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Kadek Agus Juniarta

1. Introduction
Many methods of English language teaching have been proposed and implemented
during teaching and learning process in the field of education in Indonesia. The methods have
their own strength and weaknesses. Richard & Rodgers (2003) define that the Direct Method is
called the Natural Approach. It was developed by Berlitz towards the end of the 19 th century at
German and France. It represents critical reaction to the teaching methods of the ancient
Grammar Translation Method which produced knowledge about language rather than knowledge
of language. The Direct Method continues to provoke interest and enthusiasm today since the
emphasis is now on knowledge of words and useful phrases for everyday life, and of factual
knowledge about the target language. So that, direct method is believed that it can help students
to improve their speaking ability to use target language even in a native-like pronunciation.
This paper describes some importance aspects related to direct method. Those aspects
are: (1) The Nature of Direct Method; (2) The Characteristics of Direct Method; (3) The
Techniques of Direct Method; (4) The Strengths of Direct Method; and (5) The Weaknesses
of Direct Method.

2. The Nature of Direct Method

The direct method is not new method. This method became popular since Grammar-
Translation Method was not very effective in preparing students to use the target language
communicatively (Larsen and Freeman, 2000). The goal of instruction of this method is how to
use a foreign language to communicate. Direct method has one very basic rule that is no
translation is allowed. It means that the classroom learning must use the target language
(English) and students’ native language must not be used during teaching and learning process.
The direct method receives its name from the fact that meaning is to be conveyed directly in the
target language through the use of demonstration and visual aids, with no resource to the
students’ native language (Diller in Larsen and Freeman, 2000). Because of meaning is conveyed
directly using target language without using any sources related to students’ native language so
this method is called Direct Method. Furthermore, the Direct Method is based on the direct
involvement of the students when speaking, and listening to the foreign language in common
everyday situations (Taylor, 2003). Consequently, there are lots of oral interaction, spontaneous
use of the language, no translation, and little if any analysis of grammar rules and syntax

3. The Characteristics of Direct Method

According to Ratminingsih (2017) there are several characteristics of direct method. The
following are the characteristics of direct method.
1. The Goal is to Facilitate Students Using Target Language
Teachers who use the direct method intend that students learn how to communicate in the
target language. In order to do this successfully, students should speak, learn and think in the
target language.
2. No Translation is Allowed
The basic rule of this method is No Translation Is Allowed. The teachers are not allowed to
use students’ native language. The instruction is totally in target language using activities,
realia, pictures, and media to describe the materials or concepts.
3. Grammar is Taught Inductively
Grammar is taught inductively in this method. There is no explicit grammar given using this
method. The students are given sentences then they are expected to construct their own
knowledge about the grammar of certain sentences.
4. Vocabulary is Taught in Full Sentence
In this method, introducing vocabulary is through full sentence rather than word by word.
The purpose is to introduce new vocabularies and students are able to communicate using
that sentence rather than only memorizing word by word.
5. Students are Expected actively Using Target Language
In this method, students are expected to use target language in every situation in classroom.
This also will impact to the students’ mastery to use target language.
6. This Method is Learner-Centered Approach
This method is learner-centered based because students are demanded to use target language
from the beginning of the lesson until the end of the lesson. The teacher’s role is guiding
students in order they are able to use target language for communication.
4. The Techniques of Direct Method
There are 8 (eight) techniques of direct method to teach English (Larsen and Freeman
2000). The following are the explanation of each technique.
A. Reading Aloud
Students take turn reading sections of a passage, play or dialog out loud. At the end of each
student’s turn, the teacher helps students’ comprehension through the use of gestures,
pictures, realia, examples, or other means to make the meaning of the session clear.
B. Question and Answer Exercise
This exercise is conducted only in the target language. After students read the passage.
Students are asked questions and answer in full sentences, so that they practice new words
and grammatical structures. They have also the opportunities to ask questions as well as to
answer them.
C. Getting Student To Self-Correct
The teacher of this class has the students self-correct by asking them to make a choice
between what they said and an alternative answer he supplied. There are, however other ways
of getting students to self-correct. For example, a teacher might simply repeat what a student
as just said, using a questioning voice to signal to the student that something was wrong with
it. Another possibility is for teacher to repeat what the student said, stopping just before the
error. The student knows that the next word was wrong.
D. Conversation Practice
In conversation practice, the teacher asks students a number of questions in the target
language, which the students have to understand to be able to answer correctly. In the class,
the teacher asked individual students question about themselves. The questions contained a
particular grammar structure. Later, the students are able to ask each other their own question
using the same grammatical structure.
E. Fill-in-The Blank Exercise
This technique has already been discussed in the grammar-translation method, but differs in
its application in the direct method. All the items are in the target language; furthermore, no
explicit grammar rule would be applied. The students would have the grammar rule they need
to fill in the blanks from examples and practice with earlier part of lesson.

