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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Schools Division Office of Santa Rosa City
Prk 3 Brgy. Sinalhan, City of Santa Rosa, Laguna 4026

Learning Activity Sheets


The historical background of the Philippine government can be read in books or watched in online video
platforms. The government evolved from being under colonial rule to be the first democracy in Asia. Different
presidents marked different era of prosperity as well as problems that would further change the live of every Filipino. It
is in the hands of democracy that the rights and well-being of individuals will be upheld under the rule of law and
regime of truth, as the Constitution’s Preamble says.

Direction: Fill out the table with every Philippine President’s programs/achievements with a focus on the protection of
freedoms of movement, expression, association, and assembly.

Corazon Fidel Joseph Gloria Benigno

Aquino Ramos Estrada Arroyo Aquino III

Gains and
accomplishments of
the government

Explanations for the

limited or lack of
gains and
accomplishments of
the government

Areas of continuing
concern or problems


Direction: Prescribe or make suggestions or recommendation for an agenda of the present government considering the
recent COVID-19 pandemic.

The Article VII of the 1987 Constitution:
The Executive Department

Section 1: Executive Power

Laws to be executed and administered by the Executive:
1. Constitution
2. Statues enacted by Congress
3. Presidential Decrees
4. Executive Orders of the Presidents
5. Decision of the Courts

Sections 2 and 3: Qualifications

1. Natural-born citizen of the Philippines
2. Registered voter
3. Able to read and write
4. 40 years old on the day of the election
5. Resident of the Philippines for at least 10 years immediately preceding the election

Section 4: Term of Office

• Term of office is 6 years from noon of June 30, following the day of the election
• The President is ABSOLUTELY disqualified for any reelection but may be elected to lower positions
• Vice President cannot serve for more than two successive terms but can still be eligible for election as
• A Vice President who has succeeded and served as president for more than 4 years (even in acting capacity)
is disqualified for election to the same office at any other time
• Voluntary renunciation of the OVP for any length of time does not interrupt the continuity of service for the full-
term of 6 years

Section 6: Residence and Compensation

• Malacañang palace is the official residence of the president
• Compensation shall be determined by law but shall not receive any emoluments
• Cannot be increased but if ever increased, the incumbent president shall not benefit the increase until
expiration of the term
• President (P395, 898k) per month, Vice-President (P 343, 476k) per month

Section 7: Presidential Succession

Rules on succession
• Permanent disability
• Death
• Resignation
• Removal/Impeachment

VP shall act as President:

a. If the President-elect fails to qualify
b. If the President-elect-shall not have chosen
c. In case of temporary inability or incapacity to discharge its power and duties

Cases when VP shall become President or serve the unexpired term:

1. Death of President
2. Permanent disability of President
3. Removal of office/Impeachment
4. Resignation

Section 8: in case there are no President and ice-President

When there is no President and Vice President, the following shall act as President:
Before assumption:
1. Senate President, House Speaker
2. After the assumption, same succession

Section 9: Vacancy in VP position

• Permanent. The President shall nominate from among the members of the Senate or House of
• Nomination is subject to confirmation by a majority vote of all its members of both Houses voting separately
• Nominee shall assume office upon confirmation

Section 10: Special election

• Permanent vacancy of President or VP

• Congress shall convene and enact a law for special election
• No special election will be held if vacancy occurs within 18 months before the date of next election

Section 11: Temporary disability

• Declaration by President
• Declaration by Members of the Cabinet
• Decision by Congress in Case of Dispute

Section 12: When President is seriously ill

The following should not be denied access to the President
• National Defense
• Foreign Affairs
• Chief of Staff of the AFP

Section 13: Practicing other profession

Prohibitions of President, Vice-President ad Members of the Cabinet:
1. Hold any office or employment outside
2. Practice any other profession
3. Participate directly and indirectly in any business
4. Financially interested, directly or indirectly in any contract
5. Avoid conflict of interest between personal/family interest/public interest in the conduct of their office

Sections 14-16: Appointments

Officials whose appointments are vested in the President
1. Heads and Executive departments
2. Ambassadors
3. Public ministers and consuls
4. Officers of the AFP from the rank of colonel or naval captain
5. Heads of Government Owned and Controlled Corporations (GOCC)
6. Heads of bureaus and offices
7. Supreme Court Justices, judges of lower courts including Sandigan Bayan
8. Regular members of Judicial Bar Council
9. Chairman and Commissioners of Civil Service, COMELEC, COA
10. Ombudsman and his deputies

