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Pointers to Review in Practical Research 2

Test 1. Remembering

A. Multiple Choice(10 points)

Discrete variables- These variables can only assume any whole value within the limits of the given variables.

Ordinal variables- These variables can take a value which can be logically ordered or ranked.

Variables- Any factor or property that a researcher measures, control, and or manipulates.

Operational definition- The definition of the term is based on how it is used in the study.

Delimitation of the study- Pertains to the boundaries of the study with respect to the major variables/s, and is further
clarified by the sub-variables.

The scope of the study- The coverage of a study; it is determined by the major variables of the study.

Non-researchable questions- Are questions of value. These are questions that are answerable by ―yes‖ or ―no‖.

Researchable questions- Are questions of value, opinions or policy raised to gather data.

Hypothesis- Tentative explanation or an answer to a question about variables, their relationships, and other facts
involved in the research.

Test 2. Understanding


Direction:Identify what is being described by the statement.Write your answer on the space provided.

A. Considerations in Formulating Research Problems(External Criteria)

Novelty Availability and adequacy of facilities and equipment

Availability of subjects Ethical Considerations

Administrative support

Ethical Consideration 1. Ensure that all activities to be undertaken are acceptable and are done in accordance with what
is legal and morally right.
Test 3. Applying

A. Enumerate possible problems (think of those that can be measured quantitatively) you may encounter in these
various setting.

1. Personal (family and social) life

a. Financial Problem


2. School



Test 4. Analyzing

A. Identify the independent and dependent variables in each research problem.

Research Questions Independent Variable Dependent Variable

1. How does logical thinking logical thinking critical thinking

develop critical thinking?
2. What are the effects of
Koreanovelas on the Filipino
value system?

Test 5. Evaluating

A. Open-Ended Essay

1.Why is gathering literature related to the research is very important?

Test 6. Creating(5 points)

Picture Analysis

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