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Process Safety and Environmental Protection 117 (2018) 100–110

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Investigating the effect of inherent safety principles on system

reliability in process design
Nilesh Ade, Guanlan Liu, Ahmad F. Al-Douri, Mahmoud M. El-Halwagi, M. Sam Mannan ∗
Mary Kay O’Connor Process Safety Center, Artie McFerrin Department of Chemical Engineering, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX 77843-3122, USA

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: During the last decade, inherent safety has emerged as an area of interest in both academic and industrial
Received 8 September 2017 research. Various regulatory bodies have enforced the consideration of inherently safer design alterna-
Received in revised form 4 March 2018 tives. This enforcement, however, may not serve the purpose of reducing the risk associated with process
Accepted 18 April 2018
incidents due to the drawback of risk migration associated with inherent design philosophy. The phi-
Available online 23 April 2018
losophy of inherent safety has emerged from the need to reduce the consequence element of risk with
an objective to prevent high consequence–low likelihood events. Thus, this philosophy is plagued with
the drawback of risk migration where the lowering of consequence element can lead to an undesired
Inherent safety
increased likelihood element, leading to an overall increase in risk associated with the system. The likeli-
Process design hood element of risk of the system under consideration depends on the system reliability. The developed
Risk methodology involves quantifying inherent safety based on the design stage under consideration using
Availability a quantification technique that utilizes process data available during the specific stage of design. This
Maintenance-downtime is followed by determining reliability and availability of the system using reliability databases or static
reliability modeling for various design alternatives considered during the specific design stage. Lastly, the
trend observed between quantified inherent safety and reliability/availability is used to determine the
required relationship between inherent safety and reliability. Thus, this developed methodology evalu-
ates the possibility of increased risk due to lowered system reliability caused by the implementation of
inherent design philosophy.
© 2018 Institution of Chemical Engineers. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction pany personnel must be completed. Afterwards, the installation of

the equipment involved may require the plant or part of it to be
1.1. Hazard, risk and inherent safety shut down resulting in production losses. From an operating per-
spective, a safety measure may incur higher operational costs if
Due to the current economic downturn of oil and gas industry, it requires higher utility consumption. Also, maintenance, includ-
more research impetus has been dedicated towards the design of ing possible production loss, and inspection costs for the proposed
processes that are superior in performance with respect to their measure must be accounted for. As for benefits of safety measures,
profitability. A process that is economically superior tends to be they can be viewed as avoided costs and are also divided into several
generally safer as well, since a safer process has lesser downtime categories for consideration. For example, the damage to material
and thus, more productivity. However, there is a tradeoff between and property of the company and surrounding areas that could have
the economic and safety objectives in the design of a chemical resulted from the absence of a proposed safety measure must be
process or its equipment. As noted by Reniers et al. (2016), a evaluated. Another possible benefit is that a company can avoid
safety measure involves both costs and benefits, and a decision- legal costs of lawyers and trial expenses stemming from those dam-
making process on whether to invest in a safety measure must ages. Also, a company’s reputation can suffer from an accident at
account for both aspects. There are many categories of the pos- its facility which can impact share price in the stock market. Fig. 1
sible costs of safety measures. Initially, a proposed safety measure shows a breakdown of the possible costs and benefits associated
must be selected and the applicable material and training for com- with a safety investment.
The concept of inherent safety has increasingly received more
importance over the years due to its ability to design processes
∗ Corresponding author.
with reduced hazards. However, a process that is inherently safer
E-mail address: (M.S. Mannan).
with respect to process hazards may not be associated with low
0957-5820/© 2018 Institution of Chemical Engineers. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
N. Ade et al. / Process Safety and Environmental Protection 117 (2018) 100–110 101

Fig. 1. Cost-benefits of safety measures.

