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Name: __________________________ Grade and Section: ____________ Date: _________

TOPIC: Personal Entrepreneurial Competencies (PECs)

Learning Objectives: (TLE_PECS9-12- I0-1)

LO 1. Recognize Personal Entrepreneurial Competencies and Skills (PeCS) needed in

food processing.

1.1 Compare one’s PECSs with that of a practitioner /entrepreneur.

1.2 Align one’s PECs with that of a practitioner/entrepreneur.

Activity 1:

TASK 1: Identify at least 5 PECs that you believe you really possess. List them down in a


TASK 2: Watch different success stories of entrepreneurs online. Answer the questions that


Question 1: Summarize the story of the entrepreneur.

Question 2: What do you think is his/her secret to success?

Question 3: What are the possible PECs the entrepreneur possesses?

Question 4: Based on the task 1, do you think you also possess those PECs? If No, what will

you do to become successful entrepreneur? If Yes, how will you improve your own PECs?
Activity 2:

The following are the PECs that describes a successful entrepreneur. Choose 5 of these traits

and write how entrepreneurs use this PECs and write the things you will do in order to align

your PECs to the successful entrepreneurs.

Creative Resourceful Persistent Organized Independent

Confident Risk Taker Observant Competent Trustworthy

Optimistic Passionate Flexible Sensitive Committed

Dynamic Efficient Hardworking Decision-maker Reliable

Knowledgeable Persevering Decisive Strong-minded Courteous

How I Think Entrepreneurs Things I will do to align my PECs to the

Use It successful entrepreneurs
Example: Entrepreneurs are To be a successful entrepreneur, I will

RESOURCEFU resourceful by using make use of the available resources in my

L available materials and community and will create and continue

producing products out of it. to make innovations of the products I

created using the same or might be

different resources.
Name: __________________________ Grade and Section: ____________ Date: _________

TOPIC: Environment and Market

Learning Objectives: (TLE_EM9-12-00-1)

LO 1. Recognize and understand the market in Food Processing

1.1. Identify the players/ competitors within the town.

1.2. Identify the different products/services available in the market

Activity 1: Conduct a mini survey in your barangay. Gather data on different fishery products

that are available. Put a check on their responses. Answer the questions that follows.

Type of Fishery Processed Products Available Not Available

1. Cured Fish products

a. Smoked Fish

b. Salted Fish

c. Dried Fish

d. Boneless Fish
2. Value-Added Products

a. Fish Ball

b. Fish Nuggets

c. Fish Quekiam

d. Fish Burger
3. Canned-Fish Products

a. Fish Afritada

b. Fish Caldereta

c. Fish Adobo

d. Sardines

e. Tuns Flakes in Oil

4. Other Fish Products

a. Fish Crackers

b. Fish Chicharon

From the data you gathered, answer the following questions.

Question 1: Which among the fish products are available?

Question 2: Which among the fish products are not available?

Question 3: Do you know someone who sells these fish products?

Question 4: How will this data help you as you plan your business?
Name: __________________________ Grade and Section: ____________ Date: _________

TOPIC: Environment and Market

Learning Objectives: (TLE_EM9-12-00-1)

LO 2. Recognize and understand the market in Food Processing

2.1. Identify the profile of potential customers.

2.2. Identify the customer’s needs and wants through consumer analysis.
2.3. Conduct consumer/market analysis.

Activity 1: Conduct a mini survey using in your neighborhood. Ask who among them likes of

dislike this fish products. Put a check on their responses. Answer the questions that follows.

Type of Fishery Processed Products Like Dislike

1. Cured Fish products

a. Smoked Fish

b. Salted Fish

c. Dried Fish

d. Boneless Fish
2. Value-Added Products

a. Fish Ball

b. Fish Nuggets

c. Fish Quekiam

d. Fish Burger
3. Canned-Fish Products

a. Fish Afritada

b. Fish Caldereta

c. Fish Adobo

d. Sardines

e. Tuns Flakes in Oil

4. Other Fish Products
a. Fish Crackers

b. Fish Chicharon

Question 1: With the result of the mini survey, what do you think your neighborhood likes so


Question 2: What is the fish product they don’t like the most?

Question 3: If you are about to do a business with fish product, what would you probably

sell? Why?

Question 4: Who will be your possible customers? Your competitors?

Question 5: What makes you think that the business you like to engage in will be profitable?
Name: __________________________ Grade and Section: ____________ Date: _________

TOPIC: Environment and Market

Learning Objectives: (TLE_EM9-12-00-1)

LO 3. Create new business ideas in Food Processing business by using various

3.1. Explore ways of generating business idea from ones’ own
3.2. Generate business ideas using product innovation from irritants, trends and
emerging needs.
3.3 Generate business ideas using Serendipity Walk.

Activity 1: Decide your own product to be used in entrepreneurial activity.

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