Stats Maraguinot Module

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Bohol Association of Catholic Schools

Diocese of Tagbilaran
Sagbayan, Bohol
Name: Year & Section:
Strand: Score:
Day 1
Learning objectives
1. Illustrates a random variable (discrete and continuous).
2. Distinguishes between a discrete and a continuous random variable.
3. Finds the possible values of a random variable
4. Illustrates a probability distribution for a discrete random variable and its properties.

Concept notes:
Many quantities or variables in different situations are determined by chance. Examples
of these are the prices in the stock market, the number of customers that a store will have
in a given day, and the score of a basketball team in a game. Variables that assume values as
determined by probability are called random variables.
Random variables are classified into two: discrete/and continuous. Discrete random
variables are variables that can take on distinct and separate values. The number of possible
values that a discrete random variable can assume within a given interval is finite.
A continuous random variable is a random variable where the data can take infinitely many
values. For example, a random variable measuring the time taken for something to be done
is continuous since there are an infinite number of possible times that can be taken. Let us
use the situation below as an example.
Example 1.
Let X be a random variable representing the exact time it will take for a car to travel a
distance of 500 meters, assuming that the minimum lime is 20 seconds and the maximum time is 70
We know that there is no way to list down the possible values for this random variable. Given
the limit, time can take on values such as 21.222929 seconds or 45.4958000684886 seconds. This
example therefore is a continuous random variable.

Example 2:
Let X be a random variable representing the time it will take for a car to travel a distance of
500 meters rounded off to the nearest tenths of a second, assuming that the minimum time is 20
seconds and the maximum time is 70 seconds.
Example 4 is different from 3 because it does not ask for the exact measurement. Therefore,
we can list down the possible values of the random variable. The possible values are 20.0, 20.1,
20.2...70.0. This is a discrete random variable.

Identify if the following random variables are discrete or continuous.
1. The exact amount of time a swimmer needed to finish a 50-meter swim
2. When number of babies born in a hospital per day
3. The score of a volleyball set
4. The exact mass of an apple pie made by a baker
5. The number of packs of candies a grocery store sells in a day
6. The exact amount of rainfall in Bohol
7. The year of birth of a random customer of a toy store
8. The exact mass of a randomly selected newborn baby
Statistics & Probability
Day 2

Concept Notes:
Every day we often read, heard or even used the word random. You may hear someone say “We
randomly decided to go out for shopping yesterday.” But is this really a random event? No, this is a
decision that was made on the basis of other variables such as desire and the lack of satisfaction with
other options such as TV viewing.
The word random has a different meaning in the field of statistics. Something is random when it
differs by chance. For example, when a coin is tossed twice, the possible outcomes that can occur are
{HH, HT, TT, TH} where H represent head and T represent tail, the observed outcomes on any one toss is
random. This module will help you understand the process of distinguishing between a discrete and a
continuous random variable.
The set of values that a random variable can assume is called sample space. Each possible value
in the sample space is called an outcome.

Experiment Number X or the Random Possible Values of Random Variable
Variable X X
1. Flipping a pair of coin Number of heads in 4 flips of a 0, 1, 2, 3, 4
2. Flipping a pair of coin Number of tosses until the coin 1, 2, 3, 4, …
repeatedly lands tails
3. Set of Integers Integers from 2 to 6 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
4. Set of real numbers Real numbers from 2 to 6 2<x<6
5. Life span of your Time until your iPhone battery 0<x<
iPhone battery become defective
From the example in the table above, Examples 1, 2, and 3 are all discrete while example 4 and 5 are
Example 6. Brand Z is a company that manufactures batteries. They record the number of defective
batteries that are contained in each box before it is sent out for delivery. If X is the number of defective
batteries per box, then what type of random variable is X?
Solution. X is a discrete random variable, and X can be a set {0, 1, 2, …, n} where n is the total number of
batteries in each box.

Example 7. Suppose Brand Z in example number 6 wants to check the average life span of their
batteries. If Y is the average number of days that each battery lasts, then what can you conclude about
the variable Y?
Solution. We can conclude from above, that Y is a continuous random variable. It may be assigned time
intervals that corresponds to each battery’s life span. Because of the way the discrete random variable is
defined, we can say that the range of values that can be assigned to it is confined to the set of whole
numbers. That is, a discrete random variable may NOT take on non-integers.

I. Classify the following random variables as discrete or continuous.
1. The speed of a tricycle
2. The number of female students
3. The time needed to finish the module.
4. The amount of sugar in a cup of coffee.
5. The number of defective mobile phones produced by a manufacturer.

II. Identify the sample space of the following random variables.

1. Number of heads yielded in tossing a coin three times
2. Number of 5's after rolling a dice six times
3. Number of males among four newborn babies
4. Days in the month of June
5. Exact amount of rain in June

Statistics & Probability

Day 3
Concept Notes:
A random variable is a numerical quantity that is derived from the outcomes of random
experiments. The random variable in the activity above is a discrete random variable because the set of
possible outcomes is countable. The possible values of random variable Y (number of defective iPhone)
are 0, 1, and 2, while the possible values of random variable X (number of non-defective laptops) are 0,
1, 2, and 3. Example 1. Suppose two coins are tossed, let Z be the random variable representing the
number of heads that occur. Find the values of the random variable Z.

Steps Solution
1. Determine the sample space. Let H The sample space for this experiment is: S = {TT, TH, HH,
represent head and T for tail. HT}
2. Count the number of heads in each Possible Outcome Value of the random
outcome in the sample space and variable z (number heads)
assign this number to this outcome. TT 0
TH 1
HH 2
HT 1
So, the possible values of the random variable Z are 0, 1, and 2.

Example 2. In a box are 2 balls - one white and one yellow. Two balls are picked one at a time with
replacement. Let X be the random variable representing the number of white balls. Find the values of
the random variable X.

Steps Solution
1. Determine the sample space. Let W The sample space for this experiment is: S = {WW, YY,
represent the white ball and Y for the WY, YW}
yellow ball
2. Count the number of white balls in Possible Outcome Value of the random
each outcome in the sample space variable X (Number of
and assign this number to this white balls)
outcome. WW 2
YY 0
WY 1
YW 1
So, the possible values of the random variable X are 0, 1, and 2.


I. Two cards are drawn from a deck. How many possible values can each of the following
variables take?
1. sum of the numbers on the cards
2. number of times both cards are black
3. Number of times both cards are 7s
4. Number of times the first card is six and the second card is red
5. Number of times the first card is face card and the second card is not a face card

II. Independent Activity. Getting Balls from a Box

Two balls are picked in succession without replacement - 4 white balls and 5 green balls. Let
Y be the random variable representing the number of green balls. Find the values of the
random variable Y. Complete the table.

Possible Outcomes Value of Random Variable Y

(number of green balls)
Statistics & Probability
Day 4
Concept Notes: Illustrating a Probability Distribution for a Discrete Random Variable and its Properties
In this module, the concept of the probability distribution for a discrete random variable will be
introduced. Some decisions are made by assigning probabilities to all possible outcomes related to the
situation. When we draw a conclusion from an experiment like tossing a coin, tossing dice, or from other
situations, it requires the use of random variable and probability distribution. You will also learn how to
determine if the given distribution represents a probability distribution.