risk as well. To understand this drawback of inherent safety, it is associations primarily due to the difficulty of implementing ISD in
essential to understand the difference between hazard and risk. existing facilities as compared to the design stage of grass-root facil-
Hazard is defined as the property (physical or chemical) that has ities. However, despite this industrial opposition, the amendment
the potential to cause harm to people, environment or property was published by US-EPA in January 2017. These amendments,
whereas risk quantifies the level of human injury, environmental however, have been delayed until February 2019 following a peti-
damage, or economic loss in terms of both the incident probability tion supported by various trade organizations including American
and the extent of the loss or injury (Crowl and Louvar, 1996). Inher- Petroleum Institute, the American Chemistry Council, the Amer-
ent design philosophy mainly focuses on reducing the consequence ican Fuel & Petrochemical Manufacturers, the U.S. Chamber of
element of risk (extent of loss) by reducing or minimizing the asso- Commerce and the National Association of Manufacturers (Passut,
ciated process hazards (CCPS 2010), generally ignoring its effect 2017).
on the likelihood element. Thus, a process that is inherently safer
might have increased associated risk due to the phenomenon of risk 1.3. Equipment reliability
migration caused due to an increase in likelihood element. Inher-
ent safety is primarily based on the following 4 principles (Mannan, Reliability is the probability that a system or a component will
2002): perform its desired function at the required time when used under
appropriate operating conditions whereas availability is the prob-
• Minimization: reducing the volume of hazardous materials ability that a system or a component will perform its desired
• Substitution: replacing a chemical in the process with a relatively function at the required time when maintained or operated in the
safer alternative prescribed manner (Ebeling, 1997). Reliability serves as an impor-
• Attenuation: reducing the severity of operating conditions in the tant parameter for estimating the downtime of chemical process
process involving hazardous chemicals systems, However, quantifying the reliability of a system is insuf-
• Simplification: implementing simpler process designs with lesser ficient in terms of estimating the maintenance downtime since
number of equipment reliability and maintainability share a trade-off which overall con-
tributes towards the availability (and ultimately the maintenance
1.2. Inherent safety downtime) of the system. Various industries have manipulated
this relationship to improve the profitability of their processing
The Flixborough disaster in 1974 served as a cornerstone for systems. Exxon Mobil in 1994 introduced the reliability and main-
inherent design philosophy (Kletz, 1978). Inherent safety is defined tenance system program which reduced the maintenance cost by
as the design approach to reduce or eliminate hazards with an $ 30 million (Exxon Mobil, 2001). Shell in its Pulau Bukom refining
aim to reduce the consequence of incidents (CCPS, 2010). This facility in 1996, made design and operational modifications which
approach originates from the need to avoid low probability-high resulted in a 4-year run of a long residue catalytic cracking unit with
consequence incidents. Inherent safety has found its way in several only 21 hours of downtime (Shell, 2001). British Petroleum saved
regulations by various authoritative bodies including the UK health over $ 1.4 million in pump repairs by increasing the mean time
and safety executive. The European Council Directive 96/82/EC of between failure of pumps in their facility in Lima, United States
1996 on the control of major-accident hazards involving danger- (Griffith et al., 1998).
ous substances, in its guidance document states, “Hazards should
be possibly avoided or reduced at source through the application 2. Motivation
of inherently safe practices.” In the United States, the New Jersey
Department of Environmental Protection in its toxic catastrophe An analysis of the occurring process safety incidents revealed
prevention act and Contra Costa County, California in its industrial that most of these incidents occur during transient operations,
safety ordinance have implemented the consideration of inherently such as equipment maintenance, start-up, and shutdown (Duguid,
safer technologies for regulation of hazardous industrial facilities. 1998). Therefore, higher maintenance time may contribute to the
In February 2016, the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) risk associated with the process. The maintenance downtime com-
put forth a proposal to revise its risk management program to prises of the corrective and preventive maintenance downtime.
include safer technologies and alternative analysis (STAA) in the The preventive maintenance downtime primarily depends on the
process hazard assessment for regulation of hazardous industrial procedures and safety culture adopted by the company which is
facilities. This proposal received criticism from various industrial generally dictated during the later stages of design of the facilities.
102 N. Ade et al. / Process Safety and Environmental Protection 117 (2018) 100–110

Fig. 2. Risk migration caused due to implementation of inherent safety principles.

