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PRE-INTERMEDIATE UNIT 10 3 Complete the reply with the appropriate formal

using formal expressions
about your letter about the teachers
Formal language is very different from informal language. at our school. I believe all the teachers are extremely
We use different expressions depending on the person profession. 3 , I would like to say that
that we are writing to. our school is one of the best in the country.
For example, we usually start a formal letter with Dear … 4
and will be happy to meet to discuss
and end it with Yours faithfully … this.
1 Is it more appropriate to use formal (F) or informal Julian Redpath (head teacher)
language (I) in the situations below?
1 a note to your brother
4 Write a formal letter
to the local council.
2 a report your boss The rubbish bins
3 a text message to a good friend have not been
4 a letter to your daughter’s teacher collected for three
5 a post-it on your desk weeks and you
want to complain
2 A Read a letter from a parent to a head teacher. about the rubbish
Underline any words and expressions that are not on the streets.

Hey Jules,
qual¡ty of
Just a qu¡ck word about the poor
¡ll School. Man y of them
teachers at Church .ect very badly and do not
expla¡n the¡r subj
son to
mot¡vate their students. I take my
that you r teachers
school everyday and I see
ofte n com e late
dress very badly. Also, they
have not h¡ng
to class, somet¡mes students
teac her to
to do wh¡le they wait for the
r guys to
arr¡ve. I think it’s ¡mportant for you
show a good example to the k¡ds.
r¡ght now
Anyway, you need to contact me
about th¡s.
Cheers mate,
Mr. John Greene
Plan your writing
(father of Em¡ly Greene, year 10)
• Think about your letter of complaint.
• What points do you want to make? What do you want
the council to do?
• What language should you use: formal or informal?
B Match the formal expressions in the box below to
• Explain why you are writing then outline the main
their informal equivalents.
points with examples.
I look forward to hearing from you. I am writing to • Ask for some action and close.
Yours faithfully Dear Sir In addition • Close in a formal way.
1 Just a quick word Check your writing
2 Hey Jules • Have you used formal language and organised your
3 Also letter appropriately?
4 Anyway, you need to contact me right now • Have you checked your grammar and spelling?
5 Cheers mate • Did you find any mistakes?

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