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CAMBRIDGE SECOND EDITION STUDENT’S BOOK ar MICHAEL MCCARTHY ; JEANNE MCCARTEN HELEN SANDIFORD SECOND EDITION TOUCHSTONE STUDENT'S BOOK és MICHAEL MCCARTHY JEANNE MCCARTEN HELEN SANDIFORD SB CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS 32 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10013-2473, USA Cambridge University Press is part of the University of Cambridge. Itfurthers the University’s mission by disseminating knowledge in the pursuit of education, learning and research at the highest international levels of excellence. Information on this title: ‘© Cambridge University Press 2005, 2014 ‘This publication is in copyright. Subject to statutory exception and to the provisions of relevant collective licensing agreements, no reproduction of any part may take place without the written permission of Cambridge University Press. First published 2005 Second Edition 2014 Printed in Hong Kong, China, by Golden Cup Printing Company Limited ‘Acatalog record for this publication is available from the British Library. ISBN 978-1-107-68173-6 Student’s Bok 1$8N 978-1-107-68175-0 Student's Book A ISBN 978-1-107-62704-8 Student's Book B 188N 978-1-107-69037-0 Workbook ISBN 978-1-107-64988-0 Workbook A ISBN 978-1-107-61861-9 Workbook B ISBN 978-1-107-65940-7 Full Contact 1sBN 978-1-107-61439-0 Full Contact A isen 978-1-107-66547-7 Full Contact B 1sBN 978-1-107-62402-3 Teacher's Edition wit ISBN 978-1-107-67757-9 Class Audio CDs (4) ith Assessment Audio CD/CD-ROM Additional resources for this publication at Cambridge University Press has no responsibility for the persistence or accuracy of URLs for external or third-party internet websites referred to in this publication, and does not guarantee that any content on such websites is, or will emain, Accurate or appropriate. Information regarding prices, travel timetables, and other factual information given in this work is correct at the time of First printing but Cambridge University Press does not guarantee the accuracy of such information thereafter. touchstone Second Edition has benefited from extensive development research The authors and publishers would Uke to extend thelr thanks to the following reviewers and consultants for thelr valuable Insights and sopsestlons na cada Costa Maia de Almeida and Ménica da Costa Monteio de Souza fom IBEU, Rode Janeiro, Brazil: Andreza Cristiane Melo do Lago from Magle English School, Manaus, raz Magaly Mendes Lemos frm ICBEU, S30 as 45 Campos, Brazil, Maria Lucia Zaorob, S20 Paul, Brazil Paticia McKay rons rom CELLEP, Sao Paulo, Brazil; Cartos Gontow, $0 Paulo, Braz Crstiane Augusto Gomes da Siva fom Coléglo Viscande de Porte Seguro, S40 Paulo, Bra; Sivana Fontana from Lord's idiomas, Sio Paulo, Basi, secander Fabiano Maishigue fiom Speed Up idiomas, les, Brai, {Gsobeth Blom ftom Casa Thomas Jefferson, Brasilia, Brazil; Michelle Dear fromlntematlonal Academy of English, Toronto, ON, Canada: Walter Duarte Harn, Laur Hurtado Portela lorge Quiroga, ané Ricardo Suarez, fm Centro ‘Colombe Americano, Bogots, Colombia; Jhon jai Castaneds Macias from ‘Praxis English Academy, Suceramanga, Colombia; Gloria Liana Moreno Vccain from Unlersidad Santo Tomas, Bogota, Colombia Elizabeth Oatie from Copol English Institute (COPED, Guayaquil, Ecuador; Henry Foster from jot Tachibana University, Kyoto, Japan: Steven Kitk tom Tokyo University, Tokyo, japan: | Lake from Fukuoka Woman's University Fukuoka, japan: suko Yoshida from Mle University, Mic, JopanB, Bricklin 2 from Hokkal Gakuen University, Hokkaido, Japan: Ziad Abu-tamatteh from Al-Balqa’ Applied University, AlSalt, jordan: Roxana Pérez Flores from Universi Autonoma de Coahuila Language Center, Salil, Mexico: Kim Alejandro Soriano jimene2 fom Universidad Politecnica de Altamira, Altamira, Mexico: Tere Calderon Rosas from Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana Campus Intapalapa, Mexico City. Mexico; Lilia Bondareva, Polina Ermakoxa, and Elena frumina, from Matlonal Research Technical University MISIS, Moscow, Russa; Dianne C. Elis from Kyung Hee University, Gyeonggi-do, South korea; jason M. Ham and Vitoria fo from institute of Foreign Language Education, Catholle University of Korea, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea: Shaun ‘Nanning Irom Hankuk Universit ofForelgn Studles, Seoul, South Korea; Natalie Renton from Busan National University of Education, Busan, South ora; Chris Soutter from Busan University of ForelgnStudles, Busen, South Korea; Andrew Cook from Dang. University, Busan, South Korea: Raymond \Wowk om Daeiin University, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea: Ming-Hui Hsieh and Jessie Huang from Natlonal Central University, Zhong Ziwan; Kim Philips from Chinese Cultare Unversity, Tape, Tainan; Alex Shi rom China University of Tethnalogy, Tai! ToL Township, Taiwan: Prati Bodeepongse fom Thaksin University, Sangha, thaland: Nttaya Puakpong and Pannathon Sangatun from Suranaree University of Technology, Nakhon Ratchasima, Thailand; Barbara Richatés, Gloria Stewner-Marzanates, and Caroline Thompson, from Montgomery College, Poche, M, USA: KeryVrabel om Gateway Community College, Phoerix, AQ.USA. Touehstone Second Edition authors and publishers would also keto thank the following individuals and institutions who have provided excellent feedback and support on Teuchstone Blended: Gordon Lewis, Vice President, Laureate Languages and Chis Johnson, Decor Laureate English Programs, Latin America from Laureate International Universities; Universidad de las Americas, Santiago, Chil University of Vitora, Pas, France: Universidad Technélogica Ccentroamericana, Honduras: Institut Universitaire de Casablanca, ‘Moocco: Universidad Peruana de Clencias Aplicadas, lima, Peru: ‘CHBERTEC, Peru; National Research Technical University (MISIS), Moscow, fuss; Institut Obert de Catalunya (100), Gacclona, Spain; Sedat ing, Burcu Fezcan Unal and Didem Mutcaliogla fom istanbul Blgi Onversitest, Istanbul, Turkey, Touchstone Second Edin authors and publishers would also Uke to thank the following contributors to Touchstone Second Edition: Sue Aldcorn, Frances Amrani, Deborah Gordon, Lisa Hutchins, Nancy lardan, Steven kitk, Genevieve Kocienda, Geraldine Mark, Julianna Nielsen Kathryn O’Del, lien Shaw, Kristin Sherman, Luis Siva Susa, Mary Vaughn, Kerry. Mabel, and Eric 2vatno, X Authors" Acknowledgments Te authors would lke to thank all the Cambridge University Press staff and freelancers who were involved in the creation of Touchstone Second Edition. 'n addition, they would like to acknowledge a huge debt of gratitude that they owe to two people: Mary Vaughn, for her ole in creating Touchstone First Edition and for being a constant source of wisdom ever since, and Bryan Fletcher, who also had the vision that has led tothe success of Touchstone Blended Learning. Helen Sandiford would like to thank her family fr their love and support, especially her husband Bryan, The author team would also like to thank each other, forthe jy of working together, sharing the same professional dedication, and forthe mutual ‘support and friendship Finally, the authors would like to thank our dear friend Alejandro Martinez, Global Training Manager, who sadly passed away in 2012. He is greatly missed by all who had the pleasure to work with him. Alex was ahuge supporter of Touchstone and everyone is deeply grateful to him for his, contribution toits success, Acknowledgments itt Touchstone Level 1 Contents and learning outcomes eT er OT STC TTS v ATED Pronunciation Unit1 ‘* Say hello and good-bye ‘© Theverb be with , you, and | * Expressions to say hello | ¢ Letters and numbers «Introduce yourself we instatements,yes-no | and good-bye + Emall addresses Allabout you | « Ask tor, give, and spell names vestons and short ‘* Numbers 0-10 ‘Sounds right 10 |. answer + Personal information * Sounds ike ht Pages 1-10 | « use the verb be with, we, and you + QatonwithWhats..?