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The concept of operations and production management The Basics Of

Operations Management And Production 2018 Edition

Chapter · February 2019


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I Putu - Artaya
Universitas Narotama


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The concept of operations and production management
The Basics Of Operations Management And Production
2018 Edition
ISBN: 9786026557292
Narotama University Press
I Putu Artaya
Faculty Of Economics And Business
Narotama University of Surabaya

The Concept Of Operations Management

According to Kosasih, (2012) an operations or production process in an organization

of both manufacturing and service also has two basic elements, namely:

1. Key requirement. That is to say in the running of a process or activity operations should
seriously do a blessed transformation process the shape of the material into a finished
product, avoided the occurrence of irregularities and mistakes as a process run boils
down to one goal i.e. the fulfillment of basic human needs or consumers. The
transformation process can real-shaped (tangible) and can be shaped not real
(intangible), tangible means products can be seen clearly, transferability, owned and
stored, while intangible means the opposite, not visible but its benefits can be felt, but
could not be owned, could not be saved, this explanation here will be elaborated in the
form of pictures below.:

Figure 1. The process of transforming building materials into a residence.


From the figure 1. above, to realize a home not only needed building materials or
materials, but also required the skills, abilities, experience, technology,
review/evaluation, testing, etc.. The purpose of building a house is not only to own a
house, but also to find and find comfort, security, peace and satisfaction and other goals
that cannot be measured intangible.

It can be concluded that in order to create a product or service to meet the needs of
consumers, then it takes all the elements in the process of transformation so that the
resulting product or service into something complete and satisfying consumers. The
example above is a key requirement that intangible or tangible. Because the product can
be stored, touched, felt, owned. While the key requirement that is not visible to the eye or
intangible can be described through an example below:

Figure 2. Intangible transformational graphic design course.


The picture 2 above, It is one example of the transformation process are intangible.
Someone previously did not have the expertise of a graphic, so given the course
continuously in a certain period of time, at last able to have graphic design skills, but
those skills are not visible to the eye. Expertise can be transferred to another person
through the same way i.e. training or courses. Such expertise can be stored in the form of
the transfer of knowledge, cannot be moved in a way offhand, but using certain methods.
With different illustration above, the activities of the operation or process of creating
something that looked good in phisik nor does not seem able to walk properly and
achieve the perfect result if satisfy the factor of production that consists of input or
participants or materials, expertise/instructor, instrument & equipment, media, timing,
venue/location, and so forth that support the implementation of the activities of the
process, to achieve the final result.
2. Sufficient requirement. Through the activities of the operation will be created a value
object in the transformation, the meaning is before and after the transformation is
performed, the difference can be measured and clearly known, the differences that appear
and are able to provide added value on the object we call the condition enough.
The fabric was changed to lingerie, not the origin of clothing so casually, but good
clothes, seams smooth, charming form/Captivate, durable wear, not easily broken/torn,
the colour is interesting, worth traded, all of this is called value added. So another
example of raw rattan namely if left alone, then abandoned the rattan could not have
added value, because it does not have a function, but once it was changed to be a variety
of types of furniture such as chairs and tables, with design draw/Captivate, various size,
shape and color then also rattan has added value, so that people who are interested to
have a look and buy. Clay if left in place then none interested people have it, but after
was changed to different forms of art such as pottery with various types and forms,
especially in the further finishing with paint and so on, get people interested to see, have
and buy it. When we conclude more then enough terms it means if we make
cuisine/culinary then make tasty cuisine so many people like it, if it makes the clothes
then make a quality outfit, if you create a building so make a quality building is not
easily broken, cracked, broken and so on. The main purpose of these terms is enough to
guarantee that whatever is created is truly capable of delivering a satisfaction for owners
or users and to provide a guarantee of a sense of trust in the consumer who wear it.

Table 1. Trasnformasi Process in the form of intangible.

Source: Author's lecture Module.

The beginning of
Process The end of the
A well trained and properly
Blind Computer Computer experts
Not able to Martial arts-trained to a
Champions martial arts
martial arts certain degree
Blind Music Trained play music It meant playing music
Join the driving course +
Can't drive Advanced driving
practice continuously

Through table 1 above, even though a person already has certain skills, it turns out that
expertise cannot be seen through the eye, different from physical objects can be clearly
seen, because the expertise a person has is intangible which is a condition that something
can be felt benefit or useful but it cannot be seen directly by the eyes. A person's
expertise will appear clearly through the eye if the person concerned is related to a tool
or is operating a work tool that has made him an expert.

The inherent expertise of humans or individuals is not attached to the product.

Someone is said to be a musician when he is playing a musical instrument, someone is said to
be adept at driving when someone is driving a vehicle, but when someone is silent not doing
something, then his expertise is not visible.

