to connect to a named container. We can also use this name to connect to the
MySQL database from within our PHP application as we’ll see later.
• -e MYSQL_USER=admin The MySQL image includes several -e (environmental variable)
options. This first one sets the username for the MySQL user we'll use in our PHP
application. More about the environmental options is available on the official
Docker Hub image.
• -e MYSQL_DATABASE=weather By default, the container will not create a database.
While you can create one manually by logging into the container (which will be
covered in the next section), it's easier to create the database up front like this.
• -e MYSQL_PASSWORD=p23l%v11p This sets our database password to something
besides the default. Even though it isn't a huge security risk as we're just doing local
development, you should set this to your own strong password.
• -e MYSQL_RANDOM_ROOT_PASSWORD=true Your root user password should be set to
something random as you're not going to be logging in with the root user anyway.
• mysql:5.7 As with the PHP image, you can choose a version of MySQL to use. Here
I've elected to use the version 5.7.
As with the php:apache image, the default image command is fine, so we don't need to
add anything after the image.

If you are planning on using a database other than MySQL (like Postgres or
Mongo), check out the courses on our website. Other database and
caching tools are covered in more detail there.

Logging into a Running Container

At this point, we want to check that the database in our new container is working, but
how can we access a running Docker container? We will use the docker exec command
to enter the terminal for our new container, and then once we're inside, we'll use the
MySQL command line interface to access the database we created.
We can enter a bash session on the running database container using:
$ docker exec -it weather-db bash

You should see a line like root@35c7ad5a574d:/# (with your container's ID) on your
terminal, indicating that you're now logged in to the running container. From within the
container (not on your host machine), run:
$ mysql --user=admin --password
Enter password:

Enter the password you chose for the MySQL container you created above (in this
example it was p23l%v11p), and hit return. You'll see some information about MySQL
like this:
Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 10
Server version: 5.7.19 MySQL Community Server (GPL)

Copyright (c) 2000, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its

affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.


Finally, let's just check that our database was created using the show databases
mysql> show databases;
| Database |
| information_schema |

| weather |
2 rows in set (0.01 sec)

What's going on here?

In the section above, we logged into a terminal on the running database container, we
then logged into MySQL via the command line interface, and finally, we took a look at
the databases available to us. Since you may not be familiar with all these commands,
we’ll review them one-by-one.
Docker Exec
• docker exec This is the Docker command for executing commands on a running
container. Like Docker's run command, there are many options for the exec
command, but we'll just cover the highlights for this example.
• -itThe -it flag is actually two flags which are commonly used together. The -i flag
runs the session in "interactive" mode, meaning the STDIN and STDOUT from your
terminal are attached to the container's terminal. The -t flag attaches a
pseudoterminal to the connection. There's a little more explained in this Stack
Overflow question, but suffice it to say, when running docker exec bash commands,
you will probably want to use the -it flags.
• weather-db This is the name (you could also use the ID) of the running container we
want to run our command on.
• bash Finally, this is the command that we want to run in the container. bash is a
shell installed in most Linux distributions that allows us to run other programs on
the container. If your container doesn’t have bash installed, you can try sh instead.
The MySQL CLI also provides many options, but here are the three we used:
• mysql This is the command used to access MySQL from a terminal. If you've been
using MySQL on a VM or your local machine, this is no different.
• --user=admin We specify the username here so that MySQL knows we want access
as a specific user and not root.
• --password The password flag instructs MySQL to give us the password prompt. You
can also enter the password directly into the command, but it's generally less

Exiting MySQL and the Container
We’re done with the MySQL container for now, so let’s exit and stop the container:
• To exit the MySQL CLI, type \q and then press return.
• Exit the container by typing exit and then pressing return.
• Stop the container by typing docker stop weather-db and then return again.
The whole command line output should look something like this when you're done:
mysql> \q
root@b01aff352dd7:/# exit
$ docker stop weather-db

We have now proven that our MySQL container runs and that we can log in to access
the database, but how will we keep data saved in the container? What happens when
we stop this container? Persistence is important in real-world applications, so in the
next section, we'll dive into keeping our data even after our container is long gone.