Confirmation of appointments by Commission on Appointments

• Undersecretaries and heads of bureaus like SEC, OIC, National Irrigation Administration and others are no
longer to be confirmed by COA
• Regular appointments, during regular sessions
• Ad-interim, during recess

Section 17: Control power over all Executive Department, Bureaus and offices
Removal Power
• Ouster of presidential appointee before expiration of their term of office
• Power to remove government officials except those protected under Civil Service Law because they can be
removed only for just a cause

Section 18: Commander-In-Chief

• Power to control of the military, organization and personnel whether in peacetime or wartime
• Power to call out armed forces to prevent or suppress lawless, violence, invasion and rebellion
• Writ of habeas corpus
• Issued by a court of competent jurisdiction
• To produce the body of prisoner at a designated time and place

Martial Law
• Laws that have reference to and are determined by the military forces of the State
• Applies when the military has not superseded civil authority but is called upon to aid in the execution of its
vital functions

Section 19: Executive Clemency

• Pardon is an act of grace proceeding from the power entrusted with the execution of the laws which exempts
the individual who it is bestowed, from the punishment the law inflicts for a crime that has committed
• Absolute pardon, not subject to any conditions
• Conditional, subject to any conditions
• Remission, prevents collections of the fines or confiscation of forfeited property
• Amnesty, act of sovereign power granting oblivion or a general pardon for a past offense usually granted in
favor of a certain classes of persons who have committed crime of political character such as treason,
sedition, and rebellion
• Reprieve, postponement of the execution of a death sentence to a certain date
• Suspension, postponement of a sentence for an indefinite time
• Commute, reduction of sentence imposed to a lesser punishment, as from death to life imprisonment
• May be granted without the acceptance and even against the will of the convict

Effect of pardon
1. Removes the penalties and disabilities ad restores the full civil and political rights
2. Does not discharge the civil liability of the convict to the individual they have wronged as the President has no
power to pardon a private wrong
3. Does not restore offices, property, or rights vested in others in consequence of the conviction

Overlooks the offense Remits the punishment
Covers political offenses Covers cases on infractions of peace and
Generally addressed to a group or Generally granted to an individual
Granted before or after conviction Granted only after conviction
Requires congressional approval Needs no congressional approval

Section 20: Contract and foreign loans

• May contract foreign loans in behalf of the Republic of the Philippines without congressional approval
• Must be with concurrence of the Monetary Board or Central Bank of the Philippines
• Monetary Board concurrence is required, it has the expertise to determine the reasonableness of the contract
or guarantee or the propose foreign loan is within the capacity of the country to pay

Section 21: Treaty

• Treaty is a compact agreement made between two or more countries
• Included are international organization of states, intended to create binding rights and obligations upon parties
• Also known as pact, convention, or charter

Section 22: Budget

• President is entrusted with the Constitution with the task of preparing the budget
• Budget receipts and expenditures based on existing and proposed revenue measures and other sources of
• Submit it to Congress within 30 days from the opening of each regular session

Section 23: Address and Appear before the Congress

• Opportunity to give information on the opening of regular session of Congress
• State of the Nation Address
• May appear before Congress at any order time
• May choose after the opening of its regular sessions
• Immunity for Suit during Term of Office
• President cannot be held liable for acts of omissions committed
• This is done to give the President elbowroom or convenience in discharging functions
• May be liable and answerable for facts and omissions tantamount to the violations of the Constitution
• Can be removed through impeachment
• When impeached, they can no longer enjoy immunity from the suit and therefore could now be charged of
civil or criminal offense


Direction: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if the statement is wrong.

1. One qualification for President or Vice-President must be 25 years old.

2. The one who succeeds the President if something happen is the Vice-President
3. The power granted to the president to which the execution of the laws which exempts the individual who it is
bestowed, from the punishment the law inflicts for a crime that has committed is called Executive clemency.
4. The president as leader of the Armed forces will be given the title of Commander-In-Chief.
5. A Senator can be appointed by the President.

Direction: Examine the following items if it is a power vested to the President of the Philippines under the 1987
Constitution, Write POWER if you think it is a power of the President.