The initial design stages of a chemical project are vital in deter- Industries put forth the Dow fire and explosion index (Dow F&EI)
mining the corrective maintenance downtime of the system since aimed at quantifying the hazards associated with a process design.
major decisions pertaining to the number and type of different The Dow F&EI has received subsequent revision over the years and
equipment involved in the process are taken during these stages. is widely used in process industry. Inherent safety index (ISI) was
Also, it has been observed that implementing inherent safety prin- formulated with an aim to provide a simpler method for quantifica-
ciples (ISP) becomes more and more difficult, as the design of tion of inherent safety associated with a process design (Heikkila,
the chemical process plant progresses from initial stages to the 1999) and was developed to improve on the drawbacks of Dow F&EI
later stages (Kletz, 1991). Therefore, it becomes necessary to study and PIIS. Similarly, the i-safe index was developed as a methodology
the effect of implementing ISPs on the corrective maintenance for selection of process routes based on the inherent safety of the
downtime of the system during initial design stages, to analyze chemicals and the reactions involved in these routes (Palaniappan
the possibility of increasing the corrective maintenance downtime et al., 2004). A significant deviation from the conventional method
since an increased corrective maintenance downtime can lead to of using non-dimensional indices for quantification of inherent
higher risk. It is, however, important to note that principle of sim- safety is the qualitative assessment for inherently safer design
plification would lead to the implementation of a lesser number (QAIS) method for application during preliminary design stage. The
of equipment and thus, lesser corrective maintenance downtime. described methods mainly focused on hazards associated with pro-
However, the principles of minimization, substitution, and attenu- cess design alternatives, rather than focusing on the risk associated
ation can lead to the implementation of processes/equipment with with these alternatives. This drawback was countered by the for-
lower reliability and maintainability, thus increasing the corrective mulation of the concept of risk- based inherent safety (Rathnayaka
maintenance downtime of the overall process. The phenomenon et al., 2014). A comparative analysis of the well-known safety
of risk transfer caused due to an undesired increase in correc- indices including Dow F&EI, ISI, i-safe and PIIS was subsequently
tive maintenance downtime by implementing the inherent safety carried out to assess their agreement with each other as well as with
principles of minimization, substitution, and attenuation can be expert judgments in various process design stages (Kidam et al.,
described by the following figure (Fig. 2): 2008). Significant depth of research has been carried out in reliabil-
Apart from analyzing the relationship between inherent safety ity, maintainability and availability studies of chemical processing
and reliability from a systems perspective, it is important to eval- facilities as well. Reliability analysis of complex systems like chemi-
uate the required relationship for a specific equipment such as a cal piping using simplistic Markov models (Gruhn et al., 1983) have
reactor. This evaluation can be done at the later stages of design, been put forth. A major contribution towards analyzing the relia-
as important design data such as the material of construction is bility of chemical systems was the development of methodology
available during these stages of design. This analysis will help in wherein reliability and availability were obtained through block
understanding the impact of inherent safety principles and the diagrams (Henley and Gandhi, 1982). The concept of parallel and
magnitude of this impact on the reliability of the equipment under standby redundancies was put forth, and dynamic programming
consideration. was applied to determine the optimum configuration of series sys-
tems (Rudd, 1962). A major step in reliability engineering was the
3. Relevant work development of maintenance strategies based on the reliability of
chemical systems (Gaal and Kovacs, 1985). The widely-accepted
A considerable depth of study has already been carried out in method of the fault tree for predicting chemical plant failure served
designing process systems by considering inherent safety design as a breakthrough in the field of reliability analysis (Freeman, 1983).
philosophy. To effectively understand and quantify the ease of The developed concepts in reliability theory were effectively
implementation and associated hazards of the available design applied in process design and optimization (Cos, 1973). A major
alternatives, various assessment methods, and safety indices have contribution in this regard was studying and optimizing the rela-
been put forth. Prototype index for inherent safety (PIIS) was tionship between system reliabilities and unit reliabilities by
one of the first indices developed with an objective to quantify sensitivity analysis (Henley and Gandhi, 1982). Corrective mainte-
the inherent safety (or alternatively, the hazards) associated with nance scheduling optimization based on reliability analysis served
the chemical process routes (Edwards and Lawrence, 1993). Dow as a cornerstone in developing the concept of reliability-based
N. Ade et al. / Process Safety and Environmental Protection 117 (2018) 100–110 103

Table 1
Commonly used safety indices and the corresponding inputs required.

