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XI NEET WT - 25 PHYSICS DATE: 30.01.2021

 ^ ^
1. The gravitational field at some point in space is g  3 i  4 j N/kg. The force exerted on a
2kg mass placed at that point is
1) 5N, 530 with x-axis 2) 5N, 370 with x-axis
3) 10N, 530 with x-axis 4) 10N, 370 with x-axis
2. If V is the gravitational potential on the surface of the earth, then what is its value at the
centre of the earth ?
3 2
a) 2V b) 3V c) V d) V
2 3
3. Two concentric sheels have mass M and m and their radii are R and r respectively, where
R  r . What is the gravitational potential at their common centre ?
GM Gm M m M m
a)  b)  c) G    d) G   
R r R r R r
4. An infinity number of point masses each equal to m are placed at
x  1, x  2, x  4, x  8.......... What is the total gravitational potential at x0?
a) G m b) 2 G m c) 4 G m d) 8 G m
5. Escape velocity on the earth
1)Is less than that on the moon
2)Depends upon the mass of the body
3)Depends upon the direction of projection
4)Depends upon the height from which it is projected
6. Which one of the following plots represents the variation of gravitational field on a
particle with distance r due to a thin spherical shell of radius R ? ( r is measured
from the centre of the spherical shell)

1) 2)

3) 4)

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7. The amount of work done in lifting a body of mass ‘m’ from the surface of the earth to a
height equal to twice the radius of the earth is
2GMm 3GMm 5GMm 3GMm
1) 2) 3) 4)
3R 2R 3R 5R
8. The escape velocity of a body on the earth’s surface is ve. A body is thrown up with a
speed of kve, where k>1, Assuming that the sun and planets do not influence the motion of
the body, then the velocity of the body at the infinite distance in
ve ve
1) 2) ve k 2  1 3) ve(k2-1) 4)
k 1
k 1
9. Find the PE of three objects of masses 1 kg, 2 kg and 3 kg placed at the three vertices of
anequilateral triangle of side 20 cm.
1) 50GJ 2)  55GJ 3) -5GJ 4) -60GJ
10. What is the gravitational potential on the surface of the earth ? Given that g = accelera-
tion due to gravity and R = radius of the earth.
a)  gR b)  gR c)  g / R d)  g / R
11. A mass m is placed in the cavity inside a hollow sphere of mass M as shown in the figure.
What is the gravitational force on the mass m ?

G Mm G Mm G Mm
a) b) c) R  r 2 d) Zero
R2 r2  
12. The potential inside a point in a solid sphere will be
1) Same as that seen at the surface
2)will be less than what was seen at the surface
3)will be more than what was seen at the surface
4) will be equal to the potential at the centre.
13. The radius of a planet is twice the radius of earth. Both have almost equal
average mass densities. VP and VE are escape velocities of the planet and the
earth, respectiely, then
1) VP  1.5 VE 2) VP  2 VE 3) VE  3 VP 4) VE  1.5 VP

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14. Match the following for position of point (r) from center of earth given in the Column - I
to Gravitational intensity at that point in Column -II
Column - I Column - II
(position) (Gravitational intensity)
A) At centre of earth P) GM / R2
B) At r < R (inside earth) Q) 0
C) At r = R R) GMr / R3
D) At r > R (outside earth) S) GM / r2
a) A - Q, B - R, C - S, D - P b) A - R, B - Q, C - S, D - P
c) A - Q, B - R, C - P, D - S d) A - Q, B - P, C - R, D - S
15. A body of mass m is placed on the earth’s surface. It is taken from the earth’s surface to
a height h  3R. The change in gravitational potential energy of the body is