| | psy epeeona + txchange email addresses, phone numbers, et. aaanetcruth Sac. + Complete an application form erates Ask How about you? + Use expressions like Thanks or Thonk you Unit2 = Ask and say where people are = Theverb be with he, she, | © Pessonal items ‘Speoklng naturally + Use be with he, she, and they andtheyinstatements, | « classroom objects «Noun plural endings Inclass ‘+ Talkabout things you take to class using a/on fee cubis aed . ential Sounds right S cod tee ee expressions oflocation | « Sounds kee in she or ain Pages 11-20 | « Ack about things using this and thes eceaceaiadee Sounds «+ Askwhere things are in a classroom ; Se «+ Say who owns things using possessive sand ists aa gee eee + Questions wth Where... ? + Respond to 'm sory and Thonks eekasind ata practice Unit3 + Talk about celebs using my, your, hs, her, = Possessve adjectives | + Types of celebrities ‘Speaking naturally ‘our, and thelr ‘The verb bein statements, | + Basicadjectves 4 Ishe...2orlsshe...? Favorite * Describe people's personalities yesnoquestons.and | « adjectvestodescibe | Sounds ght people + Askand answer yes-no questions short answers personality = Sounds lke sin see orzin pages 21-30 | + saytheagesofyour family members ‘Inlomaten cuts | « Faiymentes zer0 + Ask information questions about family members + Numbers 19-101 stra practice * Show interest In a conversation + Say Realy? to show interest or surprise Checkpoint Units 1-3 pages 31-32 Unit 4 ~ Desc atypical moming using the simple present [+ Simple present statements, | Vers for everyday actives | Speoking noturally * Describe weekly routines yyes-no questions, and short | » Days of the week. '* -Sendings of verbs Everyday life | « asi and answer yes-no questions about your week sere 4 Time expressions for ‘Sounds right Pages 33-42 | saymore than yes or note be friendly (Extra proctice routines "+ Sounds like win study, oi ‘+ Say Wellto get more time to think prone; i gets or an Fawr + Read an article about American habits + Witeabouta classmate fora class website Units ‘= Tatkabout your fee time * Simple presentinformation | + Types of V shows ‘Speaking naturally i + Asksimple present infomation questions questions + Freetime activities * boyou...? Free time * Sayhow often you do things, 1 Frequency adverbs 1 Time expressions for ‘Sounds ght Pages 43-52 | tak about TV shows you lke Batre practice frequency ‘© Which o soundis different? ' Ask questions in two ways to be clear or not too direct ‘+ Expressions for likes and + Saymean to say more o repeat ideas tse + Read anaricle on technology addicts + Email frend for advice using and and but Unité + Saywhat’ ina neighborhood wih There's There are_ | » There's and there are * Neighborhood places | Speaking naturely oa Bsc * Quantifiers Adjectves * Word stress borhoods| « rite tine ondask quesdons with Wnatvine...? | Adecvesbeforenauns | + Expessonsforteling | Sounds right Pages 53-62 |» make suggestions with Lets '¢ Telling time ‘© Which sound vowel sound ‘+ Say Me too or Me nether to show thingsin common | © Suggestions with Le's Is diferent + Say Right or know to agree Extra practice + Read a guide to New York City + iit a city gulde using prepositions ———— Checkpoint Units 4-6 pages 63-64 Contents and learning outcomes. Waa ie rH 7 Self study Vocabulary Peres asktoweboutyou? — | « Recognize responsesto | « ppesviae iat mn head een pesol | * Competeanapplaon | The some game ‘Meetings ond greetings Coreontke Yoh | Memberships documents * Sepals alse | « sits rar aaron and Thanks * Usten for personal names oe ee ‘information, and complete application forms sAekforelplnclass | Who's ebsenttoday? |» Classroom conversations | « Wite questions about | Whotdoyouremember? | mythags ‘+ Respond to Thankyou | * Usten toa classroom locations “ Palrwort:Lookata | « Linkthlngs with places and msory Conversation, and say ture and ist what you where students are rane Following Instructions + Recognize classroom instructions + Show terest Friends + Afamily tee * Wate questions about | Guess the famous person | Allin the fomly byrepeating + Lstento three people's people + Palrwotk: Ask es-n0 information and descriptions oftheir ‘questions to guessa ‘asking questions friends, and fillin the famous person: + Use Really?to show missing words interest o suprise Checkpoint Units 1-3 pages 31-32 * Saymorethan yesora0 | Casual conversations | Are youlike anaverage | Atypleal week Doyouhovethesame | Verbs, verbs, verbs ‘when you answera * Listen and match the Americes? © Write about a acta hat '* Draw and label simple question conect response + Readanartcle about | classmate'stypicalweek | « Pairwort: Compare | picturesofnew + Surtanswerswith Well | Teen habits thenabtsofanaverage | foractass webste ‘media habits with young | vocabulary you need time to think American + Use caplalteters and | alts inthe United + Usten a aritheanswerisnta | * Yagengmen mente periods Staves sinpleyesorno ‘American teenager * Askquestonsintwo | What do they soy next? | Do You Need Technology | Technology endyou | Fovritefree-time ‘Do whet? Go where? waystobedearand:not | « tstenandguessthe | diet? + Wiitearepiytoanemail | acthtes + Wie verbs withthe (oodirect ‘questions people # Read an article about * asking for '* Palrwork: Make guesses | words you use after *Useimeantorepeat | answer technology adits technoloy advice about aclassmate's | them yourldeas orto say | using phones «+ Unkidesswith ond and | feetimeactvtes = © Listen to how people use but theircell phones '* Use Me too or Me neither | What's on this weekend? | The Village Cty guide Find the difference Atime and @ place... to show things ia * Ustentoaradioshow | © Readatravelguideto | = Write a city guide +» Pair work: List the © Link times of day with common fortimes and places of | New York 1 Use prepostions for diferences between two | activities + RespondwithRightor | events time and pace: between | seighborhoods ‘thnow to agree orshow | Where to 90? through, at, on, for, and pi eae '* Usten for decisions from ...t. made in conversations, then reactto statements Checkpoint Units 4-6 pages 63-64 PET SETS eT aod ADIL LUTTE tty Describe the weather Preset Reaae re é‘ehgntseriagal “i 1e present continu statements, yes-n0- « " (* Stress and Intonation in |S takatoutngorgacteswahthe preset continuous | SAINTE, | 7 OT ec with | _cuesons * Talk about sports and exercise [Mainfomation questions |" py, do, and go ‘Sounds right + Askaboutcurent activites sing the present onlhUOUS |, mperatives + common responses to good | * Sounds like ou in our + Ask ollow up questions tokeepa conversation B0IN8 | sar practice and bad news orin word Ke «+ Reactto news with That's grat, Thats too Bad, + Read an antl about exergeing + wie an artile abou exrlse using imperatves Serer | wien cites Tinea wants, needa, |» Cothingandaccessores | Speeking naturally | = Saywhatyou te to, wantto,needtoandhavetodo | andhaveso + levely + Wantto and hove to Shopping | « taikabout accessories + Quetomwitiew | Clos Sounds right Pages 75-84 | ask aboutprices using How much... 2 thls, tha, Been | \eamenteeeee: [areata ike these, and those = + ices | © Take time to think using Uh, Let's see, etc. panne ‘© “Time to think” expressions: + Use Uh-hur and On responses + "Conversation sounds" + Read a review of shopping mall + wre review fa sore using becouse Unltd |= Gvesitsecing oration wnconandcort [+ Conandcerterabiiy | SieMsecing activites | Speotog ntl ‘+ Tolceboutintematonalfoods, paces endpeopie | 2 possillty + counties * Can and can't ‘Awide world | say wnat languages youcan speak tr practice + Regions Sounds right Pages 85-94 | « Explain words using kind ofand kind of the ++ Languages + Sounds lke sh in she or ch «Use lke to give examples + Nationalities in child + Renda travel website + Wt paragraph fora travel website Checkpoint Units 7-9 pages 95-96 Danie 70] * Taabout sighting simple pastreguarverbs —] » Snplepastsiatements, |» Simple pastimeguarvers ] Speaking natrally + Describe the past week using simple past imegular verbs -yes-no questions, and = Time expressions for '» -ed endings Busylives | assinpie pastyesno questions piace the past Sounds pages 97-106 | respond to news with Good! xtra practice + Fed is spond to ner j00d for you, ett. teed expressions © Sounds like 00 in looked, [9 sav oveaoshon suis ones. oun bought, oinspoke, + Reed about bloggers week orelnleft + wre big about your week, sing oer, before, hen, and then unit11 + Descbe past experiences * Simple past of bein © Aajectvestodescibe | Speaking naturally |» ackandanawer questions using hepato be statements, yesno feel : Looking back « taiaboutvact questions, and short ae * Stress anditanation in pages 107-116 sah ee + Expressions withgo and get | questions and answers + Takabout actives with go and getexpresions ets Sounds right Race tnne on gg |* Sloe pastintornation : Stow eet nse arhen sig iia |” Stn Wh vole diferent? ‘+ Use Anyway to change the topic or end a conversation eee + Read unny magazine story + Wit a story using punctuation for conversations ‘Unit 12 Te Talk about eating habits using countable and 7 Fabulousfood | ratcabout food + Expressionsforeating | Wouldyou...? pages 117-126 | + wake ofers using Would ouie., and some or ony habs Sounds right + Use orsomething andor anything in ists + Woutdyortne gay... |” Raagiestedesctbn | syabte sess + Endyes-no questions withor...Ptobeless deer | and cae + Read aresteurant guide + Same snd any + Writes estaurnt review + Alotot much and many Extra practice Checkpoint Units 10-12 pages 127-128 ieee rae strategies Is as Coerlry try acl Contents and learning outcomes | Er Perry notebook + Askiolow apustons | Tatsgreat! Jcxrgoning:chnek ——[Avarleforaheath | Findeutaboutyeur | Whos deg wher? toteepaconvesation | ustentopeopieelyou [24 ogacne dosamtes + teen words inte fehe Udenewsandcowea |» Resdanaricleabout + Viteashorarite |» CassacthiveLeam |” senencs, ‘+ Reactwthexiesions | goodtotowupqueston |” exenaning singsdcesbou |” Interesting facts ab Memersgreataad | teaskthem ‘erie dlasnates TMarso0 ed Doyouenioy it + Useinpertnestogve + Ustento peopl a adie bot exces here Tak tin to think sing | take The bal ote Shppig, [Fore places shop | How do youlha "ie out Unum elterssee. | + uentoconeratoasins Exertalanene Ufestyle |« wine areietoryour |r? + Label ples th new and etme tink sto endwitetie pices | Readarevewot fave stare * Groupwor: compare |” veabuany + Use sounds” he atensandwoicnters | amall + nkideaswt becouse | Wes about shoring Unite show yosere | people boy roavereasons| andelting Istening dO | rye places to sdop sowyourtedins | C artosoneone ak stout shopping and ident shop profernces arabs Tntemovonaldshes |The elude Wherinthe word? | Peopleandnctions + Uses oaperson thing |» Reed tavelwebste + Parwor: Dues where + Groupe vocabuly in ‘beatin ood, tee guice todovarousthingsin | ovowaye + Useltetosve dient the + commas nists theword wales Sees Wat lenguagets fom? + Usten toa conversa ‘and ident the rg andmeaning of words Checkpoint Units 7-9 pages 95-96 + Respond with Good meek? Badweek? | She selyestl [Areetday Yesterday Wars wih verbs expressions ie Good | « ustentopeopletak |» ReadMarth’sBlogerty |+ Witeablogerty | Parwore Lookata |» Witedown fomaton tue, oupeorthing.etc| ” shout th week and + der event with Dict andistwhatyou | aboutnew verte + tse oudiattostow | respond ‘before, afer when, and | member thatyouare terested | Guess what al te orsupésedorthat |e tstenteweice mal peopled > Show intrest by | Weotend fun How embrassogl | Real she sld GuesswherTweaton | Pesteperences answeingaquesion | « Ustentocameratons |» Readatunymagaiine |+ Complete sfinnystoy | *eeton 4 Useatine chat Sndtnen ekg a seutpeople weekends | ser use poncuation shoe | * Soup wok: Guess re ocabulary fintar one nage man topes rect quotatinser | What's____ favorite movie? The Hunger Games. Oh, yeah. Josh Hutcherson is one of my favorite actors. movies are always good. > oO 4A a big fan of Adele, right? B Yeah, __voice is amazing. _____very talented. ‘tess! B_ Pairwork Are any of the statements above true for you? Tella partner. ed Talk about it My favorite... Write the names of your favorite celebrities below. Then talk about them with a partner. How many things can you say? | Andrew Garfield | “My favorite actor is Andrew Garfield. His movies are good.” Lesson B ey=toy 9) MEM LeU d say the A 4) 132 Look at Jason’s sketches on his blog and read his comments. Then listen and say sentences. Do you know people like these? Tell the class. 4 This is Jenn, a friend 52 { This is my neighbor and My math teacher's very from high school. This is me with my ) | his son. My neighbor is smart. And she's really She's very interesting. | | best friend, Ethan. | | friendly and outgoing, but | | nice, too. She's alway: She's in a band! He's lazy. his son is quiet and shy. | | funin class. B_ How many words can you think of to describe people you know? Complete the chart. Then tell a partner, | very smart “My best friend is very smart. He’s a good student.” QA Building language A) 123 Listen. What is Tim's new boss like? Practice the conversation. Dana So how's your new job? Are you busy? Tim Yes. It's hard work, you know. I'm tired. Dana Really? What are your co-workers like? Are they nice? Tim Yes, they are. They're really friendly. Dana Great. And is your boss OK? Tim Sheis, yeah. She’s nice. Um... . she’s not very strict. Dana Good, because you're late for work. Figura ‘cul B_ Can you complete these questions and answers? Then ask and answer the questions with a Partner. Use your own information. 1. A What's your teacher 2. A What are your classmates 3A your like? fun? like?, they friendly? English class hard? B Yes, she ‘j B Yes, they B_ No, it's not. 24 ee cs a ae a Grammar Yes-no questions and answers; negatives )) 124 ‘Amt Yes, youare. No, you'renot. You're not late. ‘Are you Yes, lam. No, I'm not. I'm not busy. is i Mess heis. No, he’s not. He's not tired. isa = sheis, No, she's not. ‘She's not strict. (My boss isn’t strict.) es, it is, No, it’s not, It’s not hard work. bee rs Yes, Weare. No, We'renot. We're not late. ey fes,theyare. No, they'renot. They're not nice. (My co-workers aren’t nice.) A Complete the conversations. Compare with a partner, | People use 's nat and re notater Then practice. pronouns. re ‘She's not strict. 1, A How's school?__Are _ your classes interesting? They're not nice. B Yes, - My teachers are very smart, Isn’t and aren’t often follow nouns. | Mybossisn’tstrict. 2A your English class easy? Macatee Sen clea B No, -The lessons easy. 3A you outgoing in class? B Yes, al always outgoing. 48 your English teacher strict? B No, he 5. A What's your job like?__it fun? B Yes, ____.Myboss__verystrict. 6. A Whatare your neighbors like? they nice? B No, -They very friendly. “805 B Pair work Ask and answer the questions. Give your own information. @) Speaking naturally (she... ?or/sshe...? “izee” “ishee” . ts hea student? ts she a student? U oF A 4)) 135 Listen and repeat the questioris above. Notice the pronunciation of /s he... ?and is she... ? B 4)) 136 Listen. Do you hear Is he... ? or /s she... ? Circle he or she. 1, ‘Is he /Ghe)a friend from high school? 4, Ishe/ she smart? 2. Ishe/ shea college student? 5. Ishe / she interesting? 3. Ishe / she shy? 6. Ishe/ she fun? Aeusl C pair work Find out about your partner's best friend. Ask and answer questions like the ones above. A So your best friend, Is he a friend from high school? B No, he’s a neighbor. 25 a Building vocabulary A) 137 Look at Erica Rivera’s family tree. Who are her parents? Who are her grandparents? Listen and say the words. grandfather ) (grandpa) eavalces SLM Brian Brown Yl Gmieicnn Greece) sister “2:28 B_ How are these people related to Erica Rivera? Complete the chart. Compare with a partner. eteannccl Jack Valdez Pantene eee euewace IG Eee We eseaedsteo “who's Carlos Rivera?” “He's Erica’s father.” C 4) 138 Listen and say the numbers. David Rivera brother 10 ten 16 sixteen 22 twenty-two «28 twenty-eight +70 seventy 11 eleven 17 seventeen 23 twenty-three 29 twenty-nine 80 eighty 12 twelve 18 eighteen 24 twenty-four 30 thirty 90 ninety 13 thirteen 19 nineteen 25 twenty-five 40 forty 100 one hundred 14 fourteen 20 twenty 26 twenty-six 50 fifty 101 a hundred and one 15 fifteen 21 twenty-one 27 twenty-seven 60 sixty ‘Abost IED. Pair work Student A: Tell your partner the names and ages of your family members. ‘Student B: Write the information you hear. Then check the information with your partner. rr B Is your mother’s name Sandra? A Yes, itis. A My mother's name is Sandra. She's fifty-five. Eva's mother -_| Sandra, 55 26 a ne @, Building tanguage ‘Sons ceore a A 4) 128 Listen. How old are Erica’s grandparents? Practice the conversation. Padma So who's this? Erica My grandma. And this is my grandpa. He’s a nice man. He’s seventy-eight now. Padma_ Really? And how old is your grandmother? Erica She's seventy-two. Padma She's very pretty. What’s her name? Erica Angela. Padma That's a nice name. So where are your grandparents from originally? Erica They're from Texas, FeeeE B Can you complete these questions? Then ask and answer the questions with a partner. 1, Who's the man in the photo? ie his wife’s name? a Erica’s grandparents? 70? 75? 4, ___ they from originally? a Grammar Information questions with be }) 1.20 you he/she /it they How are you? Who's this? How are your parents? Im fine, It’s my grandmother. They're fine, thanks. Where are you from? Where's she from? Where are they today? I'm from Florida. She’s from Texas. They're at home. How old are you? What's she like? What are their names? I'm twenty-three. She's very smart. Their names are Linda and Carlos. A Unscramble the questions. Compare with a partner. Then ask and answer the questions. 1. your / are / parents / how /? How are your parents: 2. parents’ / what / names / your / are / ? 3. your / is / old / how / father /? 4. tike / what's / mother / your /? 5. today / your / where’s / mother /? 6. are / from / grandparents / your / where /? 7. your / aunt / who's / favorite /? ‘About FB Write four more questions to ask your partner about his or her family. Then ask and answer the questions. ‘A What's your father like? B He's very outgoing. Lesson D Conversation BYcicres @_ Conversation strategy Showing interest A Are any of your friends artists, singers, or songwriters? Are any of your friends from another country? Tell the class. B 4) 141 Listen. What do you find out about Lucy’s friend? Hugo What's that? Lucy It’s a painting. | know the artist. She's a friend of mine. Hugo Really? It’s great. What's her name? Lucy Carla. | think her work is amazing. Hugo Yeah. Where's she from? Lucy Paris originally. Hugo Paris? Wow. Is she a professional artist? Lucy Yeah. And she's a singer ~ songwriter, Hugo A songwriter? Really? What are her songs like? Lucy Here. Listen. Hugo Hmm, Interesting. Well, her paintings are good. C Notice how Hugo shows interest. He BT elude A Tl a repeats words and asks questions. Find “paris? Wow. Is she a professional examples in the conversation. artist?” D Complete the responses. Then practice with a partner. 