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Economic Analysis for Demand-Side Hybrid

Photovoltaic and Battery Energy Storage System
Wei-Fu Su, Shyh-Jier Huang, Member, IEEE, and Chin-E. Lin, Senior Member, IEEE

Abstract—This paper examines the cost analysis of a hybrid

photovoltaic and battery energy storage system (PV-BESS) for de-
mand-side applications in southern Taiwan, R.O.C. The forms of
input data and output data for three different investment plans
are proposed and discussed. A sensitivity analysis to understand
those affecting parameters to the investment is also investigated.
The analysis results can support the users with a tradeoff among
economic, operational and environmental factors. This paper es-
tablishes a potential and practical tool for cost analysis of most en-
ergy conversion applications.
Index Terms—Battery energy storage system, demand-side man-
agement, economic and sensitivity analysis, photovoltaic system.


B ECAUSE of global environmental concerns and in-

creasing energy demands, more attention is being
concentrated on the renewable energy technologies. Compared
Fig. 1. Proposed PV-BESS configuration.

mand from daily peaks to daily lows. In addition, a BESS is

to the traditional energy resources, the photovoltaic (PV) especially adequate for all fast-response requirements for power
system, which converts sunlight into electric power, releases system dynamics. For a demand-side application, a BESS can
no pollutants for environmental concern. Because there is no be operated under real and reactive power control and harmonic
negative impact to the global environment, the PV system compensation [9], [10]. From an overall evaluation of energy
becomes an emerging technology that gives promise as a future benefit, the BESS application will be effective to ease the elec-
energy resource in tropical areas [1]–[4]. tricity demand growth and daily peaks. Due to the aforemen-
Recently, due to the rapid demand growth, the difference be- tioned advantages, a hybrid of a PV and a BESS system has
tween daily peaks and daily lows in Taiwan’s power system has been designed and installed in southern Taiwan [11] for demon-
increased drastically. Nevertheless, the development of power stration and study. The user’s response shows that the system
plants is being deferred because of the environmental protection operational performance is satisfactory. Therefore, a research
concerns and the right of land use. Power shortages resulting project is supported by Taiwan Power Company to further study
in interruptions became nightmares which occurred year after the economical value of the broader investment of such a hybrid
year. Taiwan is located on the north tropical area and is rich in system. This project motivated the cost analysis of the hybrid
solar energy for all seasons; the utilization of PV power should PV-BESS.
be helpful to release the pressure arising from the summer daily In the paper, a low-cost simplified controlled utility inter-
peaks. However, major disadvantages in using PV still exist, in- face for demand-side PV-BESS is introduced, including the cost
cluding high installation cost and low energy conversion effi- analysis of three investment plans. A sensitivity analysis is used
ciency. In order to enhance the cost effectiveness, the improve- to investigate the effects of some key parameters. Analysis re-
ment to the PV energy conversion is deemed precious. sults conclude that the proposed hybrid system can achieve the
With the advent of the battery energy storage system (BESS), cost effectiveness requirements. In comparing the energy sup-
its usefulness has been demonstrated in energy conversion ap- plied by a stand-alone system with that supplied by a utility grid
plications [5]–[8]. A BESS is capable of shifting system de- extension, the critical factors, including power quality, protec-
tion, reliability, and security, should be all included in the cost
Paper ICPSD 99–40, presented at the 1999 Industry Applications Society An- evaluation. However, these issues are beyond the scope of this
nual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ, October 3–7, and approved for publication in the paper.
mittee of the IEEE Industry Applications Society. Manuscript submitted for re-
view October 15, 1999 and released for publication September 19, 2000. This II. SYSTEM DESCRIPTION
work was supported by the National Science Council, Taiwan, R.O.C., under
Research Project NSC86-2213-E-006-021. Fig. 1 shows the circuit configuration of the proposed hybrid
The authors are with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Na- energy system of PV and battery. This configuration consists of
tional Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan 701, R.O.C. (e-mail: a PV array, boost chopper with maximum power point tracking,
Publisher Item Identifier S 0093-9994(01)00888-X. battery bank, and bilateral ac/dc converter. In the photovoltaic
0093–9994/01$10.00 © 2001 IEEE