1. Executive Clemency
2. Appointing officials
3. Making laws
4. Removal of power
5. Collect taxes

Direction: Multiple Choice: Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter before the number.

1. Which is NOT a qualification for President or Vice-President?

a. 25 years old
b. Able to read and right
c. Natural-born citizen
d. Registered voter

2. The one who succeeds the President if something happen is the ______?
a. Immediate family
b. House Speaker
c. Vice-President
d. Senate President

3. The power granted to the president to within the execution of the laws which exempts the individual who it is
bestowed, from the punishment the law inflicts for a crime that has committed
a. Reprieve
b. Commute
c. Suspension
d. Clemency

4. The title given to the president as leader of the Armed forces

a. Marshal
b. Commander-in-Chief
c. General
d. Admiral

5. Which of the following can be appointed by the President?

a. Chief of Staff
b. Senator
c. Congressman
d. Councilor

Learning Activity Sheets
Directions: List down the possible qualification for those who want to become a senator of the Philippines.



Directions: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if the statement is wrong

1. A senator must be 25 years old and above.

2. The upper house chamber belongs to Senate of the Philippines.
3. The Congress can vote to declare a state of war.
4. The leaders of Senate and House of Representatives are Senate President and House Speaker.
5. A Senator can be appointed by the President?

Directions: Examine the following items if it is a power vested to the Congress under the 1987 Constitution, Write POWER
if you think it is a power of the President.

1. Make bills
2. Veto powers
3. Decide on cases in courts
4. Increase the appellate in courts
5. Tax exemption

Article VI of the 1987 Constitution:

The Legislative Department

Section 1: Congress
Scope of Legislative power
1. To legislate
2. General, enact laws
3. Special powers; confirm appointments, promote social justice, declare existence of war, impose taxes,
appropriate money, impeach, and act as Constituent Assembly
4. Implied powers; conduct inquiry and investigation, punish members for contempt
5. Inherent powers

Section 2: Composition of Senate

• 24 senators elected at large

Section 3: Qualification of Senators

• Natural-born Filipino citizen
• 35 years of age on the day of election
• Able to read and write

• Registered voter
• Resident of the Philippines for at least two years immediately preceding the day of the election

Section 4: Term of Office

• 6 years up to two consecutive terms
• June 30th

Section 5: Composition of House of Representatives

• Not more than 250 members from legislative congressional districts and through a party-list system

Section 6: Qualifications of Members of House of Representatives

• Natural-born Filipino citizen
• 25 years of age on the day of election
• Able to read and write
• Registered voter in the district in which shall be elected
• Resident of such district not less than one year

Section 7: Term of office of Representative

• 3 years up to 3 consecutive terms
• Party-list system
• Sectoral party representing different sectors such as labor, peasant, urban poor, indigenous, cultural
minorities, women, youth etc.
• 20% of its total composition shall be elected from a list of registered national, regional, sectoral parties and

Section8: Regular Election of the Members of Congress

• 2nd Monday of May

Section 9: Vacancy
• Special election in case of vacancy arises to fill the manner prescribed by law
• Holding of special election is not made mandatory by the constitution

Section 10: Salary

• 240, 000 for Senate President and House Speaker
• 204, 000 for members of the lower house

Section 11: Invoke privilege from arrest

1. Offense committed is punishable by not more than 6 years
2. Congress is in session
3. Absence of any requirements is ground for arrest

Section 12: Disclosure

• Disclosure on their financial business interest
• To notify the Congress if there is a potential conflict of interest from filing a proposed bill

Sections 13-14: Impediments for members of Congress

1. Incompatible office, may not hold any kind of office or employment in government or any subdivision, agency
or instrumentality during his term without forfeiting his seat
2. Forbidden office, office created or the emolument of which have been increased
3. Cannot personally appear as counsel before any court of justice before Electoral Tribunals, or quasi-judicial
and other administrative bodies
4. Cannot directly or indirectly, be interested financially in any contract with, or any franchise or special privilege
5. Cannot intervene in any matter before any office of the Government for the pecuniary benefit or where he
may be called upon to act on account on his office

Section 15: Opening of Regular Session

Session in Congress:
1. Regular; convene once a year
2. Special, called by President
3. Joint sessions
a. Voting separately when choosing President in case of tie, determining nomination of VP, declaring
existence of war, proposing constitutional amendments
b. Voting jointly, to revoke or extend proclamation suspending the writ of habeas corpus or declaration of
martial law

