CEE 471, Fall 2019: HW4 Solutions

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CEE 471, Fall 2019: HW4 Solutions

Bhavesh Shrimali, Aditya Kumar

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Illinois, Urbana–Champaign, IL 61801, USA

1. With respect to a certain basis, the Cauchy stress T is given by

Ñ é
4 −4 0
T= −4 4 0 . (1)
0 0 8

(a) We give here two equivalent solutions for this problem.

• Short version Ñ é
From Equation (1), we can readily say that u(3) = e3 = 0 is an eigenvector corre-
sponding to the eigenvalue σ3 = 8. We can furthermore observe that
Ñ é Ñ é Ñ é
1 1 1
T 1 =0=0 1 ⇒ u(1) = √ 1 is an eigenvector for σ1 = 0.
0 0 2 0
Ñ é
We finally find a third eigenvector u(2) = u(3) × u(1) = √ −1 using the fact that
2 0
{u(i) } has to be an orthogonal basis since T is symmetric with real values. Finally
Ñ éÑ é
4 −4 0 1
Tu(2) = √ −4 4 0 −1
2 0 0 8 0
Ñ é
=√ −8
2 0
= 8u(2) ⇒ σ2 = 8 = λ(3) .

Hence the principal stresses are σ1 = 0, σ2 = 8 and σ3 = 8 and the principal directions are
given by u(1) , u(2) and u(3) . ♣ . . . (10 points)
• Natural version
The characteristic equation is given by

det (T − σI) = 0

4−σ −4 0

⇔ −4 4−σ 0 = 0
0 0 8−σ
⇔ σ 2 − 8σ (8 − σ) = σ(8 − σ)2 = 0

⇔ σ1 = 0, σ2 = 8 and σ3 = 8.

Email addresses: bshrima2@illinois.edu (Bhavesh Shrimali), akumar51@illinois.edu (Aditya Kumar)

We compute the eigenvectors {u(i) } by solving (T − σi I)u(i) = 0 for i = 1, 2, 3. For the
double eigenvalue σ2 = σ3 = 8, we have
(T − σ2 I)u(2) =0
Ñ éÑ é
−4 −4 0 α
⇔ −4 −4 0 β =0
0 0 0 γ
⇔ α = −β
Ñ é Ñ é
1 0
⇒ u(2) =√ −1 and u(3) = 0
2 0 1

Note the choice of α to get a unit vector for u(2) . Note the choice of u(3) to be a unit vector
and orthogonal to u(2) . u(1) can be computed
Ñ similarly
é or by using the orthonormality of the
basis {u(i) } and u(1) = u(2) × u(3) = √ 1 .
2 0

(b) For illustration purpose, we detail here how to recover the tensor T in the original basis from the
computed eigenvalues and eigenvectors. We use the notation vi and Tij to denote the components
of a vector v and a second order tensor T in the original basis {ei } and vi0 and Tij0 to denote the
components of v and T in the basis {u(i) }.
Using the spectral decomposition of T, we have T = i=1 σi u(i) ⊗ u(i) . Therefore the coordinates
of T in the basis of its eigenvectors {u(i) } are given by
Ñ é
0 0 0
{Tij0 } = 0 8 0 .
0 0 8
In order to compute the coordinates {Tij } in the original basis {ei }, we need to compute the proper
orthonormal tensor Q which transforms {u(i) } into {ei }. In the basis {u(i) }, the components of
the u(i) are given by
Ñ é Ñ é Ñ é
1 0 0
(1)0 (2)0 (3)0
{ui } = 0 {ui } = 1 and {ui } = 0 ,
0 0 1
while their components in the original basis {ei } were computed earlier and given by
Ñ é Ñ é Ñ é
1 1 0
(1) 1 (2) 1 (3)
{ui } = √ 1 {ui } = √ −1 and {ui } = 0 .
2 0 2 0 1
(1) (1)0
Since ui = Qij uj , the first column of Q is nothing but u(1) it self. Using the same argument
for u(2) and u(3) , we have
Ñ é
1 1 0
Q= √ 1 −1 √0 .
2 0 0 2
Using the definition for the transformation of the coordinates of a second order tensor, we have
Tij = Qip Qjq Tpq or in matrix form QT0 QT = T
Ñ éÑ é Ñ é Ñ é
1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 4 −4 0
1 1
√ 1 −1 √0 0 8 0 √ 1 −1 √0 = −4 4 0
2 0 0 2 0 0 8 2 0 0 2 0 0 8
and we recover the expression for T in the original basis. Note that since Q−1 = QT the converse
transformation is T0 = QT TQ. . . . (10 points)

Figure 1: Decomposition of the traction vector (t)

2. As pictured on Figure (1), we can decompose the traction vector t into a shear component ts and a
normal component tn : t = ts + tn . But, tn = (t · n)n with n the outward normal vector to the surface,
which implies ts = t − (t · n)n. Therefore,

ts · ts = (t − (t · n)n) · (t − (t · n)n)
= t · t − 2t · [(t · n)n] + (t · n)2 n · n
= t · t − (t · n)2 .

