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Regd. & Head Office
24, Whites Road, Chennai – 600014

February 2017

Estate Guidelines & Procedures


S.No Description Pg
1 Role of Estate Dept. 3
2 Estates Integrated Software – Updation of DATA and Generation of 4
various reports
3 PART A - Leasing Procedures and related aspects 5
4 PART B – Engineering and allotment 82


The main functions of Estate Department are:

1. Acquisition of Assets:

 Buying land and constructing building thereon as per Company's requirement

 Buying building with land

 Buying part of building with share of land.

2. Leasing of Premises:

 Office premises for locating various BOs/DOs/ROs of the Company.

 Residential Premises for accommodating the Employees of the Company whenever


 Renewing the leases wherever due for such renewals both Commercial (Office) and
Residential premises.

3. Leasing/Hiring of our Premises:

a) Office premises:

 Letting out the Commercial properties to tenants and collecting the rent at par with the
prevalent Market rent.

 Evicting unauthorised tenants from the Company's properties through Public Premises Act,
1971 and / or through Court of law.

 Renewing the lease on time.

b) Residential Premises:

 Allotting the Company Owned Residential properties to transferred Officers/employees of

the Company.

 Deduction of HRA + License fee (HRR) from the Officers'/employees' salary.

 Serving letters to Officers/employees immediately after their transfer/retirement/other exits

to vacate.

 Granting approval for retention of flats by employees as per norms.

 Charging Market rent for unauthorised occupancy of the Officers/employees beyond their
approved period and taking steps to evict them under PP Act/other Court of Law.

4.Maintenance of Company-owned Office/Residential premises:

 Carrying out Interiors, repairs and renovation

 Inspection of Construction works like Civil/repair/renovation

 Payment of taxes, Electricity bills & Maintenance Charges

5. Preserving the Original documents in Safe Custody.


1. Link to log in Estates software is available in intranet under Menu → software ----> Estates
2. Estate Department Officer of RO, by entering User Name and Password, can login and
access the Estate Database of Region. Data entered by RO Estate will be available.
3. RO to enter correct data and update DATABASE whenever any change is there in respect of
Office premises , pending Court cases, opening, merger or closure of an Office.
4. Reports can be generated by RO from DATABASE about lease details, lease expired,
pending Court cases, Company owned premises etc. These are useful for analysing the
5. If data is not updated or is incorrect, reports generated too will not reflect correct position.
6. RO to make use of Estates software and provide reports to RM & RO In-charge of Region.


(Leasing procedures and related aspects)


S.No. Description

I - Office Premises

1 Area norms

2 Steps for leasing /Hiring of new premises, execution of lease and renewal of

3 Rental Deposit

4 Rent-Premium Ratio

5 Lease & Lease Period

6 Execution of Lease deed

7 Signing of the Agreement

8 Renewal of lease

9 Shifting of Office premises, surrendering of leased premises and handling of

Court cases on leased premises

10 Surrendering of leased office premises

11 Pending court cases on leased premises

12 Specimen draft wordings of small and detailed advertisement /notice inviting

offers for leasing premises

13 Draft terms and conditions of tender for leasing premises

14 Technical Bid format

15 Financial Bid format

16 Draft Standard Lease Agreement (Office Premises) of our Company

17 Annexure 'F'- Questionnaire for proposed new premises

18 Form 'A'- Details of present Office premises and its business particulars

19 Annexure 'B'- Details of all technical bids received

20 Annexure 'C'- Comparative statement of shortlisted offers after opening

Financial Bids showing L-1

21 Annexure 'D'- Rent paid by PSUs in the vicinity of premises recommended

22 Draft Office notes cum checklist for leasing New premises and for renewal of
lease (Office premises)

II- Residential
1 Type of Accommodation
2 Area norms/Eligibility criteria/Entitlement
3 Allotment of company owned accommodation
4 Execution of leave and license agreement
5 Leasing residential accommodation
6 Requirements
7 Draft Lease agreement(residential)
8 Leave and license agreement
9 Terms and Conditions of License
10 Form B – to be signed by CRM
11 Retention of Company owned residential accommodation
12 Company owned premise – Occupancy details
13 Provision of fittings in Company owned accommodation
Provision of curtains in company owned flats occupied by
Managers/CMs/DGMs & above
15 Local shifting expense
16 Maintenance of Company owned premises
17 Halting allowance in lieu of residential accommodation

The Rules and Regulations relating to acquisition of Premises/Enhancement of Rent on
Renewal/Shifting & Surrendering of Premises by the Company are as under:
AREA TO BE HIRED - Carpet Area shall mean the floor area of usable area excluding Wall,
Toilet Area, Balcony and Verandah.
Office Area (Around)

Branch Office : 1000 sq.ft Carpet Area

Divisional Office : 2000 sq.ft Carpet Area
Regional Office : 5000 sq.ft Carpet Area

1. The term “area” referred to above relates to carpet area or office area, which does not
include toilet (if it is in the exclusive use for our office and inside the premises), balcony,
staircase area, passage, etc.
2. Carpet Area of the premises should be measured by a qualified/Licensed/Technical Valuer in
the presence of the owner and consensus should be arrived before occupying the premises to
avoid any dispute at a later date. Any change in the area approved should be brought to the
notice of HO immediately.
3. In the normal course, the area under occupation shall not be more than 1000 sq.ft for Branch
Offices and 2000 sq.ft for Divisional Offices. Relaxation is given for renewal of existing
premises if the Rent Premium Ratio is less than 1.5%. Wherever the existing area occupied
is substantially high and more than one Office is functioning in the same place, RO should
explore the possibility of re-locating the other Office and/or surrendering of surplus area.
Wherever a portion of the existing premises is surrendered so as to restrict the lease to 1200
sq.ft for Branches and 2500 sq.ft for Divisions respectively, the Regional Premises
Committee can exercise the Authority.


1. Obtain ‘In Principle’ approval from Head Office. Tender process to be carried out by RO.
2. Advertisement in two newspapers (one English and other in vernacular language) having
wide circulation in the area where premises is to be acquired.
3. Simultaneously upload the detailed notice/advertisement, terms and conditions, tender forms
and draft standard lease deed on Company’s website. Newspaper advertisement and
notice on website should appear on same date.

4. RO to inform date of advertisement while sending to HO, soft copies of detailed notice,
terms, forms etc. after filling up address, location, area etc., at least 5 days in advance so
that it can be uploaded in time.
5. A copy of notice to be displayed outside the existing Office premises which is to be shifted
for information of public.
6. Invite offers under two bid system and offers to be received at Regional Office.
7. Master envelopes affixed with office seal and signed by RO Committee members.
8. RO Committee members to open master envelopes in presence of bidders present. Master
envelopes should contain two sealed envelopes superscribed “Technical Bids” & “Financial
9. RO Committee members to sign with date, on all envelopes and open technical bids of valid
tenders. Envelopes containing financial bids not to be opened and kept in safe custody.
Committee members to sign all pages of technical bids

10. A detailed statement as per Annexure ‘B’ of all premises offered with observations be
drawn and it is to be signed by RO Committee members.

11. RO officers to physically inspect premises found in conformity with advertisement for
detailed evaluation. Concerned DM/BM may be co-opted as members while inspecting
premises but not to leave it to DO/BO alone which may cause process errors

12. Area norms to be followed strictly. Carpet area which shall not include balcony, pillars,
walls, staircase, toilet, verandah etc. is basis of rent.

13. Rejection of Tech. bids should be clear, valid, unambiguous & specific. All pros and cons
should be examined while shortlisting suitable premises. Being left with only one Technical
or Financial bid not advisable.

14. The market rate justification for the areas at which property is available shall be
assessed before opening the financial bids.( CVC Guideline)

15. Financial bids of only those premises found suitable by RO Committee members shall be
opened. Financial bids of rejected offers not to be opened. RO Committee members should
put sign and date on all pages of financial bids.

16. Average monthly outgo per sq.ft of carpet area over the entire lease period offered by the
bidder is the basis to find out L-1. To find out L-1, extra costs like maintenance charges,
taxes etc. except service tax, to be borne by Company are included. If Company is to bear
property tax, offer should include it (RO to refer HO Circular no. HO/EST/739/2014-15 dt.

5.11.2014 also uploaded on intranet) on basis to find out L-1 offer.

17. Carpet area measurement along with a sketch of premises should be done by a registered
civil engineer on panel of any govt. authority, municipal authority or LIC, deputed by our
office, in the presence of owner to avoid any dispute.

18. Comparative Statement with details of premises shortlisted along with rent, taxes etc. quoted
by bidders as per Annexure ‘C’ to be signed by RO Committee.

19. Particulars of rents paid by other PSUs (preferably other than Banks) in vicinity to be
prepared as per Annexure ‘D’.

20. Comply with IRDAI (Place of Business) Regulation, 2015.

Normally rental deposit or advance should be for maximum 6 months. Whereas in certain
extraordinary cases, it may be more than 6 months. Cases involving payment of rental deposits or
advance rents (whether with or without interest) in excess of 6 months’ rent but up to 12 months
should be submitted to CMD for approval. For rental deposit or advance of more than 12 months,
case should be submitted to the Board for approval.


As per the prevailing guidelines, the Rent Premium ratio should be:
(Rent Premium Ratio = Total Annual Rent / Total Annual Premium x 100 )
1. Up to 2% in the year of operation (based on projected premium) for new office
2. Up to 1.5% for subsequent years (based on completed Gross Direct Premium)


Lease agreement to be prepared as per standard format and the same should be got registered.
Before execution of lease, wording should be checked for errors, if any and that terms agreed
are incorporated therein. Lease deed should be for whole period agreed. Minimum period to
be 9/10 years (longer the period better it is) with appropriate rent escalation. Prefer lease with 5+5
year terms for rent escalation. Lease agreement is to be executed before occupation of the premises.

While acquiring new office premises, some of the offices pay rent immediately after the leasing
process is completed though in practice the space is not occupied due to issues like interior not
getting completed, some minor work in premises yet to be completed, etc. Thus office ends up
paying rent for two premises for the same office (where shifting is involved) or pays rent without
actual possession (where new office is opened). In such cases, while finalizing the leasing of
premises, it is preferable that the respective estate committee insists for a few months’ rent holidays
in writing from the prospective landlord. In order to avoid complications, ROs are advised to put a
suitable clause in this regard in the tender document itself which is uploaded in the company’s

Initial lease period may be for 9 years or 15 years with provision for renewal of the lease with
15%/25% escalation once in 3 or 5 years. Such escalation will be from the date of renewal. ROs to
ensure that the renewal process is taken up well in advance and it is also very much essential that
ROs should ensure that Lease deeds are registered in time.
Invariably, in many cases, renewal of lease is not being taken up with H.O sufficiently ahead of the
date of expiry of the lease period. This causes hardship. ROs to ensure that the renewal process is
taken up well in advance i.e. atleast six months before the expiry of the lease period, RO / DO / BO
should intimate to the landlords in writing for renewing the lease, with a request to execute new
lease agreement in time. In case, the renewal of lease of any Office requires HO's approval, ROs are
required to furnish the details in FORM-A (annexed).
RO in-charges were authorized to renew the lease agreement where the monthly rental outgo is less
than Rs.1, 00,000/-. If it is more than Rs.1, 00,000/- p.m., necessary approval should be sought
from the Competent Authority at HO.

ROs have to see that adequate provisions is made if there is any increased rent liability and the
same has to be communicated to HO Accounts department for making suitable provisions in the
book of accounts.


1. Execution of lease agreement is in accordance with the standard format as per Annexure “E”
and registration of the same is mandatory.
2. Execution of lease deed is mandatory and cost of execution and registration of the lease
deed is to be borne in 50:50 ratios by the company and the landlord/landlady. In this
connection, stamp duty, registration fee, advocate’s fee, legal/miscellaneous expenses
supported by vouchers come under lease agreement execution expenses.
3. But, while negotiating the leases for existing as well as new premises, the landlords should
be convinced to bear 50% of Lease deed execution expenses (stamp duty, registration
expenses etc) irrespective of the length of the lease period.
4. If a situation arises where sharing on 50:50 basis is not agreed by the landlords, then the
matter is referred to HO with specific reasons to place before the Competent Authority for
necessary approval.
5. It should be ensured in the lease agreement that the right to terminate the lease before expiry
of the lease period is with the company only, as otherwise the purpose of registration gets
6. It should also be ensured that the lease agreement is entered into with the landlord before
occupation of the premises and the rent should not be released without executing the lease
agreement under any circumstances.
7. Registration of lease agreement is mandatory for renewal also.
8. It is desirable to take landlord’s consent at the time of advertisement itself to execute lease
deed in accordance with our format, in order to avoid any objections at a later date.


 ROs should examine the terms and conditions of the Lease Agreement entered into with the
landlord for RO/DO/BO, particularly with regard to escalation clause on renewal and lease
period. It should also be ensured whether the lease agreement is registered as per local
Stamp Act and can be enforced in a Court of Law against the landlord. RO to engage Panel
Advocate who is well-versed with Estate matters.
 The registered owner on behalf of the lessor and an official not below the rank of
Regional Manager duly authorised by Head Office with General Power of Attorney
shall be the Authorised Signatories. Execution of Lease deeds for BOs and DOs is
delegated to SDMs/DMs and for ROs to the Regional Manager. The deeds shall be
executed as per our standard format prescribed for this purpose and necessarily with
the help of an Advocate.

Maintaining cordial relations with owner/s and timely action to renew, help in securing
reasonable terms and ensure continued smooth working.
1. Study lease deed carefully about option to continue tenancy / renewal terms and
exercise such available option well in time & increase the rent from due date as per
2. Diary of renewals to be maintained at RO and identify premises lease of which are to expire
in next six months
3. The process of renewal of lease should commence at least three months prior to the expiry
of the present lease.
4. To obtain information about rents paid by other PSUs (preferably other than banks) in the
5. Discuss with owner/s. More than one meeting may be necessary. RO officers may
participate in process.
6. Renewal for minimum 9/10 years with appropriate rent escalation. Process to be completed
before expiry of lease. Prefer lease with 5 + 5 years terms.
7. Officer in Estate Dept. at RO to monitor position on fortnightly basis and help / guide BOs /
DOs pro-actively.
8. Delay in renewal may lead to dispute, legal case and crisis. Owners expect current rent rates
from back date in the event of delay.
9. In case of renewal, RO to furnish the details in FORM-A, landlords consent letter, RO EC
note after negotiating with the landlord and a copy of latest lease deed.
10. In case RO/LCB have any issues on the condition/s imposed by HO at the time of approval,
it is mandatory on the part of RO/ LCB to seek specific approval from HO for waiver of
those conditions before fresh negotiations with the landlord.
11. After obtaining “In Principle” approval for shifting and initiation of process, fresh
negotiations should not be carried out and new terms cannot be agreed with the existing
landlord in contravention of HO instructions.


1. Shifting of any office requires 'In-principle' approval from Head Office.

2. RO to furnish the details in FORM-A, photographs of premises, inspection report by RM, a
copy of latest lease deed, rent rate confirmation from atleast 2-3 PSUs in area where office
to be shifted and RO EC note with recommendations justifying shifting along with alternate
use or surrender of occupied premises.
3. On receipt of “In-principle” approval from HO for shifting of Office premises, ROs may
take necessary steps to advertise for suitable premises by following the usual procedures and
CVC guidelines strictly. ROs to ensure that the building leased, shortlisted for is
constructed in accordance with the local Municipal/Corporation's approved plan and Site on
which the building was raised. RO should seek approval for new premises from HO for
final clearance if the area, monthly rental, rent premium ratio and rental deposit exceeds
their powers and also the progress in leasing the new premises if it is within their powers
and copy of registered lease deeds should be forwarded to HO immediately after its
Shifting of Office premises to new premises should be done only where circumstances become
compelling and some such circumstances are as under:-
1. The building is not situated in prime location/commercial area, which does not facilitate
normal flow of floating business as no other Public Sector/Government Office is near our
2. The building is very old/in a deteriorating condition/the landlord is not co-operating and has
filed a case for eviction/during rainy season, rain water enters into the Office and this
damages the Office records and Computers.
3. There is no Parking place in the Office premises.
4. The toilets are in dilapidated condition. There is no proper ventilation in the premises.