1. A My friend Rumiko is a singer. 3. A My brother is a writer. B _Asinger __?\s she ina band? B ? Is he famous? 2. A. Mybest friend's name is Dmitry. 4, A My cousins are big baseball fans. B _________? Where's he from? B _____? What's their favorite team? ‘Aves! E Pair work Practice the conversations above again with your own Information. Show interest by repeating words and asking questions. Can you continue the conversations? A My friend Mindy 1s a student. B Astudent? Is shea student here? 28 @ Strategy plus reauy Favors people People say Really? to show they are interested or surprised, A Pair work Complete ti Really is one of the top 50 words. the conversations with th le correct respo from the box. Then practice with a partner, renee |. Really? I ee ae eaten fos Angeles. ¢. Really? My brother’s name is Jack. good? d._ Really? What's she like? 1. A What's your name? B Jack. A 3. A What’s your teacher like? B_ Oh, she’s fun. And she plays tennis. es, A 2A Where are you from? 4. A Who's your best friend? B Her name’s Jill. She’s a friend from high school. ee aa Oe ee x B San Diego. A About youl B Ask and answer the questions above. Give your own answers. a Listening and Strategies Friends A #) 142 Listen to four People talk about people they know. Complete the chart. Witois it? What's he or she like? (eee GMS etek 1, Jane a neighbor 2. Lucas 3. Lisa 4. Patrick B 4) 142 Listen again. Choose the best way to respond to the speakers’ last comments to show interest. Number the comments 1 to 4. A soccer fan? Really? Who's his favorite team? CD. Really? So's she very quiet? Really? So what are her songs like? (1 Anart student? Really? Is he good? ‘vroul C Pair work Write the names of three people you know on a piece of paper. Exchange lists with a partner. Ask questions about the people on your partner's list. A Who's Chung Dae? B He’s my classmate. A Really? Where's he from? cca) 29 Mom or Mother? Learning tip Making diagrams 7 , | = Mom Make diagrams with new vocabulary. An example of a | EEE Mother diagram is the family tree below. | ca Father 41. Complete the family tree using the words in the box. EE Grandma BGrandmother aunt cousin grandfather mother uncle brother /father grandmother sister Grandpa ee = a father i } Ce J CO CH — 2. Nowmake your own family tree. Write notes about each person. His name is aN He's forty-five. \ = father a= > —— Ci Gre Make a photo album of your family and friends. Write sentences about them in English. | eee ung nuak De LB eseuren sce turer enacts Cements) Pere nner is Tee Ee ae ee LE 30 Units 1-3 a Can you complete this conversation? Complete the conversation with the words in the box. Use capital letters when necessary. Then practice with a partner. is Yare am rm you're he’s it’s we're they're his her my your our their this these Angel Carta Angel Carla Angel Carla Angel Carla Angel Carla Angel Carla Angel Hi, Carla, How are you? fine, thanks. Is your car? No. my brother's car. on vacation. Cool. So where is brother? Heand____wife are in Miami, with her parents. family, from Miami, you know. Oh, right. Soare__children in Miami, too? No,______with my parents andme.___ house is crazy.___all so busy with the kids. Ibet____tired. Yeah, really... Uh-oh, I'm late! OK. See you later. Wait! Where are my keys? | mean, where are brother's keys? Are his keys? Under the car? Here you go. Oh, thanks, Carla. You're wonderfull a Can you unscramble the questions? Put the words in the correct order to make questions. Then ask and answer the questions with a partner. 1, teacher's / last / is / our / name / What /? 4. are / in this class / students / like / What / the /? What is our teacher's last name? * tr 2. from / grandparents / your / Where / are /?, 5. today / not / Who's / in class /? 3. class / hard / our / English / Is / 7 6. bags / are / Where / students’ / the /? a How many words do you remember? Complete the chart. Then make questions to ask and answer with a partner. Classroom items Family and other people | Words to describe people teacher's desk on the wall neighbors friendly “Where's the teacher's desk?” “What's on the wall?” “What are your neighbors like?” “Are your neighbors friendly?” 31 32 ii ? a Do you know these expressions: Then practice with a partner, Complete the conversation with ex Nice to meet you. Have a good day. Thanks anyway: You're welcome. Thank you. That's OK. Anna Oh, no! Where's my pen? Can | borrow your pen _? Michel Sure. Here you go. Anna) we Soe re Michel You're welcome. Anna Hmm.... ———_—$———_—— Michel Neighbor? I'm sorry. | don’t know. Anna That's OK. —___—_——_—’ Michel Wait. There's a dictionary app on my tablet. Anna Oh, thank you! Michel : Anna_ Oh. This is a French-English dictionary. 2 @, Who has the same answer? A Complete questions 1 to 3 with ’s ors’ and Write your answers. 1. What's your best friends __ name? 2. What are your parent__ names? 3. What's your mother___first name? your best friend? 20? 21? your best friend like? your parents now? At work? your favorite singers? your favorite TV show? PN OME pressions from the box. Jan | borrow your pen? Really? How do you spell neighbor? How about you Yes. I'm from France. Michel ‘Anna France? Are you from Paris? Michel Yeah, |am. ‘Anna I'm from New York. Uh-oh! My coffee! I'm sorry. i ‘Anna By the way, my name is Anna. Michel I'm Michel. ‘Anna Oh, no. I'm late for work. Sorry. Bye. Michel Thanks. You too. ... Uh-oh. Where's my pen? questions 4 to 8 with question words and be. Classmates with CREEL theSameanswer B Class activity Ask your classmates the questions. Who has the same answer? Reel. In the morning What’s a typical morning like in your home? ‘Well, |'m pretty busy. | get uy early and check my email Tsten Noisy! try to study, but my brother and to the radio - | don’t watch TV on sister make a lot of noise. They don’t weekdays. Then I study. - Greg O’Neal care, My sister watches TV, and my brother plays games on the computer. ~ Jennifer Lee It’s crazy. We get up late, so | eat breakfast in the car. My = husband doesn’t have breakfast Well, my wife and I read the ~he drives. — Amanda Sanchez newspaper. | have breakfast, and my wife has coffee. We're pretty quiet. We don'ttalka lot. —Alex Stern a Getting started “eel A Lookat the pictures. Check (7) the things you do in the morning. Add your own ideas. on O getup early listen to the radio go on the Internet CO eat breakfast D drive to work play games on the computer B ) 143 Listen and read. Are you like any of these people? “fesih © What do the people above say about their mornings? Can you complete their sentences? Pout 1. Greg 1____to the radio. | WV. 2. Alex Mywifeand|____the newspaper. We alot. 3. Jennifer My brother and sister a lot of noise. They poet breakfast. 4, Amanda Myhusband____ to work. He. QA Grammar simple present statements 4) uae | don'teat lunch, Verb endings: he, she, and it u don’t have tea. | eat breakfast, You have coffee, We getup late. s We don get i fey sal je don’t get up early, ich» watches They read thepaper. They dontteead” tas Toye pin re iistens totheradio. He doesrtlisten to CDs, study» studies She watches TV, She doesn’twatch videos. have » has ; do > does don't= donot doesn't = does not go> goes Complete the sentences. Compare answers wi | Don't and doesn’tare more ® re pare ‘common than do not and does not. 1 ie — Get Up) early every moming, | et up (not / get up) late, ees 2 Inniptemmitywe. ave) realise together, | Mdo not butwe____ (not / talk) a lot. EE don't 3. My mother just ———___ (have) coffee, She (not / eat) in the moming. 4. My sister________(study) in the moming. She (do) her homework. & Mybrother_____ et} etvthe internet, thes he (watch) TV. 6. My parents, (not / watch) TV. They. (read) the newspaper. “ool B Write five sentences about your mornings, Compare with a partner. | get up early every moraing. | » 4 !9etup early every morning. How about you? — 8 I don't get up early. I get up late. a Speaking naturally -s endings of verbs Is/ likes gets J2/ listens: studies fiz} relaxes watches A 1) 145 Listen and repeat the words above. Notice the verb endings. B 4) 146 Listen to these sentences. Do the verbs end in {s/or /z/, Check () the correct column. Listen again and repeat, “[shlal Are] or do they add the syllable /1z/? ‘Isilel fel 1. Mymom sings in the shower. v | 5, My brother goes on the Intemet. 2._ My dad gets up early. || & Myco-worker checks his email. 