The probability distribution of a discrete random variable X is a list of the possible values of X
and the corresponding probabilities of the values. It specifies the probability associated with each
possible value of the random variable. The distribution functions of discrete random variables are
concentrated as a mass for a particular value, and generally known as Probability Mass Function.
Properties of discrete probability distribution
1. The probability of each value of the random variable must be between or equal to 0 and 1. In
symbol 0 < P(X) < 1.
2. The sum of all the probabilities of all values of the random variable must be equal to 1. In symbol,
we write it as 𝚺P(X) = 1

Example 1.
Determine if the distribution below is a discrete probability distribution:
x 1 5 7 8 9
P(x) 1 1 1 1 1
3 3 3 3 3
The distribution must satisfy that each probability value P(X) must be

a.) from 0 to 1 and b) the sum of all the values of the probabilities must be equal to 1.
By adding all the values of P(X)
1 1 1 1 1 5
Σ P(X)= + + + + =
3 3 3 3 3 3
The probability of each value of the random variable has the same value which is and this value lies
between 0 and 1 but the sum of its probabilities is not equal to 1. Hence, this is not a probability
distribution because ΣP(X) ≠ 1.

Example 2.
Determine whether the given values can serve as the values of a probability distribution.
You can also express the values of the probabilities in decimal form.
x 1 3 5 7
P(x) 0.35 0.25 0.28 0.12
By adding all the values of P(X)
Σ P(X) = 0.35 + 0.25 + 0.28 + 0.12 =1
The probability of each value of the random variable lies between 0 and 1 and the sum of its
probabilities is equal to 1 or ΣP(X) =1. Therefore, this is a probability distribution.

A. Determine whether the distribution represents a probability distribution or not. Explain your
1. x 1 5 7 8
P(x) 1 1 1 1
4 8 4 8

2. W x 1 3 5 7
P(x) 0.35 0.25 0.28 0.12
3. P(1)=0.42, P(2)=0.31, P(3)=0.37
B. Face Mask
Julia is a boutique shop owner in her town. Due to COVID-19 pandemic, wearing a face
mask of a person is required for their safety. Since there are limited stocks available, she
decided to start another business by making a face mask. She started selling face masks from
day 1 to day 10. The data she collected is shown in the table below.
Illustrate a probability distribution of a random variable X showing the number of face mask sold
per day and its corresponding probabilities.
Day Number of Face Mask (X)
1 25
2 20
3 15
4 14
5 15
6 10
7 12
8 10
9 15
10 14
Bohol Association of Catholic Schools
Diocese of Tagbilaran
Sagbayan, Bohol
Name: Year & Section:
Strand: Score:
Day 1

Concept note: Computing Probability Corresponding to a Given Random Variable

You have learned that the likelihood of winning in a lotto draw, number of winnings in a gamble,
number of heads that come out in a toss of a coin, and other game of chance can be estimated using
probability. But do you know that it is not only for the game of chance? We also use this in business,
economics, engineering, and other real-life situations. A data needs to determine the probabilities to
make decisions and draw a conclusion. Most of the time, you won't perform actual probability
problems, but you'll use probability to make a judgment and determine the best course of action.

Event (E) Probability P (E)

a. Getting an odd number in a single roll of a die
b. Getting an ace when a card is drawn from a deck

c. Getting a number greater than 2 in a single

roll of a die
d. Getting a red queen when a card is drawn from a deck

e. Getting doubles when two dice are rolled

f. Getting a sum of 5 or a sum of 9 when two dice are rolled

The probability for each event will be:

a. The event of getting an odd number has three outcomes: 1, 3, or 5. Since there are 6 faces in
3 1
a die, then the probability of getting an odd number is or .
6 2
b. The event of getting an ace when a card is drawn from a deck is 4. Since there are 52 faces in
a deck of cards, then the probability of getting an ace is 4/52 or 1/13 .
c. The event of getting a number greater than 2 in a single roll of a die has four outcomes: 3, 4,
5, and 6. Since there are 6 faces in a die, then the probability of getting a number greater than 2 is 4/6 or
d. The event of getting a red queen when a card is drawn from a deck is 2. Since there are 52
faces in a deck of cards, then the probability of getting a red queen is 2/52 or 1/26.
e. The event of getting doubles when two dice are rolled has 6 outcomes: {(1,1), (2,2),(3,3),(4,4),
(5,5),(6,6)}.Since there are 36 outcomes in rolling two dice, then the probability of getting doubles is
6/36 or 1/6.
f. The event of getting a sum of 5 when two dice are rolled has 4 outcomes: {(1,4), (4,1), (2,3),
(3,2)}.Hence, the probability is 4 36 .The event of getting a sum of 9 when two dice are rolled has 4
outcomes: {(4,5),(5,4),(3,6),(6,3)}. Hence, the probability is 4/36.
The probability of getting a sum of 5 or a sum of 9 when two dice are rolled is P(sum of 5 or sum
of 9)= number of pairs with sums of 5/total number of outcomes + number of pairs with sums of 9/total
number of outcomes = 4/36 + 4/36 = 8/36 or 2/9

In the previous module, you have learned how to illustrate a probability distribution for a
discrete random variable and its properties. Some experiments like tossing a coin, throwing a die, and
other activities consist of one or more outcomes. If each of the outcomes is equally likely to occur, then
the probability is:
P (E)= number of outcomes in the event/number of outcomes in the sample space

To answer the given question, you have to construct first the probability distribution. Let X the
value of the random variable represented by the number of boxes of “leche puto”. The probability
distribution is shown below.
Number of Boxes X Probability P(X)
35 1
37 1
40 1
42 1
45 3
50 1
a. The probability that 40 or more boxes will be sold in a particular day means
P (X≥ 40). This means that you have to add P(X=40), P(X=42), P (X= 45), and (X= 50). P (X≥ 40) =
P(40) + P(42) + P(45) + P(50) then, substitute its corresponding probability = 1 10 + 1 5 + 3 10 + 1 10 = 1
10 + 2 10 + 3 10 + 1 10 = 7 10 or 0.7

b. The probability that the number of boxes delivered will be at least 37 but not more than 50
means P (37≤ X< 50). Hence, the values included are P(37), P(40), P42) and P(45), then substitute its
corresponding probability P (37≤ X< 50) = P(37) + P(40) +P(42) + P(45), = 1 5 + 1 10 + 1 5 + 3 10 = 2 10 + 1
10 + 2 10 + 3 10 = 8 10 56 = 4 5 or 0.8

c. The probability that at most 40 boxes will be delivered in a particular day means P (X≤ 40) so
the values of X are P(40), P(37) and P(35) P (X≤ 40) = P(40) + P(37) + P(35) = 1 10 + 1 5 + 1 10 = 1 10 + 2
10 + 1 10 = 4 10 = 2 5 or 0.40

d. Find P (X≤ 45) = P(45) + P(42) + P(40) + P(37) +P(35) = 3 10 + 1 5 + 1 10 + 1 5 + 1 10 = 3 10 + 2

10 + 1 10 + 2 10 + 1 10 = 9 10 or 0.90 Other solution: P (X≤ 45) = 1-P(50) = 1- 1 10 = 9 10

e. Find P (40) + P (50) = 1 10 + 1 10 = 2 10 = 1 5 or 0.10


A. The monthly absences of a student based on his class adviser’s record are
presented in the probability distribution below.

X 0 1 2 3 4

P(X) 5

a. What is the probability that the number of absences is less than 3?

b. What is the probability that the number of absences is at least 2?
c. What is the probability that the number of absences is greater than 1 but
less than 4?
Bayanihan To Heal as One Act
In a certain barangay, the DSWD conducted a survey among the ages of senior
citizens who will receive cash assistance or the Social Amelioration Program (SAP).
This program is a cash emergency subsidy program for Filipino families whose lives
are greatly affected by the Enhance Community Quarantine (ECQ). It is mandated
by the new law, the “Bayanihan To Heal As One Act”, which was signed by the
President on March 25, 2020. The given data shows the probability distribution
among the ages of senior citizens.