Retaining Data in Our Database Container

So far, our database container starts up and automatically creates a database and user.
This is fine, but when we connect this database to our PHP application, we'll want to
make sure that the database tables and values are saved even after our container stops.
If not, we'll have to rebuild the database every time our database container restarts.
The best way to save data from containers for local development is by mounting a
volume. We saw how effective this was for local development of our PHP code, and the
process we follow for mounting our database's data is very similar. When working in a
PHP project, I like to mount database volumes from the project directory (in our case,
the weather-app/ directory we created earlier), but you can mount the volume from
anywhere on your host system.
It's important to note that when mounting volumes from a Mac host
computer, there are performance tradeoffs. These should not be an issue
in Linux environments, but I've found that when running mounted volumes
in many linked containers, things can get painfully slow. Docker provides
some hints for tuning here.

To start the MySQL container with the database saved to our host system, navigate to
your new weather-app project directory and type:
$ docker run -d --rm --name weather-db -e MYSQL_USER=admin -e MYSQL_DATABASE=we
ather -e MYSQL_PASSWORD=p23l%v11p -e MYSQL_RANDOM_ROOT_PASSWORD=true -v $(pwd)/
.data:/var/lib/mysql mysql:5.7

What's going on here?

The only thing we added to this docker run command was -v
$(pwd)/.data:/var/lib/mysql. This mounts a volume from our local directory into the
MySQL container. A new directory will appear ( .data/) and as the database container
starts up, folders and files will appear. These are the files that MySQL uses to store your
data, and you can view the files being created from your terminal:
$ ls -a .data/

You should see files and folders listed out like this:
. ib_buffer_pool private_key.pem
.. ib_logfile0 public_key.pem
auto.cnf ib_logfile1 server-cert.pem
ca-key.pem ibdata1 server-key.pem
ca.pem ibtmp1 sys
client-cert.pem mysql weather
client-key.pem performance_schema

Don't worry about what each of those mean (although you can read up on MySQL
internals if you're interested). At this point, we just care that MySQL is now using data
from our host machine in the container, allowing us to keep the database data even
after the container is shut down.
Be sure to add the .data directory to your .gitignore file so that your
database isn’t added to version control.

Creating a Database Table

Since this application just needs to cache the results from the MetaWeather API, the
database will just have one table with three columns. We'll call the table locations and
add columns id, weather, and last_updated.

Diagram 3: Weather Application Database
If the MySQL container is not running, then start it using the method above that mounts
data in a volume:
$ docker run -d --rm --name weather-db -e MYSQL_USER=admin -e MYSQL_DATABASE=we
ather -e MYSQL_PASSWORD=p23l%v11p -e MYSQL_RANDOM_ROOT_PASSWORD=true -v $(pwd)/
.data:/var/lib/mysql mysql:5.7

Log into the container and into the MySQL CLI. This time, we're going to do it in just one
$ docker exec -it weather-db mysql --user=admin --password=p23l%v11p weather

Next, we're going to run a SQL command to create the database table we outlined
mysql> CREATE TABLE locations (id VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL, weather JSON NULL, last

It should tell you Query OK, but you can check by running mysql> SHOW TABLES;. Exit the
container and MySQL CLI by typing \q.

What's going on here?

Unlike the last time we logged in to the MySQL command line, this time we cut the
process down to just one step. Remember that when running docker run or docker
exec, the last part is the command we want to run in the container. This means that we
don’t actually have to log into a bash session and then log into MySQL, we can just
directly log in to the database CLI.
This can be done with any command available on the container, so docker exec
becomes very useful for seeing what’s actually going on inside your containers.