Where Shifting is necessitated due to a legal Notice issued by the landlord for vacation of
premises despite the lease deed containing a specific renewal clause, it should be carefully
examined whether our case is legally tenable and if so, it should be properly defended by the
Regional Office through our Panel Advocate well-versed with Estate matters. While considering
such cases, the residual period of lease, our rights under the local statutory laws, time and litigation
expenses etc should also be taken into account.


1. Whenever any approval is granted for leasing new premises, approval for surrendering the
old premises invariably follows simultaneously. It implies that the old premises will be
surrendered without any financial loss to the company, as soon as the new premise is
2. Retention of old premises beyond the notice period becomes unwarranted and attracts
adverse comments.
3. Review unused premises and suitable action to be taken for surrender to be taken in time.
4. Before referring the matter of shifting and surrendering of the Office premises to the Head
Office, utmost care is required as frequent shifting of premises involves expenses.

Before shifting/surrendering the existing premises to the landlord, RO must make sure that
any advance rent/Security deposit made to the existing landlord is recovered/adjusted.


Cordial relations with owner/s, compliance of terms of lease and timely renewals prevent
1. RO to maintain Court case files and ensure a competent Advocate is deputed to defend
the Company
2. RO to examine the petition carefully and ensure proper WS/ Counter/Reply is filed in time
3. To produce legally valid documentary and oral evidence in support of our case before the
4. An Officer who knows the case and its related issues should give evidence on behalf of
5. To have regular follow up with Advocate for latest position and measures to be taken to
safeguard the interest of our Company.

Suggested draft wording of Advt. for Metros and 'A' Class Cities, where due to high cost of
advt., smaller space is to be used for Advt.


______________________ Phone :
AT (city)
United India Insurance Co. Ltd., a PSU
requires COMMERCIAL premises having
Carpet area of approximately _____ sqft for
its Branch / Divisional Office at (location/s
in bold letters) , For details and tender
documents, please contact Tel no. _____/
(name) at Mob. no. ______ or to download
tender documents, please visit the
'Tenders/RFP' tab on our Company's Website
Completed bids should reach Regional Office
at above address on or before 3.30 p.m. on
Dy. General Manager / Chief Regional

Note :

1. Small Advertisement in view of high publication cost and people are aware of use of
website to get documents and information.

2. Above draft shows the wording which is required in advt. It does not indicate the space
to be used. Space has to be minimum possible and practical.

3. Minimum 20 days' gap should be there between date of advt. and last date for receipt
of tenders.

4. Detailed notice, terms and conditions, tender forms and standard lease draft to be
uploaded simultaneously on our Co.'s website as per CVC guidelines. Soft copy of all
matter to be uploaded has to be sent to HO 5 days in advance, informing the date of

Suggested draft wording of detailed Advertisement/Notice


Regional Office : ________(address)______________________
______________________ Phone : _______________
Sealed offers are invited for (Commercial) Office premises on lease for
Division / Branch Office, having Carpet Area of approximately _____ sqft in
and around __________ situated on / near Main / Wide Road in clean
surroundings, with adequate parking space, drinking water and minimum of
two toilets.
Interested Parties may submit offers in two bid system viz., “Technical Bid”
and “Financial Bid” in two separate sealed envelopes / covers superscribed as
“Technical Bid” and “Financial Bid”. Both these sealed envelopes should be
put in one envelope sealed and superscribed “Offer of premises
___________Division / Branch Office”. This envelope should be addressed to
Dy. General Manager / Chief Regional Manager of Region at
______________(RO address). The Technical bid contains details of locality,
carpet area, construction, toilets for exclusive use, water, power supply, lease
period etc. The Financial bid contains rent rate per sqft on carpet area etc.
Bids which are not in the prescribed formats or incomplete bids shall be
rejected. Completed bids should reach at Regional Office only at above
address on or before 3.30 p.m. on ________. The prescribed Technical and
Financial bids forms can be obtained during Office working hours from the
Estate Department at above mentioned address or from Local Office
__________(address and Phone no.). These forms can be downloaded from
Company Website, please visit “Tenders / RFP” tab on our Company's Website
No Brokerage or Commission is payable. Company reserves the right to
accept or reject all or any of the offers without assigning any reason thereof.
Technical Bid would be opened on ( date) at (time) in the presence
of the bidders present.


1. Above draft shows suggested wording in advt. It does not indicate the space to be used.
Space has to be minimum possible and practical.

2. Minimum 20 days' gap should be there between date of advt. and last date for receipt
of tenders.

3. Detailed notice, terms and conditions, tender forms and standard lease draft to be
uploaded simultaneously on our Co.'s website as per CVC guidelines. Soft copy of all
matter to be uploaded has to be sent to HO 5 days in advance, informing the date of

Specimen terms and conditions for tender


Phone Nos.______________



1. Interested Parties / Builders / Landlords / Owners including Public Sector Enterprises /

Govt. Undertakings / Govt. Depts. with clear marketable title deeds and proper Building
plan approved by the Competent Authority with permission from local Authorities to carry
out Commercial activities may collect tender documents ( two different forms) i.e.
“Technical bid” and “Financial bid” along with terms and conditions, from _______ to
__________ during Office hours from the above address OR these forms can be
downloaded from tab Tenders / RFPs on Company's website
2. The Terms and conditions shall form part of the tender to be submitted by the bidder.
3. The bids should be completed in all respects and no column to be left blank. All pages of
tender documents are to be signed by authorised signatory of the bidder and the bids should
be duly sealed separately in two envelops superscribed “Technical bid” and “Financial bid”
and both the sealed envelopes to be put in third envelope superscribed “Tender documents
for DO/BO_______ premises, addressed to the Dy.Gen.Mgr./Chief Regional Manager, at
above address and to be received on or before_____ p.m. on _________.
4. The Company shall not be responsible for tenders lost in Transit / Postal delay. The tender
documents received after the due date and time will not be entertained. No
Brokerage/Commission is payable. The Technical bids will be opened on the same day i.e.
________ at _____ p.m. in the presence of bidders present.
5. Carpet area (excluding balcony, verandah, common area, pillars, walls, staircase, toilets etc.)
should be the basis for quoting rent rate per sq.ft. Rent rate per sq.ft to be inclusive of all
amenities including parking space, other conveniences, municipal taxes / surcharges
wherever to be borne by the Lessee.
Average monthly outgo (except service tax wherever applicable will be extra) per sq.
feet of carpet area over the entire lease period offered is the basis to find out the lowest
6. Carpet area offered should be within (-)10% or upto (+)30% of area for which offers are
invited. Initial lease period to be minimum for 9/10 years and maximum rent escalation to
be upto 15% after every 3 years or upto 25% after every 5 years. Security/Deposit to be upto
maximum of six months' rent. Other terms and conditions will be as per Company's standard
format of lease agreement a copy of which is uploaded on Company's website with tender
7. Company reserves the right to accept or reject any or all the Offers without assigning any
reasons whatsoever.


Note;- RO may add/suitably alter terms and conditions as per requirement and as per HO



Technical Bid

Note: To be put in a separate envelope superscribing “Technical Bid for …..................................”

Ref: Your Advertisement for Office space for Divisional Office/Branch Office on Lease basis.

1. Details of Owner

Name and address for communication with the


Telephone No.

Mobile No.

E.Mail ID

 Details of Premises offered :

a) i) Address of the premises offered.

ii) Whether premises offered is in a Mall?

iii) Period of lease offered _______Years

b) i) Carpet area in sq.ft. (Excluding Balcony,

staircase, Veranda, toilets, Common area etc.
Rent rate will be considered on the basis of
Carpet area only).
ii) Whether premises offered is in the shape of
a Hall or rooms ?
Iii) No. of Halls or rooms

c) (i) On which floor, the premises offered

is situated?
(ii) Is it a Multi-storied Building? If yes,

mention the total no. of floors in the building.

d) Usage of Property (As approved by

Competent Authority)

e) Year of Construction of the Building:

f) Width of the road where the property is


g) No. of Toilets provided inside the premises.

h) No. of Toilets outside the premises but on

the same floor for common use.

i) Proximity to Banks / Commercial

Complexes/Transport/Railway facilities.

j) Specification of the construction/material

1) Class of construction
2) Type of construction
i) RCC framed construction
ii) Load bearing walls
iii) Any other construction
iv) Clear height from floor to ceiling (in ft.)
v) Earthquake resistance level of

k)Special Hazards like water logging etc. in the


l) Adverse features like polluting Industries,

Garbage Yard etc. Situated nearby, if any

m) Whether the premises ready for occupation Yes/No …...........................................

n) Whether the building has Yes/No …...........................................

underground/overhead water storage tank?

o) Any established easements regarding right Yes/No …...........................................

of way/passage for mains of water/electricity?

p) Does the site or portion fall within
Railway/National Highway/underground Yes/No …...........................................
cable/Metro traverse site?

q)Enclose Lay-out plan of the building Yes/No …................................................

r) Type of flooring provided in premises

III) Other Details:

a) i) Whether the Premises is in good Yes/No ….....................................

condition. Yes/No ….....................................
ii) Whether premises requires major repairs.

b) Whether the locality is prone to hazards like Yes/No ….....................................

Inundation/flood etc.

c) Whether there is cross-ventilation and Yes/No ….....................................

provision for adequate sun light.

d) Whether Municipal laws are complied with. Yes/No ….....................................

e) Availability of covered/open parking place

f) Whether Lift facility is available. If so, give Yes/No …......................................


g) Whether Generator/Power backup is Yes/No …......................................

available for offered premises.

IV) Amenities:

a) Whether water supply available round the Yes/No …......................................


b) Whether 3-Phase Power supply available; Yes/No …......................................

if not, whether the owner is ready to provide
3-phase electric supply

c) Sanctioned Load of electricity. KVA/MVA …......................................

d) Availability of Fire Station in the vicinity. Yes/No …......................................

e) Locality's proximity to the following places
in Kms:

1) Railway Station …........................................... KMs

2) Market/Super Market …........................................... KMs

3) Hospital …........................................... KMs

4) Bank …........................................... KMs

5) Bus stand …........................................... Kms

f) Details of boundary and adjacent buildings:

1) North by:

2) East by:

3) South by:

4) West by:

g) Safety and Security arrangement Yes/No ….......................................

h) Fire Exit Yes/No …......................................

i) Availability of space on roof of the building Yes/No..........................................

for installation of V-SAT:

j) Is Anti-lightning device/lightning arrester Yes/No ….......................................


k) Is Proper sanitary/sewerage system Yes/No …......................................


I/We confirm that I/we have read the terms and conditions and that the above information is true.
I/We hold clear title to the property and the lease is offered in compliance of local rules and


DATE: Name /Seal of bidder

 This Technical bid should be sent in a separate envelope closed and sealed and
superscribed “TECHNICAL BID” on it, for …............................. Premises.

 Both the Technical and Financial Bid envelopes shall be put in a bigger envelope which
will be superscribed “OFFER OF PREMISES FOR …..................................... OFFICE.


Financial Bid

Note: To be put in a separate envelope superscribing “Financial Bid for ….....................................”

Ref: Your Advertisement in ___________________ Newspaper/Company's Website on

for requirement of Office space for your ….................... Office, on Lease basis.

I. Details of Owner:

Name and address for communication with the


Telephone No.

Mobile Number

E-Mail ID:

Address of the premises offered for lease

(Clearly mention the floor level)

II. Details of Rent claimed:

a) Rent Rate per sq.ft. Carpet area (excluding …........................ per sq.ft (carpet area)
balcony, common area, pillars, wall, toilets

b) Maintenance Charges payable, if any by the Rs..................... per month per sq. ft
Lessee (Specify on monthly basis)
c) Any other charges payable by the lessee per Rs..................... per month per sq. ft
d) Whether service tax payable by the lessee ?

III. Terms of lease:

a) Period of lease (9,10 or more years ) _________Years

b) (i) Increase of rent after every 5 years by________%

(ii) Increase of rent after every 3 years by________%
c) Security deposit

I/We agree to bear lease registration charges on 50:50 basis. I/We hold clear title to the property
and the lease is offered in compliance of local rules and regulations.

I/We are aware that the 'RENT' (Item No.II-(a)) mentioned above will be inclusive of all amenities
including Parking space, other conveniences, municipal taxes, rates/Surcharges & Cess etc.

It is my/our duty to pay the statutory liabilities/dues relating to the premises offered above, to
the appropriate authority within the due date & the Company shall have no responsibility other
than payment of the rent as mentioned above.




 This Financial bid should be sent in a separate envelope closed, sealed and superscribed
“FINANCIAL BID for ….......................... Premises” on it.

 Both the Technical and Financial Bid envelopes shall be put in a bigger envelope which
OFFICE ….............................”


THIS DEED OF LEASE entered into at .................. on of..................201..

BETWEEN…..........................s/d/o…........................ aged……….years, residing at
........................... ………………………hereinafter referred to as the LESSOR on the one part


M/s. United India Insurance Co. Ltd., a limited liability company incorporated under Companies
1956 having its Registered office at No.24, whites Road, Chennai – 600 014 represented herein by
its ………...Manager,Sh………………of UNITED INDIA INSURANCE CO.LTD., ..……….
Office, ...................... hereinafter referred to as the LESSEE on the other part.

The expressions LESSOR and LESSEE shall wherever the context so require be deemed to include
their heirs, executors, legal representatives, successors-in- interest and assigns.


a) the LESSOR represents that he is the sole and absolute owner of the property on
…... floor in door no. ........................................ and entitled to lease out the same;

b) the LESSEE required the afore-mentioned property / portion thereof comprising an extent of
......... Sq.ft. Carpet area more fully described in the schedule hereunder and hereinafter
referred to as the PREMISES for use as its Office.

c) the LESSOR has agreed to provide and the LESSEE has agreed to take on lease the PREMISES,
subject to terms set out hereunder;


1. The lease shall be for a period of ......... years commencing from......... and ends on ......... and
shall be renewed at the option of the Lessee.
2. The rent is agreed and fixed at Rs...........p.m. (at the rate of Rs........per Sq.ft.) for a period of
....... years initially and shall be increased by .........% of the rent being paid thereafter, for
........... terms of ..........years each, as detailed below: -

w.e.f..............................Rs. .. ................. p.m.

w.e.f..............................Rs. .. ................. p.m.
w.e.f..............................Rs. .. ................. p.m.

The rent shall be payable for each month on or before the 10th day of every succeeding
month. The lessee shall pay in addition to the rent a sum of ……. as maintenance charges
every month.(if applicable).

3. The LESSEE has paid to the LESSOR an advance / deposit of Rs......... which shall be
refunded to the LESSEE at the time of surrendering or handing over vacant possession
of the PREMISES by the LESSEE.

4. Besides rent, LESSEE shall pay Electricity charges and Water charges in respect of
leased premises as levied by the Municipal or other statutory authorities.
5. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, the LESSEE shall not be liable for any other payment
and LESSOR shall bear the Property Tax and all other taxes, levies or outgo in respect of the

6. The LESSOR shall provide sufficient parking space for cars, Scooters, & other vehicles
and also a Cycle stand for LESSEES .

7. This Lease may be terminated by the LESSEE at any time by giving three months’ notice in
writing to the LESSOR.

8. The LESSEE shall deduct income Tax deduction at source, which shall be on the rent paid
by the LESSEE, and necessary Certificate shall be provided at the end of each financial

9. It is mutually agreed between the parties that the cost of Stamp papers and expenses of
registration of lease deed in respect of this lease and its renewals if any shall be shared
equally by the LESSORS and LESSEES.

10. The LESSOR COVENANTS as follows: -

i) On the LESSEE paying the rents and other charges as stipulated herein, it shall be entitled to
hold and enjoy the PREMISES on lease without any let or hindrance from the LESSOR or
any one claiming through or under him.

ii) Not to do or cause to be done anything within or outside the PREMISES preventing,
obstructing or interrupting business of the LESSEE or its use and occupation of the
PREMISES including free ingress or egress.

iii) The LESSEE, its employees, customers, visitors or servants shall be entitled to unfettered
use of all entrances, passages, common areas, parking areas, staircases, lifts, amenities and
conveniences in and outside the PREMISES in common with other occupants as the case
may be.

iv) To maintain the PREMISES in good and tenantable condition including provision
of uninterrupted electricity, water supply and other amenities and to perform necessary
repairs to the PREMISES whenever necessary without delay. Lessor shall arrange painting
/ white washing of premises every 5 years.

v) The LESSEE shall be entitled to put up fixtures and fittings in or upon the PREMISES
including Name Boards or Sign Boards, Partitions, Cabins, Lightings, Fans, Airconditioners,
provisions for computers or other interior work of a removable nature including incidental
electrical works for the same for the purpose of using the PREMISES.

vi)That at the time of LESSEE surrendering vacant possession of the PREMISES, the LESSOR
shall forthwith refund the advance/deposit without any delay or default.

vii) In the event that the LESSOR fails or neglects to

a) Perform necessary maintenance or repairs despite intimation by the LESSEE,

b) Pay any property Tax /other taxes, levies or outgo in respect of the PREMISES which

The LESSOR is thereby required to pay, the LESSEE is hereby permitted and authorised to effect
necessary repairs and / or maintenance and the costs thereof or any other payments made by it shall
be adjusted from the rent payable to the LESSOR.