Age X Probability P(X)

60 0.16
61 0.10
62 0.10
63 0.07
65 0.13
67 0.10
68 0.07
70 0.07
72 0.10
73 0.07
80 0.03
a. What is the probability that at least 65 years old senior citizen will
receive the SAP?
b. What is the probability that at most 70 years old senior citizen will
receive the SAP?
B. What is the probability that at least 60 years old but less than 70 years old senior citizen will
receive the SAP

Statistics & Probability

Day 2

Concept Note: Illustrating Mean and Variance of Discrete Random Variable

As claimed by some research, every individual spent an average time of

ten hours on their mobile phone. What does it mean? What is the average value
that he or she spent in using a mobile phone? Does it imply that everyday every
person spends ten hours of his day dealing with a gadget? Or does it imply that an
individual goes through ten hours every day on a cell phone? How is the time spent
by different persons vary from one another? These questions lead to another idea
in probability and statistics. This is the mean and the variance of the discrete
random variable.

This module is all about illustrating and determining the average of a

discrete random variable. Likewise, obtaining how the element is being spread
away from the mean. The term average is the mean or the expected value or the
expectation in probability and statistics. Once we have calculated the probability
distribution for a random variable, we can illustrate its expected value. The mean
of a random variable shows the location or the central tendency of the random

If you roll a fair die several times, what will be the average outcome?
Imagine rolling it 6000 times. You would expect to roll about 1000 ones, 1000
twos, and so on: about 1000 occurrences of each possible outcome. What would
be the average value of the outcomes obtained? Approximately, the mean or
expected value would be;
It only implies that the weighted average of the six possible outcomes 1, 2,
…, 6 with weights provided by the relative frequencies. Remember that 3.5 isn’t a
value that we can observe if we will do the experiment.
By similarity with information and relative frequencies, we can
characterize the mean of a discrete random variable by utilizing probabilities from
its dispersion, as follows.
1. The mean is considered as a measure of the `central location' of a random
variable. It is the weighted average of the values that random variable X can
take, with weights provided by the probability distribution.
2. The Expected Value or Mean Value of a discrete random variable x is can be
computed by first multiplying each possible x value by the probability of
observing that value and then adding the resulting quantities. Symbolically,
𝑬(𝑿) = 𝝁𝒙 = 𝑋1 ∗ 𝑃(𝑋1) + 𝑋2 ∗ 𝑃(𝑋2) + ⋯ + 𝑋𝑛 ∗ 𝑃(𝑋𝑛) = ∑ 𝑿 ∗ 𝑷(𝑿)
Example1: Suppose a random variable X that has the discrete uniform distribution
with possible values 1, 2,…, n. The mean or expected value is presented by

Since the possible values are 1, 2,…, n when rolling a die a fair of die the
mean is . This 3.5 is the expectation only. That’s the reason why in
question 4, we come up to 3.5 as its mean value.

So, doing the experiment which is rolling a single die several times and
getting average or mean of the total possible outcomes, we, therefore, conclude
that the average tends to be close to 3.5. This also implies that the more rolls we
do, the closer the average will be to 3.5. Example 2.



P(X) 0.1668500





1 2 3 4 5 6 X
From the figure above, it shows the probability distribution for the possible
outcome in rolling a fair die. Notice that they have equal probabilities or chances
to occur. This distribution is symmetric and the mean is 3.5 which found in the
middle of the distribution, it is in the axis of symmetry.
We have noticed that the mean of a random variable X is a measure of the
central location of the distribution of X. If we are summarizing highlights of the
distribution of X, it is evident that location is not the only significant aspect

If the example above complicated you, a simpler one is provided for you.
Example 3. Suppose you want to find the average number of apples sold in any
five grocery stores as indicated by the figure below.

Analyzing the illustration above, then the mean or expected value is 11. If
you are wondering why this happens you may also follow with these processes:
1. Separate 8 elements on the left side of the mean then get the average of those
a (3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10) which is equal to 6.5
2. Do the same on the right side of mean (12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, and 19)
which is equal to 15.5.
3. Get the average value of the numbers 6.5, 11, and 15.5. It will be equal to 11
As a whole, we can generate a physical representation and interpretation
of the discrete random variable X with its probability P(X). Assume that the x-axis is
an unbounded see-saw in both directions, and we put weights corresponds to
probability P(X) at each associated value(x) of random variable X. Therefore, the
mean (𝝁𝒙) is the point where the see-saw balance. In other words, it is the center
of weights of the observation.

In the off chance, that value of X close to its mean 𝜇𝑥 are likely and values
further away from 𝜇𝑥 have small probability, at that point, the distribution of X will
be firmly concentrated around 𝜇𝑥. For this situation, the spread of the distribution
of X is little. On the contrary, if the expected value of X some distance from its
mean 𝜇𝑥 are likely, the spread of the distribution of X will be sizeable.

These concepts lead the way to the most important measure of spread,
the variance, and a closely related measure of variability, the standard deviation.

You probably have met the concepts of variance and standard deviation
when summarizing data in your Junior High School Mathematics. These were the
sample variance and the sample standard deviation. The difference here is that we
are referring to properties of the distribution of a discrete random variable.

The variance of a random variable displays the variability or the

dispersions of the random variables. It shows the distance of a random variable
from its mean.
The Variance of a Discrete Random Variable X, denoted by 𝝈𝟐𝒙 is
computed by first subtracting the mean from each possible x value to obtain the
deviations, then squaring each deviation and multiplying the result by the
probability of the corresponding x value, and then finally adding these quantities.

Definition: If X is a random variable with mean 𝐸(𝑋) = µ𝑥, then the variance of X is
defined by,

𝑽𝒂𝒓(𝑿) = 𝝈𝟐𝒙 = ∑ (𝒙 − 𝝁𝒙)𝟐 ∙ 𝑷(𝒙)

Remember that if the value of the variance is small, then the values of the random
variable are close to the mean.

The Standard Deviation of x, denoted by 𝝈𝒙 , is the square root of the

Variance. In symbol,

𝜎𝑥 = √𝑽𝒂𝒓(𝑿) or 𝝈𝒙 = √𝝈𝒙𝟐

Example 4. Let us consider the same histogram above. Illustrate the variance and
standard deviation.

To be able to determine the element spread away from the mean, we can
do this by adding this procedure in the illustration given.

0.1669500 3 3


P(X) 7
0.1668500 4 10




1 2 3 4 5 6 X
Since we are comparing two elements this time (1 and 3 on the left side of
the mean and 4 and 6 in the right., the 𝜇𝑥 3.5 will be doubled which became 7.
Adding 1 and 3 elements gives us 4, similarly on the right side adding 4 and 6 gives
us 10. Get the average value of 4 and 10 which resulted in 7 which is our new 𝜇𝑥.
Subtract 7 by 4 which is 3, likewise subtract 10 by 7 which resulted in 3. This
implies that the distance of the element from the mean in either direction is 3
which describes the spread of the elements in the observation.

And this is how we come up with the answer in question under What’s
Example 5. Consider this figure.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

a. Illustrate the mean.

b. Compare the variance and standard deviation.

a. Since the data is symmetric along the x-axis, so the mean 𝜇𝑥 is equal
to 6. (You may verify the 𝜇𝑥 value using the 3 steps provided in the
previous example)
b. To illustrate the variance and standard deviation without having

5 5

7 12 17

2 5 7 10

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
computation, study the diagram below.
Figure A. 𝜇𝑥

Since we are comparing two elements this time (2 and 5 on the left side of
the mean and 7 and 10 in the right, the 𝜇𝑥 is doubled which became 12. Adding 2
and 5 elements gives us 7, similarly on the right side adding 7 and 10 gives us 17.
Get the average value of 7 and 17 which resulted in 12 which is our new 𝜇𝑥.
Subtract 12 by 7 which is 5, likewise subtract 17 by 12 which also resulted in 5. This
implies that the distance of the element from the mean in either direction is 5
which describes the spread of the elements in the observation.

Example 6. Compare the variance and standard deviation of this distribution.