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system, a solar cell array is used to collect solar energy during

the daily solar-favorable period, and a battery bank is used for
energy storage to shift midnight excessive power to compen-
sate for daily peaks. The operational procedures of this hybrid
system are as follows.
1) The BESS is charged at midnight.
2) Both PV and BESS are operated in full real-power control
around the daily peak demand (near noon),
3) The PV operates from about 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.,
4) During off-peak daytime, the PV-BESS system can play a
backup power as an uninterruptible power supply (UPS),
an active filter, or a voltage stabilizer to improve system
performance. Meanwhile, the PV can charge the BESS
during this period.
The magnitude of the difference between the actual PV array (a)
power and the rated PV array power determines the efficiency
of the generation facility. A mismatch between these two terms
may be attributed to the lower insolation level and higher cell
temperatures. Several methods for tracking maximum power
point have been proposed [1]–[4], [12]–[14]. One useful ap-
proach first gets the related array temperature and insolation
level by measuring the array open-circuit voltage. The reference
voltage is then tuned to be a fixed fraction of the open-circuit
By this design, the tracking of the maximum power point over
insolation and temperature variations was reported to achieve
the performance. Another feasible scheme is used to sample the
array voltage and array current alternately. Meanwhile, the duty
cycle is varied linearly so that the array voltage can be steered
toward the maximum power point.
In this paper, we calculate the actual maximum power point
rather than estimate from measurements of other quantities. By (b)
this method, it needs to measure the array output power; how- Fig. 2. Experimental results of the chopper.
ever, the information on array characteristics is not a prerequi-
site. Control operations can, thus, be employed, even without
testing the array beforehand. To complete this system, the Intel array output voltage . These results help solidify the feasi-
8751 chip is implemented and the assembly language is installed bility of the proposed system.
to activate this microprocessor. In Fig. 3, the experimental results of inverter output are also
Concerning harmonic correction in the proposed system, an plotted. From the figure, the line current is sinusoidal and in
output filter is also installed in the system as shown in Fig. 1. phase with the utility voltage. The overall system is completely
The RLC filter, containing , , and , is designed in this implemented and tested in our laboratory. The experiment re-
system. From this figure, the current-mode control is applied in sults are referred to in [11].
the inverter to work as an equivalent current source. Hence, the
current source can feed power into utility. and represent
utility resistors and inductors, respectively. Note that inductor
and capacitor can be deemed as a typical resonant circuit The cost analysis is employed to investigate the economic
for certain frequencies depending upon the source impedance value of the PV-BESS system. For customers with power in-
and filter characteristics. In other words, a higher magnitude re- terruption concerns, the UPS option can be extended from the
sponse at certain frequencies may take place in this circuit. The proposed PV-BESS with attraction. In the paper, an evaluation
larger inductor value has a serious inclination to cause low-fre- method is formulated to ensure all economic factors are con-
quency oscillation. Special attention should, therefore, be paid sidered. To study the economic benefits, three plans regarding
to this circuit design. the PV and/or BESS investment are examined. Plan-A operates
Fig. 2 shows the experimental results of the boost chopper. the BESS alone; Plan-B emulates the PV coupled with a battery
Fig. 2(a) shows the dynamic performance of PV array output bank for emergency power; Plan-C evaluates the complete pro-
power with respect to the array voltage under various con- posal of PV-BESS. The data input and the data output for the
ditions. Fig. 2(b) shows the relationships between the PV array cost analysis of the proposed PV-BESS are discussed, and case
output power , the PV array output current , and the PV studies to assess different investments are discussed.

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efficiency is the product of the battery efficiency and the square

