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ICT and smart grid

Article · October 2011

DOI: 10.1109/TELSKS.2011.6112018

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3 authors, including:

Milan Janković Borislav Odadzic

Technical faculty "Mihajlo Pupin" Zrenjanin, Serbia

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ICT and Smart Grid
MScEE Boban Panajotovic1, Dr Milan Jankovic2, Dr Borislav Odadzic3,

Abstract – Development of “Smart grid” present one of global Due to new power and energy context such as greenhouse
priority with numerous of benefits, which has to be supported effect and other environmental issues, fuel depletion and
and promote by leading industries and governments institutions. electricity cost increase, new regulation and standards,
Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) sector has telecom operators have to make efforts for using renewable
to play important role because of development of modern
energy solution [2] and to accelerate adoption of smart grid.
telecommunication. This paper outline and initially describe
smart grid, smart grid architectures and smart grid Proposed telecom hybrid power system is composed of
management, and the crutial role of ICT in smart grid. This photovoltaic cell, wind turbine, battery and diesel gen-set,
paper explain grid optimization, different concept of renewable with smart meter which can measure separately energy from
energy sources and energy storage system used in smart grid, different renewable sources deliver to the utility grid, and
and present telecom hybrid power system as complex element of present element of smart grid.
smart grid. Itshould be noted that smart grid are being promoted by
many governments as a way of addresing energy indepedence
Keywords – ICT, Smart Grid, Smart Meter, Energy, and global warming issues.


There are many definition of smart grid, but there is no
The European Commission today called all sector and standard global definition.
industry to outline by 2011 the practical steps it will take to Smart grids can be define as electricity networks that can
become 20% more energy efficient by 2015. For example, intelligently integrate the behaviour and actions of all users
ICT equipment and services alone account for about 8% of connected to it - generators, consumers and those that do both,
electrical power used in the EU, with estimation of 20% at or, a smart grid is a form of electricity network using digital
2020, and about 2% of carbon dioxide emissions. Nowdays, technology, or, a smart grid is the concept of modernizing the
electric power causes approximately 25% of global electrical grid with ICT technologies, or, a smart grid is a
greenhouse gas emissions. But using ICT in a smart way digital network that unites electrical providers, power-delivery
could help reducing energy consumption in different energy- systems and customers, and allows two-way communication
hungry sectors such as telecommunication, buildings, between the utility and its customers, etc…
transport, logistics, etc [1]. Smart grid present example of From previus definitions is obvious that ICT play one of
“smart” ICT using. crutial role in smart grid.
Example of ICT using is to empower today’s power grid A smart grid is characterized by a two-way flow of
with the capability of supporting two-way energy and electricity and information to create an automated and widely
information flow, facilitating the integration of renewable distributed energy delivery network that enables integration,
energy into the grid and empowering the consumer with tools effective cooperation, and information interchange among the
for optimizing energy consumption and costs. Some of many interconnected elements of the electric power grid.
benefits are reduce peak demand, lower energy consumption, Needless to say that such a vision requires the use of highly
etc. In this paper is present integration of ICT into the reliable and secure communication networks.
traditional power distribution infrastructure, development and Many network protocols exist today to adequately support
implementation of topics necessary for efficient management differentiated quality of service, multiple levels of
of the smart grid network, and smart grid architecture. redundancy, multicast operation, over wired and wireless link
The other example is, to use renewable energy sources on layer technologies. However, piecing these protocols together
telecom sites, which are element of smart grid. In in order to support a wide variety of smart grid applications
telecommunication, in nowdays, the renewable energy ranging from demand response, smart metering, distribution
sources, because of the high cost for Wh, are generally used in and automation, to micro-grid management and control is far
remote areas where the public mains is unavailable [2]. from trivial. Many challenges and unanswered questions
remain beyond basic connectivity and coverage range
MScEE Boban Panajotovic1 is with the Republic Agency for
including resiliency, reliability, adaptability and agility
Electronic Communication, Visnjiceva 8, 11000 Beograd, Serbia,
E-mail: needed in many of the smart grid environments.
Dr Milan Jankovic2 is with the Republic Agency for Electronic At the heart of the smart grid is the integration of advanced
Communication, Visnjiceva 8, 11000 Beograd, Serbia, information and communication technologies into the
E-mail: traditional power distribution infrastructure. This
Dr Borislav Odadzic3 is with the Republic Agency for Electronic encompasses the communications systems to enable real-time,
Communication, Visnjiceva 8, 11000 Beograd, Serbia, two-way data transfer throughout the network, and IT systems
to enable intelligent routing, power storage, usage, and billing, proposed smart meter which measure delivered energy from
as well as security management. the utility grid and energy deliver from hybrid power system
“New” smart grids in the future need to: to the utility grid. For delivered energy to the utility grid,
• Reduce strain on the power grid, proposed smart meter has to measure separately energy from
• Improve grid efficiency, photovoltaic cell and wind turbines. Reason for that is
• Support customers in changing their energy usage different price for energy deliver from “sun” or “wind” [6].
patterns, reducing power consumption and saving An example of telecom hybrid power system as element of
money, smart grid architecture is given in Fig. 1.
• Integrate distributed power sources, including
renewable energy such as Fuel Cells, Photovoltaic cell,
Wind Turbine, Micro hydro Generators, etc.