4 4

8 12

3 9

2 5 7

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Figure B 𝜇𝑥

Following the same procedure just like in example 4, for figure A, the 𝜇𝑥 is
6. Now let’s compare 3 and 5 on the left side of the mean and 7 and 9 in the right.
Adding 3 and 5 which is 8 and on the right side add 7 and 9 which results in 16. The
average of 8 and 16 is 12 which happens to be our new mean. Subtract 8 from 12
which is 4, similarly subtract 12 from 1 wherein the result is also 4. This shows that
the distance of the element from the mean in either direction is 4 which expresses
the spread of the elements in the observation. Example 7. Analyze and observe
the figure below

6 6

6 12 18

2 4 8 10

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Figure C 𝜇𝑥

Again, since we are comparing two elements this time (2 and 4 on the left
side of the mean and 8 and 10 in the right, the 𝜇𝑥 is doubled which became 12.
Adding 2 and 4 elements give us 6, similarly, on the right side adding 8 and 10 gives
us 17. Get the average of 6 and 18 which also results in 12 which is our new 𝜇𝑥.
Subtract 12 by 6 which is 6, likewise subtract 18 by 12 which also results in 6. This
suggests that the distance of the element from the mean in either direction is 6
which describes the spread of the elements in the observation.
This time let us compare the variance and standard deviation of the three
given illustrations. Because Figure A has a spread value of 5, Figure B has 4 and
Figure C has spread value of 6 in either direction then we can have this

𝜎𝐵 < 𝜎𝐴 < 𝜎𝐶
Which illustrations show less spread out? Then we can easily answer it by
simply observing the figure we generated. Figure B is less dispersion since it spread
by 4 in either direction. Moreover, which illustrations shows the farthest spread
out? Looking back to the three illustrations we have, then the farthest spread out
is Figure C since the element dispersed 6 away from the mean.

In general, unlike the mean, there is no simple direct interpretation of the

variance or standard deviation. The variance is undifferentiated to the moment of
inertia in physics, but that is not necessarily widely understood by students. What
is important to understand is that, in relative terms:

• a small value of standard deviation (or variance) means that the dispersion
of the random variable is narrowly concentrated around the mean.
• a large value of standard deviation (or variance) means that the
distribution is spread out, with some possibility of observing values at
some distance from the mean.


Independent Activity: Study and analyze.

5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40

1. Figure above shows the number of polo shirt sold by 5 different RTW
a. Illustrate the mean. (2 points)
b. Illustrate the variance and standard deviation. (5 points)

2. From the figure below,

a. Illustrate the mean or expected value. (2 points)
b. Illustrate the variance and standard deviation. (5 points)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

2. Compare the variance and standard deviation of the two figures provided.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Figure A

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Statistics and Probability

Day 3

Calculating Mean and Variance of a

Concept Note:

Discrete Random Variable

If you took an examination, do you sometimes think of where would be your score
lie? Would it be below or above the average score? Afterward, you would like also
to know how far you are from the average score. Finally, you would ask yourself
what is the meaning of those locations from the center or mean of the probability
distribution? If you are asking these questions, this learning module is designed for

In this module, we can calculate and solve the average of a discrete random
variable. The term average is the mean or the expected value or the expectation in
probability and statistics. Once we have calculated the probability distribution for a
random variable, we can calculate its expected value. The mean of a random
variable shows the location or the central tendency of the random variable.

In this module, you will understand the process on how to accurately determine
the mean value and variance including the standard deviation of a discrete random
variable. You may find this module as a piece of good fortune in acquiring brand
new learning.
In the previous module, mean or expected value characteristics had been
presented, even variance and standard deviation of a discrete random variable.

Expected Value or Mean Value is the sum of the products of each possible value
of a random variable and that value’s probability. In symbol,

𝑬(𝑿) = 𝝁𝒙 = 𝑋1 ꞏ 𝑃(𝑋1) + 𝑋2 ꞏ 𝑃(𝑋2) + ꞏꞏꞏ + 𝑋𝑛 ꞏ 𝑃(𝑋𝑛) = ∑ 𝑿 ꞏ 𝑷(𝑿)

So, in what way can we use the concept of expected value to calculate the mean
and variance of a probability distribution?

Using the previously given data, multiply each x value by its probability and add
the results to get the mean (𝜇x ) or expected value(𝑬(𝑿)).

Test Item, Probability, 𝑿 ∗ 𝑷(𝑿)

𝑿 𝑷(𝑿)

0 0.03 0
1 0.05 0.05
2 0.12 0.24
3 0.30 0.9
4 0.28 1.12
5 0.22 1.1
𝐸(𝑋) = 𝜇𝑥 = ∑ 𝑥 ∙ 𝑃(𝑋)

= [(0)(0.03) + (1)(0.05) + (2)(0.12) + (3)(0.30) + (4)(0.28) + (5)(0.22)]

𝑬(𝑿) = 𝝁𝒙 = 𝟑. 𝟒𝟏

So, the answer to question 3 can now be stated. It indicates that the expected
value or mean of the random variable is 3.41.

Now that you have calculated the mean or the average marks in the five tests of
Mathematics. It will be convenient this time to determine the difference in the
score of each item from the mean or expected value. This difference in marks
shows the variability of the possible values of the random variable.

Let’s recall the formula in finding the variance of a discrete random variable x,

𝑽𝒂𝒓(𝑿) = 𝝈𝟐𝒙 = ∑ (𝒙 − 𝝁𝒙)𝟐 ∙ 𝑷(𝒙)

Remember that if the value of the variance is small, then the values of the random
variable are close to the mean.

The Standard Deviation of x, denoted by 𝝈𝒙 , is the square root of the Variance. In


𝜎𝑥 = √𝑽𝒂𝒓(𝑿) or 𝝈𝒙 = √𝝈𝒙𝟐

Again, let’s use the same data above, variance and standard deviation of the given
random variable can be presented in this manner. The formula for 𝑉𝑎𝑟(𝑋) says to
take a weighted average of the squared distance to the mean. By squaring,
remember that we are averaging only non-negative values so that the spread to
the right of the mean won’t cancel that to the left. By using expected value, we are
weighting high probability values more than low probability values. So, the table
will now look like this.
Test Item, Probability 𝒙 ∙ 𝑷(𝑿) 𝒙−𝝁 (𝒙 − 𝝁)𝟐 (𝒙 − 𝝁)𝟐 ∙ 𝑷(𝑿)
𝒙 𝑷(𝑿)
0 0.03 0 -3.41 11.6281 0.3488
1 0.05 0.05 -2.41 5.8081 0.2904
2 0.12 0.24 -1.41 1.9881 0.2386
3 0.30 0.90 -0.41 0.1681 0.0504
4 0.28 1.12 0.59 0.3481 0.0975
5 0.22 1.10 1.59 2.5281 0.5562
𝑬(𝑿) ∑(𝒙 − 𝝁)𝟐 ∙ 𝑷(𝑿)
= 𝝁𝒙 = 𝟏. 𝟓𝟖𝟏𝟗
= 𝟑. 𝟒𝟏

We can also do this process.

𝑽𝒂𝒓(𝑿) = 𝝈𝟐𝒙 = ∑(𝒙 − 𝝁)𝟐 ∙ 𝑷(𝑿)

𝑽𝒂𝒓(𝑿) = 𝝈𝟐𝒙 = 𝟏. 𝟓𝟖𝟏𝟗

The Variance is 1.5819, and the Standard Deviation is √𝟏. 𝟓𝟖𝟏𝟗 , and it is
equivalent to 𝝈𝒙 = 1.26

Therefore, the correct answers for question 4 are 1.5819 and 1.26 respectively.
For uniformity of the answers, expected value or mean and standard deviation are
both expressed into two decimal places while variance is up to four decimal places
to lessen rounding error.

