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When submitting evidence for assessment, each student must sign a declaration confirming that the work is their

Student name: Assessor name:

Jonathan Mottley Samuel Williams

Issue date: Submission date: Submitted on:

Thursday 10th October 2020 Tuesday 1st December 2020 Tuesday 1st December 2020


BTEC HND in Computing and Systems Development

Unit: Unit 14 – Business Intelligence

Assignment number and title: Assignment 2


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Student Declaration

Student declaration
I certify that the assignment submission is entirely my own work and I fully understand the consequences of
plagiarism. I understand that making a false declaration is a form of malpractice.

Student signature: Date: 21/12/2020

Table of Contents
Task 1.....................................................................................................................................................3
Task 2C..................................................................................................................................................5
Task 3A................................................................................................................................................18
Task 3B................................................................................................................................................19
Task 3C................................................................................................................................................21
Task 3D................................................................................................................................................22

Diagram 1: Sales VS Production.............................................................................................................5

Diagram 2: Number of Deliveries..........................................................................................................6
Diagram 3: Number of Complaints........................................................................................................7
Diagram 4: Most Purchased Furniture...................................................................................................8
Diagram 5: Dash Board before the application of the drill down feature..............................................9
Diagram 6: Dash Board with the use of the Drill Down Feature..........................................................10
Diagram 7: Dash Board with the Application of the Slicer and Timeline (June – July 2018 @ Arima). 11
Diagram 8: Dash Board before the filters are applied to the graphs...................................................14
Diagram 9: Dash Board with the application of the Drill Down feature..............................................15
Diagram 10: Slicer & Timeline (June - July 2018 @ Curepe Branch)....................................................16
Diagram 11: Dash Board after the filters are applied to the graphs....................................................17
Diagram 12 Graph illustrating Number of Complaints.........................................................................18
Task 1
Business Intelligence is the combination of data mining, business analytics, data tools,
infrastructure and best practices as to help the organisation when it comes to making more
data-driven decision. Essentially BI is a Decision Support System otherwise known as a DSS.
Occasionally it is interchanged with reports, briefing books and query tools. With the use of
these Business Intelligence tools, it would aid Courts with various decisions based on
historical, current and future views of the business, where the data would be gathered in
locations such as data warehouses or even data mart. Information based on other similar
companies would be gathered as well to assist in what is known as benchmarking. There are
various areas in which would benefit from the use of a Business Intelligence Tool such as: -

Cluster Analysis – is the process in which large quantities of data would be gathered
together due to their likeness. Based on this analysis, data that is laid on irregular intervals
can be categorised in such a strategic manner through the use of clustering. Courts would
be able to benefit from this analysis by monitoring and evaluating all customer related
transactions which would in turn give them a better understanding of all the high sellers in
the organisation.

Anomaly Detection – which is also known as outlier detection, is a mining technique that
carries out the opposite of clustering. So, in other words, this tool would gather data from
the data pool which is rare and would be outside of any established clusters. This tool can
be used for Courts executives to monitor the inflow and outflow of certain furniture as well
as customers, so that they would be able to make a better decision moving forward when it
comes to stocking certain furniture at certain periods.

Association Rule Mining – is a comparative tool, which uses data and looks at how one
variable would relate to another. In other words, this tool is governed on if/then statements
which would illustrate the relationship between relational databases and/or other
repositories. This procedure is geared towards observing and identifying correlations,
patterns or associations from different datasets from varying databases. This would aid
Courts managers to be able to make more definitive decisions based on trends and patterns
that have occurred.
Regression Analysis – would be used in the basis of making predictions. There would have
various trails and errors throughout the examination process of the relationship between
one data set from another. This type of analysis can steer these predictions in the right
directions. This analysis can assist Courts with making certain predictions based on
comparing one data set with another one. For example, the opening and closing times of
the business can now be altered based on the predictions from existing data which was
Task 2C
The data that is selected in the red box would illustrate the sum of sales from each branch versus the sum of cost of production from each
The green box represents the graph for all the sales and the production cost