2 3 mgR mgR
1) mgR 2) mgR 3) 4)
3 4 2 4
16. A particle is placed in a field characterized by a value of gravitational potential given
V   kxy , where ‘k’ is a constant . if E g is the gravitational field then
 
a) E g  k xiˆ  yjˆ and is conservative in nature
 
b) E  k yiˆ  xjˆ and is conservative in nature

 
c) E g  k xiˆ  yjˆ and is non conservative in nature
 
d) E g  k yiˆ  xjˆ and is non conservative in nature

17. Two masses 90 kg and 160 kg are 5 m apart. The gravitational field intensity at a point
3m from 90 kg and 4m from 160 kg is
a) 10 G b) 5 G c) 5 2 G d) 10 2 G
18. The escape velocity of a body on the earth’s surface is Ve. A body is thrown vertically up
with a speed of (kVe) (k<1). The maximum height reached by the body above the earth is

 k2  2 k2 1 k 2  R
1) 
R 
2  2) R 3) 
R  4)
 1  k  (1 k2 )  k  k2
19. Four particles each of mass M are located at the vertices of a square with side L. The
gravitational potential due to this at centre of square is

a)  32 b)  64 c) Zero d)  16
L L2 L

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20. Masses 2 kg and 8 kg are 18 cm apart. the point where the gravitational field due to them
is zero is
a) 6 cm from 8 kg mass b) 6 cm from 2 kg mass
c) 1.8 cm from 8 kg mass d) 9 cm from each mass
21. Particles of masses m1 and m2 are at a fixed distance apart. If the gravitational field
 
strenth at m1 and m2 are I 1 and I 2 respectively. Then,
       
a) m1 I 1  m2 I 2  0 b) m1 I 2  m2 I 1  0 c) m1 I 1  m2 I 2  0 d) m1 I 2  m2 I 1  0

22. Let VG and EG denote gravitational potential and field repectively, then choose the worng
a) VG  0, EG  0 b) VG  0, EG  0 c) VG  0, EG  0 d) VG  0, EG  0
23. A hollow spherical shell is compressed to half it radius. The gravitational potential at the
a) Increases b) Decreases c) Remains same
d) During the compression increases then returns to the previous value
24. Four particle each of mass 1kg are at the four corners of a square of side 1m. The workdone
to move one of the particles to infinity

 2 2 1
 
1) 2 2 G 2)  2  G 3) ( 2 2  1)G 4) 3G

25. If 1 , 2 and 3 are wave lengths of the waves giving resonance with fundamental ,first
and second over tones of a closed organ pipe .the ratio of wave lengths 1 : 2 : 3 is

1 1
1) 1:2:3 2) 1: : 3) 1:3:5 4) 5:3:1
3 5
26. An open pipe is suddenly closed at one end with the result that the frequency of the third harmonic of
the closed pipe is found to be higher by 100 Hz than the fundamental frequency of the open pipe.
What is the fundamental frequency of the open pipe :
(a) 200 Hz (b) 100 Hz (c) 0 Hz (d) 400 Hz
27. A cylindrical tube open at both ends, has a fundamental frequency f o in air. The tube is dipped
vertically into water such that half of its length is inside water. The fundamental frequency of the air
column now is

3 fo fo
(a) (b) f o (c) (d) 2 f o
4 2
28. In a resonance tube, using a tuning fork of frequency 325Hz, two successive resonance length are
observed as 25.4cm and 77.4 cm respectively. The velocity of sound in air is
1 1 1 1
(a) 338 ms (b) 328 ms (c) 330 ms (d) 320 ms

