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Concept of Golden Circle by Simon Sinek with regards to organizational development

The Golden Circle is a concept developed by Simon Sinek who says, “People don't buy what you do, they
buy why you do it.” The Golden Circle theory explains how leaders can inspire cooperation, trust and
alter during a business supported his research into how the foremost successful organizations think, act
and communicate


'Start with Why' is how you explain your purpose and therefore the reason you exist and behave as you
are doing. Very few organizations know Why they are doing what they are doing. Why is not about
making money. That’s a result. Why is a purpose, cause or believe. It’s the reason your organization


The organization's 'How' factors might include their strengths or values that they feel differentiate
themselves from the competition. Some organizations know How they do. These are the thing that make
them special or set them apart from their competition.


Every organization in the planet knows what they do. These are products their sell or the services. It's
fairly easy for any leader or organization to articulate 'What' they are doing

Successful people and organizations express why they do how they do rather than focusing on what they

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