Identifying The Relevant Questions: W2 - LAS1

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W2 - LAS1

Identifying the Relevant Questions

1. Study the following questions.
1. What is the name of your school?
2. Are children of permissive parents more creative than children of non-permissive parents?
3. Who discovered oxygen?
4. Who is the most beautiful woman in America?
5. Are the people on Mars more advanced than the people on Earth?
6. Will it rain tomorrow?
7. Will you get into college of your choice?
8. Is love a noun or a verb?
9. 8 + 6 = ?
10. Why do airplanes crash?
2. Answer the following questions.
• Which of the questions above can you answer with absolute certainty?
-Questions number 1, 3, 8, 9, 10 are the ones that I can answer with absolute certainty.
• How can you be certain of your answer?
-Because stuffs like this can be answered with our experiences with eyes, ears, nose, skin, tongue,
and thought (imagination), it can be illusion or perception.
• What information will enable you to answer other questions with absolute certainty? Where will you
get the information?
-To be able to answer questions with absolute certainty, you must be definite that these are
proven. You can find answers by researching stuffs regarding this question, it maybe from your
books, stuffs, the internet or by your own experiment or experience.
• Which questions restrict you to giving factual information? Which do not? Which requires no facts at
-The questions that requires your answers to have no factual evidence are numbers 2, 4, 5, 6, 7.
• Which questions require the greatest amount of definition before you try to answer them?
-Questions number 2, 6, 7, 10
• Which questions require the testimony of experts? What makes on an expert?
-Question 2, 3, and 10 are most likely the questions that needs a testimony of experts, people that
specifically study those subjects are the ones who can answer it. From their field of knowledge,
they know how it is practiced and learned.
• Which questions assume the responder is the expert?
-Same as the answer before this question, it’s 2, 3 and 10.
• Which questions may have false assumptions?
-Questions number 6, 7 and 8
• Which questions require prediction as answers?
-Questions number 6 and 10
• What kinds of information may improve the quality of a prediction?
-Previous information pertaining the subject before, after, and during circumstances.
W2 - LAS1

3. Take a look at the painting below. What questions would you ask about it? Come up with at
least 10 interesting questions.

-Who made this piece of art?

-What was the reason why this was made?
-What are they exactly doing?
-When was this made?
-Are there any particular person or reason that gave the painter inspiration to do this? What is it?
-To whom was this made for?
-If this art was a music, what would it sound like?
-What are you trying to portrait in this artwork? What is the message behind it?
-What were you feeling while making this?
-What emotions are going on in this artwork?
- What is the title? How does the title contribute to your understanding of the meaning?
-What would it feel like to be in this artwork?

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