11) THE LESSEE agrees and undertakes as follows: -

i. To pay the rent, electricity and water charges punctually as and when falling due.
ii. Not to sub-let, assign or part with his leasehold estate or interest in the said
iii. To maintain the PREMISES in a clean, tidy, healthy and good condition as may be
practicable, normal wear and tear excepted.
iv. Not to do or cause any major modifications, additions or alterations in the building of the
PREMISES without the permission of the LESSOR.
v. To permit the LESSOR or his/her/their duly authorized agent, representative to enter the
PREMISES at all reasonable times without interrupting or disrupting the functioning of
LESSEE’s office.
vi. To remove all fixtures and fittings put up by it in the PREMISES at the time of vacation of
the premises.


All that piece and parcel of the premises of carpet Area ............ Sq.ft. on the ............. floor at Door
no. …......... street/locality / road .................................................. (complete address) together right
of use of common stair cases, common passages, areas, lifts and other common amenities in the
building bounded on the

North by ....................,
South by ...................,
East by ................. and
West by .................... within the Registration ................................

A sketch / plan of premises is attached in case of new premises leased for the first time.


IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have executed this LEASE DEED on the day, month
and year first above written.



1. Signatures 1. Signatures
Name & Address : Name & Address :

2. Signatures 2. Signatures
Name & Address : Name & Address :



REGIONAL OFFICE :________________

Questionnaire to be completed for proposed NEW PREMISES

1. Status of Office :

2. a) Full address of the proposed premises :

b) Which floor

3. Location (State nearness of Banks/

Business areas and important land marks :
of the locality)
4 Name & address of the owner :

5 Is the premises located in a hygienic :

surrounding and well ventilated ?
6 Is there lift facility in the building ? :

7.a Is water supply adequate ? :

7.b State Municipal supply or well water :

supply or any other source
8 Is it easily possible for shifting/obtaining
Telephone, to the proposed premises ? :
9.a Is the provision of fans and lights :
adequate ?
9.b Whether the landlord is agreeable to :
provide fans and lights at his cost
9.c Whether the premises has 3 phase :
electricity connection
9.d If not, Whether the landlord is agreeable :
to provide 3 phase Electricity connection
10.a Whether the building has the facility of :
a. Car Parking
10.b Cycle stand Two-wheeler parking :

11 Is the building easily accessible from all

parts of the town by public transport? :

12 Brief details of Inspection report of

Estate Committee (attach Estate :
Committee Note)

1 Is the premises newly built? If not, state :
the age of the building and its condition

2 Whether space offered is located in :

ground floor/ I floor/ II Floor
3 Actual carpet area in sq.ft to be used :
for office
a. area of toilet :

b. area of common utility :

c. area of verandah, if any :

4 Carpet area of each floor if the space is :

distributed in more than one floor
5 Are adequate no. of toilets provided with :
separate toilet for lady
employees ?
a. Is there a common canteen in the building :
available for employees ?
b. Is the proposed space sufficient to :
provide canteen for our employees (OR)
c. State nearness of canteen/restaurants to :
the proposed premises

7 How is the proposed space going to be : Immediate requirement

allocated No. of staff Area in sq.ft
i. Officers in cabins with designations :

ii. Officers sitting outside with designation :

iii. Class III & IV staff :

iv. Dev. Staff – Class II :

Area as per norms : 120 sq.ft. for Divisional Manager & Sr. Divisional Managers
100 sq.ft. for Dy. Managers
70 sq.ft. for AO & AM
60sq.ft for Development staff
50 sq.ft. for clerical staff
200 sq.ft. for records / stationery


1 Rent per sq.ft. (on carpet area) demanded by :

the Owner
2 Deposit if any demanded by the owner and :
adjustable at the time of termination of
3 Lease period and renewal terms : Lease for …........ years with rent
escalation of …........ % after every
…........ years

4 Is owner agreeing to enter into lease :

agreement as per our standard draft ?
5 Is owner agreeing to share the registration :
expenses on50:50 basis ?
6 Any other stipulation by the owner :

7 State rent per sq.ft on carpet area paid by at :

least two tenants in the same building
a. Name of the tenant :

b. Area & floor occupied :

c. When occupied and rate of rent at the time of :

d. Any increase in rent given? If so how much :
and when
e. Any advance involved :

8 Rent per sq.ft on carpet area paid by other :

Public Sector Cos.( preferably other than
Banks) in the same locality
a. Name :

b. Floor occupied with carpet area :

c. Date of occupation :

d. Rent rate per sq.ft paid at the time of :

e. Rent rate per sq.ft. paid at present and :
effective from which date
9 Premium Income for last 3 years & : :
Management expenses ratio
for last 3 years
10 Loss ratio for last 3 years :

(applicable only where shifting to new premises is contemplated)

1 Full address :

2 Carpet area :

3 Whether Ground/I/II Floor :

4 Monthly total rent including taxes :

and other outgoings
5 Advance to be recovered :

6 Since when occupied :

7 Lease particulars viz. :

8 No. of years of lease :

9 Date of expiry :

10 Reasons necessitating the change :

of premises



RO : DO : BO :
…………………………… …………………………… ……………………………
……… ………. ………


1. Status of Office :

2. Address of the Premises (with floor) :

3. Name and address of the owner :

4. Area for which rent is being paid Carpet

Area / Built up / Plinth Area (please :
5. Date of Occupation :

6. Rent paid at the time of occupation : Rs.

7. Rent paid at present : Rs.

8. Any other outgo as taxes, maintenance : Rs.

charges and others apart from rent
9. Date from which the present rent is :
10. Periodical increase in rent as allowed : Yes / No.
Lease period : …..........Years
Escalation in rent : …........% after every.....years

Renewal terms

11. Rental Deposit, if any : Rs.

12 Whether lease deed executed :

13 Whether lease deed in vogue :

Other information :

1 Target premium :

2 Year wise completed premium for past 3 :

Financial years *

3 Management expenses ratio for the past :

3 years *

4 Commission / Brokerage * :

5 Loss Ratio for past 3 yrs * :

6 Underwriting surplus for the past 3 yrs * :

7 Rent premium ratio * :

7 Staff strength
Class I in cabin :
Class I sitting outside :
Class II :
Class III :
Class-IV :
8 Any premises attached to this Office to
be put to any use OR is to be :

9 Locality where the Region would like to

shift the BO / DO and Market Rent :
prevalent in the locality
10 Whether any BO / DO is situated within
a radius of 2 kms from the Office which
is required to be shifted and their Staff :
11 What is the customer profile of the BOs
/ DOs situated within a radius of 2 kms
and what is the customer profile of the :
Office to be shifted ?
12 Whether there is feasibility of merging :
the Office to be shifted, with the nearby
DO / BO to save on expenses of
13 Our position as tenants under the Rent :

Control Act applicable

14 Details of other tenants in the premises

a) Name :

b) Carpet Area , floor-wise :

c) Date of occupation :

d)Rent paid at the time of occupation :

e) Rent paid at present and effective :

from which date
15 Details of other PSUs (preferably other
than Banks)in the locality
a) Name :

b) Carpet Area, floor-wise :

c) Date of occupation :

d) Rent paid at the time of occupation :

e) Rent paid at present and effective :

from which date

* (duly tallied with books of Accounts / Trial Balance)

For United India Insurance Co. Ltd.

Sr/ Divisional Manager

Chief Regional / Deputy General Manager



REGIONAL OFFICE:________________________


IN .............................DT.............IN CONNECTION
WITH LEASING OF PREMISES FOR ............................DO/BO.

S.No. Name & Address of Address of the Carpet Good Bad Remarks
the Bidder premises area features features (State
offered offered whether
and Floor (Sq.ft) shortlisted
or rejected
along with
valid &
reasons for

Dated--- Signatures of members of RO Committee



REGIONAL OFFICE:________________________


WITH LEASING OF PREMISES FOR ..........................DO/BO.

S. Name & Address of Carpe Rent Maintena Any Lease Total Average
No Address the premises t area quoted nce other period outgo monthly
of the offered offere per Charges charges offere other outgo
Offerer d sq.ft* if any to to be d and than per sq.ft
& Floor
be borne borne by …...% Service of
by us the increa Tax for carpet
(indicate Compan se of entire area
on y rent lease over
monthly (Indicate after... period entire
on a .years lease
monthly period
basis) offered

Bid at S. No. ….......... is L-1.

Dated--- Signatures of members of RO Estate Committee



REGIONAL OFFICE:________________________

DETAILS OF PREVAILING RENTS BY PSUs (preferably other than Banks) IN THE


S.No. Name OF THE Address of the Year of Carpet area Present Rent
PSU occupatio paid rate per
PSU (preferably (Sq.ft)
n sq.ft and
other than Banks) and Floor
effective from
which date

Dated___________ Name, designation and signature of RO Estate Dept. Incharge


Office Note
Department : Estate
Ref No: Dated:

Subject: RENEWAL of lease of Office premises – BO / DO (with office code)______

1. Address of premises & floor.

2. Name & Address of owner

3. Carpet area (sqft)

4. Date of occupation

5. Rent rate and amount paid at the time of occupation

6. Rent rate and amount paid at present and effective from which date

7. Deposit

8. Whether lease deed executed

9. Whether lease in vogue, if no, the date of expiry (attach a copy of lease deed)

10. (a) Whether lease provides option to continue tenancy/ renew, to lessee
(b) If yes whether option exercised?

11. Attach Form ‘A' YES

12. Letters of confirmation of rent (rate and effective from which date) from at least 2
PSUs(preferably other than Banks) in the vicinity

13. Attach one photograph of exterior and one of interior of premises (may be taken with a
mobile phone camera)

14. If rent demanded is more than the norms of escalation, attach a copy of rent valuation by the
Regd. Civil Engineer on panel of LIC or Govt. Authority(other than a Surveyor)

15. Whether RO Estate Committee members discussed the rent & terms with owner (attach
owner's letter & final consent)

16. Name of nearest Office of our Co. and approx. distance from it.

17. Lease period, (prefer minimum 10 yrs = 5+5)

18. Rent rate recommended, effective from which date & escalation “percentage” if any, after
what period

19. Registration charges to be borne 50:50 by the owner & Company.

20. If renewal is from back date, RO to inform how much increased rent liability was
provided in our books

Recommendations of RO :

Signature of RO Estate Committee Members & Regional In-charge :

Encl : Form 'A'

Photos, Lease Deed copy,
Owner's letter, final consent
Rent confirmation from atleast two PSUs,
Rent valuation (if required)

REGIONAL OFFICE : _______________

Department : Estates OFFICE NOTE

Ref no. _____________________ Dated :


Subject : Leasing of new premises for BO / DO ____________________

(Ref. Cir No. HO/EST/442/2009-10 dt. 17.8.2009)

1. HO “In principle” Approval (Please give letter no. & date)

2. Date of Advertisement & Names of Newspapers (also enclose copies of Advertisements)

3. No. of offers received

4. Date of opening of Technical Bids by member of (also enclose Annexure B containing

RO Estate Committee details of all offers received & signed
By RO Estate Committee members)

5. Date on which (premises found in conformity with (detailed statement be drawn as per
Advertisement) physically inspected by members Annexure 'C' & enclose it)
of RO Estate Committee for detailed evaluation for

6. Date of opening the financial bids of only those (For arriving at L-1 extra costs like
premises found suitable and name of L-1 maintenance charges, taxes etc. borne
to be borne by the Co. shall be taken into account)

7. Carpet area (with a sketch) measured by a Regd. (also enclose sketch and report)
Civil Engineer on Panel of LIC or Government /
Municipal Authorities deputed by our Office,
agreed by owner

8. Prevailing rent rate in the locality where L-1 is (also enclose Annexure 'D' along with
located, Rent valuation by Regd. Civil Engineer on copies of letters of PSUs & rent
valuation panel of LIC or Govt Authorities & report)
confirmation of rent rate by at least 2 PSUs
in the area.

9. Lease period (minimum 9 to 10 years, prefer

longer periods) with escalation after how much gap.

10. Registration charges to be borne by (Confirmation by RO)

owner & Co.- 50:50

11. Address of L-1 premises (with floor specified)

12. Name & Address of owner

13. Attach Questionnaire form 'F'

14. Recommendations of RO giving rent rate, other

charges / taxes to be borne by Co., lease period etc.

Signature of RO Estate Committee Members & Region In-charge :

Dated : ____________

Enclosures :

a) Photographs of L-1 premises showing both exterior

and interior appearance (may be taken with mobile camera
and sent by E-Mail)

b) A copy of approved Plan copy of premises

c) Final consent letter of L-1

d) Annexures B,C,D, Questionnaire Form 'F', Copies of

all Technical bids & financial bids of shortlisted,
copies of advertisements, valuation, measurement &
sketch, rent confirmation by PSUs.

Note : Original bids are to be maintained at RO


The types of accommodations that are provided are:

(a) Company-owned accommodation
(b) Company-leased accommodation
(c) Accommodation on Personal lease

Company-owned accommodation:

Company owns residential flats at various places . As and when the Company-owned flat falls
vacant, notice is issued by the concerned ROs inviting applications for the same from the particular
cadres of Officers for whom the flat is meant according to their Cadre eligibility norms. When
there is no vacant flat at particular place and the Officers seek accommodation, they may be advised
to go either for Company-leased accommodation or Personal-leased accommodation.

Company Lease:
The lease is between the owner and the Company , the Company would pay the rent to owner.

Personal Lease:
No deposit is payable by the Company and the rent upto the approved limit is reimbursed based on
production of rental receipt.

Area Norms
Company owned flats, Company-leased and Personal-leased residential accommodation are allotted
to Officers in various cadres according to the area norms applicable to their cadre as under:

 Area Norms for Company owned Accommodation:

Cadre Carpet Area in Sq.ft.
Scale I & II 538 to 753
Scale III 807 to 1076
Scale IV & V 1076 to 1614
Scale VI & VII over 1614

 Area Norms for Company leased and Personal leased Residential Accommodation:
Cadre Carpet Area in Sq.ft.
Scale I & II 807
Scale III & IV 1076
Scale V 1345
Scale VI 1614
Scale VII 2152

ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA for allotment of Company owned / leased accommodations :

1. All transferred Officers, provided they do not own house acquired under Company's housing
loan at the place of posting.
2. Direct Recruit Officers posted outside home town and on probation.
3. Class III/II employees promoted to Class I and transferred from one centre to another on
promotion after 15.10.1992.
4. Class I officers upto Scale IV who are promoted and retained at the same centre provided
they do not own a house at the place of posting.
 Officers in the cadre of General Manager, Deputy General Manager, Chief Manager,
Regional Manager, Senior Divisional Manager, Divisional Manager and full time Faculty
Members posted at Learning Centre, Nalanda, Chennai are entitled for housing
accommodation under service conditions, inspite of the fact that they may own a house at
the place of posting.
 CMD may at his discretion, approve in individual cases, Leased Residential accommodation
to an employee promoted from Class-III/II to the Officer's cadre but retained on promotion
at the same station which is not his home town nor within his home state.
 Newly recruited Officers posted out of their home state at the time of their initial posting
may be treated as “transferred Officers” for allotment of residential accommodation. In view
of representations from Officers that this proviso operates harshly against recruits who come
from large States and who are posted within the state but away from their home town, it has
been decided that recruits posted outside home town but within those larger States also come
under “transferred category”. It is also to be noted that the term “home town” for application
of this concession may pose a problem in view of extended suburbs and in any case, the
concession may not be warranted when the recruit is posted at a centre within reasonable
travel distance. Hence, ROs may consider cases of direct recruits posted outside their home
town but within their home State depending on the merits of the case whether the Posting
would justify treatment as 'transferred category' for purpose of allotment of Residential
accommodation. Recruits posted outside their home State would of course continue to
qualify for treatment as 'transferred category'.