Section 16: Senate President and House Speaker

Important matters to be entered in Journal
1. The yeas (affirm) and nays (negative) on the request of one-fifth of the members of the president
2. Yeas and nays on the passage of bill upon its last reading
3. Yeas and nays on the passage of a bill vetoed by President and the names of members of each House voting
against it
4. Vote of each member of the House of Representatives in impeachment cases

Section 17-19: Electoral Tribunal and Commission on Appointments

• 3 members from Justices of Supreme Court and 6 members from each House (Electoral Tribunal)
• 1 Chairman (Senate President, 12 Senator, 12 Members of Lower House (Commission on Appointments)

Section 20: Rules on Records and Book of Accounts

• Such books shall be audited by Commission on Audit, which shall publish annually an itemized list of
amounts paid to and expenses uncured for each member

Sections 21-22: Legislative investigation

Scope of Legislative Investigation
1. Must be in aid of legislation
2. Accordance with duly published rule of procedure
3. Right of person appearing in, or affected by such inquiry shall be respected

Section 23: Voting powers

Scope of Voting Power of the Congress
1. Sole power to declare existence of war
2. Emergency powers may be granted by law to the President in case of war as national emergency
3. Said power must be exercised only during limited period
4. Carry out national policy
5. Automatically ceased upon next adjournment

Section 24: Bills originating in the Lower House

• Appropriation Bill
• Tariff Bill
• Revenue Bill
• Bill Authorizing Increase of the Public Debt
• Bill on Local Application
• Private Bill

Section 25: Budget

• Financial program for a designated calendar year
• Revenues and expenditures
• If the Congress fail pass a general appropriation law, re-enactment of the previous budget shall commence

Section 26: Passage of Bill

Steps in Passage of Bill
1. Introduction of Sponsorship
2. First reading
3. Reference to the House committee
4. Second reading
5. Printing and Distribution
6. Third reading
7. Referred to another chamber
8. Action by the President

Section 27: Veto Powers

Parts of a law
1. Title
2. Preamble
3. Enacting clause
4. Body
5. Effectivity issue

How the bill becomes a law?

1. President may approve the bill by signing it
2. The President may veto the bill totally and return it with his objections
3. President may not act on the bill, within 30 days from its receipt they shall be considered approved

Purpose of Veto
1. Enable Executive department to protect its integrity thus maintain equilibrium of government powers
2. Provide a check on hasty, corrupt, or ill-considered legislation

Section 28: Taxation

• Shall be uniform and equitable

• Progressive system of taxation
• Charitable institutions, churches and parsonage, mosques, non-profit cemeteries, and land properties and
buildings exclusively used for religion and charitable or educational purposes are tax exempted

Section 29: Public funds for any appropriation

• No money shall be paid out of Treasury except in pursuance of an appropriation made by law

Section 30: Increase in Appellate Jurisdiction

• Congress cannot diminish or otherwise impair original and appellate jurisdiction of the Supreme Court
• Any law increasing the appellate jurisdiction must be with its advice and concurrence

Section 31: Royalty and Nobility

• No law granting nobility and royalty shall be enacted

Section 32: Initiative and Referendum

• Initiative power of the people to directly propose and enact laws at polls called for the purpose
• Referendum is any law passed by Congress by a local legislative body is submitted to the people for their
approval or disapproval

Direction: Summarize what you have learned in this lesson in three to five sentences. Provide additional two or three
sentences for your reflection or opinion on the power and function of the legislative branch of the government.

Direction: Multiple Choice: Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter before the number.

1. Which is NOT a qualification for senator?

a. 25 years old
b. Able to read and right
c. Natural-born citizen
d. Registered voter

2. The leader of the Senate is ________?

a. Immediate family
b. House Speaker
c. Vice-President
d. Senate President

3. The required number of votes for the declaration of war by the Congress
a. 1/2
b. 1/3
c. 1/4
d. 1/5

4. The title given to the leader of House of Representatives

a. House Speaker
b. Majority leader
c. Deputy Speaker
d. Minority leader

5. How many terms can a member of House of Representatives run during election?
a. 2 terms
b. 3 terms
c. 4 terms
d. 5 terms

Prepared by: Checked by: Noted by:


Teacher II Master Teacher II Principal II

10 | P a g e

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