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Prediction of Slug Length in

Horizontal, Large-Diameter Pipes

Stuart L. Scott, * SPE, Ovadla Shoham, SPE, and .. ames P. Brill, SPE, U. of Tulsa

Summary. The prediction of slug characteristics for large-diameter pipes is studied with data collected from flowlines in the Prudhoe
Bay field in Alaska. A 3-mile [5-km]-long pipeline was fully instrumented with nuclear densitometers, insert turbine meters, flowmeters,
pressure and temperature sensors, and separator level indicators. During these tests, more than 19 million data points were collected
on 12-, 16-,20-, and 24-in. [30-,41-,51-, and 61-cm]-diameter pipes. These data were used to construct a data base that can be accessed
interactively or by FORTRAN applications programs. The data show such slug characteristics as slug length, bubble length, and holdups.
Data analysis revealed that the liquid slugs do not maintain a constant length and that the slugs tend to grow as they flow through the
pipeline. An existing slug-length correlation was modified with these new data, and a term was added to account for the observed slug growth.

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When a pipeline is operated in slug flow, the prediction of the liq- Most of the pressure drop in slug flow occurs in the liquid slug.
uid flow rate that can be expected at the end of the pipeline is im- The acceleration of the scooped film causes a large pressure drop
portant in the design of separator facilities. During slug flow, the in the mixing zone. The pressure drop resulting from friction is
liquid phase exists as aerated liquid slugs and as liquid films on also much larger in the slug than in the bubble and film region.
which the gas phase occurs as a bubble. Because most of the liquid Thus, the ovocall pressilre drop depends greatly on the slug length.
exists in the fast-moving slugs, an a priori knowledge of the aver-
age slug length is essential for proper design of separator facilities. Slug-Length Prediction
Correlations exist for the prediction of slug frequency and slug The numerous methods that exist for the prediction of slug length
length, but these correlations were developed in small-diameter fall into two categories: correlations and mathematical models. Most
pipes. The correlations predict slug lengths an order of magnitude of the correlations were developed in small-diameter pipes and are
less than slug lengths observed in large-diameter pipes. Extensive not usable for estimating slug length in large-diameter pipes. The
data were collected for large-diameter pipes at Prudhoe Bay from two correlations based on the large-diameter Prudhoe Bay data per-
1978 to 1981. Some of these data from 16- and 24-in. [41- and form reasonably well but do not use all the data taken at Prudhoe
61-cm] -diameter pipes were used to develop correlations** to Bay. The mathematical models have 'difficulty in that the physics
predict slug lengths in large-diameter pipes. I These latter corre- governing slug length and slug growth is not fully understood.
lations predict the slug lengths in large-diameter pipes much more
accurately than the earlier small-diameter pipe correlations. These Small-Diameter Correlations, Gregory and Scott2 presented a
correlations can be improved, however, by analysis of additional slug-frequency correlation based on CO 2 and water flowing in
data. 0.75-in. [2-cm] -diameter pipe. Use was also made of the data col-
The Prudhoe Bay data include tests'on 12-, 16-,20-, and 24-in. lected by Hubbard 3 in 1.5-in. [4-cm] -diameter pipe. These two
[30-,41-,51-, and 61-cm]-diameter flowlines. Only a portion of data sets were correlated with the slug Froude number:
the 16- and 24-in. [41- and 61-cm] data has been included in the
development of the large-diameter correlations. These data lie in j, =0.0226(NFr.slug) 1.2, ............................. (I)
a narrow range of flow rates and have limited applicability at other where NFr,slug =(12.0 v,L/gd)[(212.6/v rn )+vm]. .......... (2)
flow rates. Therefore, a broadening of the data base used to devel-
op these correlations is necessary. Also, it is evident from the ex- Greskovich and Shrier 4 presented a similar correlation based on
perimental data that slugs tend to grow as they flow through a the mixture Froude number. They based this correlation on data
