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FALL 2020 CIVE 5707


You are provided with the 2019 AMY weather file for Ottawa and an IDF representing a generic small
office building model in EnergyPlus (the same model from assignment 1). Keep all variables other than the
one of you are investigating constant.

• Plot the impact of changing the wall R-value on the annual heating and cooling energy use. Change
the nominal R-value of the exterior wall assembly from 2 m2°C/W to 10 m2°C/W at 1 m2°C/W
increments. Neglect the effect of thermal bridging. Consider only the contribution of the wall
insulation material to the R-value.
• Plot the impact of changing the window U-value on the annual heating and cooling energy use.
Change the U-value of the window assembly from 3.5 W/m2°C to 1.5 W/m2°C at 0.5 W/m2°C
• Plot the impact of changing the window SHGC on the annual heating and cooling energy use.
Change the SHGC of the window assembly from 0.6 to 0.3 at 0.1 increments.
• Identify the minimum permissible R-value and U-value thresholds defined in NECB 2017 and
highlight them on the respective plots. Comment on the improvement potential by introducing
envelopes of lower thermal conductance beyond the current NECB thresholds.
Use the following EnergyPlus meters for cooling, heating, and fan electricity use, respectively:

• CoolingCoils:EnergyTransfer.
• HeatingCoils:EnergyTransfer
Include only the following for your assignment submission (no other attachments or appendices):
• A report (maximum two-page including graphics, tables) – single-spaced, Times New Roman
font size 11.

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