Note however that for vectors u, v, w such that v = u − w, in general v · v 6= u · u − w · w. It is true

if and only if v · w = 0. ♣ . . . (10 points)

3. (a) We first compute the volume average of the Cauchy stress tensor T over the domain Ω of volume
|Ω| and of boundary ∂Ω with the motivation of converting the volume integral to integral at
surface where known traction t = Tn, with T a constant second-order tensor, is applied.
Tij (x) dx = Tik (x)δkj dx
= Tik (x) dx
= [Tik (x)xj ],k dx − Tik,k (x)xj dx. (Product rule)
But Ω
[Tik (x)xj ],k dx = ∂Ω
Tik (x)xj nk dx on application of divergence theorem and Ω
Tik,k (x)xj dx = 0

because Tik,k = 0 from static equilibrium in absence of body forces. Hence
Tij (x) dx = Tik (x)xj nk dx

= ti xj dx = T ik nk xj dx (Boundary conditions)
∂Ω ∂Ω
= T ik nk xj dx
= T ik δkj |Ω| (HW2 Pbm 4a)
⇒T= T(x) dx. (2)
|Ω| Ω

Note that this identity proves that even though the stress field might not be uniform inside the
volume, its average value is nonetheless equal to T. It can be similarly shown that when the body
is subjected to displacement boundary condition x = FX, the identity |Ω10 | Ω F(X) dX = F is

true. Also note that this derivation is nothing but an integration by parts where δkj was intro-
duced to be ”integrated” while T was ”derived”. . . . (10 points)

(b) Using the relation between the Cauchy stress tensor T and the first Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensor
S — namely T = J −1 SFT — in Equation (2) leads to

T ij = J −1 Sik Fjk dx
|Ω| Ω
= Sik Fjk dX
|Ω| Ω0
|Ω0 | 1
= Sik Fjk dX (3)
|Ω| |Ω0 | Ω0

We now realize that

1 1 |Ω|
J= J dX = dx = . (4)
|Ω0 | ∂Ω0 |Ω0 | ∂Ω |Ω0 |

Using Equation (4) in Equation (3) leads to

1 1 −1 1
T ij = Sik Fjk dX or in tensor notation T = J S FT dX.
J |Ω0 | Ω0 |Ω0 | Ω0

At this point, we conclude that the given identity can’t be proved in general, as the average of a
product is usually different from the product of the averages. But it can be proved for a special
case. Before discussing that, we first make use of divergence theorem to reduce (3) as follows:

−1 ∂xj
T ij = J Sik dX
|Ω0 | Ω0 ∂Xk
−1 1 −1 1
∂Sik xj ∂Sik
=J dX − J xj dX (Product rule)
|Ω0 | Ω0 ∂Xk |Ω0 | Ω0 ∂Xk
−1 1
=J Sik xj Nk dX (Divergence theorem and Equilibrium) (5)
|Ω0 | ∂Ω0

To pursue the derivation, we consider the case of a homogeneous body. In this setting, for the
applied traction boundary condition of concern t = Tn on ∂Ω which corresponds to a mapping χ,
it is possible to find a constant second-order tensor A such that applying the affine displacement

boundary condition x = AX on ∂Ω0 would lead to the same mapping χ. Making now use of
x = AX on ∂Ω0 , Equation (5) transforms as
−1 1
T ij = J Sik Ajl Xl Nk dX
|Ω0 | ∂Ω0
∂(Sik Xl )
J Ajl
= dX (Divergence theorem)
|Ω0 | ∂Ω0 ∂Xk
−1 ÅZ Z ã
J Ajl ∂Sik ∂Xl
= Xl dX + Sik dX (Product rule)
|Ω0 | ∂Ω0 ∂Xk ∂Ω ∂Xk
−1 Z
J Ajl
= Sik δlk dX (Equilibrium)
|Ω0 | ∂Ω0
−1 Z
J Ajl −1 −1 T
= Sil dX = J S il Ajl or in tensor notation T = J S A . . . . (10 points)
|Ω0 | ∂Ω0

The proof is achieved by showing that F = A

1 1
F ij = Fij dX = dX
|Ω0 | Ω0 |Ω0 | Ω0 ∂Xj
= xi Nj dX (Divergence theorem)
|Ω0 | ∂Ω0
= Aik Xk Nj dX (Boundary conditions)
|Ω0 | ∂Ω0
Aik ∂Xk
= dX (Divergence theorem)
|Ω0 | Ω0 ∂Xj
= δkj |Ω0 | (HW2 Pbm 4a)
|Ω0 |
= Aij . ♣
To illustrate the fact that the previous derivation is in general not valid for heterogeneous material,
we consider a block a soft material (concrete, resin, rubber, ...) reinforced by fibers made of a
much stiffer material (steel, carbon, ...) submitted to traction boundary condition t = Tn as
schematized on Figure (2). Because the stiff fibers would deform way less than the soft material,
it is not possible to find a constant second order tensor F such that the displacement boundary
condition x = FX would give the same mapping. . . . (10 points)


Figure 2: Deformation of a reinforced block submitted to constant stress boundary conditions.