Diagram 1: Sales VS Production

The image above illustrates the design of the proposed BI Tool that Courts would use to analyse the Sales and Production cost of there assets
in every branch. This would be used to aid with better understanding how Sales are being carried out as compared to how much monies are
being used in their Production Cost.
The data that is selected in the red box would illustrate the different branches and the sum of deliveries for each respected branch.
The green box represents the graph for all the number of deliveries

The purple box illustrates the drill down feature of the graph

Diagram 2: Number of Deliveries

This image above illustrates the number of deliveries that would be carried out from the different branches of Courts.
The data that is selected in the red box would illustrate the different branches the sum of complaints for each branch as per year and as per
quarter year.
The green box represents the graph for all the number of complaints

Diagram 3: Number of Complaints

The image above illustrates the amount of complaints that would have been recorded from each and every branch of Courts.
The data that is selected in the red box would illustrate the different years and most purchase furniture and provide a sum of the most
purchase furniture for that year.
The green box represents the graph for the most purchased furniture
The purple box illustrates the drill down feature of the graph

Diagram 4: Most Purchased Furniture

The image above illustrates the data that was recorded from each branch of Courts the most purchased furniture .
Orange Box – Graph for Most Purchase Furniture Before being Drilled Down

Yellow Box – Graph for Sale VS Production Cost

Green Box – Slicer & Timeline

Blue Box – Graph for Number of Deliveries Before being Drilled Down

Purple Box – Graoh for Number of Complaints

Diagram 5: Dash Board before the application of the drill down feature
Orange Box – Graph for Most Purchase Furniture After being Drilled Down

Yellow Box – Graph for Sale VS Production Cost

Green Box – Slicer & Timeline

Blue Box – Graph for Number of Deliveries After being Drilled Down

Purple Box – Graph for Number of Complaints

Diagram 6: Dash Board with the use of the Drill Down Feature
Orange Box – Graph for Most Purchase Furniture After being Drilled Down

Yellow Box – Graph for Sale VS Production Cost

Green Box – Slicer & Timeline

Blue Box – Graph for Number of Deliveries After being Drilled Down

Purple Box – Graph for Number of Complaints

Diagram 7: Dash Board with the Application of the Slicer and Timeline (June – July 2018 @ Arima)
The images above have been captured to illustrate on how the slicer and timeframe was
applied with particular filters in order to produce data with various date, time and branches.

The images above illustrate the Dash Boards for the Business Intelligence Tool. This tool
comprises of the four analysis which was mentioned earlier on, which are Sales VS
Production Cost, Most Purchased Furniture, Number of Deliveries and Number of
Complaints. These analyses would now be combined to make one BI tool that would aid
Courts by visually illustrating various criteria’s that are of importance to them. Besides being
comprised of various analyses, this tool would also contain two filters which are for
Transaction Date and Branch. What these filters would do, is allow users to select certain
criteria on the tool and get an output that would reflect those criteria selections. For
example, as seen in image 6. The filter illustrates that June - July 2018 was selected with the
Arima Branch. Based on these filter selections, it illustrates that the Most Purchase
Furniture would be the complete bed, space saver and the kitchen table. The number of
Complaints for that same period shows that there have been 23 complaints at the Arima
Branch. The Number of Deliveries for the same branch and period shows that there was a
total of 48 deliveries for the entire branch for Arima. An all Sales VS Production Cost for the
Arima branch shows that Sales have out weighed the Production Cost for this same period
with the sums of $72478.02 for sales and $23156.46 for the cost of production. To refresh
this tool all the user would need to do is clear the filter and all the values would be
repopulated back on the graphs.

The standards that was followed for the design of this tool was based from Gestalt
Principles of Designs. Some of the standards that were followed are Similarity, Proximity and
Common Fate.

Similarity Principle – This deals with certain elements that is categorised in to groups that
have similar qualities. Due to human nature it was natural instinct that we would group
elements that are visually alike. Based on the dashboard above, it shows to similarities with
all 4 graphs. Two graphs on the left-hand side are strictly vertical blue lines where the two
graphs on the right-hand side is blue with orange. majority of the charts.