3. My mom uses an alarm clock. __7. Mysister likes mornings. he 4. My friend exercises in the morning. | 8. My dad relaxes on the weekends. | “SyouL C_ Palrwork Talk about your family and friends and what they do in the mornings. “My mom likes mornings. She sings in the shower,” 35 Lesson B a Building vocabulary Then check (7) the things you do every week. A 4) 1.47 Listen and say the expressions. Can you add more activities? Ciplay sports a =< _ WN A “od B_ Foreach day of the week, write one thing you usually do. Then tell the class. Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday SCE ‘Monday Saturday play soccer “I play soccer on Mondays.” Wee cea a Building language A 4) 148 Listen to the questionnaire. Complete the questions and answers. Listen again and circle the answers that are true for you. What's your weekly routine? 1. Do you take a class in the evening? Yes, | do. No, I don’t. 2. Do you and your family eat together on Sundays? Yes, we do. No, we don’t. 3. Do your friends call you in the evening? Yes, they do. No, they don’t. 4. Does your best friend meet you after class? Yes, he / she does. No, he / she doesn’t. Tee 5. you and your friends. sports? Ves 5 es NO 6. you shopping on Saturdays? Yes, . No, i 7. your best friend shopping with you? Yes, . No, Asch B Pair work Ask and answer the questions above. Can you give more information? A Do you take a class in the evening? B Yes, | do. Igo to an English class. a Grammar Yes-no estions and short answers 4) 1.43 Do you go to a class in the evenii " ing? pe vou and por friends play sports after class? yet ie 0 your friends make Phone calls at night? * Yes, we do, Does your mother work on the weekends? year they do. A Complete the questions, Do__ you _make your friends your mother, ———— your parents ——— Jour father you Yes, she does. Compare with a partner, ae _ phone calls late at night? ——— 0 the Intemet in class? her email every day? ——— the laundry on weekends? ——— the news online every day? you and your friends your best friend ———“lasses in the evenings? SPN EAEYN SD 5 Aves B Pairwork Ask and answer the questions, answers are the same? ———— Shopping after class? your family breakfast to; you _____ your room every day? A Do you make phone calls late at night? B No, @ Class survey who has a busy week? | don't. | g0 to bed early every night. How many of your Everyday life No, I don’t. No, we don’t. No, they don’t. No, she doesn’t. ———— online games together? gether in the moming? A Write questions to ask: your classmates. Compare with a partner. + exercises before breakfast, La TUT a ite - Cleans the house every day, . studies English late at night. . gets up early on Sundays, |. plays on a sports team. . works on the weekends. . goes to bed early every night. . eats a snack after class. Do you exercise before breakfast? ‘on Monday(s) on (the) weekend(s) in the morning(s) in the afternoon(s) in the evening(s) at night before breakfast after class every day Ceci In short answers, do not use a verb after don’t or doesn't. Do you have a computer? No, | don't. (NOT Ne-tdonthave.) AOE B Class activity Find classmates who do the things in the chart above. Write their names in the chart. A Do you exercise before breakfast? B Yes, I do. I go to the gym before breakfast. C Pair work Tell your partner something Interesting about a classmate. “Yoshiko goes to the gym before breakfast.” 37 (or Eg [oy tale Ve feted serleiei LET t0) 1 Cer a Conversation strategy Saying more than yes or no A Lookat the photo. What do you think Celia and Andy are talking about? B 4))150 Listen. What do you find out about Celia? How about Andy? Celia Hi. | see you here all the time, Do you work out every day? ‘Andy Well, | come here before class. Celia Oh, are you a student? Andy Yeah. Well, I'm a part-time law student. And | work at a TV station, too. Celia ATV station? Really? Andy Yeah. I'm an intern. So, do you come here every day? Celia. Uh-huh. | run here from home every morning. Andy Oh, so do you live around here? Celia_No. | live about 10 miles away. Andy So you run 10 miles a day? Wow! C Notice how Andy and Celia answer questions, They say more than yes or no. They want to be friendly. Find examples in the conversation. CORR LC Tel Lr re CNS errs oa D Find two good answers for each question below. Write the letters a to h. Compare with a partner, 1. Doyou live around here? c 2. Doyou have a job? 3. Are you from here originally? 4. Do you have brothers and sisters? Well, | work at a store on the weekends. e._No, | don’t. | live in Oaktown. . No, I'm from Chicago originally. f. Yeah. | have a part-time job at a restaurant. Well, | live about two miles away. g. Yes, | am. But my parents are from Turkey. |. No, I’m an only child, h. Yes, | havea sister. goo Aesoul E Pairwork Ask and answer the questions above with a partner. Give your own answers, and say more than yes or no. A Doyou live around here? B No, | don’t. I live about seven miles away. 38 @) Strategy plus weil,... Start your answer with Well if you need time to think, orif your answer is nota simple yes or no. A 4) 131 Match the questions with the responses. Then listen and . Are you from a big family? _€ Everyday life come here before class. [ea ireenverestrorn Wm Wells one of the top 50 words. check your answers. Practice with a partner. a. Well, | don’t play sports, but | watch soccer on TV, . Do you work outa lot? ___ b. Well, not every day. | go to the gym two days a week. . Do you like sports?__ ¢. Well, | like a lot of actors. | don’t have a favorite actor. . Do you study every day?__ d. Well, not every day. | don’t study on the weekends, . Who's your favorite actor? _ e, Well, | have two brothers and a sister. Pair work Ask and answer the questions above. Give your own answers. @A Listening and strategies casual conversations A 4) 182 Can you guess the missing words in these conversations? Listen and write what the EB A B - A Doyoureadthenews ss? B A B people say. Then practice. - A Doyoutextyour___? B No, not really. Well, on my way home___. I text and say “I’m on my way.” Do you watch a lot of sports on TV? Well, | only watch______. You know, Yeah. Well, __________.make_______and check the headlines. Do you______on the Intemet? Yes, Well, | play chess with my friend Do you listen to the radio? Well, | listen to the same show ____. But that’s all. o> Pair work Take turns asking the questions above. Give your own answers. A Do you text your parents? B No, not really. Well, on my way home at night. I text and say “I'm on my way.” Lesson D n average @ Reading ‘vost A How much time do you spend on these activities every day? Tell the class. * atwork or school * onthe Internet * onthe bus ortrain orinthecar © onthe phone “I spend about an hour a day on the phone.” B Read the article and take the quiz. Then compare with a partner. Before you read an article, “skim” Are you like average Americans? it Qook ati quick). This gives you an idea of the topics it covers, ES ia ari suneysjoure Are you like an average America Do you work eight hours a day? Then you're similar to the typical American. In fact, the average American with a full-time job works just over eight hours a day. How much time do you spend on the Internet? The average American spends just under two and a half hours a day online. So do you live your life like the average American? Find out with our quiz. Co Average Ametan 4. Do you get up at 6:30 a.m. on weekdays? Yes | 2. Doyou sing in the shower? No 3, Do you have cereal with milk for breakfast? Yes 4. Do you have a pet? No 5. Do you use public transportation every day? 6. Do you watch television about three hours a day? 7. Do you exercise every day? 8. Do you eat at a restaurant three times a week? So are you like the average American? If you're not, that's OK — it’s fun to compare your life with the lives of people in another country. If you are, that’s OK too, because the average American is happy! C Read the article again. What does It say about these things? Check (V) True (T) or False (F). The average American... T F 1._works under 10 hours a day. Mw oO 2._spends three and a half hours on the Interneteveryday. [] (1 3._gets up at 8:00 a.m. on weekdays. elle 4._eats cereal in the morning. 7 5._eats at a restaurant about four times a week. 6. uses public transportation every day. O G(s a Listening Teen habits A 14) 15) Read about the habits of an average teenager in the United States. Then listen to an interview with teenager Tyler Johnson. Complete the sentences about Tyl Anvaverage teenager AGS cy se mds or receives over 200 text messagesaday. | 1 * listens to music for 2 hours every day. hours every day. * spends over 4 hours a day on the Internet. hours a day on the Internet. * watches TV about 20 hours a week. tches TV about___hoursaweek. _| ‘soul B *)) 154 Listen to some of Tyler's statements again. Are you like Tyler, You different? Check the correct box. Compare with a partner, og Oo oO oO oO iL) Oo |. sends. text messages a day. 2. listens to music for 3. spends orare I'm just like Tyler, I'm different from Tyler, Oo @A Writing ana speaking A typical week A Complete the sentences. Then tella partner about your typical week. Take notes on your partner's typical week. Altypical weekforme Ve eedeanntenee | take classes hours a week. | Iwork / study hours a week. oe eee ee ee ad Ispend hours a week on the Internet. IwatchTV___hours aweek. 