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2010 BEHIND | 2011 AHEAD
2010 has been a wonderful, growing, 2011 Key Initiatives
stretching and fruitful year. We have 1. Grow in my understanding of the concept
grown closer as a couple, the ministry has of the Grow in my understanding of the
grown, and we both have grown in our concept of the fear of man.
walk with Christ. As 2010 was closing I 2. Grow in humility each day.
had the opportunity to invest some time 3. Become a student of my wife to better un-
focusing on my key initiatives for 2011. As derstand and minister to her.
Pam and I complete 22 years of ministry 4. Become more effective in biblical confron-
we are thankful for all that God has done tation.
through us and in us. 5. Become more effective in discipleship of
6. Reach my ideal body weight
Now looking and maintain it.
Many are the plans in
toward the 7. Develop and maintain a weekly
a man’s heart but it is
next 15 years fitness routine.
the Lord’s purpose
we are ask- 8. Invest 10% of my time in plan-
that prevails, ning and organization.
ing, “What Proverbs 19:21. 9. Reach 100% of our budgeted
could God do?” I want 2011 to support need.
be a year that God does incredible 10. Start 8 new churches with Word of Life.
things in our lives and through our 11. Disciple 4 men to a deeper walk with God.
ministry. Below are a few of the key 12. Train 2 teen guys in preaching for Teens
things that we will be focusing on in Involved.
2011. I would ask that you would pray 13. Start a ministry blog and
with us that by God grace we would post no less than 2 times
be able to see many of these initia- a month.
tives accomplished in 2011.


February 29th was a great day of leadership training at Davis College in Bingham-
ton New York. This was the site for our winter leadership training conference. Pas-
tor John Bouquet of Bethal Baptist Church, Savannah Ohio challenged us with
God’s word during the power sessions while our New York staff taught seminars. I
was a very encouraging day with over 100 people in

John taught a seminar titled, “Are You On Track” that

helped the leadership teams evaluate their discipleship
process and how effective it is.
God has given me 3 young men to invest in this year, Caleb, Phil and Drew.
Caleb and I meet weekly for Bible study and accountability which has been a
great joy. Phil and Drew are both preaching in Teens Involved this year and I
have the privilege of being their coach. We will meet a few times before the
Teens Involved to prepare them to preach in our church on a youth emphasis
service. This is a requirement for every student who participates in Teens In-
volved. We do this because the goal of Teens Involved is to help young people
discover, develop and use their gifts in the ministry of the local church. It is one
of the highlights of my year to see these young men prepare and deliver a
message from God’s word. At the Teens Involved event they will be judged by
pastors who will give them constructive ways in which they can improve their
message and presentation. We use this input to make improvements for the
next level, Regional Teens Involved. It is a joy to see these guys progress as
we work together for several months.


We have received almost $2,212 towards a vehicle. It was in great condition when they
new ministry vehicle. Our car continues to run received it and will help them for 2-3 more
very well considering is just passed into old years while they get established.
age in car years according to the odometer
which reads 134,717. I realize that many of Our hope is to complete the fund raising in
you reading this may be driving cars that 2011 and then pur-
have many more miles on them, I do under- chase the new vehi-
stand that. Most of our personal vehicle cle in 2012. If you
started with over 100,000 miles when we got would like to help
them. What we try to do in Word of Life is us with this project
pass older vehicle on to new missionaries just use the re-
who do not have the money to get a vehicle. sponse card below
The lower the mileage the better for them. when sending in
Brandon and Megan are now driving such a your gift.

RESPONSE | SLIP for Ministry Vehicle

Ministry Vehicle Odometer

Collins’ I am getting behind you and your ministry!”

134,717 miles

Please use the enclosed special gift of $________________

towards your ministry vehicle.

Name: ___________________________________________
Make your check payable to Word of Life.
All gifts towards this ministry are tax deductible.
Please enclose this Action Slip with your gift and
send to; Word of Life, PO Box 600,
Schroon Lake, NY 12870.

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