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Christmas is a secular holiday for everyone, regardless of culture or

religion. It is a yearly celebration that usually celebrated all over the world in many ways
especially us, Filipinos, It could be either in a simple way or through a huge celebration.
However, during this time of pandemic, mass gathering is strongly discouraged in order
to keep us all safe and sound. For this reason, we have no choice but to keep it simple
yet meaningful.

This year 2020 has been tough for all of us. There were earthquakes,
typhoons, fire, wars and any other unfortunate things that happened throughout the
entire year. At the present, we experience the pandemic which we are all affected of it.
Perhaps, the impact of Covid-19 that is still on going globally were devastating as there
were millions of people were at risk of falling into extreme poverty. Nonetheless, once
December rolls in, there’s something we see everywhere apart from colorful Christmas
lights and out-of-tune kids who sing one Christmas carol before demanding money. It is
truly a month that we all look forward since it is the month where we celebrate
Christmas. Although this time would be different from the usual, the spirit will always
remain and unchanged.

This coming Christmas may we reminded of the importance of love

because love is the foundation of everything. Christmas is not just about giving gifts and
a gathering of families, friends, relatives and neighbors. Christmas is about love and it
must be filled with love. Love is the foundation of everything. Remember what Jesus
thought us. Jesus thought as to love our neighbor and most above to love one another
no matter what. It is a time where we show our love to each other and be united as one
in love where we all came from. The sole purpose in life is to have meaning. Love fills a
life with zeal to live more just to experience the beautiful things that awaits us. Love is
the beginning of a life. We were born because of love. Yet, from the very first word we
spoke, down to the first walk as a kid, we were nurtured with love. Our parents took
care of us, protect us, provide us with everything they can, make sacrifices and put their
needs aside to make us happy, all because they love us. Everything in this world were
made because of love so we must embrace the love that fulfills everything in this world.
We need to keep in mind that good things follow when there is love.

It’s a timely reminder of what positive things can be achieved by showing

love through forgiveness especially when people set aside past differences and come
together in the spirit of friendship and reconciliation during Christmas. As we all look
forward to the to the start of a new decade, it’s worth remembering that it is often the
small steps not the giant leaps that bring about the most lasting change. So, I wish
everyone a joyous Merry Christmas and a prosperous advance Happy New Year.

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