'spend hours a week with my friends. B Read about a student on a class website, Circle the capital letters. Find a rule for each circled letter in the Help note. £1 Key nitp: “vw. campusweb/classes Waa _ New student Capitals and periods Use CAPITAL letters for new sentences. * people's names. * names of places. names of languages. * days of the week. Use a period () at the end of your sentences. C Write a profile about your partner. Use your notes from above to help you. D Pairwork Read your partner's profile. Ask three questions for more information. @ageaei a J Vocabulary noteboo Vliet Pn 189 Learning tip Drawing pictures 11 Label the pictures. Use a verb to describe each activity. read the newspaper) 2. Draw and label your own pictures of activities. Draw and label simple pictures in your notebook. The pictures below show different verbs. 4 A Eee |_ every day |_ inthe afternoon ~ after breakfast _ before bed | | on Sundays = | | | Om i TL TO On ee fea oer eae Lene a CLs LBs a uP Un Sec Ate Me aes wn eRe Uny ret 42 = ‘S rite labels for the things you do every day. Put your labels around the house. Leu er use Tac) Hl understand an interview about habits. I read an article about the average American. LR eRe CC econ aS c= - me a=) Wis: SCM ean ole Cee erly Pee Ty TTT hed Lesson D i CC os CCC a ot eee co eo Ca a eu See a ey eric Bee Lag CUR sr ar Ser) advice using and Ca oy En ang Before you begin... SSE RUC Teta a Ed eee ate BUCO RUC ute ry Going out PE FoF tiv surveysjoulke. oe -~ DEE ROBERT ACOSTA Lf f upati a Please answer the questions, You can check () more thanone answe, 2ccupation: (ESIMHY @ How often do you go out? ~=© ©) Whodoyou go outwith? ~~ @ what do you do in your free C1 every night Oi my tamity time at home? CO once or twice a week 1 yfriends 0 goon the Internet D other z Di my ginttiend / boyfriend © relaxin front of the v U other O rent movies © when do you usually go out? CO other’ 1D on weeknights @ How often does your family Ci onweekends eat out together? CO once ortwice a week © where do you go? C1 two orthree times a month 1 tothe movies C1 only on special occasions Ci toctubs D other | 1 torestaurants Di tothe gym D other | Thank you tor your help with our survey! @ Getting started A What activities do you do in your free time? Tell the class, “Iplay soccer.” “I go to the gym.” B 4))201 Listen and read as. Robert completes the survey with his friend Rebecca. Check (7) his answers. “Poul © Put the words in the correct order to make questions. Use the survey to help you. Then practice with a partner. 1. A you / do / When / go out /? 3. A What /in your free time / do / you / do /? B 1 go out on weekends. B Igo on the Intemet. | 2. A Who / you / do /go out with /2 4. A your family / eat out together / How often / does /? | B Igo out with my friends, B Twice a month. | “Syaull D Pairwork Ask and answer the questions in the Survey. Complete the survey for your partner. 44 a Grammar Simple present information questions 4) 202 A Write information 1 2. a 4. “et EB a Speaking naturally Do you “aE oA + A —Do you relax _ inyour free time? What Who When How often Where do do does does do you you she he they do in your free time? 0 out with? go out? eat out? 80 on Saturday nights? questions to com Then practice with a partner, leat out once a week, Really? Where do you Igotoa restaurant near my house. | go to the movies on Friday nights, 6‘ Yeah? 2 por Po | go with some friends from work. My best friend texts me a lot, 7 ? ———___ He texts me about 20 times a day! >wo> A My friend goes to the gym every day, 8. B Really? A 2 ee, She goes in the morning before work. Meet my friends, A friend, On the weekends, Twice a month. To the movies. plete the conversations, ~_ Free time (QU eee every day on Friday nights once a week three times a week twice a month My parents go out about once a month. SO A B A Well, they go to a club or they eat out, | have a lot of free time before class, Really? Oh, | go to a café and read. My sister plays sports twice a week. Really? 2 fa ef A B A A B A Soccer and tennis. > 1 go out on Thursday nights. B 2 a ee es A My sister. We go to our favorit Pair work Change the underlined words in the conversations above to your own information. Then take turns starting conversations. A 1g0 to a club once a week. 8 Really? Who do you go with? Do 0 you go outa lot? Where do you go? What do you do? Cee Don't forget to add do or does before the subject. Where does she go? OT Whereshe-geess) 4) 2.03 Listen and repeat the questions above. Notice the pronunciation of do you. *¢) 2.04 Listen and complete the conversations. Then Practice with a partner. 4 B Welt, yes, on the weekends. A I B I sleep late, read, watch TV... A movies? B Yes, | do. | like movies a lot. A ? B Two orthree times a month. Pair work Make a survey about weekends. Write five information questions. Then aska partner your questions. Lesson B @ Building tanguage A 4) 295 Listen. When does Mandy watch TV? Practice the conversation. Eric This soup is delicious, What's in it? ... Mandy? Mandy! Mandy I'm sorry, what? { Etic You know, sometimes I think you watch too much TV. Mandy Oh, | hardly ever watch TV. Eric Are you serious? Mandy Well, sometimes | watch the moming shows. ‘And | usually watch the late movie. Eric And you always have dinner in front of the TV! I mean, you never talk to me. Mandy Yes, | do! | talk to you during the commercials. ef B Complete the sentences. Find the words in the conversation. 4, Mandy |_____ watch TV. Well, _____I watch the morning shows. 2. Mandy | a watch the late movie. 3. Erie You _____ have dinner in front of the TV. You _—_—____talk to me. a Grammar Frequency adverbs 4) 205 af atiays MT) sually Ma) | often : (_—}!) sometimes [ catinfrontofthen (ah Tj _ | hardyever | People say Sometimes JL never oftenthan sometimes. Sometimes | eat in front of the TV. EEE Sometimes |... i /sometimes... ‘best |Add frequency adverbs to make true sentences. Then compare with a partner. 1. Ido my homeworkin front ofthe TV. | never do my homework in front of the TV. 2. Iwatch TV in the morning. 3. My family has dinner in front of the TV. 4, My best friend watches sports on TV. 5. My family watches movies on Friday nights. 6 7 8 A Me Don’t put always, hardly ever, cor never before the subject. ‘always watch the news. (NOT Always watch the news.) . I watch the news in the evening, .. My friends and | watch TV shows in English. . I watch commercials on TV, I never do my homework in front of the TV. 8 Really? Sometimes | do homework in front of the TV, but not every day. ~~ Free time (ina @Q Building vocabulary A 4) 207 Listen. What kinds of TV shows do you hear? Number the shows 1to 8. cartoon soap opera game show | @@@ Hove reality shows : YW Ireallytike @@ Ican'tstand__._«. © Ilike I don't like ‘*yobL C Pairwork What kinds of TV shows does your partner like? Ask about each type of show above. ‘When you talk about your general likes and dislikes, use a plural noun, ike cartoons and sitcoms. Rose eae A Do you like reality shows? B Yes, Ido. | often watch reality shows. My favorite is a Talk about it How much TV do you watch? A Pairwork Discuss the questions. How are you and your partner the same? How are you different? Take notes on your partner's answers. How many hours of TV do you watch a week? How often do you watch TV in bed? Do you ever fall asleep in front of the TV? How often do you watch TV on your computer? Do you watch TV on your phone or tablet? Do you think you watch too much TV? vryvvyy B Pairwork Find a new partner. Ask and answer questions about each other's first partner. A How often does Juan watch TV? B He watches TV all the time! He watches the news in the morning and... a7 el ead ee BLOM UML n ai Cel nn =Tg @i Conversation strategy Asking questions in two ways A What do people often do after class? Think of six things and make a list. B 4) 208 Listen. What does Gabby do after class? So what do you do after class? Do you go straight home? Well, usually. Sometimes. meet a friend for dinner, Oh, where do you go? | mean, do you go somewhere nice? Do you know Fabio’s? It’s OK, I mean, the food’s good, and it’s cheap, but the service is terrible. Do you know it? Well, actually, | work there. I'ma server. C Notice how Stan asks questions in two ways. His questions are clear and not too direct. Find examples. in the conversation. “So what do you do ofter class? De earn ls darteo 4) 209 Match the first question to a good second question. Listen and check. Then practice. . What do you do forlunch? _f_ . Where do you go after class?__ How often do you go shopping? __ }. Do you go to the gym in the momings? . Who do you hang outwith from class?