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29. An organ pipe P1 closed at one end vibrating in its first harmonic and another pipe P2 open at both
ends vibrating in its third harmonic are in resonance with a given tuning fork. The ratio of the length of
P1 to that of P2 is
(a) 1/3 (b) 1/6 (c) 3/8 (d) 8/3
30. Ten tuning forks are arranged in increasing order of frequency in such a way that any two nearest
tuning forks produce 4 beats s-1 . The highest frequency is twice that of the lowest. Possible highest
and lowest frequencies are
(a) 80 and 40 (b) 100 and 50 (c) 44 and 32 (d) 72 and 36
31. A source of frequency n gives 5 beats s-1 , when sounded with a source of frequency 200 s-1. The
second harmonic (2n) gives 10 beats s-1 , when sounded with a source of frequency 420 s-1. n is
equal to
(a) 200 s-1 (b) 205 s-1 (c) 195 s-1 (d) 210 s-1
32. A fork of unknown frequency gives four beats s-1 when sounded with another of frequency 256. The
fork is now loaded with a piece of wax and again four beats s-1 are heard. Then the frequency of the
unknown fork is
(a) 256 Hz (b) 252 Hz (c) 264 Hz (d) 260 Hz
33. A bus is moving with a velocity of 5 ms-1 towards a huge wall. The driver sounds a horn of fre-
quency 165 Hz. If the speed of sound in air is 335 ms-1 , the number of beats heard per second by
the passengers in the bus will be
(a) 3 (b) 4 (c) 5 (d) 6
34. A source and an observer move away from each other with a velocity of 10 m/s with respect to
ground. If the observer finds the frequency of sound coming from the source as 1950 Hz, then actual
frequency of the source is (velocity of sound in air = 340 m/s)
(a) 1950 Hz (b) 2068 Hz (c) 2132 Hz (d) 2486 Hz
35. A train moves towards a stationary observer with speed 34 ms-1 . The train sounds a whistle and its
frequency registered by the observer is f1. If the train’s speed is reduced to 17 ms-1, the frequency
registered is f2. If the speed of sound is 340 ms-1 , then the ratio f1/ f2 is
(a) 18/19 (b) 1/2 (c) 2 (d) 19/18
36. Two organ pipes, each closed at one end, give 5 beats s-1 when emitting their fundamental notes. If
their lengths are in the ratio 50 : 51, their fundamental frequencies are
(a) 255, 250 (b) 255, 260 (c) 250, 255 (d) 265, 270
37. Air is blown at the mouth of a tube of length 25 cm and diameter equal to 2 cm open at both ends. If
velocity of sound in air is 330 ms-1 , the sound emitted will have all the frequencies in the group
(a) 330, 990, 1690 Hz (b) 302, 664, 1320 Hz
(c) 660, 1320, 1980 Hz (d) 660, 100, 3300 Hz
38. An engine is moving on a circular path of radius 100 metre with a speed of 20 metre per second. The
frequency observed by an observer standing stationary at the centre of circular path when the engine
blows a whistle of frequency 500 Hz is
1) more than 500 Hz 2) less than 500 Hz 3) 500 Hz 4) no sound is heard
39. An observer moves towards a stationary source of sound, with a velocity one-fifth of the velocity of
sound. The percentage increase in the apparent frequency is
1) 5% 2) 20% 3) zero 4) 0.5%
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40. A truck blowing horn of frequency 500 Hz travels towards a vertical mountain and driver
hears echo of frequency 600Hz. If velocity of sound in air is 340m/s then speed of truck is
1) 31 m/s 2) 41m/s 3) 51m/s 4) 21m/s
41. The difference between apparent freqencies of a source of sound as percieved by a stationary
observer during its approach and recession is 2% of the actual freqency. The speed of
source is (V= 340m/sec.)
1) 12m/s 2) 6.2m/s 3) 3.4m/s 4) 1.5m/s
42. A person going away from a factory on his scooter at a speed of 36 km/hr listens to the
siren of the factory. If the frequency of siren is 525 Hz and a wind is blowing along the
direction of scooter at 36km/hr the frequency, heard by the person is (velocity of sound =
340 m/s)
1) 680 Hz 2) 510 Hz 3) 640 Hz 4) 60 0 Hz
43. A train is moving at 30ms-1 in still air. The frequency of the locomotive whistle is 500 Hz
and the speed of sound is 345 ms 1 . The apparent wavelengths as heard by stationary
listeners in front of and behind the locomotive if a wind of speed 10ms 1 were blowing in the
same direction as that in which the locomotive is travelling is given by
1) 0.65m, 0.73m 2) 0.60m, 0.73m 3) 0.65m, 0.78m 4) 0.60m, 0.71m
44. In a resonance column, first and second resonance are obtained at depths 22.7 cm and
70.2 cm, the third resonance will be obtained at a depth of
1) 117.7 cm 2) 92.9 cm 3) 115.5 cm 4) 113.5 cm
45. Identify the statements with no Doppler effect
a) Source of sound and listener both are at rest but a strong wind is blowing
b) A whistle is being revolved in a horizontal circle with the observer standing outside the circle.
c) source of sound and observer are moving relatively perpendicular to one another.
1) only 2) both a & b 3) only c 4) a, b, c

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