The Concept Of Production Management KONSEP MANAJEMEN PRODUKSI

In the concept of production management, production can be defined simply into two
forms of understanding :
1. Increase Effectiveness, it means not only production focuses how to create a product or
service, but it has other uses, namely how to add resources to a product or service, it
means products that have been out of date can be reproduced into something more
useful, or product that has been damaged can be repaired product back intact so that the
back can be enabled or used as the new. Other uses are in the product modifications or
changed according to needs and provision so that it can better serve and has more
benefits for a particular user in the exercise of its activity. For example, two-wheel
motorcycles, modified into a three-wheel motorcycle that has been modified so that it
can be used to work for users with disabilities or physical disabilities. So the motor last
power point gain. Car transport for passengers is modified in such a way, so that when it
is used then the passengers who use wheelchairs can enter the car, obviously it's helpful
for family members who have physically disabled or elderly passengers.

Figure 3. Design four-wheeled vehicles for the disabled.

Figure 4. Motorcycle Design for the disabled.

2. The power To create, is an activity to process something raw materials together with
other raw material for later in the sport in such a way that it became a specific product
that has benefits and effectiveness. The understanding here is generating or creating
objects or items that initially there is no be there using a combination of a variety of
factors of production. The process of creating the goods or products derived from the
appearance of the needs that exist in consumer societies. So that through the activities of
production, a wide range of raw materials that have the potential to power are combined
in such a way through the specific expertise and technology to creating a product to meet
the specific needs and desires in the eyes of consumers. For example, a piece of wood,
cardboard/paper and glass which originally did not have the power to completely, then
assembled, blended and processed with technique and a certain way, then creating a
beautiful frame and have the power of art, which can then used to post a photo on the
wall. Fabric and kapuk initially not beneficial and does not have the power to approve,
then combined through certain creations resulting in a beautiful pillow. Once upon a
time if a customer would like to deposit and retrieve the money in the bank, should be
willing to come and stand in line at the bank with customers linger over the other and
very time-consuming. But now with the newer machines and ATM card, then everything
becomes easy and practical as well as no longer confiscate a lot of time just to simply
deposit, take cash or other financial trasaksi Affairs.
3. Approach to production management, product or service is not impossible to made, all
started from a need, and then in sinergikan with advances in technology, then the
innovation process will be born so just headed on a process of creating a product. The
power of imagination of a person (expert) can encourage and motivate developing a
thought in order to realize a product that wants to be made. Through the process of
testing and experimenting over and over again and support renewable technology then
the product innovation can be done.

Figure 5. Changes the system burning on a motorbike who originally used the carburetor turn
into full system injection.
Source: system.

Figure 5 image shows there is a special purpose to be achieved on the system burning
motorcycles, which originally used the carburetor later turned its technology into a full
injection, with the changes obtained quality gas emissions more environmentally
friendly and fuel consumption that is far more efficient and economical. This is a
creation of the daya guna, who did not become eco-friendly environmentally friendly
who did not save money to become more efficient. To create the effectiveness in the
long run, the longer the role technology is getting big contributions, good technology
machining field and the field of information technology. Technology and its
development could not be dammed but to do is customize. Because the longer the man
wanted something practical and efficient all-round support all the needs of her life in
daily activities.

The Scope Of Production Management

How widespread is actually the scope of production management, certainly very wide
in scope. Every step of the humans every day is in production, but in the real sense of the
production activities appears when one starts to build a clear plan in mind, thought the plan
would either be ripening by some of the things below:
1. Ideas. Imagination is the earliest steps in planning the manufacture of the goods and
services which include: problems that arise in the middle of the community and is an
issue that is related to economic life, what's going to make, how much make it, who most
people need, what is the usefulness or function of the goods and services that will be
created, anyone involved in making it. Once completed, the most anyone has the right to
use it.
2. Find a way or method. Concerning the manner or method or equipment that is how a
goods and services can be generated, how the level of sophistication, what special
methods are required, how do I fix if there is damage, how its specifications. And so on.
3. Set the time. making, this stage includes the following: whether the product/service
being made continuously, or follow a particular season according to needs, do need to
design the size, model, type, only certain variants or even should all size. Timing also
includes opportunity time, when is the right time to start a business and production
4. The right place. This means that where should the goods and services in
production/generated, in the middle of the city, in the rural area or near the plateau, or
coastal areas, the location is indeed closely related to the availability of public
transportation and the efficiency of shipping. How to safeguard the safety of workers,
are there any plans for relocation in the future as a condition of business
development/production. The goods and services produced or ekport orientation for
domestic consumption.


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