pipeline. No previous correlation accounts for such a slug-growth from 1.5-in [4-cm] -diameter pipe and performed some experiments
phenomenon. This effect becomes increasingly significant with in- using 6-in. [15-cm] -diameter pipe. Both of these correlations per-
creasing pipe diameter. A new correlation can be developed to in- form adequately for small-diameter pipes, but when applied to the
clude these improvements to estimate slug length better. Prudhoe Bay data, they failed to scale up accurately for larger-
The intent of this paper is to present an improved correlation to diameter pipe.
predict the average slug length and slug growth in large-diameter
pipes. First, slug flow is described to convey the importance of Predictive Models. The pioneering work on modeling slug flow
the slug length in the characterization of slug flow. Next, the vari- was presented by Dukler and Hubbard. 5 The model defines the
ous methods currently available to predict slug length are present- different interactions found in slug flow and allows calculation of
ed. A description is then given of the Prudhoe Bay data. Finally, velocities in the slug unit, lengths of the four zones, and pressure
the new slug-length and slug-growth correlation is presented. drop. Unfortunately, the input parameters required by this model
include not only fluid properties, pipe diameter, and flow rates,
Description of Slug Flow but also holdup in the liquid slug and slug frequency. The model
Fig. 1 shows an idealized slug unit, which consists of four zones: depends heavily on the slug frequency used. For example, the pres-
the mixing zone, the slug body, the film, and the bubble. The flow sure drop predicted is almost directly proportional to the slug fre-
mechanism is that of a fast-moving slug of high liquid holdup over- quency. The model also assumes a steady-state representation of
riding a slow-moving film ahead of it. The slug scoops the slow- the slug unit in which the slug length is constant and the amount
moving liquid film and accelerates it to the velocity of the slug in of liquid scooped at the head of the slug is equal to the amount of
the mixing zone. Liquid is shed from the tail of the slug to a trail- liquid shed at the tail. Therefore, slug growth is not considered in
ing film, which moves at a velocity much less than the slug-body this model.
velocity. Taitel and Dukler 6 presented a.model to predict slug frequency
based on six dimensionless groups. The basis of their analysis is
the conditions required for slug formation. This analysis assumes
'Now at Phillips Petroleum Co. a steady-state slug that neither increases nor decreases in length
"Norris, L.: "Correlation of Prudhoe Bay Liquid Slug Lengths and Holdups Including 1981
and treats slug formation as strictly an entrance phenomenon. The
Large Diameter Flowline Tests," internal report, Exxon Production Research Co., Houston model compared favorably with the small-diameter data of Dukler
(Oct. 1982). and Hubbard 3 and Gregory and Scott 2 ; therefore, scale-up to
Copyright 1989 Society of Petroleum Engineers larger-diameter pipes is questionable. The model is quite compli-
SPE Production Engineering, August 1989 335
pattern map. Also, the large-diameter correlations were developed
using the most "mature" slugs-i.e., the slug length seen at the
@) GAS}-1=_=--- -=-~-:1~1~l
~-:- -®_-_-I - -
end of the pipeline. Because most of the data were based on a 3-mile
[5-km] -long pipeline, they will greatly overpredict the slug lengths
=-1 :--_-_-_-_-@--_-:I-UQUID:--I-:... --1":- seen in shorter pipelines and, conversely, underpredict the slug
. I I I lengths in longer pipelines. These problems are addressed with the
I I new slug-length and slug-growth correlation after a brief descrip-
ZONE 1 I tion of the Prudhoe Bay experiments.
I 1 Lmj r-
.l. SLUG---!
Prudhoe Bay Experiments
Several experiments were conducted on large-diameter flowlines
in the Prudhoe Bay field between 1978 and 1981. The data collect-
I. SLUG UNIT Lu J ed are unique in that they are the most extensive large-diameter
slug-flow data currently available and that the experiments were
Fig. 1-ldeallzed slug unit. performed with actual crude at field conditions. Most of these ex-
periments were performed with 16- and 24-in. [41- and 61-cm]

