Name: Chaitanya Ramdas Bhosale Roll No: 78 Enrollment No: 1815770231 Batch: 4

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Name : Chaitanya Ramdas Bhosale

Roll No : 78

Enrollment No : 1815770231

Batch : 4






<script type="text/javascript">

var x;

// for loop begins when x=2

// and runs till x <=4

for (x = 2; x <= 4; x++) {

document.write("Value of x:" + x + "<br />");








<script type="text/javaScript">

var languages = { first : "C", second : "Java",

third : "Python", fourth : "PHP",

fifth : "JavaScript"};

for(itr in languages)

document.write(languages[itr] + "<br>");








<script type="text/javaScript">

// JavaScript program to illustrate do-while loop

var x = 21;


// The line while be printer even

// if the condition is false

document.write("Value of x:"+ x + "<br />");


} while(x < 20);








<script type="text/javaScript">

// JavaScript program to illustrate while loop

var x = 1;

// Exit when x becomes greater than 4

while(x <= 4)

document.write("Value of x:"+ x + "<br />");

// increment the value of x for

// next iteration




<!DOCTYPE html>

<html >





<script type="text/javaScript">

// JavaScript program to illustrate If-else statement

var i = 10;

if(i < 15)

document.write("10 is less than 15");


document.write("I am Not in if");








<script type="text/javascript">

// JavaScript program to illustrate switch-case

var i = 9;


case 0:

document.write("i is zero.");


case 1:

document.write("i is one.");


case 2:

document.write("i is two.");



document.write("i is greater than 2.");




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