Take note on units:

1. 𝜎𝑥 has the same units as X.

2. 𝑉𝑎𝑟(𝑋) or 𝝈𝟐𝒙 has the same units as the square of X. So, if X is

in meters, then 𝑉𝑎𝑟(𝑋) is in meters squared.

Since 𝜎𝑥 and X have the same units, the standard deviation is a natural measure of
spread. In some ways, the standard deviation is the more tangible of the two
measures, since it is in the same units as X.

Let us take this example,

Suppose that a coin is tossed twice so that the sample space is S = {𝐻𝐻, 𝑇𝐻, 𝐻𝑇,
𝑇𝑇}. Let X represent the “number of heads that can come up”, Based on the
prepared discrete probability distributions of the random variable X below,
calculate the mean, variance, and standard deviation.

Outcome or Sample Point HH HT TH TT

Applying the 𝒙 2 1 1 0
concepts from
the activity given above, let us complete the table below.

𝒙 𝑷(𝑿) 𝒙 ∙ 𝑷(𝑿) 𝒙−𝝁 (𝒙 − 𝝁)𝟐 (𝒙 − 𝝁)𝟐 ∙ 𝑷(𝑿)

0 ¼ or 0.25 0 -1 1 0.25
1 ½ or 0.5 0.5 0 0 0
2 ¼ or 0.25 0.5 1 1 0.25

𝝁𝒙 = ∑ 𝒙 ∙ 𝑷(𝑿) = 𝟏 ∑(𝒙 − 𝝁)𝟐 ∙ 𝑷(𝑿) = 𝟎. 𝟓𝟎

The expected value or mean is 1.

The Variance is 0.50, and

The Standard Deviation is √𝟎. 𝟓0, and it is equivalent to 𝝈 = 0.71.

We have discovered that the Expected Value E(X) is only the average or mean (µ𝑥)
of random variable X. It's occasionally called a "weighted average" because more
frequent values of X are weighted more highly in the average. It is additionally how
we anticipate that X should behave on-average as time goes on. The mean of a
random variable X is a measurement of the central location of the distribution of X.
If we are summarizing features of the distribution of X, it is clear that location is
not the only relevant feature. The second most important component is the
spread of the distribution.
Again, the variance of a discrete random variable X is defined by

where the sum is taken over all values of x for which P(x) > 0 but less than 1. So,
the variance of X is the weighted average of the squared deviations from the mean
μ, where the weights are given by the probability function P(x) of X.

The standard deviation of X is defined to be the square root of the variance of X.

That is,

Because of this definition, the variance of X is often denoted by σ2x.

In another way around, the standard deviation is the more tangible of the two
measures, since it is in the same units as X. For example, if X is a random variable
measuring length in cm, then the standard deviation is in centimeter(𝑐𝑚), while
the variance is in 𝑐𝑚2.

Remember that with respect on units:

1. σ has the same units as X.

2. Var(X) has the same units as the square of X. So, if X is in
meters, then Var(X) is in meters squared. Because σ and X have the same
units, the standard deviation is a natural measure of spread.

Always remember that the variance cannot be negative, because it is an average of

squared quantities. This is appropriate, as a negative spread for distribution does
not make sense. Hence, 𝝈𝟐𝒙 ≥ 𝟎 and 𝝈𝒙 (𝑿) ≥ 𝟎.

Exercise: Independent Activity 1: Study and analyze

The number of shoes sold per day at a retail store is shown in the table below.
Illustrate the mean, variance, and standard deviation of this distribution.

X 19 20 21 22 23

P(X) 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1

Independent Assessment 1: Fill me in and solve

Write all the necessary formula and show the complete solution.

Formula to be used:

a. Mean ________________________
b. Variance_____________________
c. Standard Deviation___________
Independent Activity 2: Study and analyze

The number of patients seen in the Emergency Room in any given hour is a
random variable represented by x. The probability distribution for x is:

X 10 11 12 13 14

P(X) 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1

Independent Assessment 2: Fill me in and solve

Write all the necessary formula and show the complete solution.

Formula to be used:

a. Mean __________________________
b. Variance_______________________
c. Standard Deviation_____________

Statistics and Probability

Day 4

Interpreting the Mean and the

Concept note:

Variance of a Discrete Random

Decision-making is an important skill that each individual should acquire. It is a
must that you should be wise when making decisions. In real life, we always
encounter situations where we have to choose the best option to arrive with the
right decision. Thinking critically and logically will help you to decide on things
wisely. Considering that you might become a CEO of a company, a professional, a
father or a mother, surely this lesson will help you to decide on future financial
situations. Interpreting the mean and variance of probability distributions will give
you the idea on how to weigh things, for you to choose the right option.

Recall that in your previous lesson, you learn how to calculate the mean, variance,
and standard deviation of a discrete random variable. So, with those skills, you will
be able to answer the questions in the previous activity.
First, let us find the mean of the probability distribution using the formula.

𝜇𝑥 = ∑[𝑥𝑖 ∙ 𝑃(𝑥)]

𝜇𝑥 = 1(0.1) + 2(0.1) + 3(0.1) + 4(0.5) + 5(0.1) + 6(0.1)

𝜇𝑥 = 3.7

Therefore, the mean of the probability distribution is 3.7. Since the mean is equal

3.7, we can say that the average number of dots that would appear is a number
near to 3.7 which is 4. If we will repeat the experiment over and over, there is a
higher possibility the 4 dots will always appear since the average number of dots
that would appear is 4.

To determine the variability of the assumed values from the mean, use the
formulas for finding variance and standard deviation. But first, construct a table
like the one below:

𝑥 𝑃(𝑥) 𝑥 ∙ 𝑃(𝑥) 𝑥2 𝑥2 ∙ 𝑃(𝑥)

1 0.1 0.1 1 0.1

2 0.1 0.2 2 0.4

3 0.1 0.3 9 0.9

4 0.5 2 16 8

5 0.1 0.5 25 2.5

6 0.1 0.6 36 2.6

∑[𝑥2 ∙ 𝑃(𝑥)] = 15.5

Then use the formulas, thus

Therefore, the variance of the random variable X (the number of dots appeared) is
equal to 1.81 while the standard deviation is equal to 1.35. Take note that, small
variance or standard deviation means that the assumed values or data points tend
to be very close to the mean, while higher variance or standard deviation means
that the assumed values or data points are spread out from the mean. Specifically,
the variance and standard deviation measures or describes how far a set of data
(assumed values of random variables) is spread out. Since the value of the
standard deviation is 1.35, we can say that the assumed values of each outcome
are somewhat close to the mean for about 1.35 units from the mean.

Knowing this information, you may now decide whether you will join a game using
an unfair die. Make sure you will think more critically and logically before you
make a decision and remember being fair and just is a virtue.

Bear in mind that the mean of a discrete random variable is just the average value
of a random variable over repeated trials of experiment and in the next lesson it
will be discussed further and its application to the real-life situation.

To understand more the concept of the variance and standard deviation, the
following are examples that will give you a deeper idea about the concept of
variance and standard deviation.

The first data in the following examples is somewhat expected to have a higher
variance and standard deviation or variability compare to the other data.

Example 1

The population size of 100 different countries around the world compare to the
population of 10 countries belong to the first world countries

Due to a large number of samples (100 different countries) and other factors such
as land area, economic status, etc., you may say that most likely you will get a
higher variance and standard deviation compared to the population of 10
countries belong to the first world countries
Example 2

The number of students in different universities compares to the number of

students in a class in a particular school.