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-diameter, 3-mile [5-km] -long flowlines that were essentially
cated and requires a numerical solution (which is often'unstable) horizontal (see Brill et al.'). A computerized data-acquisition sys-
to obtain the slug frequency. tem was used to monitor up to 82 measuring devices, and a total
Dulder et al. 7 proposed a model for predicting minimum stable of more than 19 million data points were taken.
slug length, which is the length required to obtain a fully devel-
oped velocity profile at the slug tail. If the slug length is less than Facility and Data Acquisition. The Prudhoe Bay experiments were
this minimum, the slug will shed more liquid than it scoops and well-instrumented with a large number of measuring devices. In
thus will eventually dissipate. They reason that an average slug will addition to devices measuring pressure, temperature, and flow rates,
have a length between one and two minimum stable slug lengths. other devices were used to obtain more information about slug flow.
The results presented support previous observations of stable dimen- For example, nuclear densitometers were used to measure holdup
sionless slug length, LsD, on the order of 12 to 30 in small- and to identify slugs; insert turbine meters were used in some tests
diameter pipes.2-5 to obtain velocity information; and separator levels were measured
to observe their response to slug flow. Therefore, these data pro-
Large-Diameter Correlations. When applied to the Prudhoe Bay vide a unique opportunity to develop correlations and to verify
data, the slug-length and frequency prediction methods available models in several possible areas.
at that time were found to underestimate the slug lengths in large- Because a number of different experiments were performed un-
diameter pipes by an order of magnitude. Therefore, Brill et al. ' der various conditions, the Prudhoe Bay data can be divided into
developed a correlation based on four data sets. Their 12- and 16-in. two separate groups of experiments. The first group, the early group
[30- and 41-cm] tests and the 4- and 7-in. [10- and 18-cm] tests or Group 1 experiments, contains the experiments performed
by Brainerd and Hedquist* were conducted at Prudhoe Bay. Data without the computerized data-acquisition system. Data from one
collected by Schmidt8 in 2-in. [5-cm] -diameter pipe and by of these experiments were used to develop the Brill et at. slug-length
Hubbard 3 in 1.5-in. [4-cm] -diameter pipe were also used. Brill correlation. Group 2, the latter experiments, contains those experi-
et at. found the mean slug length to correlate with the mixture ve- ments performed with a computerized data-acquisition system.
locity and the diameter of the pipe: These data are much more extensive and allow in-depth analysis
of individual device responses. The latter experiments can be fur-
In(Is)= -2.663 +5.44I(tn d)O.5 +0.059(ln v m) . ......... (3) ther divided into the 16-in. [41-cm] experiments that used a PDP
11 computer; 24-in. [61-cm] experiments that used a PDP II com-
Norris** modified the Brill et at. correlation and added the data puter; high-pressure experiments performed using a Modcomp com-
from one of the Prudhoe Bay experiments in 24-in. [61-cm] puter; and low-pressure experiments performed using a Modcomp
-diameter pipe. Further, the correlation was weighted to favor the computer.
large-diameter data. Although preserving the form of the Brill et In the present study, the data taken with the computerized data-
al. correlation, the Norris correlation excludes the mixture-velocity acquisition systems have been organized into a data base. The sys-
term, which was found to be negligible. The resulting correlation is tem allows easy access to the data from an interactive program or
from application programs through subroutine calls. Transactions
In(I.) = -2.099 +4.859(1n d)O.5 . ...................•. (4) against this data base were used to develop the correlation present-
ed here.
This correlation, which is based on additional data, predicts slug
lengths more accurately than the Brill et al. correlation.
Discussion of Data. The new data were analyzed to obtain slug
characteristics. The following procedure was used to obtain slug
Limitations. The above-mentioned slug-length prediction methods lengths from the densitometer data. A particular slug was observed
have a number of limitations. The slug-frequency correlations 2,4 at one densitometer. At some later time, the same slug was observed
and the predictive models 5- 7 do not scale up to larger-diameter at another densitometer farther down the pipeline. Calculating the
pipes. While the large-diameter correlations' predict the average time required for the slug to travel the distance between the two
slug length more accurately, they use only a limited amount of the densitometers yielded the average slug-front velocity. This veloci-
available data. ** Furthermore, the data used fall into a small range ty was combined with the residence time of the slug at the den-
of flow rates, which could limit applicability to other systems. sitometer to yield the slug length. This procedure was used to obtain
Most important, none of the above-mentioned correlations con- the slug lengths shown in Table 1, where a summary of all the Prud-
sider slug growth. The Prudhoe Bay data strongly indicate that slugs hoe Bay slug-length data available at this time is given.
grow in length as they travel through the pipeline. This growth seems Fig. 2 shows the average slug lengths observed at the end ofthe
to be affected si~ificantly by the relative position of flow on a flow- pipeline vs. pipe diameter. Also shown are the slug lengths pre-
dicted by the Brill et al. and the Norris correlations. From Fig.
'Brainerd. H.A. and Hedquist, T.G.: "North Slope Two-Phase Flow Test, Phase 1-Test
2, the new data are shown to have excellent agreement with the
of 4",7", and 9" Flow lines, Detailed Analysis Report," internal report, Arco Oil & Gas Norris correlation. The data generally fall below the predictions
Co., Plano, TX (June 1974). by the Brill et al. correlation.
Fig. 3 shows densitometer responses with time for Test 2.1 of
• 'Norris, L.: "Correlation of Prudhoe Bay Liquid Slug Lengths and Holdups Including 1981
Large Diameter Flowline Tests," internal report, Exxon Production Research Co., Houston the 24-in. [61-cm] low-pressure Modcomp experiment. This test
(Oct. 1982). was performed at a relatively high superficial gas velocity. The first