of the one-way converter efficiency.
Similar to the PV array and battery data, some of the capital
and operating cost data can easily be acquired while the rest of
them must be calculated. For the capital and operating cost data
set of Table I, the inputs are the specific operating and mainte-
nance (O&M) costs and auxiliary power requirements per cycle.
The specific O&M costs are annual costs of labor and supplies
in dollars per kilowatthour, and the auxiliary power is for venti-
lation and lighting during one charge–discharge cycle.
The last category of Table I includes the escalation factors
to be supplied by utilities or customers. Among these factors,
the demand charge and energy charge escalation rates can be
obtained from utilities, while the capital and O&M escalation
rates are provided from customers.
Fig. 3. Experimental results of inverter output.
B. Data Output
A. Data Input The output results are obtained and summarized in Table II in
order to forecast the savings and costs of the PV-BESS. The sav-
Table I shows the input data for the cost analysis of the ings generated by a PV-BESS include four terms. The demand
PV-BESS. In the table, the input data are separated into five charge saving (DCS), also the most important savings compo-
categories, including load data, utility data, PV array data nent, is calculated from the following equation:
and battery data, specific cost, and escalation factor. The load
data, utility data, and escalation factor can be supplied from
the utility or the customer; while the PV array data, battery Peak shaved
data and the specific cost data are acquired from commercial
equipment supplier [9]. On-peak demand charge
For the load data of Table I, the charge–discharge cycles are Off-peak demand charge
given for PV operation per month, and its monthly peak shaved Escalation factor
reduction is given in kilowatts. The energy per discharge is
Capacity factor (1)
termed as electric energy in kilowatthours by battery bank,
which varies monthly to account for seasonal changes. In
where the escalation factor stands for the compound growth
addition to the above terms, the actual discharge duration in
factor at the demand charge, the capacity factor the adjusted
the table is given for the elapsed time in hours between the
saving of a partial year’s operation in the first year, and the
beginning and the end of an average discharge cycle. The
index of each month. The annual energy charge saving (ECS)
initial and final power factors are also listed individually by
can be also computed based on monthly load and tariff data
power-factor compensation.
For the utility data of Table I, the on/off peak demand charges
and on/half/off peak energy charges are all summarized. To an- Energy per discharge
alyze the system cost, customers can first specify their on-peak
and off-peak demand charge rate and energy charge rate. Since Cycles per month
the difference in utility bills arising mainly from the use of a On-peak energy charge
load-shifting battery in the system, the customer’s load profile Off-peak energy charge
and his utility’s tariff structure must be studied carefully in order
to obtain the correct values of demand charge and energy charge. Round-trip efficiency
Now, the PV array and battery bank data of Table I are used to Escalation factor
represent physical characteristics of the PV-BESS. The max- Capacity factor (2)
imum peak shaved stands for the largest demand reduction per
month. The PV array capacity is the ratio of the PV maximum where the escalation factor represents the compound growth
output to the largest PV efficiency. In our study, the largest PV factor at the energy charge. The energy charge is expressed
efficiency of 0.63 is observed from one-year’s operating experi- in dollars per kilowatthour. Note that when the utility comes
ence. In the table, the PV average output power is 0.43 p.u. This without the time-of-day energy price, the energy charge savings
is followed by the data of battery capacity that is also the ratio of will be negative. In the equation, small positive savings result
the largest energy discharge per month to the one-way converter in under time-of-day rates when off-peak energy charges are
efficiency. The remaining parameters are followed. The min- low enough to offset losses that may be caused by the battery’s
imum discharge duration is the smallest discharge duration per round-trip energy efficiency.
month. The salvage value is a battery salvage value expressed In Table II, the power-factor refunds are calculated based
as a fraction of battery replacement costs. The round trip energy on the monthly energy fare that is determined when the

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TABLE II auxiliary power costs. The O&M costs are the product of the
first-to-seventh-year specific O&M cost and the battery system
capacity, and then escalated through the year of expenditure at
the O&M escalation rate. Similarly, the auxiliary power costs
are the product of the auxiliary power requirement, the battery
system capacity, the number of cycles per year, and the off-peak
energy charge in the first year. This multiplication result is then
escalated through the year of expenditure at the energy charge
escalation rate.
By the above calculations for savings and expenses, the net
income can easily be obtained. Starting from the net income, the
annual net cash flow is then evaluated by subtracting from the
capital costs (the sum of PV array costs, battery costs, converter
costs, and balance-of-plant costs). Note that each capital invest-
ment is the product of the individual first-year specific cost and
battery capacity value. The cumulative net cash flow is hence
the cumulative sum of net cash flow values. This value is bene-
ficial for estimating the PV-BESS payback period, where each
period is the time required for the cumulative cash flow to be-
come positive.
In Table II, at the bottom, are the net present values of
two different interest rates and the internal rate of return. The
year-by-year internal rate of return is the discount rate that
yields a zero net present value for the net cash flow for a year.
demand/charge saving, and regulation factor are not included. The return of investment for the last operating year is the battery
The battery salvage savings is the net value when each battery system’s overall internal rate of return. The year-by-year rate
is replaced. In addition to these savings, Table II also tabulates of return and the net present value are useful for assessing the
the expense categories that consists of the O&M costs and inherent risks in BESS. By these values, we can understand

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Fig. 5. Customer demand profile.