Design stage Intial design stages Detailed design stage

Index/process Chemical Reaction route Operating Process flow Equipment design Plant Layout Process and
data required Properties proerties conditions diagram (PFD) instrumentation

Dow F&EI Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes No

ISI Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No
i-safe Yes Yes Yes No No No No
PIIS Yes Yes Yes No No No No

maintenance studies (Krishnaswamy and Parker, 1984). Reliabil- available during these stages makes them suitable for their appli-
ity optimization was successfully integrated into process design cation in these stages for this study. Similarly, for detailed design
specifically during the conceptual stage of design (Goel et al., 2003). stages Dow F&EI has been utilized in this study since it can incorpo-
An important point to note is that despite this level of extensive rate equipment design data as well to quantify the levels of inherent
research in the fields of inherent safety and reliability, a study focus- safety in this stage.
ing on the relationship between these parameters has not been put With respect to the goal of studying the possibility of risk migra-
forth from the perspective of design highlighting the need for this tion caused due to the implementation of inherent safety principles,
study. it is vital to estimate the corrective maintenance downtime of the
system. The corrective maintenance downtime of the system is gov-
erned by the inherent availability of the system, where the inherent
4. Methodology
availability of the system itself depends on the inherent availabili-
ties of the equipment involved in the system. The number and type
i) For initial design stages (process selection and conceptual
of different equipment involved in the process can be obtained from
its process flow diagram (PFD).
To analyze the relationship between inherent safety and main-
The complete methodology used in this study can be described
tenance downtime with an objective to study the phenomenon of
by the following diagram:
risk migration in initial design stages, it is essential to quantify these
As mentioned previously, a process safety index based on i-safe
parameters. Inherent safety quantification depends on the stage of
and inherent safety indices is used in this study to quantify inherent
design under consideration. This is mainly because the depth of
safety of various design alternatives. The process safety index is
knowledge pertaining to the design of the chemical process system
calculated as follows:
increases along-with the progression of design stages. In this study,
Hazardous properties of all the chemicals (reactants and
the design stages are classified as per Towler and Sinnott (2013).
products) involved in the process such as reactivity, toxicity,
The stage dealing with the selection of process chemistry to man-
flammability, and explosiveness of chemicals are converted into
ufacture a required product is referred to as the process selection
non-dimensional indices as per inherent safety index methodol-
stage. The stage dealing with optimizing the process flow sheet for a
ogy (Heikkila, 1999). These indices are Nr (NFPA reactivity rating),
given chemistry is referred to as the conceptual stage and lastly, the
Nf (flammability index), Nt (toxicity index) and Ne (explosiveness
stage dealing with the detailed design of the equipment is referred
to as the detailed design stage. The process selection stage and con-
Similarly, hazardous aspects of reactions such as the operating
ceptual stage have been categorized as initial design stages due to
conditions of temperature and pressure and heat of the reaction
their similarity in process data available in these stages.
are converted into non-dimensional indices as per inherent safety
A conventional method for quantifying inherent safety of a
index methodology (Heikkila, 1999). The inventory of chemicals
design (or the associated hazards) is using safety indices. A com-
required for the process is indirectly considered through the yield
parative study of the commonly used safety indices (Dow F&EI, PIIS,
of the chemical reactions involved. This yield is again converted
i-safe and ISI) revealed that ISI and i-safe indices had a strong agree-
into the non-dimensional index as per prototype index for inher-
ment with other indices and with judgement from process safety
ent safety methodology (Edwards and Lawrence, 1993). Thus, the
experts in the initial design stages (Kidam et al., 2008). Apart from
indices characterizing a reaction involved in the process are Rt
the agreement with other safety indices, it is essential to verify
(temperature sub-index), Rp (pressure sub-index), Rh (heat of reac-
that sufficient process data is available at a specific design stage
tion sub-index), Ry (yield sub-index).
to quantify the level of inherent safety through safety index. A
The process reaction and chemical index (PRCI) is a measure
study that reviewed the existing safety indices (Roy et al., 2016)
of the hazards relating to chemicals and reactions involved in the
described the information required for the commonly used safety
process and is computed as follows:
indices (Table 1):
1) Individual chemical index (ICI) = Nr + Nt + Nf + Ne (ICI is com-
Therefore, for initial design stages, due to the agreement of ISI
puted for all chemicals involved in the process)
and i-safe index with other indices and their ability to determine
the level of inherent safety by only utilizing the limited process data