 75% flats will be allotted on ranking system and 25% flats on special consideration under
Management Discretionary Quota (out of which 15% for SC/ST category of employees) and
can be maintained further also to the extent it is feasible.
 Allotment of company owned flats up to the cadre of Manager (Scale IV) can be done at the
RO level.
 Entitled officers get first preference and second preference goes to transferred officers.
 Within the transferred officers, allotment is decided based on marking system of GIC
(Annexure ‘A).
 For all company owned/leased accommodations, execution of Leave and Licence
Agreement is to be entered immediately. The Agreement is to be executed after allotment
and before handing over the flat key to the Officer.
 In case of the eligible officers/employees owning a house/availing housing loan for purchase
of house at the present place of posting during occupation of company accommodation then,
from the date of drawing of last installment of Housing Loan the officers/employees become
ineligible for accommodation and have to vacate the company’s accommodation. This is not
applicable for the officers entitled for accommodation under service conditions.



Item Maximum Remarks Marks allotted

1. Marital status 25

a. Single 5

b. Married without 12
c. Married with 1 Child 15

d. Married with 2 Children 20

Add 5 marks, if employee has dependent parent(s) staying with him.

2. Period of service 20

1 Mark for each year of

continuous service in the
General Insurance
Service of six months &
over will be treated as one
year: below 6 months to be
3. Present 10
– Size
If present accommodation
is below size
recommended in our
4. Present 15
– Nature/Type
a. Tenancy 5

b. Leave & Licence 10

c. Paying Guest 15

No marks will be allotted for those having ownership flats.

5.Demolition/Eviction 5
Where notice has been
served by Local
Authorities or Legal Suit
filed by Landlord – Proof
to be submitted.
6. Present 15
– Cost
a. Exceeds 10% of gross 5
salary, but not 15%
b. 16% - 20% of salary 7

c. 21% - 25% of salary 10

d. Over 25% of salary 15

7. Present 10
– Location
Distance from office 5
beyond 5 kms, but less
than 10 kms
10 kms to 15 kms 8

Beyond 15 kms 10


Explanatory Notes:

1. Applicants staying in accommodation owned by their parents/relatives will be treated as

'Leave and License” cases.

Company leased accommodation or personal lease accommodation has to be given only after
exhausting Company owned accommodation in that locality. If the employees are given leased
accommodation without utilizing company owned accommodation, two problems are created. 1. In
the short run, we are unnecessarily keeping our accommodation empty and paying for the
employees leases, 2. In the long run, all the vacant flats become unusable and we are forced to give
only leased accommodation.

So wherever vacant flats are there in dilapidated condition, efforts have to be taken to renovate
these flats and put them to use immediately.


 For all company owned /leased accommodations, Leave and License Agreement is to be
entered immediately. Agreement is to be executed after allotment and before handing over
the key of flat to the Officer.
 ROs/LCBs have to send a photocopy of Leave and license agreement along with Annexure
A, B1, and B2 forming part of lease agreement for company owned and company leased
residential premises to HO Estates department whenever residential accommodation is
allotted to officers/employees.


1. Leasing of any accommodation should not be sanctioned without exhausting company
owned accommodation at any centre.
2. CRM/DGMs are vested with the powers for approving leased residential accommodation to
the Officers’ upto the cadre of Regional Managers in their Region. The Authority shall
ensure the bonafides of the terms including the rent payable/ownership of the property and
Officer's eligibility of rent (and that prevailing in the market) as per norms. The twin
parameters of Carpet area and maximum rent upto which accommodation will be leased will
have to be borne in mind. While monetary limit will be the predominant of the two, as far as
possible efforts must be made to lease accommodation within the range of Carpet area
indicated in the table. The existing lease rent should not be revised till the expiry of the
term of lease. In respect of Company-leased Residential accommodation, Regional In-
charges are empowered to approve hiring of residential accommodation with rental deposit
upto six months.
3. Prior to any negotiations with the landlord and occupation of the residential premises, the
request for company leased/personal lease/ shared lease accommodation has to be approved
by the Competent Authority. Before the proposed date of occupation, the application in the
prescribed format along with proof of ownership, PAN card of the owner, sketch diagram of
the building are to be submitted to the respective office.
4. The payment of monthly rent should be made in the name of the owner of the premises. A
separate Register should be maintained for this purpose and entries relating to monthly rent,
should be made separately along with complete cheque details for each month.
Requirements :
Any proposal for leased residential premises which requires HO's approval should contain the
following :
Form ‘B’
RO Estate Committee Note
Rough sketch/plan copy of the premises
Proof of ownership
Officer’s application
Offer letter from owner
Latest property Tax Receipt.

Note :
 All cases approved by RO within their powers, form ‘B’ should be sent to HO for
records(Annexure ‘D').
 Premature surrendering of leased accommodation may be entertained in deserving cases
with prior approval.
 In all company leases both lease agreement between company and the landlord (Annexure
B) and Leave and Licence Agreement between the company and the officer (Annexure C)
should be executed immediately on allotment.
 No rental deposit is paid by the company in case of personal leases and rent should be
reimbursed based on production of rental receipt up to approved limit.
 In respect of Company-leased Residential accommodation, Regional In-charges are
empowered for approval for hiring of the residential accommodation with rental deposit
upto six months. However, the eligibility shall be strictly as per norms and lease deed as per
standard wordings. Deviation, if any shall be subject to H.O's approval.
 Officers who are allotted residential accommodation by the Company shall pay for such
accommodation, appropriate Licence fee at 0.75% (as per Administrative Instructions for
implementation of the provisions of General Insurance (Rationalisation of Pay Scales and
other Conditions of Service of Officers) Amendment Scheme, 2016) of the minimum of the
revised scale with effect from 01.02.2016 applicable to them. They shall not be entitled to
House Rent Allowance which is payable at the rate of 10% of Basic Pay, subject to a
maximum of the respective cadre in their respective place of Posting.

Estates Department
Regional Office : .

List of Documents to be submitted : Personal

Leased Residential Accommodation

1. Application form [Prescribed format] – Duly filled by the officer with Head of the
Department's recommendation.

2. Offer letter from the House owner [Prescribed format]

3. Proof of ownership – Copy of Latest Property Tax receipt from the Corporation of Chennai/
Copy of Sale deed

4. Proof of Identity & Address of the House owner – Copy of Ration Card/ Voter ID/ Driving
Licence/ Aadhar Card

5. Copy of PAN Card of the House owner.

6. Bank details of the officer - in the prescribed format along with cancelled cheque.

7. Copy of the registration certificate of Maintenance society [If applicable].

8. Rough Plan of the premises.

9. Inspection report by senior officer.

10. Confirmation of Home town address from Personnel Department – in case of new recruits.

11. Copy of the lease agreement between the house owner and the officer.


Estates Department
Regional Office : .

List of Documents to be submitted : Company

Leased Residential Accommodation

1. Application form [Prescribed format] – Duly filled by the officer with Head of the
Department's recommendation.

2. Offer letter from the House owner [Prescribed format]

3. Proof of ownership – Copy of Latest Property Tax receipt from the Corporation of Chennai/
Copy of Sale deed

4. Proof of Identity & Address of the House owner – Copy of Ration Card/ Voter ID/ Driving
Licence/ Aadhar Card

5. Copy of PAN Card of the House owner.

6. Bank details of the House owner [in case of Company lease] - in the prescribed format along
with cancelled cheque.

7. In case of joint ownership – No objection certificate from the co-owners for leasing out the
flat and when the flat is offered by one of the co-owners.

8. Copy of the registration certificate of Maintenance society [If applicable].

9. Rough Plan of the premises.

10. Inspection report by senior officer.

11. Confirmation of Home town address from Personnel Department – in case of new recruits.

12. Confirmation from the officer for the deduction of excess rent from his/her monthly salary if
the rent demanded exceeds the officer’s eligibility.


Estates Department
Regional Office : .
Application Form : Company/ Personal Leased Residential Accommodation
Sl. Description Details
1 Name & Designation of the Officer
Employee Number
Department & Office of Posting

2 Whether he/ she is Direct Recruit

or Promotee Officer from Class
3 Date of joining the company and
Date of reporting at present place
of posting
4 If transferred, from where?
5 Distance between Previous and
present place of posting
6 Name of the Home town and Place
of Posting.
7 Distance between Home Town and
Place of Posting (in kms)
8 Whether you have availed Housing
if yes, for house/flat at which
9 Does the officer/ spouse own any
residential accommodation in the
place of posting?
10 Any residential accommodation
allotted to the officer prior to this
If Yes, Details of accommodation

Reason in brief – Why the Change

in accommodation is desired?
11 Has the previous accommodation
been surrendered?

(Signature of the Applicant)

Details of Proposed Premises :

Sl. Description Details

1 Name & Address of the Owner

2 Address of the Premises

3 Individual House/Apartment?
4 Carpet Area (in Sq.Ft)

5 Rent Per month

Maintenance Charges Per month

6 Security Deposit/ Advance Rs.

7 Lease Period with effect from

8 Renewal Terms

9 Prevailing Market Rent Rs.

10 Amenities provided by the owner

and rent charged for the additional
amenities if any.

(All the documents required for company/personal leased residential accommodation must be
enclosed with the application form.)

I hereby declare that the above furnished information is true and correct to the best of my

Date : (Signature of the Applicant)

Place :

Recommendation of RO/ Head of the Department :

Date : (Signature of the Authority)

Place : Name & Designation :
Department :

Estates Department
Regional Office : .
Application Form : Shared Lease Residential Accommodation
Sl. Description Officer 1 Officer 2
1 Name & Designation of the Officer

Employee Number
Department & Office of Posting

2 Whether he/ she is Direct Recruit

or Promotee Officer from Class
3 Date of joining the company and
Date of reporting at present place
of posting
4 If transferred, from where?
5 Distance between Previous and
present place of posting
6 Name of the Home town and Place
of Posting.
7 Distance between Home Town and
Place of Posting (in kms)
8 Whether you have availed Housing
if yes, for house/flat at which
9 Does the officer/ spouse own any
residential accommodation in the
place of posting?
10 Any residential accommodation
allotted to the officer prior to this
If Yes, Details of accommodation

Reason in brief – Why the Change

in accommodation is desired?
11 Has the previous accommodation
been surrendered?

(Signature of the Officer 1) (Signature of the Officer 2)

Details of Proposed Premises :

Sl. Description Details

1 Name & Address of the Owner

2 Address of the Premises

3 Individual House/Apartment?
4 Carpet Area (in Sq.Ft)

5 Rent Per month

Maintenance Charges Per month

6 Security Deposit/ Advance Rs.

7 Lease Period with effect from

8 Renewal Terms

9 Prevailing Market Rent Rs.

10 Amenities provided by the owner

and rent charged for the additional
amenities if any.

(All the documents required for company/personal leased residential accommodation must be
enclosed with the application form.)
I hereby declare that the above furnished information is true and correct to the best of my

Date : (Signature of officer 1) (Signature of the Officer 2)

Place :
Recommendation of RO/ Head of the Department :

(Signature of Authority[officer 1]) (Signature of Authority[officer 2])

Name and Designation: Name and Designation:

Department: Department:

Date: Date:
Offer Letter – Company/ Leased Residential Accommodation

Date :
Place :


The Chief Manager,
Estates department,
United India Insurance Co.Ltd,
Regd and Head office,
24, Whites road,

Re : Offering of my Flat/ Residence on Company Lease.

I am willing to offer my Flat/ Residence at ___________________________________________

______________________ on company lease to Mr/ Ms. ______________________ working as
_____________in your Company w.e.f ___________ .
The details are as follows.

1. Address of the Premises :

2. Name & Address of the House owner :

3. Carpet Area (in sq.ft) :

4. Rent per month : Rs.

5. Maintenance Charges (if any ) :Rs.

6. Rental Deposit : Rs.

7. Lease Period :

Thanking You,

Yours Faithfully,

United India Insurance Co. Ltd.


I/We furnish below details of my/our bank account to be used for effecting the payments due to us

Sl.No Registration for NEFT/RTGS Payments

1 Name
2 Category Landlord
3 Permanent Address
4 Address for Communication

5 Account Number

6 Type of the Account Savings/Current.

7 Name of the Bank

8 Address of the Bank

9 IFSC Code Rs.
10 MICR Code
Please insert copy of the Cancelled cheque leaf. Verify the details with your bank before
submitting. To receive alerts from the Company on processing of payments through SMS/e-mail
11 Email
12 Mobile Number
I/We hereby declare that the particulars given above are correct and express my/our willingness to
receive credit of payments through the mode indicated above. Notwithstanding my/our choice of
mode. United India Insurance Co. Ltd reserves the right to issue a cheque/ credit the account in the
mode that they deem fit. I/We would not hold United India Insurance Co. Ltd. Responsible, if
transaction is delayed or not effected at all or credited to an incorrect account for reasons of
incomplete/incorrect information.

(Signature of the Applicant)

Place :
Date :

For Office Use only:

Reference No:
Bank details verified by
Details captured in system on:
Details captured in system verified and found correct

Signature of the Officer

Name & Designation :
Reimbursement of society maintenance charges:

Society maintenance charges can be reimbursed to officers/employees, in case the following

requirements are satisfied:
1. The accommodation is part of the apartment complex/flat/colony/annex/campus and
there is an association for the apartment.
2. The flat owners association has a system of collecting maintenance charges for the
building and receipts are issued for the same
3. The receipt may be issued in the name of the tenant
4. In case the receipt is issued in the name of the owner, the agreement entered into with
the owner shall specifically provide that the tenant shall bear the maintenance charges
5. The association maintains proper records/accounts of the funds
6. The registration of the association/society may not be insisted
7. Serially numbered printed receipts of the association to be obtained.


This Deed of Lease Executed at on this day of

between (1) Smt/Shri ................

now residing at .....................................................................................................................................
(hereinafter referred to as LESSOR which term shall include her/his legal representative and
assigns) and (2) United India Insurance Company Ltd. a Limited liability Company incorporated
under the Companies Act, 1956 now having its registered office at 24, Whites Road, Chennai 600
014 and represented herein by its Chairman-cum-Managing Director through his power of Attorney
holder Shri
(hereinafter referred to as LESSEE which term shall include its successors in interest).

Whereas the LESSOR has offered to let on lease the premises (described in the Schedule hereunder
and hereinafter referred to as Demised premises) to the LESSEE for the residential accommodation
of any of its Officers for a monthly rent of Rs. per month (Rupees.....................................)
which offer has been accepted by the LESSEE subject to the terms and conditions set out


1. In pursuance of the above said recital, the LESSOR hereby lets on lease the Demised Premises
to the LESSEE for a monthly rent of Rs. (Rupees

2. This lease will be for a period of

3. The LESSOR hereby covenants that :

(i) He is in lawful possession of the premises

(ii) He will keep the premises in good tenantable condition by attending to its necessary repairs
and periodical whitewashing and painting of the said premises.

(iii) He will see that all the taxes, rents and levies due in respect of the Demised premises to the
Govt./Local Body are promptly and regularly paid.

(iv) To permit the LESSEE to remove from the premises at the expiration or sooner the
termination of the tenancy all fixtures and fittings installed by the LESSEE in the

(v) To permit the LESSEE paying the monthly rent hereby reserved and observing the
covenants on either part herein contained to use, occupy and enjoy the premises without any
disturbance or interruption by the LESSOR or any other person lawfully claiming by,
through or under him or in trust for him and the LESSEE is a tenant of the Lessor.

4. The LESSEE hereby covenants that it will,

(i) Pay the monthly rent of Rs. (Rupees ) as stated above due for a month on or before
the Seventh day of the succeeding English Calendar Month

(ii) Keep the Demised Premises clean and tidy.

(iii) Pay the water and electricity charges promptly and regularly.

(iv) Permit the LESSOR and persons authorised by him to enter, to inspect and/or attend to any
necessary repairs relating to the Demised Premises.

(v) Not to alter or construct new in the Demised premises, except providing removable partitions,
fittings, fixtures, electrical installations, etc. and

(vi) The LESSEE shall hand over possession of the said premises to the LESSOR on the expiry of
the period of lease fixed herein the same state and condition as on the date of occupation but subject
to natural wear and tear due to ordinary use and lapse of time.