Smart grids creation is not a quick or simple proces. The

creation of national or global infrastructures will require
large-scale change in the electrical grid, at the utilities
themselves, in energy markets, and in the home and business
environment. It will require significant investment, and also
involves a complex mixture of different technologies.


Most of the world’s electricity system was built when
primary energy was relatively inexpensive. Grid reliability
was mainly ensured by having excess capacity in the system,
with unidirectional electricity flow to consumers from Fig. 1. Telecom hybrid power system as element of smart grid
centrally dispatched power plants. Investments in the electric
system were made to meet increasing demand—not to change This new architectures require devolopement of two-way
fundamentally the way the system works. While innovation communication system, computing and smart grid devices.
and technology have dramatically transformed other industrial Role of ICT is to ensure perform, secure, and reliable
sectors, the electric system, for the most part, has continued to communication and control of all smart grid elements as:
operate the same way for decades. This lack of investment, • Power generation,
combined with an asset life of 40 or more years, has resulted • Transmission system,
in an inefficient and increasingly unstable system [3]. • Transmission substation,
For modern smart grid new architectures has do be desing. • Distribution system,
Requirements for smart grid are significant different, • Distribution substation,
comparing to “old fashion” electricity system. These changes • Different renewable energy sources,
require a new, more intelligent system that can manage the • Storage system,
increasingly complex electric grid. The electrification of the • Residential customer,
transportation system and the increasing reliance on • Commercial customer,
renewable resources will require new models for such loads • Industrial customer.
and generators, new architecture for their efficient and secure
interactions through the cyber-physical infrastructure. New An example of smart grid architecture is given in Fig. 2.
architectures also has to allow to broker in real time the
flexible smart loads demand while incorporating increasing IV. SMART GRID MANAGEMENT
volatility in the energy provision, associated with green
energy sources and decentralized generation.
Efficient management of the smart grid networks, based on
In smart grid, different user can be involved in energy
obtained monitoring information is fundamental for efficient
“delivering” to the grid. The basic prerequisites imposed to
operation of Smart Grids. Management of Smart Grig include
power systems are related to their safety, long life and
development and implementation of next topic:
uninterruptible power [4,5].
• Smart metering: monitoring and customer involvement
One example of complex element in smart grid architecture
in energy usage,
present telecom hybrid power system, used for
telecommunication equipment power feeding. This system • demand side and demand response management and
include traditional energy sources (grid), renewable energy real time pricing,
sources (e.g. photovoltaic cell, wind turbine) and storage • Home Energy controlling box,
system (e.g. battery, diesel gen-set). Energy from hybrid • ICT readiness for Mobile Electricity Consumers
power system can be “delivered” to the grid, which means that (electric vehicle),
quality of voltage must be “grid quality” [6]. Described hybrid • efficient management of conventional energy sources,
power system include smart meter. In this work, authors as power plants,
Fig. 2. An example of smart grid architecture