Proximity Principle – This deals with items that are placed closely together which would
appear to have a lot more relatable information than when they are spaced apart. Due to
proximity, these graphs have been placed together to allow users to recognise it as one
main entity. Based on the design of the dash board it illustrates how all the analyses have
been arranged and sorted. It shows that all the filters are located in one general area which
is at the top right-hand corner, whereas the other area has the respected graphs that would
be affected by these same filters.

Common Fate – This deal with elements that are moving together which would be viewed as
a single grouped entity once they are moving together. Based on the design on the dash
board, it was specifically designed in this manner to place all graphs together to work in one,
however four of these graphs were placed together to give a better understanding of what
is transpiring throughout Courts.
The following User Stories will illustrate how users would be able to gather information on a specific branch. In this scenario, I would be gathering information on the Curepe

Step 1: Open the Dash Board (Blue Box surrounding the Dash Board illustrates all graphs before any of the drill downs have been applied)

Diagram 8: Dash Board before the filters are applied to the graphs
Step 2: The orange “+” and “-“ in the Blue Box surrounding the Dash Board illustrates all graphs after any of the drill downs have been applied

Diagram 9: Dash Board with the application of the Drill Down feature
Step 3: Click on the desired filters on the slicer and timeline on the top right-hand corner in the green box (Example: June - July 2018 at the Curepe Branch)

Diagram 10: Slicer & Timeline (June - July 2018 @ Curepe Branch)
Step 4: After clicking the necessary filters, view the newly adjusted information on the dash board in the blue box for the period of July 2018 at the Curepe Branch

Diagram 11: Dash Board after the filters are applied to the graphs
Task 3A
Based on the proposed BI Tool for Courts, it is designed with the executives in mind. What this means is that there is an issue that needs to be addressed in order to provide
support to these executives. One of the issues that the executives have been discussing to remedy is the number of complaints that have been arising throughout the Courts
franchise. The total amount of complaints that have been received throughout Courts is 5600. With the initiation of this BI Tool it would now be able to properly examine and
dissect the actual areas in which these complaints have originated from. With this being said, the executives can now filter through to see which branches would have the most
complaints as well as the periods in which these complaints would have been logged. Once the executives have found the desired branches and timelines, they can now move
forward and apply a remedy to the issue at hand. Such as a customer service orientation training to better help with this problem.

Diagram 12 Graph illustrating Number of Complaints

Task 3B
In developing a Business Tool, there are legal ramifications to be taken into considerations.
Some of the issues that have to be considered with data would be Infrastructure Security,
Data Privacy and Data Management. In regards to infrastructure being used for the BI Tools,
its security must be taken into consideration. Most companies gather data on the basis of
collecting data and not having a clear plan in how to use the data that was gathered.
Environments that deals with Big Data tends to migrate from the use of traditional
databases and utilise NoSQL approach instead. This wouldn’t be a problem for small
businesses. However, organisations like Courts, due to being a large organisation cannot use
this form of solutions as it would now have a weakened authentication technique as well as
weakened password storage. This would now result in information leakages.

One of the security issues that would arise would be secured computations in distributed
programming frameworks. Some challenges that can hinder this would be a node that is
malfunctioning or a node that is rogue. This can be place in the organisations network by a
man in the middle who has malicious intentions. Some guaranteed solutions for this would
be through the use of access control as well as authentication and trust establishment.

Data privacy would pertain to the handling of Big Data and the challenges that are faced. Big
Data can be considered as an invasion of privacy. An Courts having to log and register all
their clients/ customers would automatically give them a large amount of data. This data is
placed in the wrong hand and be manipulated and processed to give an interpretation of
ones life as well as any forms of future plans. Any data that is to be collected by an
organisation is now legally accountable for protecting and securing it. Granular Access
Control would act on fragments of data, ensuring usability as well as security. There are 3
main problems that once implemented with granular access control would now show an
effective outcome. These 3 problems would be:

1. Security Requirement and Policies which are from cluster computing environments
would now have to be monitored and kept on track
2. All user-access would have to be monitored throughout the ecosystem
3. Security requirements with a strong application on access control would need to be
One of the security issues that would arise from Data Privacy would be Granular Access
Control. Some of the challenges that would be faced in Data Privacy would be to keep track
of all existing and future security requirements and policies, User Access and keeping track
of them and security requirements with a strong application on access control would need
to be enforced. These would be resolved with the use of appropriate granularity levels and
to model the expectation of change over time.