4. (a) We compute the Cauchy stress tensor T (note the use of the notation S for the Cauchy stress
tensor and P for the first Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensor in the monograph by Hjelmstad, not to be
confused with the notations introduced in class)

T = σ1 eθ ⊗ eθ + σ2 eφ ⊗ eφ + σ3 er ⊗ er
= σ1 (eθ ⊗ eθ + eφ ⊗ eφ ) + σ3 er ⊗ er
= σ1 (eθ ⊗ eθ + eφ ⊗ eφ + er ⊗ er − er ⊗ er ) + σ3 er ⊗ er
= σ1 (I − er ⊗ er ) + σ3 er ⊗ er
= σ1 I + (σ3 − σ1 )er ⊗ er .
x p
But er = in the proposed frame of reference with r = x21 + x22 + x23 . Hence T = σ1 I + (σ3 −
σ1 ) 2 x ⊗ x. . . . (5 points)

(b) We compute t = Tn = Tx on the outer surface in cartesian coordinates
x x·xx
t = σ1 (r = 2) + (σ3 (r = 2) − σ1 (r = 2)) 2
2 r 2
= σ3 (r = 2) = 0.
where we have made use of the fact x·x = r2 . Thus the outer surface is traction-free. ... (5 points)

(c) For the body to be in equilibrium, we need div (T) + b = 0 ⇔ b = −div (T). Therefore we
compute div (T) indicial notation. We have
xi xj
Tij = σ1 (r)δij + (σ3 (r) − σ1 (r))
r2 ï ò
∂r ∂r xi xj ∂  xi xj 
⇒ Tij,j = σ10 (r) δij + (σ30 (r) − σ10 (r)) + (σ3 (r) − σ 1 (r)) (7)
∂xj ∂xj r2 ∂xj r2
∂  xi xj  −2xi xj ∂r δij xj 3xi −2xi xj ∂r 4xi
and 2
= 3
+ 2 + 2 = 3
+ 2 . (8)
∂xj r r ∂xj r r r ∂xj r

∂r 0
We then compute , σ (r) and σ30 (r):
∂xj 1

∂r2 ∂r ∂r xj
r 2 = xi xi ⇒ = 2r = 2xj ⇒ = ,
∂xj ∂xj ∂xj r
12p 24p
σ10 (r) = − 4 and σ30 (r) = 4 .
7r 7r
Plugging in Equations (7-8) gives
xi xi xi
Tij,j = σ10 (r) + (σ30 (r) − σ10 (r)) + 2(σ3 (r) − σ1 (r)) 2
r r r
xi xi
= σ30 (r) + 2(σ3 (r) − σ1 (r)) 2
r r
= 0.

Thus div (T) = 0 = b. The body is in equilibrium. ♣ ... (20 points)

Figure 3: Triangular wedge with normal vectors {ni } to each face

5. (a) As depicted on Figure (3), the normal vectors nk to the faces ∂Ωk , k ∈ [1..5] of the wedge Ω are
Ñ é Ñ é Ñ é Ñ é Ñ é
−1 0 4 0 0
n1 = 0 , n2 = −1 , n3 = 3 , n4 = 0 and n5 = 0 .
0 0 0 −1 1
Ñ é
10 −2 0
Furthermore, we have T = −2 5 0 . Then the tractions are
0 0 0
Ñ é Ñ é Ñ é
−10 2 34
t1 = Tn1 = 2 , t2 = Tn2 = −5 , t3 = Tn3 = 7 ,
0 0 0

t4 = Tn4 = 0 and t5 = Tn5 = 0. ... (5 points)

(b) Since T is homogeneous and no body force is applied, we have div (T) = 0. For the wedge to be
in equilibrium, we need to check that k=1 Fk = 0 were Fk is the total force applied on face ∂Ωk
of the wedge. Hence
X 5 Z
Fk = tk dS
k=1 k=1 ∂Ωk

= 4l × 1 × t1 + 3l × 2 × t2 + 5l × 3 × t3
= 0. ... (5 points)

Thus the wedge is in equilibrium. ♣

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