Saving to the Database from our PHP Application
Now that our database is ready to store weather data and it will keep that data even
after the container is removed, we need to update our PHP application to connect to
and store weather results in the database.
Initially, the index.php file was getting data directly from the MetaWeather API, but now
that we have a storage mechanism in place (ie: our database), let's get the application
to save data to the database for repeat requests.
<?php require 'vendor/autoload.php';

// Create a new Container

$container = new \Slim\Container([
// Add Guzzle as 'http'
'http' => function () {
return new GuzzleHttp\Client();
// Add mysqli as 'mysql'
'mysql' => function () {
$mysqli = new mysqli(
if ($mysqli->connect_errno) {
echo "Failed to connect to MySQL: " . $mysqli->connect_error;
} else {
return $mysqli;

// Continued on next page…

// Instantiate the App object
$app = new \Slim\App($container);

// Get weather by location ID

$app->get('/locations/{id}', function ($request, $response, $args) {

// Get the location from the database

$id = $this->mysql->real_escape_string($args['id']);
$results = $this->mysql->query("SELECT * FROM locations WHERE id='{$id}'");

// If location found, then show it from the DB, otherwise, query MetaWeathe
if ($results->num_rows > 0) {
$result = $results->fetch_assoc()['weather'];
} else {
$result = $this->http->get("{$
$cleanResult = $this->mysql->real_escape_string($result);
if (!$this->mysql->query("INSERT into locations (id, weather) VALUES ('
{$id}', '{$cleanResult}')")) {
throw new Exception("Location could not be updated.");

// Return the results as JSON

return $response->withStatus(200)->withJson(json_decode($result));

// Run the application


What's going on here?
We've added two important things to our index.php file above. First, we updated the
$container variable:

$container = new \Slim\Container([

// Add Guzzle as 'http'
'http' => function () {
return new GuzzleHttp\Client();
// Add mysqli as 'mysql'
'mysql' => function () {
$mysqli = new mysqli(
"weather-db", // The database host
"admin", // The database user
"p23l%v11p", // The database password
"weather" // The database name
if ($mysqli->connect_errno) {
echo "Failed to connect to MySQL: " . $mysqli->connect_error;
} else {
return $mysqli;

Guzzle is the same, but we've also added an element to the array named 'mysql'. This
callback instantiates MySQLi with hard-coded database credentials.
Hard-coding your database credentials like this is not a good idea in a real
application. We'll cover a more secure way to include credentials via
environmental variables in Docker in the last section of this chapter. In the
meantime, don't commit this to a public repository unless you plan on
changing your database password.
The other major update to the file is the GET /locations endpoint:
$app->get('/locations/{id}', function ($request, $response, $args) {

// Get the location from the database

$id = $this->mysql->real_escape_string($args['id']);
$results = $this->mysql->query("SELECT * FROM locations WHERE id='{$id}'");

// If location found, then show it from the DB, otherwise, query MetaWeathe
if ($results->num_rows > 0) {
$result = $results->fetch_assoc()['weather'];
} else {
$result = $this->http->get("{$

$cleanResult = $this->mysql->real_escape_string($result);
if (!$this->mysql->query("INSERT into locations (id, weather) VALUES ('
{$id}', '{$cleanResult}')")) {
throw new Exception("Location could not be updated.");

// Return the results as JSON

return $response->withStatus(200)->withJson(json_decode($result));

While the comments in the code may help, it's worth adding some more detail in case
you're not familiar with MySQLi:
• $id = $this->mysql->real_escape_string($args['id']); First, we escape the id
passed in through the endpoint's $args variable. This is a good idea anytime you're
taking user or third-party input as they might accidentally (or intentionally) inject
SQL statements that break your code.
• $results = $this->mysql->query("SELECT * FROM locations WHERE id='{$id}'");
While I would typically use an ORM for a real application, this simple two-endpoint
example didn't seem to warrant it. Instead, we're using MySQLi - a PHP extension
for accessing MySQL - to query the database. This allows us to write raw SQL with
PHP variables embedded.
• if ($results->num_rows > 0) {...} If we find at least one result for this location
ID, we should return the result from the database. If not, we'll continue on...
• else { ... $this->mysql->query("INSERT into locations (id, weather) VALUES
('{$id}', '{$cleanResult}')") ... If we did not find a result for this location ID in
the database, we're getting it from the MetaWeather API, escaping the JSON string,
and then inserting the result into the database.
• return $response->withStatus(200)->withJson(json_decode($result)); Just as we
did before, we're returning any result as JSON to the user.