Data Management deals with the securing of all data storage and transaction logs. When it
comes to petabytes of data, it would automatically require data storage otherwise known as
auto-tiering. Item would be assigned different levels of storage based on the requirements
or policies which would be established by the organisation. This type of data storage has
some forms of vulnerabilities. Data that is hardly used, would be placed on a lower tier,
what this means is that it would now have a lessen amount of security protocol which would
be attached to the respected tier. Also, because auto-tiering has an activity log, it would
now have to require additional security to protect the data log.

Auto-Tiering environments has the chances of getting attacked by two different types of
attack. These are Collusion Attacks and Rollback Attacks. Collusion attacks is where
operators would exchange access codes which would grant the users more access to data
that they aren’t assigned to. Rollback Attacks is where data would be uploaded however it
would be outdated and would be used to replace the latest version.

One of the security issues would be to secure data storage and transaction logs. Some of the
challenges that would be faced with this would be the different types of attacks, consistency
and availability. There is method of solutions to remedy these challenges and they include
preservation privacy as well as to secure encrypted data.
Task 3C
Two organisations that can utilize business intelligence tools to better improve and enhance
the operations would be Coca-Cola Bottling Company and Chipotle. They are both large-
scaled international organisations. Coca-Cola have originated in the year 1892 and Chipotle
have originated in the year 1993.

Coca-Cola’s problem was based on the manual processes that was carried out in the
organisation in real time, which hindered real-time sales and operations data. Over time, they
have decided to create a business intelligence tool which would handle all reporting aspects
of sales and their delivery operations. With the implementation of this tool it has allowed the
company to save on approximately 260 hours a year which equates to approximately six 40-
hour work weeks. With the use of these systems, it allows users the ability to receive data in a
timely and actionable manner which would provide a competitive advantage.

A BI that is self-serviced, would now foster more collaborations between the business users
as well as the IT department. This would now maximise the participants expertise. Long
Term innovations can now be focused on more by the analyst and the IT department.

Chipotle’s problem was that the data from different areas used to hinder the unified vision
of the restaurants. The solution for them was to retire their traditional BI and implement a
more modern BI which was now self-serviced. This gave them a competitive advantage
when it comes to the centralised vision of each of the restaurant’s operations. They would
now be able to track and review the operations effectiveness nationwide.

With the implementation of this modern BI, Chipotle executives can now receive reports for
strategic projects which have tripled in report generating to a monthly basis instead of
quarterly. This would now save thousands of hours that would have to be spent on a
manual BI Tool.
Task 3D
Based on the research that was mentioned above in Task 3C. It can be seen that there may
have some grey areas in which these 2 organisations would be able extend their target
audience or even make them more competitive within the market.

Based on Coca-Cola’s sales history, through the use of the BI tools. The company’s managers
are able to see trends that are occurring in the company, such as decrease in sales and
returns on products that have expired. What can be done in this situation is that through
the sale analysis, to increase more sale they would have to provide more promotions which
would entice their client to want to purchase more of products and thus making more sales
for them. Through the BI Tools, Coca-Cola can now see which geographical areas has a
decrease in sales and well as numerous returns. This can also in turn, allow the supervisors
or even the managers to make more crucial decisions towards those respected clients.

In regards to Chipotle, they can adopt the approach of loyalty cards. This would now assist
them in gathering and storing customers data in a large way. The purpose of these cards is
to provide their customers with a reward when a certain amount of points has been
collected. To initiate this, it would require data to be stored on their database. Once data is
accessed, security would become a major concern. Chipotle would now have to focus on
properly securing and storing this data as it would now be a possible point of interest to
anyone. They would use various BI Tools such as CRM Customer Relations Management and
DSS Decision Support Systems. They would be able to utilize services such as Amazon S3 and
Oracle Cloud Storage to safely secure all customers data.
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