___ How do you usually get home after class?__ . What's your favorite restaurant? ___ . Do you ever feel tired after class?___ Do you take the subway or the bus? Imean, do you have friends in your class? 1 mean, do you need coffee? |. Do you have a job in the evening? . I mean, do you exercise before class? Do you take a short break? . I mean, do you go every weekend? 1. | mean, do you have a favorite? D 4 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. About vouL E Pairwork Ask and answer the pairs of questions. Give your own answers. A What do you do for lunch? Do you take a short break? B Well, I usually go for a walk in the park and eat a sandwich. same pogD Q4 Strategy plus mean You can use / mean to repeat your ideas or to say more about something, Imeanis one of the top 4 ri 1S expressions. Where do you go? | mean, Do you know Fabio’s? It’s OK. do you go somewhere nice? I mean, the food's good, A 4) 210 Complete the conversations with sentences from the box. Write a to f. Then listen and check. a. I mean, we have dinner and watch a movie. d. Imean, | have two part-time jobs. b. Imean, | often go to bed early during the week. e. | mean, are they good? c. | mean, they're not cheap, but they're good. f. Imean, do you have any free time? 1. A Doyou evergoouton weeknights? 3, A Do you have time to relax on the weekends? B Well, not very often, B Yeah. | spend time with my family, ___ 2. A How do you like the restaurants 4. A What do you do in your free time?_ around here B Well, | don’t have a lot. B They're OK. “Syot| B_ Pair work Practice the conversations above. Then practice again giving your own answers. Use / mean. A Do you ever go out on the weeknights? B Well, sometimes. | mean, | sometimes meet a friend after class. @A Listening and strategies what's the question? A «))21 Listen to the things five people say. What questions are the people answering? Number the questions 1to 5. © So what do you usually do in the evenings? I mean, do you spend time with your family? Cl Where do you go on Friday nights? | mean, do you usually go to a club? C1 Do you know your neighbors? | mean, are they nice? CF) Who's your best friend? | mean, who do you usually hang out with? CD So when do you usually have free time? | mean, do you have time during the week? ‘*~au| B_ Pair work Ask and answer the questions above. Give your own answers. vest! C_ Pairwork Find a new partner. Think of a different second question for each question above. Then ask and answer the questions. “So what do you usually do In the evenings? | mean, do you watch TV?" Technology addicts a Reading A. Read the statements about technology. Do you agree? Telthe class, 1. Technology is great. t helps you keep in touch with people. ‘ 2. Technology's good, but people spend too much time on their SMITA ____ Before you read an atc 2d the computers and cell phones, Bete you ead an ati forenamat: B Read the article. What do technology addts do? Bere Te gee cain tectrology is great. We tert and eral rends a day long, and were always in touch wh the offce Some experts say that & lot of people ae now “echology atts ~ they sperc t0 much Be ov computers ard phones. So haw do you ‘raw f you have a problem? Answer these questions Ifyou answer yes taal of them, mate youre @ technology adc, > What's the fist thing you don the» Do you spend et of te on eur soca ‘mornng? Do you check your email netaar and Far ever see yur frends? and text messages? 10a you snsaer cals or tests ia mawe > Doyouever go out with one nerd theater? ‘and then spend te tang to 9» How much tee da you sand enine every diferent Ferd on your cli phone? gay? sit mare than sx hours? Technology is ver sell, batt you spend al your ime on yaur computer end your ‘ell phone, that's nt god fr you ar for yur ara or nerds! Rabe you go onatechrclogy Get What ces that mear? Wel, ency breakfast with our family. Use yor soc! networking site, but meet your ends, to, and do someting fn together. Tk ta the rend you are vith raw. So ve ta try Tum off your phone just for a minute. Like, oght now? C According to the article, what is good advice fora technology addict? What is bad advice? Check(/) the boxes. Send alot of text messages when you'e atthe moves, ‘Meet face-to-face with family and fends, Tum off your cell phone sometimes. Check your email right after you get up in the moming. ‘Spend more time with friends and less time on social networks, Eat meals with your family and talk. 50 il Nei a a Building language jeighborhoods ‘A <)210 Listen. What time is the concert? Practice the conversation kyle Hey Erin, there's a free concert at the park tonight. Erin Really? That sounds like fun, What time does it start? kyle Itstarts at 7:30, Erin Well, let’s go. What time is it now? Kyle Um, it's 5:30. What time do you finish? Erin About 6:00. So, let's meet there about 7:00. Kyle Well, they don't usually have a lot of seats, so... Erin Oh, well, in that case, let's get there early — say, around 6:45? Feil B_ Can you complete the conversations? Use the conversation above to help you, Then practice with a partner. AL the concert start? B Itstarts. 2. A Let's B OK. Se 00, toa movie tonight. meet at the theater at 6:30. a Grammar Questions with What time; suggestions with Let’s 4) 220 What time is it? It's 6:30. Suggestions What time does the concert start? _It starts at nine o’clock. Let's go to the concert. What time do supermarkets close? (At) about 10:00 p.m. Let’s meet at 6:45. What time do you go out at night? Usually around 8:00 or 8:30. _Lets get there early. Cia A Complete the questions using What time and do or does. | er eereo rei terse iar Complete the suggestions with Let's. 1. A Hey, there's a jazz concert on Saturday. 3. A g0 to the pool tomorrow. B Really?_What time does it start? B Great! itopen? A Itstarts at 8:00 p.m. A Ithinkit opens early, like around 7:00 a.m. 2A have dinner 4A _____meet for breakfast after the concert. on Saturday, B OK. But B OK. you get up restaurants close around here? on weekends? A Oh, around midnight, A Oh, lusually get up at about 8:00. B Pair work Practice the conversations. Practice again changing the times. ‘eyo | C Pair work Talk about three events this week. Make plans to go to an event together. Use the conversations above to help you. A Let's go to the soccer game at the stadium tomorrow night. B OK. What time does it start? REE EEE EOE EE @Q Listening and Speaking Using phones A What do people use their phones for? How many different ideas can you think of? Tell the class. “They go on the Internet,” “They send text messages.” B 4) 212 Listen, How do Megan and Ryan use their phones? Check (7) the boxes, nya a He plays games. 1 te texts people. CO He calls his girlfriend, He takes photos. She checks her email, She pays bills, C She goes on her social { networking site. She listens to music, About you | © Pairwork Discuss the questions. Do you and your partner use phones for the same things? What kind of phone do you have? What do you use your phone for? Do you send a lot of text messages? Who do you usually text? * Who do you usually call? * Do you use your phone everywhere? * Where don’tyou use your phone? SOULE amend a Writing Technology and you A How do you use your computer or phone? Make alist of the different ways. M ly computer | check my social network five or six times a day. | don't send a lot of emails. B Read the email and the Help note. Underline the words and and but. to: attach Bf Linking ideas with and and but ty * [have a smartphone anda Hi there, tebe. |wanta new computer, and | need some advice. | have a *Iwantanew computer, and | smartphone and a desktop, but | need something for class. Ineed some advice. \ like the new tablets, but they're expensive. How do you your tablet? What do you use it for? Thanks. Gemma Ihave asmartphone anda | * desktop, but | need something for class. C White a reply to the email above. Use and and but to link your ideas. Then read your classmates’ replies, Do they give the same advice as you? ‘vos D_ Palrwork Take the quiz in the article with a partner. Ask and answer the questions. Does your partner need a technology diet? Do you? 51 GLC alte Learning tip Verbs+... Write down verbs and the words you can use after them. ‘| Which words and expressions in the box go with the verbs below? Complete the chart. the laundry acl dinner lessons “music snacks ey video games breakfast homework — lunch onateam soccer play — music eat take oo) 2 Now think of words and expressions that go with these verbs, go toa class watch documentaries read out CISC) Make a vocabulary “flip pad.” On each page, write a verb with words you can use after it. Look through it when you have time. Bee Mut understand the main topics TEC ER eT nel) Cee Lunn ac eee ace pe ties UNIT Neighborhoods wi Sue SCE) Sa Coe acd Due Ray OTS Gy Cea eg DRL aig LaLa Cae Ce OTS LO Seats Sea ad POD Sy es reer DET ed 4.amuseum _ eR eR uceer ed PME ect ue ante DRC ON rad cx your neighborhood? called Parkview. How do you like People talk about the popular neighborhood ey Stacy King, 19; ‘Amy Johnson, 32, Paul Johnson, 33, PP) rasa reccércnor gS) stocker college stident ==) Well, Parkview is FE Um, i's nice. There are two nice Parkview is boring! There's | ‘convenient. There's abig GB} outdoor cafés and a couple of ‘no place to go. | mean, WP supermarket and some aN movie theaters, There's a now there's no mall, no fast- rice stores, but there's no mal. We _swimnrring pool in the park — we have a food places —just a lot of expensive restaurants. Oh, and a small park, need a mall beautiulitla park. Yeah, i's good. G@ Getting started A Lookat the map of Parkview. Check (/) the places you see. What other places do you see? O amall OC amovie theater CO afastfood place C) aswimmingpool 1) apostoffice © anapartment building © () a supermarket Dan outdoor café B ))213 Listen and read. Who likes Parkview? Why? Foe © Circle the correct words to complete the sentences. Use the posts above to help you. 4, Parkview has a lot of expensive restaurant / restaurants. 