Linking the PHP Container

With the code in place, now we need to run a new PHP container linked to the MySQL
database container we just started:
$ docker run -d --rm --name=weather-app -p 38000:80 -v $(pwd):/var/www/html --l
ink weather-db shiphp/weather-app

What's going on here?
There are two new parts to this docker run command:
• --link weather-db This links the container named weather-db to this container. You
can also give the linked container an alias for use within the PHP container, but
we're not going to need to do that here.
• shiphp/weather-app Instead of using the php:apache image we used in the previous
chapter, we're using the new Docker image we built at the beginning of this
chapter. The reason for this is that we need the PHP MySQLi extension that we
added in our custom Dockerfile.
Now that the PHP container is up and running, you should be able to navigate to a
location ID like the following:
GET http://localhost:38000/index.php/locations/2487956

The first time you load this URL, it will probably take a second or two to load, but if you
refresh the page, you should see a dramatically faster result. Mine loaded in less than
150 ms! That's thanks to the caching we just set up by saving the result in the database.

Deleting Data
In order to remove data from the database, we'll add a second endpoint. Add the
following just after the $app->get(...); endpoint to allow users to delete a location
from the database:

index.php (partial)

$app->delete('/locations/{id}', function ($request, $response, $args) {

// Get the location from the database

$id = $this->mysql->real_escape_string($args['id']);
$results = $this->mysql->query("SELECT * FROM locations WHERE id='{$id}'");

// If it exists, delete it, otherwise send a 404

if (
$results->num_rows > 0 &&
$this->mysql->query("DELETE FROM locations WHERE id='{$id}'")
) {
return $response->withStatus(200)->write("Location {$args['id']} delete
} else {
return $response->withStatus(404)->write("Location {$args['id']} not fo

// Run the application


Now you can use cURL or Postman to make a DELETE call to the same location endpoint
you did above. For example:
DELETE http://localhost:38000/index.php/locations/2487956

You should see a message Location 2487956 deleted. and now when you make a GET
request to that URL again, you'll wait longer as the result must come from the
MetaWeather API.

Managing Environmental Variables

The last topic we'll cover in this chapter is managing environmental variables in Docker.
Docker allows you to specify environmental variables at runtime, so that your PHP code
can access these variables, but you won't have to hard-code them as we did above.
First, we'll need to change the code that specifies our database credentials in the
index.php file:

// Create a new Container
$container = new \Slim\Container([
// Add Guzzle as 'http'
'http' => function () {
return new GuzzleHttp\Client();
// Add mysqli as 'mysql'
'mysql' => function () {
$mysqli = new mysqli(
if ($mysqli->connect_errno) {
echo "Failed to connect to MySQL: " . $mysqli->connect_error;
} else {
return $mysqli;

Stop the PHP container, and re-run it using this command:

$ docker run -d --rm --name=weather-app -p 38000:80 -v $(pwd):/var/www/html --l
ink weather-db -e DATABASE_HOST='weather-db' -e DATABASE_USER='admin' -e DATABA
SE_PASSWORD='p23l%v11p' -e DATABASE_NAME='weather' shiphp/weather-app

Now you can safely share your PHP code without revealing your database login

What's going on here?

PHP can read environmental variables from the operating system using the getenv
function, and when we use this function in a container, the effect is the same. Instead of
reading environmental variables from the host operating system (ie: your computer), it
read environmental variables from the Docker container running the code. This helps
with security - different containers aren't sharing environmental variables - and it helps
make sharing code easier.
The updated docker run command now includes four -e flags that translate to
environmental variables in the container. Now, your PHP application will read the
environmental variables you set when you run the container instead of hard-coded
values or values from your host machine.

If you don’t want to have to type long commands like this in every time
you run your container, you can use Docker Compose and/or an .env file
instead. This is covered in detail the courses at
Finally, you can see the environmental variables your container is using:
$ docker inspect weather-app

The JSON returned from this command gives you a lot of information about a running
container, but for this example, we just care about the array at Config.Env:

If everything worked correctly, you should now be able to access the application as
before. In the next chapter, we'll take a quick look at how we might improve this
application using advanced Docker topics. If you want to take a look at the complete
source code for this app, it's available on Github.