336 SPE Production Engineering, August 1989


Number of Vsg VsL [s

Test Observations (fUsee) (fUsee) Ys .iL (ft)

Group 1 Experiments (15.9 in., 625 psia, 133°F) x=15,000 ft

6 20 9.35 2.94 0.73 0.17 511.8
8 119 7.78 3.42 0.73 0.18 443.0
13 84 8.62 3.97 0.57 0.17 444.0
14 43 9.62 3.92 0.53 0.17 601.0

PDP11 Experiments (15.9 in., 670 psia, 133°F) X= 14,634 ft 14,641 ft 14,789 ft
1 14 (9.62) (2.51) 0.75 0.26 343.9 360.4 372.6

X= 10,936 ft 11,136ft 14,810 ft

2 318 (10.1) (2.39) 0.63 0.23 448.6 451.9 501.6

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Modeomp Experiments (23.1 in., 380 psia, 138°F) x=5,161 ft 6,365 ft 14,935 ft
2.1 33 24.8 2.40 0.30 0.12 190.0 245.0 579.0
2.2 18 27.0 2.43 0.28 0.12 180.0 218.0 549.0
3.1 118 27.9 2.89 0.24 0.11 167.0 198.0 466.0
4.1 105 29.4 3.04 0.22 0.10 151.0 188.0 405.0
6.1 34 29.3 3.12 0.27 0.11 301.0 384.0 995.0
6.3 120 30.2 3.42 0.21 0.10 214.0 297.0 864.0

densitometer, D2, is located 6,365 ft [1940 m] from the pipeline Previously, it was assumed that, after a slug forms, its length
entrance; D6 is located at 14,935 ft [4552 m], giving a separation remains constant downstream. However, the Prudhoe Bay data
distance of 8,570 ft [2612 m]. Waves are seen on the liquid film strongly indicate that this is not true. The slugs are seen to form,
preceding the slugs. The wavy region ahead of the fourth slug at grow, dissipate, and coalesce in the entire length of the 3-mile
Densitometer D2 is about 4,800 ft [1463 m] long. Notice that the [5-km] pipeline. The data also indicate that slug formation is not
fourth slug seen at Densitometer D6 has formed from these waves entirely an entrance phenomenon and does not occur at a fixed lo-
somewhere between D2 and D6. Also notice that the second slug cation in a horizontal pipe. At certain flow rates, slugs were ob-
seen at Densitometer D6 has grown in length, apparently because served to form over a 2-mile [3.2-km] region of the pipeline.
of coalescence with the waves seen in front of it at D2. Some general observations were made during data analysis: (1)
Fig. 4 shows densitometer responses with time for Test 2 of the the length and other characteristics of the liquid slugs seemed un-
16-in. [41-cm] PDP 11 experiment. This test was performed at a affected by passing through expansion loops and short risers; (2)
relatively low superficial gas velocity. The first densitometer, D9, the aeration and, to a lesser degree, slug length were seen to in-
is located 10,936 ft '[3333 m] from the pipeline entrance; D6 is lo- crease with increasing Vsg; (3) slug length showed some sensitivi-
cated at 14,810 ft [4514 m], giving a separation distance of 3,874 ty to imposed pressure variations at the inlet and outlet; and (4)
ft [1181 m]. A very dynamic process is also observed here, with the longest slugs were observed to occur during the transient slug-
slugs dissipating, coalescing, and growing. Notice that the first slug flow periods caused by changes in the inlet flow rates.
has grown in both length and holdup. The next two slugs have Fig. 5 shows the observed slug growth with distance for the high-
coalesced into one large slug, and the third slug from the end has gas-rate tests; Fig. 6 shows the observed slug growth with distance
almost totally dissipated. for the low-gas-rate tests. Notice that the slug growth in Fig. 5 is
much more rapid than that observed in Fig. 6. Therefore, there
appear to be two different types of slug growth controlled by several
different mechanisms.