Considering different universities with different size and course offerings, you may
say that the difference between their enrolments will be much higher than the
difference of each class size in a particular school

Example 3
The number of people who love to play basketball in different barangays to the
number of basketball players from different teams who play in the first-quarter

Basketball is a famous game and almost every guy loves to play this game. Imagine
that you will gather the number of people who love to play from different
barangays, it is expected that you will gather different results compared to the
number of basketball players from different teams who play in the first-quarter
game. Almost everybody is aware that there are only five players from each team
to play a game, therefore if you will compute the variance of the data from
different teams you will get a value of zero. The mean will be equal to 5 because
each team who play the game will should have 5 players only, at the same time if
you will compute the variance of distribution with equal inputs you will get a value
of zero.
The mean and variance of a discrete random variable are easy to understand if you
know the concepts behind these two measurements. As you go on with the
different modules in Statistics and Probability, mean and variance will always be
included in the discussion. The mean, variance, and standard deviation are
important in statistics because they serve as the basis for other types of statistical
calculations or statistical tests.


In the following activities, read each situation carefully to solve each problem.
Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.

Practice Activity 1
The number of cellular phones sold per day at the E-Cell Retail Store with the
corresponding probabilities is shown in the table below. Compute the mean,
variance, and standard deviation and interpret the result.

Number of cellphones sold per

day in a retail store (𝑥) 15 18 19 20 22

Probability (𝑃(𝑥) 0.30 0.20 0.20 0.15 0.15

Complete the statement:

𝜇𝑥 = ∑[𝑥𝑖 ∙ 𝑃(𝑥)] = 15(0,30) + 18(0.20) + 19(0.20) + 20(0.15) + 22(0.15) = _______

The mean is equal to ____________ therefore, it means that the average
number of cellular phones of sold per day is ________________.
To find the variance complete the table below:

𝑥 𝑃(𝑥) 𝑥 ∙ 𝑃(𝑥) 𝑥2 𝑥2 ∙ 𝑃(𝑥)

15 0.30 4.5
18 0.20 3.6
19 0.20 3.8
20 0.15 3
22 0.15 3.3

∑[𝑥2 ∙ 𝑃(𝑥)] = ___________

𝜎2 = ∑[𝑥2 ∙ 𝑃(𝑥)] − 𝑢2 = _______ − ________ = ___________

𝜎 = √𝜎2 = __________ = ___________

Therefore, the variance of a probability distribution is equal to ___________, while
the standard deviation is equal to _________________.
Independent Activity 1
Beth’s Bread and Pastry Shop determines the number of cupcakes sold per day
with its corresponding probabilities. Find the mean, variance, and standard
deviation of the probability distribution below. If Beth, the owner of the shop is
claiming that the average number of cupcakes sold in a day is 150 pieces, do you
think it is a believable claim?

Number of cupcakes sold per

day (𝑥) 90 120 135 150 160 175

Probability 𝑃(𝑥) 0.15 0.10 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.15

Practice Activity 2

Analyze the following pairs of data and identify which of the following will most
likely yield to a higher variance and higher standard deviation. Put a check mark
on the appropriate box.

1. Number of students from different grade levels.

Number of boys in a family with three children.

2. Number of fish inside the aquarium from different households.

Number of fish inside a can from the different local brands of


3. Number of COVID-19 patients from different hospitals.

Number of family members with fever in a barangay.

4. Number of M & M’s peanuts inside a 1.69 0z bag from different


Number of kernels in corn of different sizes.

5. Number of players in a group playing the game “the boat is


Number of passengers in different luxury cruise ships.

Independent Activity 2
Give examples of at least two pairs of data that will most likely yield different
variance and standard deviation. Identify the one with a higher possible value of
variance and explain why.




Statistics and Probability

Day 4

Concept Note:

Lesson 1 Solving Problems Involving Mean

and Variance of Probability
Are you interested in buying lotto tickets? How about making a bet in a
roulette wheel or taking a chance in raffle tickets? Do you want to know how much
gain will you have if you will win in games of chance or how much money will be
wasted if you lost on a bet? Are you planning to invest money in a life insurance
company? If you had thought of the following questions this lesson is for you.

Read the conversation below and answer the questions that follow.
Oh no! I do understand but if
you want to take a chance I
Our television set is no have here 5 raffle tickets out of
Hey Romulo I longer functional and I 1000 released tickets wh ich
Ok, so what’s
have a problem. your problem need to buy a new one. cost ₱100.00 each. If you will
my friend? But the problem is I don’t be lucky enough, you’ll get a
have enough budget for 32-inch LED Television worth
that. ₱15,000.00.

That’s a good deal and the prize

is so exciting! But I need to check
my budget before buying a ticket.
Thanks for informingme. I’ll just It will be 10 days from now.
call you when I am ready to buy. You still have time to decide,
By the way, when is the raffle Thank you
just call me if you already You’re welcome Cardo!
date? have your decision. Romulo!


1. If you are Cardo, would you buy a raffle ticket? Why?

2. If Cardo decided to buy five tickets, what is the probability that he
would win the prize if 1000 tickets were sold?
What is the probability that Cardo will lose the bet?
3. How much money will Cardo gain if he wins the prize?
4. How much money will be wasted if he will not win the prize and he
buy one ticket?
5. What if 1000 tickets were purchased by different individuals, what is
the expected value of buying one ticket?
6. How would you describe Romulo as a friend?

What Is It
To answer question 1 in the previous activity, you have to understand first
the consequences of buying a ticket, will it give you advantages and
disadvantages? Can you afford to spend extra money to buy a ticket?
Look at this way, if you will buy a ticket you will have a chance to win the
prize worth ₱15,000.00 if you are lucky enough it is good for you. But on the other
hand, what if you are not lucky, then you will lose ₱500.00 for buying the five
tickets. Considering this amount (₱500.00), you are aware that you can buy more
essential needs like foods, school and medical supplies, and other miscellaneous
needs with this amount rather than using it to buy tickets. However, if you
allocated extra money for other unexpected expenses, buying a ticket is not bad at
all. The point of making the right decision is not difficult if you know how to
consider what is more important.

If you are Cardo, you need to understand the given details on the situation for you
to make the right decision. If you will win the prize, your net gain is ₱15,000.00 less
₱500.00 (amount spend for buying 5 tickets) or ₱14,500.00. The probability that

you will win the prize is five out of one thousand tickets or . But if you decide
to buy one ticket only, then your net gain is ₱15,000.00 less ₱100.00 (amount
spend for buying 1 ticket) or ₱14,900.00 and the probability that you will win the
prize is one out of one thousand tickets or . The more tickets you buy, the
more chances of winning. However, your chance of losing is higher than your
chance of winning because it is equal to 1 less than the probability of winning if
you buy five tickets the

995 probability that you will

not win the prize is or 0.995 while if you buy one ticket only, the probability is
or 0.999.
What if 1000 tickets were purchased by different individuals, what is the
expected value of buying one ticket? To answer this question, you need to apply
the formula for the mean or expected value of the discrete probability
distributions which is equal to 𝐄(𝐱) = 𝐮𝐱 = ∑[𝐱𝐢 ∙ 𝐏(𝐱𝐢)]. The expected value is also
defined as the average value of a random variable over numerous trials of an
experiment. The table below is the probability distribution of the given situation.

𝑥 14, 900 -100

𝑃(𝑥) 1 999
𝑜𝑟 0.001 𝑜𝑟 0.999
1000 1000

Using the formula of expected value,

𝐄(𝐱) = (𝟏𝟒, 𝟗𝟎𝟎)(𝟎. 𝟎𝟎𝟏) + (−𝟏𝟎𝟎)(𝟎. 𝟗𝟗𝟗)
𝐄(𝐱) = −𝟖𝟓
The negative value means that one loses money on the average. In
particular, someone who buy tickets, and although has a chance to win losses
₱85.00 per ticket purchased.

Having this knowledge, you can now make a wise decision, but remember
important things should be prioritized, if you can afford to buy tickets without
sacrificing your essential needs it is okay to take a chance sometimes. You should
also consider saving money for future use, because not every day you have enough
funds, having extra money would be a great help in times of need.