Chapter 5. Next Steps
At this point, our application is working and we can retrieve weather results from the
API or from our database cache, but there's still a lot more to learn. Building one demo
application won't make you an expert with Docker, so let's take a look at some things
we might do to continue to improve this application and learn more about Docker.
These topics and more are covered in our courses on, or you
can skip down to the end where we’ve included some other free resources
for learning about Docker.

Further Development
Clean up long Docker commands
Right now, starting and stopping our container is an arduous process and quite prone to
error. I'm guessing you don't want to type docker run -d --rm --name=weather-app -p
38000:80 -v $(pwd):/var/www/html --link weather-db -e DATABASE_HOST='weather-
db' -e DATABASE_USER='admin' -e DATABASE_PASSWORD='p23l%v11p' -e
DATABASE_NAME='weather' shiphp/weather-app every time you want to start editing your
code, but you can pretty easily avoid this by writing npm scripts or bash commands.

Docker Compose
Another way to clean up our Docker workflow is to use Docker Compose. Compose will
allow us to write a single configuration file that starts all of our containers and links
them together automatically. No more typing two or three commands just to get our
app running - plus, a Docker Compose file can be used to host our containers in a Docker

This walkthrough has focused on local development with Docker, but you can also host
highly scalable and available web applications in Docker containers. There's no end to
the number of ways you can configure applications to run in the cloud, but look into
Docker Swarm, Kubernetes, Amazon EC2, and for just a few options. These are
covered in more detail in our PHP Developer courses for Docker.

Accessing our database externally
Right now, our application's database is only accessible from the container, but what if
we want to browse it with a tool like Datagrip, phpMyAdmin, or Sequel Pro? We'll have
to expose a port and consider the security implications of doing so.

Testing and continuous integration

I'm a huge advocate for testing and continuous integration, and one of Docker's
advantages is that it can make tests faster and more reproducible across environments.
My favorite tool for continuous integration is Codeship, but Docker works with Jenkins,
Travis, and most other CI platforms as well.

Reading and saving logs

Finally, debugging your PHP application in Docker via the logs is probably a necessary
step for any real-world app. Docker has a powerful logs command that we haven't
covered yet.

While this book doesn’t cover the above topics in detail, there are many great free
resources available for learning Docker in more depth. Some of them include:
• The official Docker Documentation - The documentation is a bit dry, but you should
definitely bookmark it as a reference. I find myself keeping this in an open tab
almost all the time.
• Stack Overflow - Very specific questions can be found here, but some of the more
popular questions will also reveal helpful best practices in their answers.
• The New Stack's Docker Book Series - Good for an overview of terminology and
tools available for developing with Docker. This book series is pretty high-level.
In addition, we regularly post Docker tips and tutorials on the blog. Posts
there relate to building PHP applications on Docker using specific frameworks like
Wordpress or Laravel as well as general PHP topics and updates on the language.

Final Words
I hope that reading and working through this book has piqued your interest in Docker
and given you the confidence to start using it regularly for local development. I have

found that the best way for me to learn something new is to just start building things,
and Docker has been no different. When I decided that Docker was how I would build
PHP apps, I uninstalled my virtual machine and went all-in. While you may not be ready
to do that just yet, forcing yourself to solve problems with Docker will make you get
better at it.
Finally, if you have feedback for this book, questions for me, or you’re interested in PHP
or Docker courses or training, my contact information is available at Thanks
for reading!

About the Author
Karl Hughes has been building PHP web applications for education technology
companies since 2011. He went to the University of Tennessee and graduated with a
major in Mechanical Engineering, a minor in Business Administration, and a passion for
writing both prose and software.
In addition to blogging at and he has
contributed to Codeship’s Blog, php[architect] magazine, and regularly speaks at
meetups and conferences. He currently lives in Chicago and works as the Chief
Technology Officer at The Graide Network.


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