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Reginald Valencia January 30, 2020

MAT C101-202TM

Reaction Paper

Decoding the secret patterns in Nature

In my reflection on the Decoding the secret patterns in Nature, I see countless evidence for the existence

of a Supernatural Power or Creator being God. If we consider the origin of the universe, we know from the Big

Bang theory that the universe was not eternal but had a beginning and we know based on scientific knowledge

that something cannot come from nothing. The Creator was here before everything existed including time, so then

God must have created the dimension of time. In the world around us there are many signs of God being in

control of everything. Let me talk about one phenomenon for this reflection that being the phenomenon of

patterns we see in nature. When considering the details of nature, we observe that order, patterns as well as

symmetry exist in things that surround us. For example, you see geometrical patterns in a flower, a snowflake or

even a seashell, reflecting intelligent design. Leonardo Fibonacci a great Italian mathematician from the Medieval

Times and came up with the Fibonacci sequence. He generated a long list of numbers by in each case adding

together the two previous numbers you get a geometric sequence that matches the patterns in nature. You can

begin with a 2 and a 3, you add them together and you get 5, now add 3 and 5 to get 8; then add 5 and 8 to get 13.

The Fibonacci sequence keeps going like this 1+1=2, 1+2=3, 2+3=5, 3+5=8, 5+8=13 and so on to infinity. What

Fibonacci realized is that this list of numbers describes many items to be found in nature. Take for example the

Sunflower; the displays of its florets are in perfect spirals of 55, 34 and 21 which is the sequence of Fibonacci.

The fruitlet of the pineapple creates the same spiral based on the sequence of Fibonacci; the pinecone and the

human ear also does the same. The blueprint of the Fibonacci sequence can be seen around us on a small scale
Reginald Valencia January 30, 2020

MAT C101-202TM

every day but is also seen above our heads where the spirals of the galaxies above us are formed with the exact

design of the Fibonacci sequence. So to close there is not only design in this universe but intelligent design. A

mathematically precise structure to the universe and everything in it uses the Fibonacci sequence of numbers

would prove to be one example that scientific evidence would lead to signs of the Supernatural Power being the

Creator of the Universe and all its inhabitants.

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