Fig. 4. One-line diagram of case study system.

a 50-kW UPS to backup the load for 15 min with a 30-kWh bat-
tery is deemed necessary for this customer, even if the BESS is
what would happen if the system is abandoned with no residual
not installed. The 50-kVA UPS is estimated at NT$800 000.
value at the end of the year, either a shutdown or a significant
Now, from the available profile of Fig. 5, a 50-kW
utility rate changes. The annual present value results can also
(ac)/100-kWh (dc) BESS in Plan-A is considered. Analysis
be applied to estimate the BESS discounted payback period.
results indicate that the before-tax internal rate of return (IRR)
Conclusively, features of the cost analysis are threefold:
is 6.7% and the payback period is 14.3 years.] If the minimum
1) to study of utility rate structures in order to determine the attractive rate of return (MARR) is set at 10%, this investment
billing method, the effects of time-of-day and/or seasonal will not be deemed economical.
rates, and the appropriate rate category for the customer; In Plan-B, a 50-kW (ac)/80-kW(dc) PV and battery banks are
2) the postulation of an operating scenario for the PV-BESS taken into account. Analysis results indicate that the before-tax
for demand side based on an available profile and the internal rate of return is 0.5% and the payback period is infi-
utility rate structures; nite.
3) the study of PV-BESS sizes to determine other system For Plan-C, a 100-kW(ac)/100-kWh (dc)/80-kW (dc)
parameters based on available profile, including peak PV-BESS is considered. Analysis results revealed that the
shaving, discharge duration, and the expected monthly before-tax internal rate of return is 1.3% and the payback
cycles. period is 22 years. Table III summarizes the above results
obtained from three plans.
C. Case Studies
Three cases are studied using the proposed cost analysis
method. Data input for this model is prepared individually
according to the above procedure. The test is performed for The above assessment can further be employed for per-
each case and a cash flow report is generated. forming the sensitivity analysis to understand the effects of
In the case studies, the cost analysis is used to evaluate a varying parameters to the investment return. Table IV lists
PV-BESS installed at a company located in southern Taiwan. those key parameters used in the economic sensitivity analysis
At this site, the installed capacity is 555.5 kVA, with 200 kVA based on the battery with 2000 life cycles. The parameters
for lights, 225 kVA for air conditioners, and 130.5 kVA for mo- are divided into three areas: power system, financial factor,
tors. In addition, the emergency generators are 150 kVA plus a and PV-BESS system. The sensitivity variation studied in this
50-kVA UPS. The contract capacity is 400 kW. Fig. 4 depicts a paper presents the change in the base IRR and PV array life
one-line diagram of this test site, where various types of loads cycle without including other credits.
are marked. Fig. 5 is an average daily demand profile, which The sensitivity analysis can help to understand the impact of
is recorded for a week. The total utility charge in one year is power system parameter variations on the investment decisions.
about NT$1 800 000 (35 NT$ 1 US$). For reliability reason, It is also worthy of noting that the economy of a PV-BESS may

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also be affected by influences from world economy or energy REFERENCES

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Wei-Fu Su was born in Yun-Lin, Taiwan, R.O.C., Chin-E Lin (S’82–M’83–SM’89) is a Professor in
in 1965. He received the B.S.E.E. degree in 1990 the Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics,
from National Taiwan Institute of Technology, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan,
Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C., and the M.S.E.E. degree R.O.C.
in 1992 from National Cheng Kung University,
Tainan, Taiwan, R.O.C., where he is currently
working toward the Ph.D. degree in the Department
of Electrical Engineering.
His major interests are power systems, power elec-
tronics, and harmonics analysis.

Shyh-Jier Huang (M’95) was born in Tainan,

Taiwan, R.O.C., in 1963. He received the B.S.E.E.
and M.S.E.E. degrees from National Cheng Kung
University, Tainan, Taiwan, R.O.C., and the Ph.D.
degree from the University of Washington, Seattle,
in 1987, 1989, and 1994, respectively.
He is currently with the Electrical Engineering De-
partment, National Cheng Kung University. His main
areas of interests are industry control, energy conver-
sion, and neural network applications.
Dr. Huang is a member of the IEEE PES, IEEE

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