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Internet Safety - Social Media Privacy Basics Back to Tutorial

Understanding social media privacy

Social media sites like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter have made it easier than ever
to share things online. But sharing something on social media is a bit di몭erent from
other types of online communication. Unlike email or instant messaging, which are
relatively private, the things you share on social media are more public, which means
they'll usually be seen by lots of other people.

Think before you share

While social media sites o몭er privacy tools to help you limit who can see the things you
share, it's important to realize that they are fundamentally more open and social than
traditional communication tools. Whether or not you realize it, the things you share
online also can a몭ect how you're perceived by others. That's why you'll always want to
think carefully about what you share over social media.

Watch this video from Google to learn more about why it's important to
think before you share.

Tip 1: Think Before You Share

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Review your privacy settings
As we mentioned above, all social networking sites have privacy settings that allow you
to control who you share with. For example, whenever you share something on
Facebook, you can choose to share with just a few people, all of your Facebook friends,
or publicly with everyone on Facebook. That's why it's so important to understand how
your privacy settings work and how to control them.

Watch this video from our Facebook 101 tutorial to learn more about how
sharing works on Facebook.

Facebook: Understanding Privacy

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More resources
We o몭er several tutorials to help you customize your privacy settings on various social
networks. Check out the lessons below that are relevant to you.

▶ Facebook: Adjusting Your Privacy Settings

▶ Twitter: Customizing Your Profile and Privacy Settings

▶ Instagram: Settings and Privacy

▶ LinkedIn: Adjust Your Settings and Privacy

▶ Pinterest: Settings and Privacy

▶ Vine: Settings and Privacy



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