F. Dictation
The teacher reads the passage three times. The first time, the teacher reads it at a normal
speed, while the students just listen. The second time, the teacher reads the passage phrase by
phrase, pausing long enough to allow students to write down what they have heard. The last
time, the teacher again reads a normal speed, and the students check their work.
G. Map Drawing
In this technique, students are given a map with the geographical features unnamed. For
example: the teacher gives instructions for all the geographical features of Bali island or
interesting places in Bali using a map. Then the teacher gives the students direction such as
the name of a lake in Bedugul is Beratan lake, the name of temple in Gerogkak village is
Pulaki temple, etc. The students should follow the teacher’s instruction about labeled map.
The map will be labeled completely if the students are able to follow teacher’s instruction.
H. Paragraph Writing
The teacher in this class asked the students to write a paragraph in their own words related to
the previous technique (Map Drawing) on the major geographical features, such geographical
features of Indonesia, Bali, United States, etc. They could have done this form memory, or
they could have used the reading passage in the lesson as a model.

5. The Strengths of Direct Method

Ratminingsih (2017) defines that there are several strengths of direct method. The
strengths are as follows.
1. Teaching Target Language in Natural
This method is natural method in which teaches students the target language the same as like
teaching mother tongue or students acquire their mother tongue. Students can listen and use
the target language from the beginning of the lesson. As the result, they will be able to use
the target language quickly.
2. English as Medium of Instruction
In this method, English (target language) is used as medium of instruction. It means that all
the activities use English in classroom, so that the students are very familiar with English or
they accustomed to use English

3. Students Get Opportunities To Listen Target Language As Much As Possible

In direct method, students get opportunities to listen target language as much as possible
during teaching and learning process. It is very beneficial to students that it can influence
their ability to use English and know the correct pronunciation.
4. Improving Students’ Self-Expression
Using direct method can improve students’ ability in expressing themselves. This can help
students to think directly in English without interference of students’ native language.
Furthermore, Teflpedia (2017) defines that there are strengths of direct method. The strengths are
as follows.
1. The Teaching of Vocabulary Through Realia Brings Authenticity into The Classroom
In direct method, the teacher uses various kinds of media in teaching vocabulary. One of
them is realia in which it can make situation of learning in authentic way. This is very useful
for students in which it will be useful for students’ real life.
2. The Emphasis on Speech Makes it Attractive for Those Who Need Real Communication
in L2
This method is emphasized to the speaking and listening. It will be beneficial for students
who want to be able to speak fluently in the real communication using the target language
6. The Weaknesses of Direct Method
Ratminingsih (2017) states that there are several weaknesses of direct method. The
weaknesses are as follows.
1. There Are Difficult Concepts That Cannot Be Explained Using Target Language
Sometimes, there are any vocabularies items or concepts that cannot be explained through
direct association. There are many abstract words which cannot be interpreted directly in
English and much time and energy are wasted in making attempts for the purposes. The
teachers may feel some difficulty when they want to explain the difference between,
'beautiful' and 'pretty'.
2. This Method Needs Expert Teacher in Using Target Language
This method needs expert teacher in using target language (English) in all activities during
teaching and learning process. In fact, many English teachers in Indonesia still cannot use
English fully in their classroom. It is because the teachers are not learning English in the
native language country, in other words, they learn English in the local context or not in
target language country. Besides of that the opportunities to use English are very limited in
3. This Method is Difficult to Use in Large Class
This method is not appropriate if it is used in large classes with large number of students. It is
because this method demands all students should use English (target language) during
teaching and learning process. If it is used in large classes with large number of students, it
will be difficult to give chance for all students to use English.
Moreover, there is weakness of direct method (Teflpedia, 2017). The weakness of direct method
is as follows.
1. Students get Confused about Grammar Rules
Using direct method can establish problems for students who do not accustom to learn
grammar inductively. Because of many students in Indonesia are still taught grammar
deductively by their teachers during teaching and learning process.
Larsen-Freeman, D. (2010). Techniques and Principles in Language Teaching. Oxford: Oxford
University Press.
Ratminingsih, Ni Made. (2017). Metode Dan Strategi Bahasa Inggris. RAJAWALI PERS:
Richards, J. C & Rodgers, T. S. (2003). Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Taylor, Alex. (2003). Direct and Grammar Translation Methods. Retrieved from

Teflpedia. (2017). Direct Method. Retrieved from

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