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Activity 1 - Entrepreneurial Traits and Skills Profiling

Instruction: Please read the details below and follow as instructed.

With your group, choose at least 4 successful entrepreneurs (1 local; 1 national; and 2 international).
These are the things you need to do:

1. List down their 10 personal traits (natural abilities and character features) and 10 skills (things that
they are good at doing) and spot which of those have common traits and skills.
2. List down your individual team member's personal skills and traits (10 each). Identify your
similarities and differences.

3. List team members with similar traits and similar skills --> Identify 3 tasks/activities/ventures that
you think would best manifest those traits and skills.
4. List team members with differences in traits and skills --> Identify 3 tasks/activities/venture that you
think would show your best.
5. Looking at the differences within your team, how do you think you can collaborate?
6. Compare those 4 successful entrepreneurs. With their similaritarties and differences of traits and
skills, how do you think they can collaborate in a business venture?

Deliverables (things to be submitted as a group)

* Profile list of 4 successful entrepreneurs with their 10 personal traits and 10 skills. In their profile,
include a brief background of their business venture/s.
* Profile list of your team members with similar and different traits & skills
* List of tasks/activities/ventures that those having similar traits and skills can do best.
* Outline paragraph based on item # 5
* Outline paragraph based on item # 6

* Outputs should be on .doc or .pdf format.
* Directly attach the document via email. No sending of links.
* On your email subject please write: ENT A - Activity 1
* List all the members. The team leader should rate the member from 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest) in terms
to participation.
* Due date is October 3

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