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1. Diagram 1 shows two lenses, P and Q which used in a compound microscope. The focal length of P is 10 cm
and Q is 50 cm.

Diagram 1
(a) What type of lens used in Diagram 1

[1 mark]

(b) Draw a ray diagram using lens P and Q to show the final image formed by a bacteria placed at 15 cm from
the lens P of the compound microscope. Use a scale of 10 cm to 1 cm.

[3 marks]
(c) State the characteristics of the final image.
[3 marks]

2. The lens in Diagram 2 is used as magnifying glass.

Diagram 2

(a) What is the function of magnifying glass used in diagram 2.

[1 mark]

(b) (i) On Diagram 2 , draw a ray diagram to show how the image of the object is formed.

[3 marks]

(ii) State two other characteristics of the image formed in 1 (b) (i)

1. ……………………………………………………………..

2. ……………………………………………………………..

[ 2 marks]
(c) A compound microscope contains an objective lens and an eyepiece lens. The focal length of the objective
lens is fo and the eyepiece lens is fe . Table 1 shows three different distances between the two lenses.
Arrangement Object distance, uo from Distance between Distance between the
the objective lens objective lens and image formed by the
eyepiece lens, L objective lens and the
eyepiece lens, ui
P Uo < fo L < (fo + fe) Ui > fe
Q Uo = fo L = (fo + fe) Ui = fe
R fo < Uo < 2fo L > (fo + fe) Ui < fe
Table 1

Based on Table 1, state the suitable arrangement in order to build a simple com[ound microscope. Give one
reason for the suitable arrangement.

(i) Object distance, Uo:

Reason :

[ 2 marks]
(ii) Distance, L :

Reason :

[ 2 marks]
(iii) Distance, ui :

Reason :

[ 2 marks]

(d) Based on answer in 1 (c) , choose the most suitable arrangement for a simple compound microscope.

[1 mark]


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