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1/25/2021 Activity A.

Activity A.
Understand the given question and choose your answer on the given selection.

1. Complete Name

2. A world of diversity is a practice and quality of including or involving people from a

range of different social and ethnic backgrounds and of different genders, sexual
orientations, etc.

Mark only one oval.



3. The Global Community recognizes that few individuals are born free and equal in
dignity and rights. Freedom is both a principle and a value.

Mark only one oval.



4. Cultural Innovation involves accepting those differences without insisting your own
culture is better , or that everyone should do it your way (Sherman, 2018)

Mark only one oval.




5. Gender sensitivity refers to the aim of understanding and taking account of the
societal and cultural factors involved in gender-based exclusion and discrimination
in the most diverse spheres of public and private life.

Mark only one oval.


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1/25/2021 Activity A.

6. Gender sensitivity language is the realization of gender equality in written and

spoken language.

Mark only one oval.



Activity B

7. Which among the following statements belong to the Cultural awareness &
sensitivity guidelines?

Tick all that apply.

Sharing in order to learn about others.

View human difference as positive and a cause for celebration.
Have a clear sense of your own ethnic, cultural, and racial identity.
Be aware of your stereotypes as they arise and develop personal strategies for reducing the
harm that they cause.
Be aware of your own discomfort when you encounter differences in race, color, religion,
sexual orientation, language, and ethnicity; 5. Be aware of the assumptions that you hold about
people of cultures different from your own.
The need to share your own philosophical view on culture.
Advocate personal concepts that you will likely be perceived as a person with power and
racial privilege.
Take any opportunity to put yourself in places where you can learn about differences and
create relationships.
Disagree that in cross-cultural situations, there can be uncertainty, and that uncertainty can
make you anxious.

8. For our purposes, a clear and comprehensive definition of culture is

Mark only one oval.

a. an academic term describing members of your parents' homeland.

b. the music, location and architecture of a specific group of people.

c. the language, values, beliefs, traditions, and customs people share and learn.

d. demographic shifts based on communication. 2/4
1/25/2021 Activity A.

9. In an individualistic culture, members often believe

Mark only one oval.

a. people should care for extended family before themselves.

b. their primary responsibility is helping themselves.

c. age, group security, tradition, and hierarchy are most important.

d. in an emphasis on belonging to a very few permanent in-groups.

10. Jack, who works in public relations for a political figure, has received a hilarious,
but potentially offensive joke from one of his friends via e-mail. To best ensure his
continued employment, Jack should

Mark only one oval.

a. post the joke to his personal Facebook page immediately.

b. forward the joke to everyone in his address book.

c. repeat the joke to the politician who employees him.

d. discourage his friend from sending such messages to his work e-mail address.

11. Choosing the best communication channel can make the difference between
success and failure on the job. Which of the following options gives you the most
control over the receiver's attention?

Mark only one oval.

a. telephone

b. hard-copy

c. face-to-face

d. voice mail

12. Which term is used to reflect the degree to which members of a culture feel
threatened by ambiguous situations and how much they try to avoid them?

Mark only one oval.

a. paranoia

b. emergency readiness

c. statistical awareness

d. uncertainty avoidance

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1/25/2021 Activity A.

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