5. The LESSEE has paid the LESSOR Rs.................(Rupees...............................................) as

Deposit to be adjusted from the monthly rental against notice period.

respect of this lease and the duplicate and of the renewed lease and its duplicate if any shall be
borne by the Lessee.

7. Notwithstanding anything contained above, the lease can be terminated by giving one month
notice period by Lessee.


Premises bearing Flat No.........., Plot no.........., Locality / Road / Street …............... City,
comprising a total/plinth/carpet area of approx............ sq.ft. bounded on

North by :
East by :
West by :
South by :

IN WITNESS WHEREOF THE PARTIES HEREUNTO set their hands on the day, month and year
first above written.


Witnesses: (Signature with name and address)



Fixtures & Fittings provided by the lessor.

NOTE:-If monthly society maintenance charges are payable, the same to be included appropriately


THESE ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT made at ________,this .............. day of ..................201....

between UNITED INDIA INSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED, a Company registered under the
Indian Companies Act 1956 and having its registered office at 24, WHITES ROAD, CHENNAI 600
014 (hereinafter referred to as 'the Company' which expression shall unless repugnant to the
context or meaning thereof be deemed to include its successors and assigns) of the One Part AND
(hereinafter referred to as ' The Licensee ' which expression shall unless repugnant to the context or
meaning thereof be deemed to include his heirs, executors, administrators and legal representative
of the Other part).
WHEREAS THE Licensee is in the employment of the company.

AND WHEREAS the Licensee has requested the Company to grant to the licensee a licence to use
and occupy a flat in the Registration sub district of
as a licensee which the Company has agreed to do on the terms and conditions hereinafter

1. The company hereby grants to the licencee from ..................... to use and occupy Flat no.
................ in the Company's
(which flat is hereafter referred to as “the said flat”) on the terms and conditions and subject to the
payment of monthly licence fees as is hereinafter mentioned.

2. “The Licensee shall for the use and occupation of the said flat pay to the Company every
month licence fee in accordance with the provisions of the Rationalisation Scheme or any other
applicable Scheme in this regard in force from time to time. The Licensee shall pay to the Company
licence fees calculated as above on or before the last day of the current month and for the purpose
aforesaid the Licensee hereby authorise the Company to deduct from his salary and or any other
allowances and payments of whatsoever nature payable by the Company to the Licensee the said
monthly licence fee and/or any other monies or charges payable by the Licensee. The company will
be entitled to deduct from the salary and/or any other allowances and payments of whatsoever
nature payable to the Licensee any amount which may fall due or may become payable under this
Agreement and other amounts payable by the Licensee in respect of the said flat.

In case the Licensee is under suspension those amounts may be deducted monthly from the
subsistence allowance, if any payable to him.

In case the subsistence allowances is not adequate or the Licensee is on leave without pay,
the Licensee hereby agrees to pay to the Company in advance the said monthly licence fee every
month and other amounts payable by him”.

 The licence hereby granted is also subject to and shall also be governed by the terms and
conditions of licence set out in the Annexure 'A' hereto. The conditions contained herein and those
setout in Annexure 'A' shall not be construed as excluding any additional liabilities imposed on the
Licensee by any provisions of law in force for the time being.

 Notwithstanding anything herein above stated the Company will be entitled in its sole
discretion during the continuance of this agreement and without assigning any reason to require the
licensee to quit and vacate the said flat and to occupy any other flat in the same building or any
other building of the Company as a licensee whether the new alternative flat so allotted is or is not
similar to the said flat but is more or less of the same size, and the licensee shall within 15 days on
receiving such intimation from the Company quit and vacate the said flat and hand over the vacant
possession thereof to the Company.

5. The Licensee hereby agrees and undertakes to pay electricity charges and such other charges
as may be shown in different meters that may be provided in respect of the said flat provided that so
long as separate meters are not provided by the licensee in respect of electricity or any other energy
consumed by him and the licensee shall pay to the Company such charges as may be fixed by the
company shall be entitled to deduct such amount from salary and other allowance and payments of
what-so-ever nature that may be payable by the Company to the licensee.

6. The licensee agrees and undertakes that in case there is any increase in the Municipal Taxes
and/or other taxes, the Company shall be entitled at its discretion to recover such increase full or
partly from the licensee. The Company shall be entitled to deduct such amount from the salary or
any other allowance or payment which may become payable by the Company to the licensee.

7. The licensee agrees and undertakes that if there is any increase in the number of family
members and the dependents to the licensee staying with him in the said flat as permitted by Clause
2 of the terms and conditions mentioned in the Annexure 'A' hereto, the licensee shall immediately
inform the company about the same.

8. The licence hereby granted to the licensee is by reason of his being in the service and
employment of the Company and the licence hereby grants shall ipsofacto stand determined or
terminated in case the licensee ceases to be an employee of the company for whatsoever reason or
his service or employment is terminated by the Company or the licensee is transferred to any place

The Company shall further be entitled to terminate the licence by (i) giving not more than 30
days notice in case the licensee or any of the members of his family or his dependents
commit breach of any of the terms and conditions of this agreement or (ii) by giving not more than
15 days notice in case (a) the licensee is declared or adjudicated insolvent and/or (b) the licensee or
any of the members of his family or dependents is guilty of any misconduct or misbehaviour in the
sole, judgment of the Company. Notwithstanding anything stated herein above, the Company shall
be entitled in its sole discretion to terminate and determine the licence by giving one calendar
month's notice without assigning any reason whatsoever.

9. The licensee hereby agrees and undertakes that immediately on the expiry of this licence or
sooner determination or termination thereof as provided here in before he shall immediately quit
and vacate the said flat and remove himself from the said flat and hand over quite peaceful and
vacant possession of the said flat to the Company and the Company shall be entitled without
prejudice to its other rights to remove the licensee and the members of his family and his
dependents together with all their belongings from the said flat without recourse to the court of law.

10. “The Licensee hereby agrees that in case of failure on his part, or on the part of his
dependents family members in case of his death, to hand over quiet, peaceful and vacant possession
of the said flat to the Company on determination/termination of the licence hereby granted the
company shall be entitled without prejudice to all its other rights and remedies, to withhold the
terminal benefits and other payments including leave encashment that may be due to the Licensee
from the Company, till such time as quiet, peaceful and vacant possession of the said flat is acquired
by the Company, and to recover therefrom all monies payable by the Licensee to the Company
under this agreement.”

10A. The Licensee hereby agrees that in case the Licensee and/or his dependents/family members
continue in occupation of the said flat after the Licensee has ceased to be in the employment of the
Company or after the determination/termination of the licence, the Company shall without prejudice
to its other rights and remedies, be entitled to recover for such occupation compensation at such rate
as the Company may in its sole discretion decide, as also losses damages and expenses incurred by
the Company.

11. The Licensee has received fittings and fixtures as mentioned in the Annexure 'B' hereto. The
Licensee shall keep and maintain the said fittings and fixtures in good conditions subject to
normal wear and tear and he will return the same to the Company on termination of the

12. The Licensee hereby agrees and undertake to abide by the terms and conditions of the
agreement including those stipulated in Annexure 'A' hereto and such terms and conditions which
may be prescribed by the company from time to time in connection with this licence and the use
and occupation of the said flat or agreement or in respect of such terms and conditions which may
be prescribed by the company from time to time, the decision of the company regarding its
interpretation shall be final and binding upon the licensee.

13. The licence hereby granted is a personal licence only and is granted to the Licensee on account
of his being in employment of the company. Nothing in this agreement shall be deemed to create a
tenancy of any other kind of right or interest in regard to the said flat except that of leave and
licence. The licensee shall not have nor shall he Claim any right to the exclusive possession of the
said flat and the possession is and shall always remain and be deemed to be with the Company. The
Company shall have the original key of the said flat in its possession and a duplicate is given to the
Licensee. The Licensee has no right to own, assign, sub-let or underlet the said flat or keep paying
guests or give occupation use or possession of the said flat to any person under any circumstances.

 (a) IT IS HEREBY AGREED that in case the services of the Licensee are transferred to
General Insurance Corporation of India (herein after called GIC and/or to National
Insurance Co.Ltd. (hereinafter called National) and/or New India Assurance Co.Ltd.
(hereinafter called NEW INDIA) and/or Oriental Insurance Co.Ltd. (hereinafter called
ORIENTAL) and/or United India Insurance Co.Ltd. (hereinafter called UNITED INDIA)
the Licensee shall, if so required by the Company, immediately hand over the said flat to the
Company and vacate the same.

(b) However, if the Company at the request of GIC and/or National and/or New India and/or
Oriental and/or United India as the case may be allows the Licensee to continue to occupy the said
flat the Licensee may so continue to occupy the said flat under the terms and conditions hereof as a
special case and as being in employment of GIC and/or National and/or the New India and/or
Oriental and/or United India as the case may be and in that event the licence to occupy the said flat
will continue by reason of the Licensee being in employment and service of GIC and/or National
and/or New India and/or Oriental and /or United India as the case may be and the License in
addition to it being liable to be terminated on the other grounds as provided in this agreement shall
ipsofacto stand terminated and determined in case the licensee ceases to be in the employment of
GIC and/or National and/or New India and/or Oriental and/or United India as the case may be for
whatsoever reason or if his services are terminated by GIC and/or National and/or New India and/or
Oriental and/or United India for any reason whatsoever or if his services are transferred by GIC
and/or National and/or New India and/or Oriental and/or United India as the case may be to any
other city or town.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties have executed this Agreement on the day and the year first
hereinabove written.






Note;- For shared accommodation additional conditions to be incorporated.


1. The License to occupy the said flat is also subject to the following conditions which are binding
on the licensee who will be responsible for compliance thereof by himself and others staying with

2. The said flat is to be used for purely residential purpose only by the Licensee. No trade,
business, profession or vocation shall be carried on within or on the said flat or in the building and
the compound where the said flat is situated. The licensee may keep with him the members of his
family- “Family” for this purpose means husband/wife, children and dependent parents only –
whose names and particulars are given below and such other dependents as may be permitted by the
company to reside with the Licensee.
3. The License shall commence on the date of allotment of the quarters, from which date
compensation for use and occupation shall become payable by the employee.

4. The License fee and any other charges or dues payable by the Licensee shall be reckoned on the
basis of the calendar month.

5. Licensee is required to give one calendar month's notice in case he wants to vacate the flat.

6. In case the Company is required to get the premises vacated by any Judicial, Government,
Municipal other authorities the Licensee will immediately vacate and handover the possession of
the said flat without any obligation on the part of the company to provide alternative
accommodation or give any compensation in lieu thereof.

7. No Licensee shall confer any facility to any person, in respect of the said flat allotted to him or
any part thereof.

8. The Licensee shall not cause any damage or disfigurement to any part of the said flat or the
building or any other property of the company where the said flat is situated. The costs, expenses
and consequences of rectifying any such damage or disfigurement or breakage or defect in the
quarter, fittings or fixtures caused by the licensee or any person staying with him or visiting him
shall have to be borne by the Licensee and without prejudice to the Company's other right, the
Company will be entitled to recover all such costs and expenses from any sums payable by the
Company to the licensee.

9. The Licensee shall not make additions or alterations to or install any fixtures in the said flat,
whether of a temporary or permanent nature without the prior permission in writing from the

10. Any breakage or defects in plumbing, electrical fittings etc. should be reported to the
appointed caretaker representative of the company in writing, who will arrange for the
repairs. Under no circumstances, should the licensee carry out the repairs.

11. Any duly authorised representative of the Company will be entitled to enter and inspect the said
flat at any time without giving any notice but as far as possible without causing any inconvenience
to the Licensee.

12. Every Licensee shall maintain the said flat in a clean and hygienic condition to the satisfaction
of the Company. Staircases and common passages should be kept absolutely clean and the Licensee
or his servants are not permitted to keep their belongings or sleep therein. Clothes should not be
exhibited at any place in the said flat or the building where that flat is situated. Nothing should be
done by the Licensee or other occupants of the flat so as to spoil the aesthetic appearance of the

13. No person suffering from any infectious or contagious disease should stay in the said flat. If the
Licensee or any person staying with the Licensee is so affected, the fact should be immediately
reported by the Licensee to the Company, the patient shall be immediately removed and the said flat
disinfected at the cost of the Licensee concerned.

14. The Licensee undertakes that no dangerous, combustible or inflammable material shall be
brought on or stored in the said flat. Only oil, kerosene, charcoal, electricity or domestic gas shall
be used for fuel purpose on the said flat.

15. The Licensee shall ensure that garbage or other refuse is not thrown into sinks, lavatories,
cisterns or water or soil pipes in the said flat or out of the windows but the same shall be disposed
of as per the arrangements made for the purpose by the company.

16. The Licensee shall not use the said flat for any purpose which might cause nuisance to the
Company or other Licensees or occupants or for an illegal or immoral purpose.

Fittings & Fixtures Provided at the said premises by the company

Fittings & Fixtures Provided at the said premises by the Owner ( in the case of Leased premises)

Details of the Officer :
1 Name of the Officer, Cadre & Employee No. :

2 Whether Direct recruit / promotee officer. :

3 The present office of posting of the Officer :

and previous place of work
4 Distance between the present place of :
Posting and previous place of work
5 Date of Transfer :

6 Home Town of the officer & Home State of :

the officer
7 Has he/she availed Housing Loan of the :
Company If so, at which place

Details of the premises:

1 Address of the premises :

2 Name & Address of the owner :

3 Carpet Area :
Area Eligibility
4 Rent per month with absorption :
(Rental Eligibility)
Officer's share of rent
5 Deposit :

6 Lease Period w.e.f. :

7 Fixtures/Fittings provided :

a a) By Company :

b b) By owner :

8 Market rent prevalent in the locality :




Retention on transfer:
Retention of accommodation at the previous place of posting by transferred Officers/Employees has
to be referred to RO immediately on transfer. DGMs/CRMs are vested with powers on such
retentions upto six months or till the next re-opening of Schools/Colleges wherever the Officer is
having dependent School/College - going children. The authority for further extension will
continue to be vested with Head Office – Estate Committee (Premises Hiring), for which,
application should be sent at least one month before the expiry of the permitted term. All such
cases should be informed to HO once in every six months.

Guidelines on Retention of Company Owned Residential Accommodation by Employees on


Retention of accommodation by a retired employee can be allowed by CMD for a maximum period
of 6 months. Request for retention of company owned accommodation must be submitted to HO at
least one month before the date of retirement, irrespective of the cadre of the employee. He/she
shall mention whether the employee is a pension optee or PF optee in the said request.
1. for a period of 3 months subject to withholding of terminal benefits by the Company and the
amount charged would be 0.75% of the cadre minimum Basic and along with HRA at the
time of retirement and would be 1.5% of cadre minimum Basic along with HRA at the time
of retirement for the next 3 months.
2. Beyond 6 months, steps should be taken to get back the flat and at the time of vacation,
charge Market rent plus Maintenance charges plus taxes and penal charges, if any.
3. HRA + License fees will be charged for whole months, irrespective of the number of days
stayed by the employee and thus not on proportionate basis.

Retention by family of deceased:

In case of widow/family of the employee who dies in harness, the rate of License fee will be
charged at the normal rate i.e. 0.75% of the basic salary at the minimum of the scale applicable to
the concerned employee for period not exceeding six months from the date of death of employee.

Lease accommodation facility at previous place of posting on transfer to another place of
An officer getting transferred to a new place can continue to retain the lease at his previous place,
provided the limit of rent at the new place is sufficient for the lease at his previous place. In case,
he/she had a company owned accommodation in the previous place, then the employee cannot
continue to stay in the same company owned accommodation, but instead can get a new leased
accommodation in the same location. In no case, can the employee avail lease or company owned
accommodation for both the new place and previous place of posting.


ROs are required to furnish the Occupancy details of Company-owned premises on Quarterly basis
to HO in the given format.



Sl Address of Flat Carpet Cadre for Name of Designat Category Date Remarks
no the no. area in which the ion & SC/ST/O of
premises sq.ft flats are Occupant Employe BC/GC allot
intended e no. ment

Note: % of flats allotted to GC/SC/ST on the basis of the flats intended – Cadre wise
(Not Combined SC/ST)


S. Address of Flat Carpet Cadre for Vacant Reason for Whether flat can be
No the no. area in which from keeping flat Occup Occupi or Unfit
premises sq.ft flats are which vacant ied ed &
intended date as it is after dilapida
for repairs ted

In order to avoid any divergence in fixing of rental rates in line with the Market rent and any wrong
commitment and ambiguity in Lease Agreement wording, it is decided that HO-Estate Committee
to fix the rent and other terms and conditions in respect of commercial properties leased out to
others. It was also decided to delegate execution of such Lease Agreements by the Power of
Attorney holders, DGMs/CRMs of respective ROs or Chief Manager, HO-Estates in line with
standard Lease format for Co-owned premises leased out to others.