Characterization of Slug Growth. The Prudhoe Bay data indi-

cate two distinct types of slug growth. The first is characterized
by rapid growth with waves present on the film preceding the slugs.
This type is associated with slug formation and is called develop-
ing slug growth. The second type is characterized by slow, long-
distance, flat growth with no waves between slugs and no slug for-

~ 6294 6419 6544 6669 6794

~:~6575 6700 6825
6950 7075

Fig. 2-Comparlson of experimental data with slug-length

correlations. Fig. 3-Densitometer responses for high-v sg test.

SPE Production Engineering, August 1989 337


u! 500
12060 121BS 12310 1243S 12560 lLJ
Fig. 4-Densitometer responses for low-v III test. lLJ250

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mation. This type is referred to as long-term growth. Fig. 7 sum-
marizes the two proposed types of slug growth and the physical °0~-47.0~0::":0::--~80::l:oo=-"""":':I2~1J"=00~~16::-:1J~00""""'2Q~OOO·
mechanisms in operation during each. All flows are believed to go PIPE LENGTH (FT.)
through a period of developing slug growth before entering the long-
term growth. The Prudhoe Bay data indicate that higher gas rates , Fig. 5-Slug growth for high-v III tests.
prolong the developing slug-growth region. Recent work 9 gener-
alized this observation. It appears that the developing slug-growth
region is extended when the flow is near the transition boundary dissipate. They cited 12 to 30 for the minimum stable dimension-
between slug and stratified or annular flow. Also, the largest slugs less slug length, LsD, in horizontal flow. The Prudhoe Bay data,
are produced near these boundaries. To correlate slug growth, the on the other hand, show slugs disappearing below LsD = 170. The
mechanisms controlling the two different types are now discussed. data also strongly indicate that slugs dissipate because of their po-
The developing type of growth is fairly rapid and occurs for an sition relative to the surrounding slugs. The "weaker" slugs dissi-
extended period only when the flow is near the transition bounda- pate sl?wly with their liquid accumulating in the "stronger" slug
ry between slug and stratified or annular flow. The main mecha- followmg them. It appears that, if the pipeline were long enough,
nism resulting in this rapid growth is the overriding of waves by the slugs would eventually be spaced evenly. ;
faster-moving slugs. Turbine-velocity-meter data substantiate that . The prediction of the transition between the two growth types
IS important in characterizing slug growth. The transition occurs
the slugs are moving faster than the waves. For the test shown in
Fig. 3, fluid velocities of 29 and 17 ft/sec [8.8 and 5.2 m/s] were at the point XI where all the waves preceding the slugs have been
measured at Densitometer D5 in the slug and in the waves, respec- consumed. Data at Prudhoe Bay were collected for only a few differ-
tively. At this location, therefore, the wave region is being con- ent rates; therefore, the point of transition between the two growth
sumed at the rate of 12 ftlsec [3.7 mls]. This overriding of the waves types can only be approximated at this time. The data do indicate
rapidly transfers liquid from the wavy bubble-film region to the that the input superficial gas velocity may have the strongest influ-
slugs. This results in more rapid slug growth than in long-term ence. Recent work9 .indicates, however, that pipe length and rela-
growth because the holdup otthe wavy bubble-film region is much tive gaslliquid flow rates dictate X t near the transition boundary
higher than that of the smooth-bubble region. between slug and stratified flow.
As noted before, long-term growth is very slow. One of the most
important mechanisms observed is the dissipation and coalescence New Slug-Length and Slug-Growth Correlation
of slugs. As Dukler et al. 7 recently indicated, there appears to be In developing a slug-length and slug-growth correlation, we decided
a minimum stable slug length below which a slug will eventually to look first at how slug length at the end of the pipeline varied

1250 LONG

6",- -:-~ _*--J~~

I- ---+--1

0 I : I
u!50 I I

] .!
Fig. 7-Characterlzatlon of slug growth.
4000 8000 12,000 16,000 20,000

Fig. 6-Slug growth for low-v Oil tests.