Meanwhile, having a friend like Romulo who are ready to help you or to
advise you in time of need is a precious one. He is a kind of friend who does not
insist on what he wants but let his friend decide on his own after giving a piece of
advice. You are blessed if you will find a true friend that you can rely on. Having a
true friend is wealth.

Exercise: In the following activities, read each situation carefully to solve each
problem. Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.

Practice Activity 1

Raffle Tickets Problem

Senior citizens of a particular barangay organize a Christmas raffle

bonanza. One thousand raffle tickets are sold for ₱50.00 each. Each one has an
equal chance of winning. The first prize is a 32-inch LED TV worth ₱10,000.00, the
second prize is an electric oven worth ₱5,000.00 and the third prize is a grocery
pack worth ₱2,500.00. Let X denote the net gain from the purchase of one ticket.

a. Complete the table below showing the probability distribution of X.

𝑥 9,950 4,950 2,450 -50


b. Find the probability of winning any amount in the purchase of one

ticket. Let 𝑃(𝑊) the probability of winning any amount

𝑃(𝑊) = _____ + _____ + _____

𝑃(𝑊) = _____

c. Find the expected value of X, then interpret.

The expected value is equal to the product of net gain and the
probability of winning (in this case you have three chances of winning,
you may win the first, second, or third prize) plus the product of net
loss and the probability of losing.
𝐄(𝐱) = _______________




Independent Assessment 1

Raffle for a Cause

A raffle is held to raise funds for a charity event. A raffle ticket costs
₱150.00 and there are two thousand tickets to be sold. Only one ticket holder will
win a prize of ₱150, 000. 00. Construct the probability distribution of the discrete
random variable, compute for the expected value, and interpret the result.

Practice Activity 2

Game of Chance Problem (A Roulette Wheel)

A roulette wheel in a fiesta carnival has the numbers 1 through 30. If you bet
₱5.00 you will have a chance to win a prepaid load worth ₱100.00. Let X denote
the net gain for a bet.

a. Complete the table below showing the probability distribution of X.

𝑥 95 -5

b. Find the expectation if you play a bet and interpret the result.

𝐄(𝐱) = _______________



c. How much the organizer will earn if 100 games will be played such that
each number has a bet of ₱5.00? ____________________________
(Hint: Compute for the net gain of the organizer per game and multiply it by
Independent Assessment 2
Colored Wheel
A roulette wheel is divided into eight colors blue, red, yellow, green,
orange, violet, black, and white. Each time roulette is spun, you can have a bet of
₱10.00. If the outcome is either black, blue, or violet you will lose the bet. But if
the outcome is red or yellow, your money will be doubled (you will win additional
₱10.00 plus your bet), and if it is green or orange you will win nothing and your bet
will be given to you. But if the result is white, your money will be tripled (you will
win an additional ₱20.00 plus your bet. If X denotes the net gain of a player what is
the expected value of a ₱10.00 bet?
Practice Activity 3

Insurance Investment Problem

A life insurance company will sell a ₱250,000.00 one-year term life insurance
policy for members of armed forces of the Philippines for a premium of ₱500.00.
Let X denote the net gain from the insurance company. Based on the collected
data of the company, a member of the armed forces police has a 99.96% chance of
surviving within one year. Let X the net gain of an insurance company from a single

a. Complete the table below showing the probability distribution of X.

𝑥 500 -249,500
b. Find the expectation if you play a bet and interpret the result.

𝐄(𝐱) = _______________


Statistics and Probability

Day 6

Illustrating the Normal Random Variable and its

Did you take a National Achievement Test or any Placement Tests? How about
measuring your height and weight during the first week of your PE class to know
your Body Mass Index? Have you ever tried to determine the location or make an
inference about your grades, height, or weight in the distribution? If not, this
lesson will teach you how to appreciate the importance of knowing the answer to

What’s In
Let’s have a review first. Read the following statements carefully and determine
whether it is TRUE or FALSE. Write the word TRUE if it is correct and FALSE if it is
incorrect, then modify the statement to make it true.
________________1. Probability is the value greater than or equal to zero but less
than or equal to one.

________________2. Discrete variables are the infinite numerical values like

heights, weights, distance and length ________________3. 34%
is also equal 0.34.
________________4. Mean, mode and standard deviation are the measures of
central tendency.

________________5. Mean is equal to the summation of scores divided by the

number of cases.

What’s New
A. The distribution of the height (X) in centimeter (cm) of the 16 teachers of
SCNHS was presented below. Construct a histogram for the random
variable (X).

138 1
139 2
140 3
141 4
142 3
143 2
144 1

B. The following items show four pictures captured by the author during
his travel in the different places and constructed using GeoGebra
application which represents a common object. Analyze the group of
pictures carefully then identify the common object they represent.
Write your answer by filling in the empty boxes below each item. A
hint is also provided for you.
1. 2.

4. 5.


Can you define or describe each word that you have obtained in this activity?

1. ____________________________________________________

2. ____________________________________________________

3. ____________________________________________________

4. ____________________________________________________

5. ____________________________________________________

What is it
How do you find the activity? How can you describe the graph you have made in
Activity A? Are the terms or words you obtained in Activity B will describe the
graphs in Activity A?

In the activity above, the distribution of the height of the teachers is one of the
examples of the distribution of a normal random variable because the set of
numerical values is normally distributed. Height is also described as a continuous
random variable. You have also noticed that the mean of the distribution can be
found at the center which is 141 cm and the distribution from the center to the
right is a mirror of the distribution to the left as shown in the figure and table
below. See Figure 1.
Normal Probability Distribution is a probability distribution of continuous
random variables. It shows graphical representations of random variables obtained
through measurement like the height and weight of the students, the percentile
ranks of the A&E (Accreditation and Equivalency) Test result of the Alternative
Learning System students, or any data with infinite values. It is used to describe
the characteristics of populations and help us visualize the inferences we make
about the population. It also used to determine the probabilities and percentile of
the continuous random variables in the distribution. For example, your grades in
Mathematics is one of the scores in the distribution, you can predict the location of
that score in the distribution and interpret it with regards to the mean and
standard deviation.

Properties of Normal Curve

The graphical representation of the normal distribution is popularly known

as a normal curve. The normal curve is described clearly by the following
1. The normal curve is bell-shaped.
2. The curve is symmetrical about its center. This means that, if we draw a
segment from the peak of the curve down to the horizontal axis, the
segment divides the normal curve into two equal parts or areas.
3. The mean, median, and mode coincide at the center. This also means that
in a normal distribution, or a distribution described by a normal curve, the
mean, median, and mode are equal.
4. The width of the curve is determined by the standard deviation of the
5. The tails of the curve are plotted in both directions and flatten out
indefinitely along the horizontal axis. The tails are thus asymptotic to the
baseline. A portion of the graph that is asymptotic to a reference axis or
another graph is called an asymptote, always approaching another but
never touching it.
6. The total area under a normal curve is 1. This means that the normal curve
represents the probability, or the proportion, or the percentage associated
with specific sets of measurement values.

To visualize and understand the properties/characteristics of a normal

curve, please refer to figure 2, as shown below.
Fig. 2: Graph of a Normal Curve

A normally distributed random variable with a mean µ = 0 and standard

deviation ơ = 1 is called a standard normal variable. It is presented using standard
normal distribution where the center of the curve is zero, which is mean and
added one unit from the center to the right and subtract one unit from the center
to the left. This is shown below in figure 3.

Fig. 3: Standard Normal Distribution

The shape of a normal curve is based on the two given parameters, the
mean and the standard deviation of the distribution. When comparing two
distributions each described by the normal curve, the following are the three
situations based on the said parameters
a. When the means are not equal, but the standard deviations are equal.
(µ1 ≠ µ2 ; ơ1 =ơ2 ), the curves have a similar shape but centered at
different points, as shown in figure 4.