5, Ithas a couple of movie theaters / theater. 1, There’s / There are a big supermarket. 2. There's / There are two nice outdoor cafés. 3. There’s no / some mall. 54 aA Grammar There’s and There are; quantifiers 4)) 218 Singular There's a park in my neighborhood, There's an outdoor café. There's no mall, Plural There are a lot of restaurants, There are some Outdoor cafés, There are a couple of movie theaters. There are no clubs. There's = There is Parts of the sentences. Compa UeMcouimens Adjectives before nouns There's a smal! park. There's a beautiful pool. There's a new restaurant. There are some expensive stores, People often say There's before plural ‘nouns, but itis not correct to write this, ire with a partner. 1. There’sa_d : uy a. expensive restaurants. . There’sno___ b. big apartment buildings. 3. There are no c. stadium. 4. There are a couple of small gym. 5. There are a lot of Se Slubs: About ies yooh B Add adjectives to these sentences. Change a or an if necessary. Then make the sentences true for your neighborhood. Compare ideas with a partner. good 1. There are noymovie theaters around here. (good) 4, There's a museum, (Interesting) 2. There are a lot of fast-food places. (cheap) 5. There's no subway station. (convenient) Bs There are a couple of clubs. (fun) “There’s a big movie theater in my neighborhood.” a Speaking naturally Word stress apartment 6. There's an outdoor café, (nice) '%_Common errors Don't add “s” to adjectives. There are some nice cafés. (NOT nites cafés) A ))2:5 Listen and repeat the words above. Notice the word stress. B ))216 Listen and repeat these words. Then write the words in the correct column. v movie beautiful Ve ¥ stadium convenient q ¥ apartment building museum noisy expensive theater neighborhood boring “eo C 2p —stadium _ vie Pair work Use the words above to describe a perfect neighborhood. What's there? What's Neighborhoods not there? Make a list of five places in your perfect neighborhood. Then tell the class. “Well, there are a lot of great cafés in our perfect neighborhood.” 55 q LessonB /Whattimeisit? _/ @ Building vocabulary A 4))217 Listen and say the times. What time is it now? m It's eleven (o'clock). It’s two-oh-five. It’s four-fifteen. It’s ten-thirty, It’s five after two. It's a quarter after four. It's six-forty-five, It's eight-fifty. It’s twelve a.m, It's twelve p.m, It's a quarter to seven. {t's ten to nine. It's midnight. It's noon. B Pairwork Take turns asking and telling the time. we 2G 4G 8:30 00°" B It's five-fifteen. OR It’s a quarter after five. People say (hou)-fifteen more than a quarter ofter (hou). two-fifteen ——EEa Wa quarter after two QA) Listening what's on this weekend? {)) 2.18 How often do you go to events like these? Tell the class. Then listen to the radio show and complete the chart. Whereisite 1. concert | | 2. soccer match 3. art exhibit @ Conversation strategy Me too and Me neither A Look at the photo. Can you guess the topic of Omar and Carly's conversation? B 4) 221 Listen. What's the café like? Omar What time is it? Carly 11:30. Are you hungry? I'm starving. Omar Me too. | don’t usually have breakfast in the mornings. Carly No, me neither. Do you know any good places to eat around here? Omar Well, there's a new café over there Itlooks kind of nice. Carly Right. But | bet it's expensive. Let's try somewhere else. Omar | know. But don't worry — it's on me today. Carly Oh. Well, in that case, let's go there! Notice how Omar and Carly say Me too and Me neither clay tak to show they have something in common. Find the examples in the conversation. D Write me too or me neither to complete the conversations. Then practice with a partner. 1. A Pmreally hungry. 4. A Sometimes | eat at fast-food places. 8 Yeah,metoo 8 Yeah, 2. A I don't have a lot of money with me. 5. A I don't often have lunch at home. 1 capenemiiay OE leanne 3. A I never go to expensive restaurants, 6. A Lreally like outdoor cafés. BENG tse eae, B Oh, ‘Soul E Palrwork Make the sentences above true for you. Then take turns saying your sentences and responding. A I'm not very hungry right now. B Meneither, OR Really? I'm starving. 58 Neighborhoods Q Strategy plus Right and! know Say Right and | know to show you agree with someone or that you are listening. =: Right is one of the top 50 words, and know is one of the top 20. Well, there's anew café over there. It looks kind of nice, * | Right, But bet it's expensive. ‘ssh Complete the sentences about the neighborhood you are in right now. Circle the words or add your own ideas. Then take turns saying your sentences and responding. This Is an-exeiting / ebering / an interesting neighbothood. There are a lot of interesting buildings / museums / There's no mall / subway / The neighborhood needs a nice outdoor café / swimming pool / | don’t like the clubs / movie theaters /_______here. 6. There are some very cheap / expensive / |__around here. yPeno ee A This is an interesting neighborhood. B Right. There are some nice cafés around here. OR Really? don’t think it’s very interesting. a Listening and strategies Let’s go there! A 4) 222 Listen. Where do the people decide to go? Circle a or b. (ELUNE 1. Jason and Sophia choosea place a. to shop. b. to eat. 2. Tyler and Jen choose a place a.tohavefun. —_b. to study. 3. Michaeland Anna choose aplace —_a. to exercise. b.toeat, A°ru1 B )) 223 Listen to three statements from the conversations. Are you the same or different? Check (7) the column you agree with. Then complete the response. 3 ion 1. C) Meneither. | don’t ike __________ Really? Ilike 2. C1] Metoo.treallylike Yeah? idon’ttike 3. CJ iknow.. Ci Really?ithink___ "vol C Pairwork Choose one of these situations. Make suggestions and choose a place to go together. It’s a beautiful day. Choose It’s Friday night. Choose a __It’s noon and you're hungry. aplacetositinthe sun. place tohavesome fun. Choose a place to eat together, A Let's go somewhere and sit in the sun. It’s a beautiful day. B Iknow. Well, let’s go to the park and get an ice cream. 59 A Do you know any neighborhoods with these things? Tell the class. * unusual boutiques * expensive jewelry stores * comedy clubs * poetry readings * artgalleries Look at the photos in an article first, They can tell you what the article is about. B Read the website guide to a New York City neighborhood. What kinds of places are there? What do people do there? tip Jw ne ghbornoodNy Welcome to Mantiattan’s Greenwich Village Nile Omen Ue UU Oe CT arg Cra Chea a ae Ce te Cite nite uc ime AEM eg stores, restaurants, and beautiful parks. Washington Square Park There are alot of free events in this, beautiful park - concerts, movies, poetry readings, and more! It's also the perfect. place to just sit and enjoy some quiet time and maybe play a chess game. I's open from early morning to 1:00. Window-shopping on this busy street is fun, There are some wonderful stores and unusual | boutiques. It's a great place to buy books, clothes, and jewelry. Stores are usually open between 1:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. ‘There's a great music “vibe” in the Village with street performers, old record stores, and the Village's famous Jaze clubs, such as Fat Cat and the Blue Note. For more information about shows, visit the Gotham Jazz website at, this storefront covered in keys, Be sure to go to the Forbes Galleries. the year, and there is always something new to see. The galleries are open Tuesday through Saturday, and admission is free. C Read the article again, Are these statements true or false? Check (V) True (1) or False (F). z F 1, Bleecker Street is a great place to go window-shopping. [2 B) 2. Washington Square Park opens at one o'clock in the moming. CL] CJ 3._Washington Square Park has free galleries. Ste cy 4 a= 5. ET

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