338 SPE Production Engineering, August 1989

to- 1.2


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10 5000 25000

Fig. a-Comparison of experimental data with new slug- Fig. 9-Comparison of experimental data with new slug-
length-ys.-dlameter correlation. growth correlation.

as a function of pipe diameter. This would correct the Brill et at. In X

and Norris correlations to conform to the expanded data base. The and GD=(A +GDlx ) - - -A, ........................ (7)
t In x
second step is to describe the slug growth on the basis of observa- t
tions from the Prudhoe Bay data. Finally, all these results are com-
where A =5.29 when XSXt and A ~2.35 when x>x t •
bined into a comprehensive slug-length and -growth correlation. An expression for X t was obtained from a limited amount of data
Predicting slug length as a function of pipe diameter requires only and the simplifying assumption that the length of the developing
slight modification of the Norris correlation. The new equation is region results entirely from the increased velocity "stretching out"
In(L sr ) = -25.4144+28.4948(1n d)o.l ................. (5) the development of slugs over a greater distance. The expression
obtained for x t is
Eq. 5 gave the best fit through the data, as shown in Fig. 8. This
fit was obtained by a weighting procedure similar to that used by x t ld=22.3v sg . . ................................... (8)
Norris. Weighting factors of 2,2, 2, 1, 10, and 10 were used for
Assumptions were also made to obtain an expression for the slight
the 1.5-, 2-, 3-, 7-, 16-, and 24-in. [4-,5-,8-, 18-,41-, and 61-cm]
increase in slug length caused by increased superficial gas veloci-
data, respectively. This weights the correlation in favor of the larger-
ty. This increase in length is a result of increased aeration in the
diameter data and lessens the effect of the 7-in. [18-cm] single test
liquid slug. A limited amount of data yields
run, which is shown as a single dot on the figure. Some of the new
data were taken at different flow rates than the previously used Prud- GD Ix =0.30geo. 0405vsg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • (9)
hoe Bay data, and little effect on slug length was seen. This veri-
Fig. 9 shows the fit of the new correlation with the observed slug-
fied Norris' observation that slug length depended mainly on pipe
growth data. The new correlation agrees well with the data and
diameter. reflects the nature of slug growth expected from both the develop-
This new correlation allows some insight into the LsD = 12 to 30 ing and long-term mechanisms.
rule of thumb mentioned by others 3 ,5,7 to estimate the stable slug
length. The correlation given by Eq. 5 also predicts LsD = 12 to
30 for 1.5- to 2.0-in. [4- to 5-cm] -diameter pipes and 300 to 350 Correlation Limitations
for 16- to 24-in. [41- to 61-cm] -diameter pipes. Fig. 8 indicates As with any correlation, this one is generally most accurate for con-
that LsD is not constant but varies from 5 to 350. It is therefore ditions similar to those under which the data were taken. There-
recommended that Eq. 5 be used as a rule of thumb to predict aver- fore, the following limitations have been established for the results
age slug length given a particular pipe diameter. of this study.
The new correlation developed in this study also reflects the First, Eq. 5 should be used with large-diameter pipes because
growth of slugs as they move down the pipeline. This correlation the correlating data have been weighted in favor of the large-
predicts the average slug length as a function of pipe diameter, su- diameter data. Eq. 5 is only a slight modification of the Brill et
perficial velocities, and length of pipeline in slug flow. The corre- at. and the Norris expressions. Both of these methods have had
lation is given in terms of a dimensionless growth, GD , the ratio reasonable success in predicting the maximum expected average
between the slug length at a point of interest to the slug length at slug length for long, large-diameter, slightly terrain-affected
some reference point. Because most of the data were taken near flowlines at field conditions. Therefore, Eq. 5 should be a gener-
the end of the pipeline, this was chosen as the reference point. The ally applicable rule of thumb.
slug length at the end of the pipeline, L sr , is given by Eq. 5. The Second, because slug growth is still not fully understood, the slug-
combined correlation accounts for both types of slug growth-Le., growth correlation should be restricted to the following flow con-
developing and long-term growth. It also attempts to predict the ditions: d>6, 5<v sg <50, I<V sL<5, and 1,000<xp<
point of transition between the two growth types, XI' The resulting 100,000. In addition, flow-pattern maps should be consulted to de-
equations are ~rmine that slug flow will indeed exist. If slug flow exists,
Ls > 32d in all cases.
Ls = LsrGD ....................................... (6)

