Lesson Plan For Year 6 KSSR-SJK

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FOCUS Writing
THEME World of story
CONTENT 3.1 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will be
STANDARD able to form letters and words in neat legible print including
cursive writing.

LEARNING 3.1.1 Able to write in neat legible print with correct spelling
STANDARD (b) paragraph
3.1.2 Able to write in neat cursive writing with correct spelling
(b) paragraph

LEARNING By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will be able to
OBJECTIVES Group A: Write a paragraph in neat cursive writing about the
pictures with correct spelling and grammar
Group B: Write a paragraph in neat cursive writing by
sequencing 7 sentences correctly
Group C: Complete a paragraph in neat cursive writing by
choosing correct words
CCE Moral value

HOTS Circle map, Sequencing, Evaluating

TEACHING Pictures, Sentence strips, Words cards, Worksheet, Circle map
LEARNING Starter:Get pupils to tell their friends what they would do if
ACTIVITIES they had done something wrong and made their
mother angry.

1. Teacher tells pupils the objectives of the lesson today.

2. Pupils study the pictures given carefully.
3. Pupils and teacher discuss the pictures.
4. Pupils answer the following questions:
a. Do the children help to keep their house clean?
b. What do they do instead?
c. Why the children’s mother get ill? (HOTS)
d. How do the children feel when their mother is ill?
e. What do you think the children should do?
Pupils are asked to complete a circle map.
5. Pupils make sentences orally based on the above discussion.
6. Group Work:
Group A: Pupils work in groups of four to write a
paragraph using the words given. (use the
sentence structure “S/V/C” to construct the
Group B: Pupils arrange sentences given to form a
Group C: Pupils choose words given to complete a paragraph
with teacher’s guidance if necessary. Then, copy
the paragraph in neat cursive writing.
7. Groups A and B pupils justify their answers and teacher
gives feedback. Then copy the paragraph in neat cursive
8. A pupil from each group presents their work to the class.

Closure: 1. Pupils talk about their feeling of the children in the

2. Elicit moral value to sum up the lesson.

REFLECTION Weaknesses of the lesson:

Strengths of the lesson:

Follow up activities:
Picture Cards
Word cards (Group A)

Write a paragraph about the pictures based on the words given. Then copy
the paragraph in your exercise book in neat cursive writing.

left – toys – clothes – everywhere – dirtied – table - ate

cleaned up - after – house – tidy – taken – for granted

fell sick – sorry - apologised – promised – help – housework - today

Sentence Strips (Group B)

Rearrange the following sentences to form a paragraph about the pictures.

Then copy the paragraph in your exercise book in neat cursive writing.

Their mother always cleaned up after them to keep the house tidy.
One day, their mother fell sick seriously. They felt sorry and apologized to their
Jack and Lynn always left their toys and clothes everywhere.
They promised their mother to help her with the housework from today.
They also dirtied the table whenever they ate.
They had taken their mother for granted.

Worksheet (Group C)

Choose the correct words to complete the paragraph. Then copy the
paragraph in your exercise book in neat cursive writing.

cleaned clothes apologized toys table fell sick

Jack and Lynn always left their _______ and ________ everywhere. They
also dirtied the ______ whenever they ate. Their mother always ______ up after
them to keep the house tidy. They had taken their mother for granted. One day,
their mother _________ seriously. They felt sorry and ________ to their
mother. They promised their mother to help her with the housework from today.

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