The following basic fixtures may be provided in the Company-owned Residential premises:
1. In Kitchen, a Cooking platform and a closed storage Unit may be provided. Generally, in all
flats, a cooking Platform is provided and the area below the platform may either be closed or
left open depending on circumstances of hygienic requirements. A suitable Storage unit may
be provided in the Kitchen.
2. In each Bed room, steel cup boards of standard size which are more durable and easy to
maintain, may be provided and moreover, in the accommodation meant for Officers of the
cadre of Deputy General Managers and above, built-in Wooden cup boards of standard size
keeping in view with the dimensions of the room, may be provided as an alternative.
3. Instant Geysers in bath room may be provided in residential accommodation
allotted to Officers only. In Residential accommodation meant for Officers in the rank of
Deputy General Managers and above, a Storage Geyser in lieu of an Instant Geyser may be
provided in one of the bathrooms.
4. Built-in Wall Unit with shelves in the Drawing room may be provided only in Residential
accommodation meant for Officers in the rank of Deputy General Managers and above.
5. For security reasons, the main entrance door may be provided with a main latch, Safety
chain, magic eye and a door-bell, Similarly for Windows, iron grills may be provided.
6. For windows, pelmet with curtain rod may be provided.
7. Standard electrical light fittings may be installed as original equipment but the employee is
required to meet the cost of replacing tube-lights and bulbs.
8. One Ceiling fan may be provided in each living room and bed room and an exhaust fan may
be provided in the Kitchen.
9. One Aquaguard Water filter may be provided in each of the Company-owned flat allotted to
all Officers.

Eligibility Norms:

Manager Upto Rs.100/- Actual Cost of requirement only

Chief Manager Upto Rs.150/- Actual Cost of requirement only

DGM & above Upto Rs.250/- Actual Cost of requirement only

Apart from the eligibility as stated above, the following criteria and conditions are also imposed:
 The Unit cost of the cloth is the criteria though there is no maximum limit in respect of the
total cost. The eligible Officers are expected to provide the curtains strictly.
 The stitching charges with lining and American folds would be extra, at actuals.
 The change of curtains is permitted only after a minimum of 3 years.
 Curtains may be provided in the Company-owned flats occupied by Manager and above.
 Currently pelmets are being provided. However, recently, powder-coated aluminium rods
with decorative brackets are popular. Such rods would be allowed in lieu of pelmets i.e. if
pelmets are not given then these rods could be considered as an alternative. Pelmets if due
for replacement can be replaced with such rods.
 All Regional Offices barring RO situated at the Head Quarters, Estate Dept/RO In-charge
will provide curtains in the quarters.
 Head Office-Estate Dept will provide Curtains at all the flats in Head Quarters and its
 The fixtures like rods, holders, etc. shall be fixed by the Estate Department HO/RO as it is
permanent fixtures.
 No reimbursement will be allowed.
 The Department shall observe laid down procedure for the purchase of Curtain clothes.
 Since the provision of Curtains is need-based and the request based job, it is not to be done
in one go for all.
 Not to be given to those employees who are staying in other Company's flats, leased
accommodation and working for other Companies on deputation.

The employees who shift personal effects from Company's own residential accommodation/leased
residential accommodation to another Company owned Residential accommodation/leased
Residential accommodation may be reimbursed with the actual expenses incurred by them for such
shifting as per limits given below:
Sl.No. CADRE Maximum Amount eligible

1 Scale I, Scale II & Scale III Rs.5,000/-

2 Scale IV & Scale V Rs.7,500/-

3 Scale VI & VII Rs.10,000/-

Note: *The above amount may be limited to the extent of 25% only if the shifting is within the
same Compound/Colony/premises.
The transferred Class-III employees who are eligible for leased residential accommodation as per
Rules may also be allowed reimbursement of actual shifting expenses up to a maximum of
Rs.3,000/- subject to production of bills. In all other cases, no reimbursement would be allowed.


 All the running expenses like rent, rates, taxes, Society out-goings etc will have to be paid
by the Company and in case, it is used by the other Company officials, the charges are to be
reimbursed to our Company to the extent of their usage thereafter.
 Maintenance as part of the Estate policy is understood as activities intended to preserve the
building to ensure continuity of its utility and utilization, extending up to a technically
feasible period i.e. its normal span of useful life. Hence, all the repairs required in the flats
are to be carried out by the Company as and when it is noticed and in emergency cases, the
Company should take care to execute the urgent work immediately.


1. Where no company owned or leased accommodation/rent compensation is provided to
the officer after reporting to the new headquarter, a daily halting allowance as per tour
rules to be paid for a period not exceeding 30 days.
2. This allowance is payable to all the officers regardless of categories.
3. This allowance is payable to the concerned officer only and not to the members of his

family. However, hotel expenses are not to be reimbursed where accommodation is not
4. The daily halting allowance on transfer may be paid during the journey time, if any,
availed at the headquarters. However, it shall not be paid during the period of leave or
5. The daily halting allowance is payable for a period not exceeding 30 days and not
necessarily for first 30 days.
The Officer reported at the new headquarters on 01.01.2009.
He was not in a position to get accommodation upto 01.03.2009. During this period of 59 days from
01.01.2009 to 28.02.2009, he availed of leave of 20 days from 11.01.2009 to 30.01.2009 and is on
tour for 10 days from 11.02.2009 to 20.02.2009. He will get accommodation from 01.03.2009. The
said Officer will be entitled to daily halting allowance for a period of 29 days viz., 01.01.2009 to
10.01.2009 (10 days), 31.01.2009 to 10.02.2009 (11 days) and 21.02.2009 to 28.02.2009 (8 days). If
the same Officer gets accommodation on 02.03.2009 or from any later date, he would be entitled to
daily halting allowance for a maximum of only 30 days (the other details of leave and tour
remaining unchanged).
6. When an Officer is allowed to retain Company accommodation at the previous
headquarter, he may still be allowed daily halting allowance not exceeding 30 days if he
does not get residential accommodation at the new headquarters.
7. The halting allowance for the first 30 days is to be paid only to Officers, who need
accommodation but the company could not provide them staff quarter/leased
accommodation within 30 days.
8. Normally this allowance is not payable to the Officers who have got their own
accommodation at the place where they have been transferred.
9. However, where it is found that though the Officers owning house at places to which they
are transferred but not able to occupy the same for the reasons that the house is under
tenancy and the tenants require sometime to vacate the house. In such an event, Officers are
forced to stay initially in the transit camp or any other place till they get possession of their
own house.
In that event if such Officers represent and if the Sanctioning Authority is fully satisfied
about the genuineness of the circumstances that the Officer is not able to occupy the house
even partially, he may be paid halting allowance for first 30 days.

Estates Department
Application for Halting allowance in the event of non-allocation of
company owned/leased accommodation

Name of the officer


Employee Number


Transferred from

Transferred to

Date of reporting to the present place of posting

Date of application for company owned/leased


Whether accommodation provided in the

previous/present place of posting? If yes, details
of accommodation

Date: Signature of the officer


For Office use only

Name of the passing authority:
Date: Signature
Engineering aspects


S.No. Description

1 Renovation / Interior Renovation

2 Provision of air conditioning to operating offices

3 The Public Premises (Eviction OF Unauthorised Occupants) Act, 1971

4 Role of Estate officer – Duties and Responsibilities

5 Procedure in respect of Immovable properties

6 Micro Office

7 Clearance for Settlement of Terminal Benefits

8 Valuation of Assets

9 Conveyance of Title Deeds

10 Role of Regional Estate / HO Estate / Property Purchase Committees

11 Bachelor Accommodation / Guest House

12 Provision of Contingent Liability

13 Budget Provisions







Stage - 1: Inception

1. Choosing the office to be renovated:

 Company Owned premises.
 If the premises are on lease/rent, there should be a proper/registered lease agreement
between the company and the land lord for a minimum period of the next 9 yrs.
2. Seeking approval from Regional Office Estate Committee for renovation and appointment of
consultant/architect/engineer from the RO’s panel for guiding/assisting in the process of
3. The following points should necessarily be considered in appointing the
consultant/architect/engineer for the works.
 A person/firm who provides the service of execution of works can NEVER be appointed as
consultant/architect/engineer for the works.
 Surveyors/Assessors/Investigators/Valuers/Contractors are not to be appointed as the
 The firm which shall be appointed as consultants/engineers/architects should be empanelled
on a minimum of 2 PSUs/Nationalized banks.
 The firm which shall be appointed as consultants/architects should have had the experience
of carrying out interior renovation/modernization of office premises at least for a period of
6 years.
 The firm which shall be appointed as consultants/architects should be a technically sound /
practicing / existent / professional / licensed / reputed.
 The professional consultancy fees shall be reasonable and negotiations shall be made with
the consultants/architects, if they demand exorbitant fees.
4. Obtaining a minimum of Three (3) different options of the proposed layout of the office
premises from the appointed consultant/architect/engineer.

Stage - 2: Drawing and Estimate Approvals

1. The soft copies (in pdf/dwg format) of different options of layout obtained from the
appointed consultant/engineer should be sent to Estates Department, Head Office for
2. The necessary changes, as suggested should be made in the proposed layout to match with
the company’s standards.
3. After the necessary changes are made as suggested, the final proposed layout shall be frozen
and no more changes should be entertained.
4. The final frozen layout shall be sent to architect for preparation of estimate.
5. The estimate prepared should be reasonable and economical in nature.
6. All the company standards (specifications) are to be necessarily followed.
7. After preparation of the estimate, it shall be reviewed by the RO Estate Committee and final
estimate is frozen.
8. Approval is sought from the competent authority for financial approval for carrying out the
works, based on the following criteria.
9. If the estimated amount for carrying out interior renovation of office premises is less than or
equal to Rs. 10,00,000/-, the financial authority vests with the Regional Estate Committee.
10. If the estimated amount is more than Rs.10,00,000/-, the financial authority vests with HO.
11. HO shall accord approval only if the conditions mentioned in no.3 under stage-1 & no. 5
under stage-2 & no. 6 under stage-2 & no. 8 under stage-2 are satisfied.

Stage – 3: Invitation of Tenders

1. Tender Documents should be prepared by the appointed consultant/architect/engineer.

2. The documents prepared shall be exhaustive and should contain all the necessary details
required for carrying out the proposed works.
3. The tender documents should be perused by RO Estates Committee and should be properly
edited / modified to suit the requirements of the company.
4. The tender is floated among various contracting firms, as classified below:
a) If the estimated cost of works is less than Rs.5,00,000/-, sealed tenders shall be invited from
the contractors empanelled in the RO.
b) If the estimated cost of works is more than Rs.5,00,000/-, sealed tenders shall invited by
publication of a Notice Inviting Tender (NIT) in two (2) widely circulated newspapers.
5. The two newspapers shall be one (1) English & one (1) vernacular language of the particular
state in which the RO is located.
6. In case of invitation of tender through NIT in newspapers, tenders should be invited in TWO
–BID system i.e. Technical Bid & Financial Bid.
7. Tender Documents are to be prepared with the assistance/guidance from the appointed
8. Technical Bid contains the general rules, guidelines, contract conditions, technical
specifications etc.
9. Financial Bid contains the Bill of Quantities (BOQ) of the proposed works.
10. Financial Bid should be circulated in two (2) copies i.e. Original & Duplicate. Original
should be held with UIIC for records and Duplicate may be given to the appointed
consultant/architect for their records.
11. Tender documents (in .pdf format) should be uploaded in our company’s corporate website
under the tenders/RFP section, by sending a request to Chief Manager/DGM (Estate Dept -
12. Tender documents (in the form of books) should be circulated widely to various contracting
13. The responsibility of ensuring wider publicity of NIT and participation of bidders
completely vests with RO Estates Committee and should not be delegated to anybody.

Stage – 4: Tender Process & Opening of Bids

1. Sealed tenders should be received by the RO Estates Committee on or before the dead line
mentioned in the tender documents.
2. Sealed tenders received should be opened in presence of RO Estates Committee and the
bidders, who wish to be present at the time of opening.
3. If it happens that, there is only one bid is received during opening of technical bids or
financial bids, the single bid should NEVER be opened and the tender process should called
off and a fresh process should be initiated.
4. Technical bids of the tenders received should be opened and the financial bids should be
kept in sealed condition.
5. Opened technical bids shall be sent to the appointed consultant/architect for scrutiny and
technical evaluations of the bidders.
6. After careful scrutiny and technical evaluations, a list of eligible bidders shall be obtained
from the appointed consultant/architect along with a recommendation letter.
7. After the recommendations are received, financial bids of the shortlisted contractors shall be
opened in presence of RO Estates Committee and the shortlisted bidders.
8. The financial bids of the bidders, who are not shortlisted shall be kept in sealed condition
and shall be held with UIIC.
9. Opened financial bids shall be scrutinized thoroughly by RO Estates Committee and should
be checked for any arithmetical/calculation errors or any omissions etc in the financial bids.
10. In case of any discrepancy, the opened financial bids may be sent to the appointed
consultant/architect for checking.
11. After careful scrutiny and evaluations, a comparative statement showing the rates/amount
quoted by various bidders shall be obtained from the appointed consultant/architect along
with their recommendations for award of work to the L1 bidder.
12. RO Estates Committee, with necessary approval from the competent authority, may release
the work order to the bidder, who stands L1 in the meticulous tender process.

Stage – 5: Execution of Works

1. The security deposit shall be collected from the L1 bidder, as per the tender documents.
2. Work order shall be released to the L1 bidder after execution of agreement on stamp papers,
as per the tender documents.
3. The site for carrying out the works may be photographed before, during and after the
execution of works to record the developments and for UIIC’s records. Copies of the same
shall be sent to HO, for records.
4. The execution of works should be periodically monitored by the appointed
consultant/architect, along with the members of RO Estates Committee.
5. Running bill payments may be made to the contractor during the course of execution of
works, as per the tender conditions and after the verification, certification and
recommendation of appointed consultant/architect.
6. All the payments to the contractor shall be made only after making the statutory deductions
like IT, WCT [Work Contract Tax] etc, if any.
7. The payment of running bills to the contractor shall be made after deducting the percentage
of retention money, as per the tender documents.
8. RO Estates Committee should take proper care that the actual cost of the works shall not
exceed the allocated budget for the proposed works.
9. After the completion of works, the works shall be inspected by the appointed
consultant/architect along with the RO Estate Committee / Company Engineer and the final
bills should be certified and recommended for payment.
10. RO Estates Committee should take proper care in inspecting the work and verification of
bills before release of payments to contractors.
11. Retention money, as per tender documents may be withheld with UIIC which shall be
refunded to the contractor on successful completion of Defect Liability Period (DLP).

Estates Department
Regional Office : .
Interior furnishing/ Renovation/ Repair/ Maintenance
Name of work

Address of the premises where works are

proposed to be done

Leased/ Co.owned

Carpet area (in sq.ft)

Rent per month

Maintenance charges per month

Total monthly outgo per sq.ft

Security Deposit/ Advance

Lease period

Renewal terms

Amenities provided by the owner and rent

charged for the additional amenities if any

Estimated cost of work

Nature of works proposed

Empanelled Consultant/ Architect


Business details

Encl: Photographs of the premise

Estates Department
Regional Office : .

Work Completion Report

Financial year:

Name of RO/DO/BO:

Name of work:

Estimated cost of work:

Competent Authority for approval:

Amount of work carried out:

Work commencement date:

Work completion date:

Nature of works carried out:



Reasons, if any for delay in

Commencement/completion of

Enclosure: Photographs – before and after work

Head office has given in ‘In principle’ approval for air-conditioning of operating offices in a phased
manner subject to the offices meeting certain conditions for performance, occupancy and
profitability. The conditions are as below:
Office Premium Occupancy Profitability
3 or more years of lease with auto Atleast 5% operating surplus on earned
DO 15 Cr renewal of minimum 2 times with premium in preceding 3 out of 5 financial
specific percentage increase in years. To be reworked including claims or
BO 5 Cr lease. Minimum remaining lease other outgo temporarily accounted in
term should be 5 years. controlling office/ other offices.