Fig. 4: The Mean are Not Equal, but the Standard

Deviations are Equal.
b. When the means are equal, but the standard deviations are equal. (µ 1
= µ2 ; ơ1 ≠ ơ2 ), the curves are centered at the same point but they have
different height and spreads. as shown in figure 5.
Fig. 5: The Mean are Equal, but the Standard

Deviations are Not Equal.

c. When the means are different and the standard deviations are also
different (µ1≠ µ2 ; ơ1 ≠ ơ2 ), the curves are centered at different points
and vary in shapes, as shown in figure 6.

Fig. 6: The Means are Different and the Standard

Deviations are also Different


You can easily understand the functions of normal probability distribution

in our real-life world using the empirical rule. Because this rule is used to roughly
test the distribution’s normality, if many data of a random variable fall outside the
lower and upper limits of the three-standard deviation, this means that the
distribution is not normal.
The empirical rule is better known as 68% - 95% - 99.70% rule. This rule
states that the data in the distribution lies within one (1), two (2), and three (3) of
the standard deviation from the mean are approximately 68%, 95%, and 99.70%,
respectively. Since the area of a normal curve is equal to 1 or 100% as stated on its
characteristics, there are only a few data which is 0.30% falls outside the 3-
standard deviation from the mean. For instance, the distribution of the grades of
the Senior High School students in Statistics and Probability for the Third Quarter is
shown below in Figure 7.
Fig.7. Distribution of the Grades of the SHS Students in Statistics and

Probability for the Third Quarter

Using the empirical rule, you can say that the distribution of the grades of
the Senior High School in Statistics and Probability are distributed normally
because the shape of the graph is bell-shaped and symmetric about its mean,
which is 87. This also indicates that most of the students’ grades fall close to the
mean and fewer of them are far below and/or above the mean

It can summarize the distribution in the following percentage:

• 68% of data lies within 1 standard deviation from the mean have a
grade of 83 to 91
• 95% of data lies within 2 standard deviations from the mean have
a grade of 79 to 95
• 99.70% of data lies within 3 standard deviations from the mean
have a grade of 83 to 9 Illustrative Example 1:
The scores of the Senior High School students in their Statistics and Probability
quarterly examination are normally distributed with a mean of 35 and a standard
deviation of 5.

Answer the following questions:

a. What percent of the scores are between 30 to 40?

b. What scores fall within 95% of the distribution?
Draw a standard normal curve and plot the mean at the center. Then, add the
standard deviation to the mean once and mark it to the right of the mean. Add
twice the standard deviation to the mean and put it to the right of the first sum.
Then, add thrice the standard deviation to the mean and mark it to the right of the
second sum. Do the same to the left. This time, instead of adding, subtract the
standard deviation from the mean. An illustration is provided below in figure 7:
Fig. 7: Distribution of Scores of Senior High School Students

a. The scores 30 to 40 falls within the first standard deviation from the
mean. Therefore, the scores that fall between 30 and 40 is
approximately 68% of the distribution.
b. Since 95% of the distribution lies within 2 standard deviations from the
mean, then the scores corresponding to this area of the distribution
are scores from 25 up to 45.
Illustrative Example 2:
The district nurse of Candelaria East needs to measure the BMI (Body
Mass Index) of the Alternative Learning System students. She found
out that the heights of male students are normally distributed with a
mean of 160 cm and a standard deviation of 7 cm. Find the percentage
of male students whose height is within 153 cm to 174 cm.

Fig. 8: Distribution of BMI of the Alternative Learning System Students

Solution: The mean of this problem is 160, it is subtracted by 7 to the left (e.g. 160
-7 = 153; 153-7 = 146; 146 – 7 = 139) and add 7 to the right. (e.g. 160 + 7 = 167;
167 + 7 = 174 + 7 = 181).

As stated in figure 8, 153 cm falls at 1 standard deviation from the mean to the
left and the height of 174 cm falls at 2 standard deviations from the mean to the
right. Therefore, it covers the whole 68% and 13.5%. of the distribution and the
sum of it is 81.5%
ANSWER: 81.5% of the male students have a height between 153 cm to 174 cm.

What’s More
Activity 1.

A. True or False. Write the word TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE
if the statement is incorrect

_______1. The total area of the normal curve is 1.

_______2. Normal probability distribution is used to determine the

probabilities of a discrete random variable.

_______3. The mean, median and mode in a normal distribution have

the same value.

_______4. The distance of the number in the horizontal line or the x-axis
should always proportional.

_______5 The normal probability distribution has a mean µ = 1 and

standard deviation ơ = 0.

Activity 2

A. Use Empirical rule to complete the following table. Write on the respective
column the range or interval of the scores based on the given parameters.

Mean Standard Deviation 68% 95% 99.7%

Ex 50 3 47 to 53 44 to 56 41 to 59
1 135 28
2 87 5.5
3 213 15
4 567 20
5 785 29
B. Illustrate the distribution in Activity 2.A through a diagram.
Activity 3.

Read and analyze the following problem to answer the question.

The government launched Enhanced Community Quarantine on March 15,
2020, as a preventive measure to fight the spread of COVID-19 in the country.
Many of us experienced difficulties in getting our daily needs like food or getting
money to pay for our bills and rentals. Our government gave financial support and
food, but it is not enough for the people. Fortunately, we are blessed because the
spirit of love and generosity is still present in the heart of our fellow countrymen.
They donated money, food, time, and other essential things.

Suppose you and your friends conducted a donation-drive in your

barangay. Each of the donors gave a certain amount with an average of Php 320.00
and a standard deviation of Php 60.00. Assuming, it is normally distributed,

1. What percentage of the distribution that the amount falls between

260.00 and Php 380.00?

2. How much of the donations fall in 95% of the distributions?

3. How much of the donations fall in 99.70% of the distributions?

What I Have Learned

1. A normal random variable is a set of a numerical value of continuous random
variables which is normally distributed.
2. Normal Distribution is a probability distribution of continuous random variables.
It also represents the probability, or the proportion, or the percentage
associated with specific sets of measurement values.
3. A normal curve has the following characteristics:
a. It should be bell-shaped and symmetric about its center.
b. Both sides of the tails of a normal curve do not touch the horizontal
c. In the horizontal axis, use 0 at the center where the mean is located
and use 1, 2, and 3 to the right and -1, -2 and -3 to the left. But still,
remember there is an integral part of each number. However, it is not
limited to the -3 and 3, it is extended indefinitely
d. The distances between numbers in the horizontal line or the x-axis are
always equal.
4. Empirical rule. This rule states that the data in the distribution lies within the 1,
2, and 3 of the standard deviation of the mean.
5. Sixty-eight percent (68%) of data lies within 1 standard deviation from the
mean. 6. Ninety-five percent (95%) of data lies within the 2-standard deviation
from the mean.
7. Ninety-nine and seven-tenths percent (99.70%) of data lies within the 3-
standard deviation from the mean.

What I Can Do

Materials Needed

1. Cellphone` 4. Calculator
2. Computer/Laptop 5. Short Bond Paper
3. Pen/pencil

1. Contact at least 20 of your classmates through SMS or messenger apps.

2. Ask them for the result of their pre-test (What I Know) or pre-assessment
of this module
3. Compute the mean and standard deviation of the collected data includes
your own score.
4. Use the empirical rule, to answer the following questions
a. What is the interval or range of scores falls within 68%?
b. What is the interval or range of scores falls within 95%?
c. What is the interval or range of scores falls within 99.7%?
d. What is the interval or range of scores falls within 81.5%?
e. In which interval away from the mean does your score belong?
5. Illustrate the distribution of the data you obtained from this survey through
a diagram and put a mark on the interval where your score located.

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