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SUG262 (Principles of Cartography)

TUTORIAL – CHAPTER 2 (Geometric Aspects in Cartography)

1. Define geodesy, map projection and map distortion.

 Geodesy related to mapping involves to determine the graphic location of the
feature on the earth where graphically symbolizing these feature.
 Map projection is the transformation process where mathematical formula are
used to transform spherical geographical coordinate to the 2-dimension of a
plane or change 3D ellipsoid image to 2D plane on a map.
 Map distortion cannot represent the 3D Earth on a flat surface without
reconfiguration from correct shape/reality.

2. Use short explanatory notes and diagrams whenever appropriate to explain

the following:
Polar coordinates Rectangular coordinates
Polar coordinates comes in form (r,θ), Rectangular coordinates or cartesian
without moving out from the origin coordinates, come in the form (x,y),
using horizontal or vertical lines, because start from origin and move
instead pick the angles which is first to the x-coordinates and then to
direction. the y-coordinates, path is horizontal
and vertival lines.
Polar to rectangular: Rectangular to polar:
x = r cosθ x² + y² =r²
y = r sinθ x = r cosθ
y = r sinθ

Cylindrical projection surface Conic projection surface

Represented by a system of Represented by concentric circular
equidistant parallel straight lines at arcs and the meridians by concurrent
right angles to the meridians. curves.
Show shapes correctly, but size is Shapes are shown correctly, but size is
distorted. distorted.

3. List down any three (3) functions of map projection.

 Because a flat map is easier to produce, easy to store and print in book.
 To represent large area of the earth on a plane paper or atlas especially in
 To obtain rectangular coordinates for easier computation.

4. State three (3) characteristics of map projection.

 Equal area will be show the size of the feature.
 Conformal will be shows the shape of features.
 True direction will be shows the direction between two features.
SUG262 (Principles of Cartography)

5. Describe with diagram the following aspects that to be considered in order to

reorientation the projection surfaces:
a) Normal

-tangent to the equator.

b) Oblique

-tangent are another point on the sphere.

c) Transverse

-tangent location to the meridian.

6. Explain briefly the guidelines to choose map projection

Arcmap can help because Arcmap has a large number of predefined
projections organized by world , continent and country. So we can navigate
quickly to appropriate projections for any part of the world or local.

7. Write short descriptions about the following coordinate systems used in

a) RSO
-refers to datum MRT68
-projection for mapping in Peninsular Malaysia

b) Cassini
- projection for cadastral at Peninsular Malaysia
-Refers to MRSO

c) WGS84
-reference coordinate system for reference ellipsoid, a
standardcoordinate system, altitude data and a geiod. Also known
international coordinate system.
SUG262 (Principles of Cartography)
SUG262 (Principles of Cartography)

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