In every region, out of all the offices that qualify based on the conditions mentioned above, only
one-third will be considered for a particular year. The brand, tonnage and specifications of air
conditioners shall be decided based on office space and availability. It is recommended that the air
conditioner chosen must be necessarily of 5 star rating. Procurement to be competitive quote (not
merely 3 quotes) obtained locally.
Air conditioned areas shall be restricted to front office only, including agents’ bay, excluding the
areas used for all supporting functions like storage/stationary/staff amenities like lunch room, sports
room, etc.
The authority for approving the purchases will be as per FSO 2014, section VIII,

It provides for speedy disposal of cases of unauthorised occupation of Company premises both
owned and leased by referring such cases to Estate Officer appointed under the Act.
Following are some of the provisions of the Act under relevant Sections for eviction of unauthorised
occupants from Public premises and for certain incidental matters.
Sec.3 – Appointment of Estate Officers – The Central Government may, by notification in the
official Gazette – a) appoint such persons, being gazetted Officers of Government or Officers of
equivalent rank of the Corporate authority, as it thinks fit, to be estate Officers for the purposes of
this Act; and
b) Define the local limits within which, or the categories of public premises in respect of which, the
estate Officers shall exercise the powers conferred, and perform the duties imposed on estate
Officers by or under this Act.

Sec.4- Issue of Notice to show cause against order of eviction –

(1) If the Estate Officer is of the opinion that any person/s is/are in unauthorised occupation of any
public premises and that they should be evicted, the estate Officer shall issue in the manner
hereinafter provided a notice in writing calling upon all persons concerned to show cause why an
order of eviction should not be made.
The notice shall-
a) specify the grounds on which the order of eviction is proposed to be made; and b) require
all persons concerned, that is to say, all persons who are, or may be, in occupation of or
claim interest in, the public premises, to show cause, if any, against the proposed order on or
before such date as is specified in the notice, being a date not earlier than ten days from the
date of issue thereof.
b)The Estate Officer shall cause the notice to be served by having it affixed on the outer
door or some other conspicuous part of the public premises, and in such other manner as
may be prescribed, whereupon the notice shall be deemed to have been duly given to all
person concerned.
c) Where the Estate Officer knows or has reasons to believe that any person/s are in
occupation of the public premises, then, without prejudice to the provisions of sub-
section(3), he shall cause a copy of the notice to be served on every such person by post or
by delivering or tendering it to that person or in such other manner as may be prescribed.

Sec.5 – Eviction of unauthorised occupants –
(1) If, after considering the cause, if any, shown by any person in pursuance of a notice under
Section 4 and any evidence he may produce in support of the same and after giving him a
reasonable opportunity of being heard, the Estate Officer is satisfied that the public premises
are in unauthorised occupation, the estate Officer may make an order of eviction, for reasons
to be recorded therein, directing that the public premises shall be vacated, on such date as
may be specified in the order, by all persons who may be in occupation thereof or any part
thereof, and cause a copy of order to be affixed on the outer door or some other conspicuous
part of the public premises.
(2) If any person refuses or fails to comply with the order of eviction within thirty days of the
date of its publication under Sub-section (1), the Estate Officer or any other Officer duly
authorised by the estate Officer in this behalf may evict that person from, and take
possession of, the public premises and may, for that purpose, use such force as may be

Sec.6 – Disposal of property left on public premises by unauthorised occupants –

1. Where any person/s have been evicted from any public premises under Sec.5, the Estate
Officer may, after giving fourteen days' notice to the persons from whom possession of the
public premises has been taken and after publishing the notice in atleast one newspaper
having circulation in the locality, remove or cause to be removed or dispose of by public
auction any property remaining on such premises.
2. Where any property is sold under Sub-section(1), the sale proceeds thereof shall, after
deducting the expenses of the sale and the amount, if any, due to the Central Govt. Or the
Corporate authority on account of arrears of rent or damages or costs, be paid to such
person or persons as may appear to the Estate Officer to be entitled to the same;
Provided that where the Estate officer is unable to decide as to the person or persons to whom the
balance of the amount is payable or as to the apportionment of the same, he may refer such dispute
to the civil court of competent jurisdiction and the decision of the court thereon shall be final.

Sec.7 – Power to require payment of rent or damages in respect of public premises -

1. Where any person is in arrears of rent payable in respect of any public premises, the Estate
Officer may, by order, require that person to pay the same within such time and in such
installments as may be specified in the order.
2. Where any person is, or has at any time been, in unauthorised occupation of any public
premises, the Estate officer may, having regard to such principles of assessment of damages
as may be prescribed, assess the damages on account of the use and occupation of such
premises and may, by order, require that person to pay the damages within such time and in
such installments as may be specified in the order.
3. No order under Sub-Sec. (1) or sub-Sec. (2) shall be made against any person until after the
issue of a notice in writing to the person calling upon him to show cause within such time as
may be specified in the notice, why such order should not be made and until his objections,
if any and any evidence he may produce in support of the same, have been considered by the
Estate officer.

Sec.8 – Powers of Estate Officers – An Estate Officer shall, for the purpose of holding any enquiry
under this Act, have the same powers as are vested in a civil court under the code of Civil
procedures,1908 (5 of 1908), when trying a suit in respect of the following matters, namely
1. Summoning and enforcing the attendance of any person and examining him on oath
2. requiring the discovery and production of documents
3. any other matter which may be prescribed.

Appeals – An appeal shall lie from every order of the Estate officer made in respect of any public
premises under Sec.5 or Sec.7 to an appellate officer who shall be the district judge of the district in
which the public premises are situate or such other judicial officer in that district of not less than ten
years' standing as the district judge may designate in this behalf.


In our Company, one Estate Officer is appointed for each Zone viz. Northern, Eastern, Western and
Southern at New Delhi, Kolkata, Mumbai and Chennai respectively.
A duty is cast on the Estate Officer to issue a Notice in writing to the person/s in unauthorised
occupation of the Public premises calling upon him to show cause within the stipulated time why an
order for recovery of rent/damages specified therein should not be made under Section 7 of the Act.
A form of Notice is to be issued under this Section in the prescribed form stipulated under the said
Public Premises Rules, 1971. The Notice shall a) specify the grounds on which the order of
eviction is proposed to be made and b) require all persons concerned i.e. to say all persons who are,
or may be in occupation of or claim interest in the Public Premises.
1) To show cause if any, against the proposed order on or before such date as is specified in the
Notice, being a date not earlier than 7 days from the date of issue thereof and
2) To appear before the Estate Officer on the date specified in the Notice with the evidences,
which they intend to produce in support of the cause shown, and also for personal hearing, if
such hearing is desired.
Powers of the Estate Officer:
The Act vests power in the Estate Officer to order eviction of unauthorised occupants and pass
orders after holding an enquiry. In order to enable the Estate Officer to do so, Section 8 of the Act
provides that an Estate Officer shall, for the purpose of holding any enquiry under the Act, have the
same powers as are vested in a Civil Court under the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 in respect of
the following matters:
(a) Summoning and enforcing the attendance of any person and examining him on oath.
(b) Requiring the discovery and production of documents.
(c)Any other matter, which may be prescribed.
Recovery of Rent and Damages:
The Estate Officer has been empowered under Section 7 of the Act to:
(a) Require the person in arrears of rent to pay the same.
(b) Arrears/damages for unauthorised use and occupation.
(c)Order the unauthorised occupants to pay the damages.
(d)Allow time or installments for payment
(e) Charge Interest


Based on the circular issued by CVC ref. 6DD-5CTE-6 dated 8.7.99, the tendering has to be done in
2 bid system i.e. Technical bid and price bid. Accordingly, we have formulated the following
procedure to be adopted in case of purchase of residential premises:-

1. Advertisement procedure:-

The profile of the advertisement is given in Annexure 'A'. ROs while seeking the approval
of HO for out-right purchase of residential flats for the employees, the following factors are
to be furnished apart from the level of the satisfaction:

a. Location of the proposed flat.

b. It is to be assessed first for which category of employees the flats are going to be
purchased and whether they are entitled for LIG, MIG and HIG type of flats constructed by
the Government Bodies vis-a-vis the rate for the same.

For eg. If the flats are to be purchased for category of Dy.Manager/Asst.Managers, they may
be entitled for MIG type of flats and if say the ongoing rate of the MIG flats constructed by
the Government Bodies ranges between Rs.1,900/- to Rs.2,000/- per sq.ft., the Regional
Office Committee should identify the location before advertisement, based on the prevailing
rate where the flats may be available in the rate at which MIG flats are sold by the
Government Bodies.

2. Tendering Procedure:-

a. Pre-tender activities:-

Each and every tender should be given a number and when it is issued to any builder, the
date, time and the name of the builder should be written on the 1st page of the Tender
Document. Each tenderer should be given one set of tender documents containing technical
bid and the price bid. It should be clearly indicated in the instruction note of the tender
document that the technical bid and the price bid should be in separate sealed envelope and
both the envelope should be put together in one single envelope and to be submitted to the
specified address within the stipulated date and time.

b. Post-tender activities:-

The technical bid of all the offers which will come in response to the advertisement to be
opened first. Each and every tender to be examined by the Regional Committee based on
the parameters given in the advertisement such as carpet area, preferred location and floor,
stages of completion etc.,

For eg. For the purchase of flat in Mumbai, if the preferred location is Malad and the
required carpet area is 750-900 sq.ft., and if the stages of construction specifies that it should
be nearly ready for completion then all the tenders so received to be scaled based on the
above parameters and those tenders meeting with the above requirement should be short-

Thereafter it will be essential to assess the fair market rate of the proposed place where
Company intends to purchase the property. A government approved valuer preferably on the
panel of LIC should be appointed for the said purpose who will assess the fair market rate
based on the parameters indicated in the advertisement/tender document.

c. Opening of the price bid:-

The price bid of the short-listed tenders to be opened in presence of the tender Committee
comprising of Regional Manager/Manager, Dy.Manager/Asst.Manager(Estates) and
Asst.Manager (Accounts). Each and every page of the price bid to be signed by each
member of the tender committee. All the tender documents i.e. Technical bid and price bid
should be handed over to the Regional Committee for further action.

d. Role of Regional Committee:-

The Regional Committee on receipt of the offers from the tender Committee will tabulate
the same and prepare the comparative statement of the offers. From the comparative
statement of the offers, the Regional Committee will identify the lowest tenderer for site
inspection and negotiation of the price.

e. Inspection of the lowest offer:-

After opening of the price bid, the lowest offers should be inspected by the constituted
Regional Committee to confirm the details filled up by the lowest tenderer are correct.

f. Price negotiation:-

Before price negotiation, the Regional Committee will obtain the following details:-

i. Valuation report of 2 Government Approved Valuer preferably on the panel of LIC for
assessment of the fair market rate of L1.

ii. Title clearance report of panel Advocate of Regional Office.

iii.The reasonable price to be calculated based on the analogy given below:-

After the compliance of all formalities as stated above, Regional Office should intimate the
Property Cell, HO for deputation of HO executives / official for negotiation with the lowest bidder.
After negotiation, the inspecting executives/officials will submit a detailed report to the lower level
committee for housing and based on their observations / recommendations, the proposal will be
placed before the Top level Committee for Housing and subsequently to the Board, seeking specific
approval of the recommended proposal.


The United India Insurance Co.Ltd. Intends to purchase space for office premises at
______________________________ as per the details given below:-

1. Required carpet area :____________________

2. Preferred location :____________________

3. Preferred location of the

floor where space required :____________________

4. Stages at Completion :________(approx. time for completion)

5. Number of covered/open
Car Parking required :____________________

6. No. of 2 wheelers parking :_____________________


The prospective builders meeting with the above requirements are requested to collect two tender
documents for technical bid and price bid from 10 a.m. To 5.30 p.m. from our office at the
following address on payment of Rs.1,000/- towards the non-refundable tender fees in the form of
Demand Draft / Pay Order payable in favour of United India Insurance co.Ltd. Payable at
...................... The tender will be issued from.................. to ...............
The United India Insurance Co.Ltd.
The completed sealed tender documents (technical bid and price bid) along with the credentials as
mentioned therein should be submitted latest by..................... at the address as mentioned above.
The Company will reserve the rights to reject a single or all the tenders without assigning any
reason thereof. Canvassing in any form will disqualify the tenderer. Brokerage will not be

Terms and conditions for purchase of office premises at ...............................
1. The terms and conditions are forming a part of the tender to be submitted by the vendors to the
2. Company reserves the right to accept or reject any or all the tenders without assigning any
reason thereof.
3. Tender document received by the Company after due date i.e. Upto 3.00 p.m. of ........shall be
4. All vendors are requested to submit the tender documents duly filled in with the relevant
documents / information at the following address:-
The Manager
United India Insurance Co.Ltd.
5. All columns of the tender documents must be duly filled in and no column should be kept blank.
All the pages of the tender documents are to be signed by the authorised signatory of the tenderer.
The Company reserves the right to reject the incomplete tenders.
6. All payment shall be made to the successful vendor by Account Payee cheques only and no
brokerage shall be paid to any broker.
7. In case the space in the tender document found insufficient, the vendors may attach separate
8. Income tax and other statutory clearance shall be obtained by the vendors at their own cost as and
when required.
9. The offer should remain valid at least for a period of 6 months to be reckoned from the date of
10. Canvassing in any form will lead to rejection of the tender.
11. The short-listed vendors will be informed in writing by the Company for arranging the site-
inspection of the offered premises.
12. There should not be any deviation in terms and conditions as have been stipulated in the tender
documents. However, in the event of imposition of any other condition, which may lead to a
deviation with respect to the terms and conditions as mentioned in the tender document, the vendors
are required to attach a separate sheet marking “list of deviation”.
13. Subject to Technical Bid being satisfactory in all respects, selection will be determined on the
terms of the Financial Bid.
14. Penalty Clause: A rate of 21% interest will be levied in case of delay in handing over
possession of the flat from the total payment made from the date of first payment plus damages
suffered, if any, by the purchaser.
15. Both “Technical Bid” and “Financial Bid” should be submitted separately in sealed
envelopes and both envelopes should be put together in one single envelope at the time of


TENDER DOCUMENT NO.................
1. Details of Vendor/Builder/Owner:-
i) Name
ii) Address & Phone no.
iii) Marketability of Title Deeds of the Vendors
a) Solicitor's / Advocate's name and address
b) Detailed Report of the Solicitor / Advocate
for Marketability of Titles.
2. Details of locality
i) Address and Locality in which the
Property is situated
ii) Character / Type of Locality
a) Residential b) Commercial
c) Shopping Complex d) Industrial
e) Slum
iii) Whether the locality is free from special
hazards like fire, flood, Earthquake etc.
iv) Whether the locality has protection from
adverse influence such as a)Encroachments
b) Industrial nuisance, smoke, dust, noise etc.
v) Locality's proximity to the places in Kms.
a) Market/Super Market
b) School/College/University
c) Hospital
d) Bank
e) Bus Stand
f) Railway Station & Aerodrome
g) Post Office
3. Details of Land / Site
i) Size of the Plot
a) Frontage
b) Depth in sq.ft.
ii) Area of the plot
a) Covered area : ----------sq.mtrs----------
b) Open area sq.ft. :-----------sq.mtrs----------
iii) Topography of the Land/Site
a) Level b) Undulated
c) Sloping d) Low lying or Raised
iv) Tenure of the land
a) Free Hold
b) Lease hold
c) If lease hold give residual Period of lease
d) Annual Lease rent & amount
v) Whether there is well on site, if so,
Depth of water
a) in summer
b) in Rainy Season
vi) Any established easements regarding
right of way / passage for means of water /
electric transmission / sewers
vii) Does the site or portion fall within
Railway/National Highway/underground cable traverse the site
viii) Site plan of the Land/site enclosed
4) Details of Property:-
i) Whether the proposal is for Purchase
of space in the multistoried building
ii) No. of floors in the Building
iii) At which floor the premises are offered
5) Details of Boundary and Area of Building:-
i) Boundary of the Property :a)North b)East
c)South d)West
ii) Areas of premises offered
a)Super built -up Area ...........sq.mtrs............
b)Built-up area sq.mtrs. ...........sq.mtrs............
c)Carpet Area ..........sq.mtrs............
6) Amenities Provided:-
i) No. Of Fans
ii) No. of Geysers
iii) Wardrobes
iv) Exhaust Fans
v) Wash basin with Mirror
vi) Shower in the Bathroom/Bathtubs
vii) Any other facility like Telephone, dish Antenna / Intercom
viii) Details of internal finishing
7) Common Facilities Provided
i) Power / Electricity
ii) 24 hrs. water/overhead tank
iii) Lifts and other Nos.
iv) Generator for emergency
v) Car/Scooter parking space
vi) Anti Lightening Device
vii) Fire fighting arrangements
viii) Anti burglary device
ix) Security arrangements (if any)
x) Proper sanitary /sewerage system
8) Property details:-
Usage of Property
i) Residential
ii) Commercial
iii) Residential/Commercial
iv) Shopping Centre
9) Condition of the Construction / Building :-
i) Newly constructed within 2 years
ii) Old one-mention year of completion
iii) Under Construction – mention stage
of construction and
iv) Time period to be taken to Complete the
10) Specification of the Construction / material used:-
i) Class of Construction (A, B or C)
as specified by CPWD
ii) RCC framed structure
iii) on load bearing walls
(a) Give specification of the Construction in detail
(may use separate annexure)

