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Elle & Rose


Rosabel Cardigan
Vintage inspired cardigan with a circular yoke

1 Rosabel Cardigan
Elle & Rose

Rosabel Cardigan
Vintage inspired cardigan with circular yoke
- Sizes 3-6 months (1 year) 2 years (3-4 years) -

- 150 (150) 200 (200) grams of yarn for size 3 mm needles
- Circular needle size 3 mm
- 6 (7) 8 (9) buttons

Tips and info

The yoke of the cardigan is worked back and forth on a circular needle. The sleeves are worked
back and forth on a circular needle or on straight needles. All of the parts are placed back on a
circular needle and the yoke is worked back and forth.

The first and the last st are always knitted (and never purled) on the sleeves.

The buttonholes are worked as follows (in one of the 5 sts garter bands in the front): k 2, yo, k 2
tog, k 1.

The buttonholes are placed when piece measures:

Size 3-6 months: at 1, 6, 11, 16, 21 and 27 cm.

Size 1 year: at 1, 6, 11, 16, 21, 26 and 32 cm.

Size 2 years: at 1, 6, 11, 16, 21, 26, 32 and 38 cm.

Size 3-4 years: at 1, 6, 11, 16, 31, 36 and 42 cm.

On the sleeves the incs are done by knitting 2 sts in 1 st.

On the body the decs are done by k 2 tog.

Length: Appr. 28 (33) 39 (43) cm from bottom edge to neckband.

Gauge (10 cm x 10 cm): 22 sts x 32 rows in stockinette st.


2 Rosabel Cardigan
Elle & Rose

Cast on 139 (147) 163 (179) sts. Knit 6 rows. Work next row as follows (from WS): k 5, p 129 (137)
153 (169), k 5. Now work diagram A (from RS) with 5 st of garter st on each side. Work diagram A
once vertically and continue in stockinette with 5 sts of garter st on each side. Continue until the
piece measures 16 (19) 24 (27) cm. End with a WS row.

Size 3-6 months: Cast off for armholes as follows: k 31, cast off 6 sts, k 31, dec, k 32, cast off 6 sts,
k 31 (=126 sts). Put the stitches on stitch holders or strings.

Size 1 year: Cast off for armholes as follows: k 34, cast off 6 sts, k 32, dec, k 33, cast off 6 sts, k 34
(=134 sts). Put the stitches on stitch holders or strings.

Size 2 years: Cast off for armholes as follows: k 36, cast off 8 sts, k 35, dec, k 36, cast off 6 sts, k
36 (=146 sts). Put the stitches on stitch holders or strings.

Size 3 years: Cast off for armholes as follows: k 42, cast off 8 sts, k 38, dec, k 39, cast off 8 sts, k
42 (=162 sts). Put the stitches on stitch holders or strings.


Cast on 35 (43) 43 (51) sts. Knit 6 rows. Purl 1 row. Now work diagram A (from RS), while AT THE
SAME TIME, when piece measures 3 cm, inc 1 st in each side. Repeat inc on every 4 (4) 6 (6)
rows until you have 47 (59) 63 (71) sts. After diagram A has been worked once vertically, continue
in stockinette (with inc) until piece measures 16 (19) 24 (27) cm. Cast off 3 (3) 4 (4) sts on each
side (=41 (53) 55 (63) sts). Put the sts on a stitch holder or string.

Make the other sleeve.


Slip body and sleeves back on a circular needle, placing the sleeves where armholes were cast off.
There should now be 208 (240) 256 (288) sts. Begin from WS and work next row as follows: K 5, p
198 (230) 246 (278), k 5. K 1 row.

Work next row as follows (from WS): K 5, * k 2, p 2 *. Repeat from * to * until 7 sts remain. K 7.

Work (from RS) diagram B with 5 sts of garter stitch on each side until yoke measures 4 (5) 6 (7)
cm. End with a WS row.

Work next row as follows (from RS): Continue working diagram B, but instead of p 2 between the
eyelet patterns, p 2 tog so that only 1 st remains between the eyelet patterns.

Work next row as follows (from WS): k 6, *p 2, k1*. Repeat from * to * until 6 sts remain. K 6.

Work (from RS) diagram C until yoke measures 7 (8) 9 (10) cm BUT BE AWARE that you might
have to start on row 3 (and not 1) of diagram C to make it fit with where you ended on diagram B.
End with a WS row.

3 Rosabel Cardigan
Elle & Rose

Work next row as follows (from RS): k 5, *p1, k 2 tog*. Repeat from * to * until 6 sts remains. P 1, k

Continue in rib (k the knits and p the purls) with 5 sts garter st on each side until yoke measures 10
(11) 12 (13) cm. End with a WS row.

Work next row (from RS) as follows: k 5, *k 2 tog*. Repeat from * to * until 6 sts remain. K 6.

Work in stockinette st with 5 sts of garter st on each side until yoke measures 12 (13) 14 (15) cm.
K 5 rows. Cast off all stitches on next row.


Sew the sleeve seams and the openings under the sleeves. Sew on the buttons.


Diagram A

o /

o ▵ o

o / \ o

o /

\ o o /

o /

4 Rosabel Cardigan
Elle & Rose

\ o o /

\ o o /

o /

The first 8 sts are repeated 16 (17) 19 (21) times on the body and 4 (5) 5 (6) times on the sleeves
while the last st is only worked once (at the end of the row but inside the 5 sts of garter st om each

Diagram B

x x x x

x x \ o x x

x x x x

x x o / x x

The first 4 sts are repeated 49 (57) 61 (69) times while the last 2 sts are only worked once (at the
end of the row but before the 5 sts of garter st).

Diagram C

x x

x \ o x

x x

x o / x

The first 3 sts are repeated 49 (57) 61 (69) times while the last st is only worked once (at the end
of the row but before the 5 sts of garter st).

5 Rosabel Cardigan
Elle & Rose

Symbol key

No symbol = k on RS, p on WS
x = p on RS, k on WS
o= yarn over
/ = k2 together
\ = slip 1 st as if to k, k1, psso
▵ = slip 1 st as if to K, K2 tog, psso

If you have any questions or comments regarding this pattern please send them to the
following email address: or in a pm on Ravelry.

This written pattern, charts and photographs are copyright and are the express property of
the author. Do not sell, transmit, publish or pass on this publication (in printed or electronic

Copyright ©, Anne L.K. Dresow, Elle and Rose Knitwear 2019

6 Rosabel Cardigan

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