SPE Production Engineering, August 1989 339

Conclusions of Tulsa Fluid Flow Projects, the U. of Tulsa, and the Mid-Continent
A new correlation is presented that allows calculation of slug length Section of SPE for supporting this research.
in horizontal, large-diameter pipes. This correlation also takes into
account the growth of slugs as they flow through a pipeline. Two References
different types of growth have been defined and several mecha- I. Brill, J.P. et al.: "Analysis of Two-Phase Tests in Large-Diameter Flow
nisms proposed to explain this growth. Although more data are need- Lines in Prudhoe Bay Field," SPEl (June 1981) 363-78.
ed to expand the range of applicability, this correlation should 2. Gregory, G.A. and Scott, D.S.: "Correlation of Liquid Slug Velocity
provide a better estimation of slug length than currently exists. and Frequency in Horizontal Concurrent Gas-Liquid Slug Flow," AIChE
1. (Nov. 1969) 15, No.6, 933-35.
3. Hubbard, M.G.: "An Analysis of Horizontal Gas-Liquid Slug Flow,"
Nomenclature PhD dissertation, U. of Houston, Houston (1965).
d = pipe ID, in. [cm] 4. Greskovich, E.1. and Shrier, A.L.: "Slug Frequency in Horizontal Gas-
Is = slug frequency, slugs/sec Liquid Slug Flow," Ind. & Eng. Chern. Proc. Design Dev. (1972) 11,
g = gravitational constant, ft/sec 2 [m/s2] No. 2,317-18.
5. Dukler, A.E. and Hubbard, M.G.: "A Model for Gas-Liquid Slug Flow
GD = dimensionless slug growth
in Horizontal and Near Horizontal Tubes," Ind. & Eng. Chern. (Nov.

Downloaded from by Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS user on 28 January 2021

Is = average slug length, ft [m] 1975) 14, No.4, 337-47.
LsD = dimensionless slug length, (Lsld), where d is in feet 6. Taitel, Y. and Dukler, A.E.: "A Model for Slug Frequency During
Lsr = reference slug length at end of 15,OOO-ft [4572-m] test Gas-Liquid Flow in Horizontal and Near Horizontal Pipes," Inti. 1.
pipeline, ft [m] Multiphase Flow (1977) 3, 585-96.
Npr,slug = slug Froude number 7. Dukler, A.E. et at.: "A Physical Model for Predicting the Minimum
Stable Slug Length," Chern. Eng. Sci. (1985) 40, No.8, 1379-85.
Vm = mixture velocity, ft/sec [m/s]
8. Schmidt, Z.: "Experimental Study of Two-Phase Slug Flow in a
Vsg = superficial gas velocity, ft/sec [m/s] Pipeline-Riser Pipe System, " PhD dissertation, U. of Tulsa, Tulsa, OK
vsL = superficial liquid velocity, ft/sec [m/s] (1977).
x = distance from point of initiation of slug flow, ft [m] 9. Scott, S.L.: "Modeling Slug Growth in Pipelines," PhD dissertation,
xp = length of pipeline in slug flow, ft [m] U. of Tulsa, Tulsa, OK (1987).
XI = point oftransition from developing to long-term slug
51 Metric Conversion Factors
flow, ft [m]
Yf = average liquid holdup ofliquid fIlm, gas bubble region ft x 3.048* E-Ol m
Ys = average liquid holdup of slug body OF (OF-32)/1.8 °C
in. x 2.54* E+OO cm
Acknowledgments psi x 6.894757 E+OO kPa
We thank ARCO, Exxon, and Sohio, major owners representing '* Conversion factor is exact. SPEPE
the Prudhoe Bay Unit, for permission to use the Prudhoe Bay data.
Original SPE manuscript received for review April 2. 1986. Paper accepted for publication
We also thank Exxon Production Research Co. for use of the work NoV. 23, 1987. Revised manuscript received Sept. 19. 1988. Paper (SPE 15103) first present-
of L. Norris. Finally, we thank the member companies of the U. ed at the 1986 SPE California Regional Meeting held in Oakland, April 2-4:

340 SPE Production Engineering, August 1989

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