11) Type of Building / Property:-

Singe / Double / Triple / Multi Storied
12) Details, of plans / Blue Prints / Sanctioned Plan :-
i) Whether the plan of the property is
sanctioned by Competent Authority
ii) If sanctioned, enclose copy of land / site
iii) Name & Address / Phone No. of
Architect / Engineer
12) (a) If the plans are not sanctioned
i) Give reasons
ii) How much time will be taken to obtain sanction
(b) i) Is there any deviation from the sanctioned plan
ii)Are these deviations regularised

13) Provision of proper arrangement of Fire safety:-

i) Is there any safety measure taken
ii) If yes, give details of all such arrangements
iii) No Objection Certificate has been achieved /
Secured from fire control Authorities
iv) If yes, produce copies of proof certificate

Tender document
1) Details of Property sold earlier
a) Any other purchaser who already booked
space in the building. If so, what is the
rate and the period when it was booked
b) Whether premises have been sold to any
public sector unit? If so, at what rate and the
period when it was sold.
c) Details of cost pertaining to the maintenance
of the complex and other facilities, payments
towards formation of society. other outgo
2) Expected Cost:-
i) Expected Cost / Valuation of the property
per unit area of each flat offered.
ii) Purchase consideration
iii) App. Cost of stamp duty / Registration
iv) Details of other cost/exp. If any
v) Total cost.
3) Details of terms & conditions of payment
a) Vendor will receive payment at advance
if any against submission of Bank
Guarantee from Nationalised Bank
b) payments will be made to the vendor only
by cheques.
4) Any concession:-
If any concession to offer, write in details
5) Time period of Possession / Penalty clause:-
i) When possession is promised
ii) Penalty clause for not handing over the
property on the committed date @ 18%
per annum on the total amount of Advance
6) Any other condition vendor wants to mention:-


I) Name and address :

ii) Marketability of title deeds of the Vendor :

a) Advocate’s name & address :

b) Brief opinion :


i) Locality in which the property is situated :

ii) Character of the locality according to

development rules by local authority (viz.
Residential/Commercial/Shopping :
Complex/Industrial etc.

iii) Whether the locality is free from special

hazards like fire, floods etc. :

iv) Whether the locality has protection from

adverse influences such as encroachments :
industry nuisance that would create
noise, smoke, dust etc.

v) Locality’s proximity to market/railway

station/bus station/hospital/hotel/ :
postal/bank facilities etc.

vi) How far from Office/s (Reg/DO) :

i) Size of the plot/frontage/depth

ii) Topography level/undulating/sloping

iii) Tenure of the land

a) Free hold :
b) Leasehold and amount of lease :
c) Leasehold period/other equivalent to free hold :

iv) Whether there is well on site. If so,

depth of water in summer/rainy :

v) Any established easements regarding
right of way/passage for mains of :
water/electric transmission/or sewers

vi) Does the site or portion fall within

railway/national highway/underground :
cable traverse the site


i) Whether the proposal is for purchase of

independent house/flats :

ii) Location of the floor :

iii) Number of floors in the buildings :

iv) Number of flats :

v) Number of flats proposed to be

purchased :

vi) Super built/carpet area in sqft. :

vii) Amenities provided

No. of fans :
No. of geysers :
Wardrobes facilities :
Exhaust fans :
Wash basins with mirror :
Showers in the bathroom :

viii) Common facilities

Power :
Water :
Lifts :
Generator for emergency :
Servant quarters :
Fire-fighting arrangements :


i) Rate per sq. ft :

ii) Purchase consideration :

iii) Approx. cost of stamp duty/registration

charges :

iv) Total cost :

v) Schedule of payment :
vi) When possession is promised :
vii) Penalty clause for not handing over the
flats on the committed date :

viii) Architect’s name & address :

ix) His valuation per sq.ft. :

i) Whether the offer received is after
releasing on advertisement if so, the
number of replies received and :
whether the offer is the lowest

ii) If not, reasons for recommending this offer :

iii) Site/Land/Building inspected by :

iv) Recommendations of the High Level

purchase committee :

v) Strength of officers/staff Strength Level of satis- Flats/premises

to assess level of satisfaction in nos. faction to be in possession
to be achieved at the achieved contracted
location % Nos.
Managers & above 100
DMs/SDMs/Other Ams/Dy.Managers 60
Other AAO/AO 50
Class III/IV 20
Development Officers 20

vi) Whether any other public sector units

have purchased properties in the
locality/buildings and if so, the rate
per sq.ft. paid by them/agreed to be
paid by them
vii) Office premises
(a brief note justifying the requirements giving
the following information)

Required space in sq.ft.



1. Whether the proposal is in pursuance of an
Advertisement released and after scrutiny of
Various responses received

2. Whether purchase format duly filled in respect

Of the property proposed and sent alongwith
DO & RO Committee Reports

3. Prevailing market rate

4. Whether any Public Sector/Bank has acquired

Flats/offices in the vicinity ? If so, at what rates

5. Ratio of carpet area to built-up area

6. Strength of officers/staff Strength Level of satis- Flats in possession

to assess level of satis- in nos. faction to be contracted
faction to be achieved at the achieved
location % Nos.
Managers & above 100
Other Ams/Dy.Managers 60
Other AAO/AO 50
Class III/IV 20
Development Officers 20

7. Suitability with regard to area norms &

Whether flats proposed will be in conformity
With the area norms prescribed when allotted
To officers/Offices
1. Title clearance reports from two advocates
2. Encumbrance certificate for the last 30 years
3. Whether exempted from Urban Land ceiling Act or
Exemption obtained (copy to be enclosed)
4. Whether the Vendor will be willing to give under-
taking to produce income tax clearance within
one month from the agreement for sales

5. Whether the sale will attract pre-emptive purchase

by IT Authorities

6. Whether any NRI interest is involved. If so,

whether RBI clearance has been obtained

7. Whether Draft copy of agreement for sale approved

by Panel Advocate :

8. Nature of security: Whether by way of Bank

Guarantee/Deposit of Title Deeds and its adequacy :
Whether penalty clause incorporated in the
agreement to protect our interest :

9. Due date of delivery

10. Scrutiny of lease-hold documents (wherever necessary)
i) Lease rent :
ii) Period of lease (min. 30 years) :
iii) Assignment or transfer of lease :
iv) Renewal of lease whether automatic
at the instance of the lessee :
v) Whether there are any onerous
conditions of restrictive nature :


1. Detailed valuation reports from two approved

Engineer/architect, valuers in our panel :

i) Whether plans approved by the Competent

Authority (copy of approved plan to be enclosed) :

ii) Whether construction is according to the plan


iii) Whether there are any plan deviations or plan


2. Whether schedule of payments indicated in the

Agreement is linked to stages of construction and is
Commensurate with the value of work at each stage?
This is to be certified by the Panel Valuer :



1. Name of the Premises

2. Location

3. Area – Built up

4. Cost per sq.ft.

Total cost

5. Regn. Stamp Duty and other expenses

6. Date of taking possession

7. Amenities provided
a) By Builder
b) By Company

8. Whether there was any time overrun

9. Whether there was any cost overrun

10. Whether Penalty Clause was imposed

& penalty recovered

11. Valuation done by a.


12. Documents verified by a.


13. I T Clearance obtained

14. Urban Land Ceiling clearance obtained

15. Whether R.B.I clearance obtained in case of NRI

16. Whether the building is in line with the
the plan approved

17. Stages of payment

(Dates & amount)
Any balance amount to be paid:

18. Premises allotted to

a. Any other expenses incurred i.e.

Polishing, painting, wood work etc.
b. Name of the valuer who carried out
the final inspection and his remarks
with regard to amenities and
specifications as per the Agreement
and completion as per Sanctioned Plan

19. Whether documents are in RO’s custody

or have been sent to Head Office



Wherever Micro Offices are upgraded into Branch Office, ROs are advised to furnish all the
information about the upgraded Micro Office in Form-A along with Regional Estate Committee
Note with Regional Chief's recommendations for shifting the same to a spacious premises which
suits the area norms for BOs and also a copy of letter of HO-Marketing Dept. approving such
upgradation, for placing the matter before the Competent Authority.


As and when the clearance as to allotment and outstanding dues in respect of Company/Personal
Leased accommodation/Company-owned accommodation is sought by HO from ROs in respect of
Officers retired/resigned/VRS opted, immediate action is to be initiated by ROs in furnishing the
information to HO so that the settlement of terminal benefits to such Officers is not delayed.

Estates Department
Regional Office : .

Clearance Application for Settlement of Terminal Benefits

Name of the officer

Employee Number



Date of retirement/Resignation/VRS/VSS/Death

Whether the officer has been allotted any

company owned/leased residential

If allotted, whether the same has been


Any request for retention of flat approved?

If yes, details.

Any pending dues relating to Estate department?


Name of the Confirming Authority:

Date: Signature

ROs have to do valuation of their assets every three years with a valuer empanelled with LIC. HO
has already issued detailed guidelines on this, vide HO:EST:725:2013-14 dt 06.11.2013 and vide
HO:EST:577:2010-11 dt 01.10.2010, and ROs are required to comply with these guidelines strictly.
IAID have been instructed to verify this during their Audit and to present the status report to HO on
this issue.


ROs are required to verify from their records whether title deeds are available with them for all the
Company owned flats in their Region and also to ensure that all the title deeds in the name of
erstwhile Units (merged with our Company after nationalisation) are transferred in our Company's


Regional Estate Committee (for Premises hiring/leasing/shifting/renewal of lease) is constituted at
Regional level for the purpose of inspecting the premises offered by various tenderers for
hiring/leasing and the Committee should comprise of Regional Manager (Estate), Regional
Manager (Accounts) and RO – Audit In-charge and finally, the said Committee is required to
submit their report along with their justifying reasons for the shortlisted premises and also for
rejection of other offers, to Regional Chief who in turn should forward the Regional Estate
Committee Note with his specific recommendations if area/rent exceeds DGM/CRM's financial


HO – Estate Committee (for premises hiring/leasing/shifting/renewal of lease) is constituted at
Head Office for the purpose of finalising the premises recommended by Regional Estate Committee
after analysing all the advantages and disadvantages in the financial point of view and the
Committee should comprise of GM(Estates), Financial Advisor and Committee of General


Property Purchase Committee is formed at Regional level as Regional Sub-Committee and at HO
level as HO-Estate Committee(for purchase and Sale of Immovable properties) and the Regional
Sub-Committee should comprise of Regional In-charge as Chairman, Regional Manager(Estates),
Regional Manager(Accounts), RO Audit In-charge and one more Regional Manager from any other
Department. HO Estate Committee (for purchase and sale of Immovable properties) comprises of
CMD, 2 GMs, FA, and GM (Estates). The Regional Sub-Committee shall submit their report on the
offers received by them with specific recommendations of DGM/CRM if the estimated cost exceeds
their powers and HO Estate Committee (for purchase and sale of immovable properties) shall
finalise the premises after analysing all the factors beneficial to the Company in financial

All the transferred Officers may not be in a position to shift their family to the new place of posting
due to academic requirements of their children or other pressing family circumstances and only for
a limited period, they are allowed to stay in the Guest House/Transit House, and once the maximum
limit of stay in Guest House is reached, they find it difficult to arrange their stay at the new place of
posting. Keeping in view the difficulties being faced by such Officers and with a view to mitigate
their hardships, the Board of the Company has approved the Scheme of providing
Bachelor's/Sharing accommodation at Regional Centres only, keeping in view the actual
requirement for such accommodation. In such an event, Charges @ Rs.40/- per bed per day is to
be collected for single occupancy and Rs.30/- per bed per day is to be collected for double/multiple
occupancy and the charges for the room however, will be invariable of the leave/tour the Officer is
on. Water, Electricity and cooking gas charges shall be shared on actual basis by the occupants. The
basic requirements such as Mattresses, Pillows etc as required along with a study table, chair, fan,
geyser, one common telephone, one sofa set, a Cooking gas, Fridge and TV may be provided. The
allotment of the above Sharing accommodation is not to be equated to allotment of Staff Quarters
and as such, no recovery of HRA is to be effected from the Officer for occupying the above Sharing


ROs to ensure that the Guest house/Transit Camp/Bachelor's accommodation in their Region are
properly and neatly maintained so that we are able to utilise these facilities to the maximum.
Wherever these places are under lease, the landlords may be persuaded to get painting/white-
washing etc done as per the terms of the agreement which is normally 3 years.

a. Revised rental tariffs as shown below:
S.No Categories of officers Single Double/Sharing
Occupancy occupancy
A Officers of company (serving or Rs 40/- per day Rs 60/- per day (Two
retired)/ their family members in beds) ie Rs 30/- per bed
transit on official tour or on per day.
personal/private visit
B Officers of other PSU Insurance Rs 40/- per day Rs 60/- per day (Two
companies and officers of beds) ie Rs 30/- per bed
Central/State Governments on per day.
official tour in connection with the
work relating to the company.
C Non-employees/their family No change No change

b. Any stay beyond a period of Six months from the date of first entry in such accommodation
will be deemed as stay in company’s accommodation for which license fee will be deducted
as per rules and payment of HRA will not be made to the officer. In addition to deduction of
license fee and non-payment of HRA, the applicable rental charges as per the revised rental
tariffs mentioned above shall be charged.
c. The competent authority ie the CMD on receipt of request may permit transferred officers of
scale VI and above who are not able to shift their families to a new place of posting, to stay
in Company’s accommodation beyond a period of six months subject to the conditions
mentioned above.
In brief, the following have to be adhered to:
1. Preference of allotment of transit camp should be given to the officers on official
tour or transfer on room sharing basis so as to ensure that maximum number of
officers on tour transfer can avail the facility.
2. All the officers who are allotted Transit camp/ Guest house/ shared
accommodation/ Learning centre shall not be allowed normally to stay more than
the specified period of 120 days.
3. Further extension may be given for a period of 60 days only by charging double
rate for stay.
4. However deductions of HRA and HRR (L) shall be made applicable for officers
staying at Transit camp/Guest house/ Shared accommodation/ Learning centre
beyond 180 days in addition to charging of double rate as mentioned in point no
3 above.
5. The revised rental rates/deductions of HRA and HRR (L) shall be made effective
from 1st April, 2017. The deduction of HRA/HRR (L) is applicable for all
concerned officers from Scale I to even Scale VII. Such deductions are to be
made from the date when the stay exceeds a period of 6 months or 1st April,
2017, whichever is later.
6. In case of Bachelor accomodations, which are provided on sharing basis, the
same will not be equated to allotment of staff quarters and as such, no recovery
of HRA/ HRR (L) is to be made. However, this is subjected to the condition that
all charges like water, electricity, cooking gas, etc. shall be shared on actual basis
by the occupants and not borne by the company.
7. All regions should explore the possibility of having more number of Bachelor
Accommodation facilities wherever possible so that officers posted will be
provided with necessary accommodation.


ROs to ensure that sufficient provision is to be made every year for Contingent Liability ie. Budget
provision made for Repairs/Renovation/Interiors/Purchase etc which is carried forward to next year
Once In-principle approval is given for repairs/renovation/interiors of BOs/DOs/RO etc., ROs to
ensure that Budget sanction is obtained from HO-Budget Dept. sufficiently in advance before
proceeding into such works.


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