• efficient management of renewable energy sources, as electricity prodaction. Electrical energy generated in wind
wind, solar …, farm, or photovoltaic stand alone system is sold and delivered
• efficient management of excess power generated by the to the electrical grid.
customers and sold to providers and The other example is using of “small” wind turbine, or
• management of transmission networks and distribution small area of photovoltaic cell, which are usually instal at
networks, including the main grid as well as micro customer premises. This kind of electrical energy can be used
grids such as municipal or regional grids. for power feeding of customer load, or can be delivered to the
electrical grid.
For smart grid management is necessary to monitor power Becouse of intermittent behaviour of renewable energy
system in real time. Monitored informations have to be sources, depends of apllication, they may require energy
delivered to a central data processing system. Successful storage system.
monitoring application requires a carefully designed Reduction of CO2 is closely related with massive use of
architecture, including thoroughly considered communication electrical vehicle in transportation sector. Electrical vehicle
delay time, cyber security and high system reliability. require periodicaly charging. Problem is still small location as
It requires modernization of the existing electric power grid vehicle battery charging station. Also, stored energy in vehicle
involves widespread sensing to gather real time information. It battery can be deliverd to the electrical grid. In the future,
means that modern communication links have to be used to number of electrical vehicle will increase, and their impact
transmite the data to be processed in central data processing can be significant in the future smart grid.
system and to convey control signal back to the grid For example, car batteries can be used to store energy when
components. it is inexpensive and sell it back to the grid when prices are
higher. For drivers, their vehicles would become a viable
V. RENEWABLES AND STORAGE SYSTEM IN means to arbitrage the cost of power, while utility companies
could use fleets of electric vehicles to supply power to the grid
SMART GRID to respond to peaks in electricity demand.
It is clear that communication and ICT will play a
One of the major priority worldwide are using of energy significant role in the implementation and control of
efficient solution and reduction of CO2. Crutial role play using renewable energy sources, electrical vehicle and electrical
of renewable energy sources as much is possible and storage system as elements of smart grid.
tremendous changes in transportation sector. In case of “small” renewable energy sources and large
Renewable energy sources, as wind turbine or photovoltaic number of potencial electrical vehicle in the future, chalenges
cell, can be used on different way. for ICT will be to control and manage them in real time as
“Big” wind turbines in wind farm and solid area of smart grid elements.
photovoltaic cells as stand alone system are used for
VI. GRID OTIMIZATION The role of government institutions and regulatory bodies
will be crutial for the future of smart grid.
Optimisation is the process of making a system as good as
possible. Concept of optimization is simple, but the practice is VIII. CONCLUSION
complex because it involves different variables and tradeoffs.
Optimization in power grid present focal point. Realizing the fact that power energy is the key factor for
Optimization for power grid means that system is design cost sustainable development, a consensus has been reached
effectly and exploitation costs, maintenance costs, replacing among the scientists, energy engineers and economists as well
costs of system components are minimize in period of as political communities all over the world that there is a need
exploitation [7]. to supply energy for all sectors, without a detrimental impact
In case of the power grid, necessary is to find right balance on ecology.
between reliability, availability, efficiency and “all” costs. Fot Also, using ICT in smart way as supporting two-way energy
the above mentioned problems, the smart grid offers solution. and information flow, facilitating the integration of renewable
First, smart grid devices gather information, providing a more energy sources into the grid, empowering the consumer with
accurate and detailed understanding. Second, smart grid tools for optimizing their energy consumption, etc. can
software analyzes that data and suggest adjustment and contribute to reach this target.
configuration to wring maximum value from grid assets. Higlight of this work is key role of ICT in smart grid
Third, smart grid provide more customer involvd role in the management, operation, architecture, requirements for reliable
optimization of their energy consumption and their energy and secure communication network, but also pointing at the
costs. chalanges and unanswerd questions.
Also, all element in smart grid (e.g. previus described Also, in this paper is present concept where ICT locations
telecom hybrid power system) has to be optimize. become elements of smart grid. Becouse of their large
Optimisation algorithms change the values of decision number, influence on global level can be significant,
variables of an underlying in model in such a way as to particulary if there are equiped with renewable energy
optimise the resulting value of the model’s objective function sources, with possibility to deliver this energy to the utility
[3]. grid.
One of authors point is new concept of smart metar with
VII. SMART GRID MECHANISMS, TACTICS AND posibillity to measure separate deliverd energy from different
REGULATION renewable energy sources to the grid and to measure energy
from the utility grid to the system.
Smart grid mechanisms and tactics include: Future work also will be focused on system component
design and optimisation, optimal location infrastructure
• smart meters,
designing and new working algorithm development.
• dynamic pricing,
Generally, purpose of this work is to give some practical
• smart thermostats and smart appliances, guideline concerning to the smart grid, stimulate using of ICT
• automated control of equipment, in smart way and stimulate development of new idea in area
• real-time and next day energy information feedback to of “Smart grid” and renewable energy sources.
electricity users,
• usage by appliance data,
• scheduling and control of loads such as electric vehicle
chargers, home area networks, and others,
[1] European Commision Repport, IP/09/1498, Brussels, 9. October 2009.
• …?
[2] ETSI Technical Repport ETSI TR 102 532, The use of alternative
energy solution in telecommunication installation.
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grid, are in the stage of development and defineing. Electricity Infrastructure in reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Cisco
Smart grids, as most high potential technological changes, white paper, October 2008.
will only fulfill its promises if the new systems to be [4] Reeve, “DC Power system design for telecommunication”, John Wiley
and Sons, USA (2007).
developed are based on the appropriate set of standards. The
[5] Gumhalter, “Power supply in telecommunications”, Springer-Verlag,
main reason for this is that smart grids are going to Berlin (1995).
incrementally merge power technologies with ICT, thus [6] B. Odadzic,B. Panajotovic and M. Jankovic, Telecommunication Hybrid
creating both new requirements (e.g. reliability, efficiency) Power System in “Smart Grid”, InfoTeh Conference, Jahorina, March
and new interoperability challenges that will in turn need an 2011.
evolution of standards, beyond the set of existing standards [7] B. Odadzic,B. Panajotovic and M. Jankovic, Energy Efficiency and
that early gap analysis have identified. In addition, some key Renewable Energy Solution in Telecommunication, ICREPQ’11, Las
Palmas de Gran Canarian, ISBN: 978-84-614-7527-8,
issues like security or privacy will demand not only standards
[8] Seeling-Hochmuth, “Optimisation of hybrid energy systems sizing and
but also new regulatory frameworks and roles. operation control”, PhD thesis , Universiti of Kassel, October 1998.

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