Fig. 3. Methodology for analyzing the relationship between inherent safety and inherent availability.
104 N. Ade et al. / Process Safety and Environmental Protection 117 (2018) 100–110

Table 2 12) PESI = Nj x IEQ,j for all j
Scoring of equipment.
Where j represents the different types of equipment and Nj rep-
Equipment Score (IEQ ) resents the number of a specific type of equipment involved in the
Equipment handling non-flammable, non-toxic materials 0 process.
Heat exchangers, pumps, towers & drums 1 Finally, the overall process safety index (OPSI) is calculated as,
Air-coolers, reactors & high hazard pumps 2 13) OPSI = PRCSI + PESI
Compressors & high hazard reactors 3 A higher value of OPSI indicates a more hazardous (i.e., less
Furnaces & fired heaters 4
inherently safer) process.
It should be also noted that the quantification of inherent safety
2) Individual reaction index IRI) = Rt + Rp + Rh + Ry (IRI is com-
through OPSI involves relative weighing of hazards and thus intro-
puted for all reactions involved in the process)
duces an inbuilt judgement that may not be consistent with other
3) Hazardous chemical index (HCI) = max (ICI)
safety indices, expert judgments on safety aspects and risk associ-
4) Hazardous reaction index (HRI) = max (IRI)
ated with these design alternatives.
5) Overall chemical index (OCI) = max (ICI)
Since OPSI is used for comparing the inherent safety of design
6) Overall reaction index (ORI) = IRI
alternatives by considering the hazards with respect to involved
7) Overall safety index (OSI) = (OCI + ORI)
reactions, chemicals and equipment in the process, it is important
8) Worst chemical index (WCI) = max (Nr ) + max (Nt ) + max
to understand the effect of different inherent safety principles on
(Nf ) + max (Ne )
OPSI, which is illustrated in the following diagram:
9) Worst reaction index (WRI) = max (Rt ) + max (Rp ) + max
As mentioned before, inherent availabilities are used in this
(Rh ) + max (Ry )  study to quantify the corrective maintenance downtime of pro-
10) Total chemical index (TCI) = ICI  cess systems. This is because inherent availability is defined as
11) Process reaction and chemical safety index (PRCSI) =
the steady state availability when considering only the corrective
(OSI + WCI + WRI + TCI)/4
maintenance downtime of the system. It is important to note that
Note: a) OSI, WCI, WRI and TCI are considered for the calcu-
inherent availability is an equipment design parameter. The inher-
lation of PRCSI to also evaluate the hazards associated with the
ent availabilities of the equipment themselves are based on their
worst-case scenario possible in a chemical process. b) Hazardous
mean time to failure (MTTF) and mean time to repair (MTTR) of the
chemical index (HCI) and overall chemical index (OCI) are numer-
equipment. The inherent availability of an equipment is given by:
ically identical.
Apart from considering the hazards with respect to chemicals MTTF
and reactions in a process, it is essential to consider the hazards Ainh =
with respect to the equipment involved in the process. Equipment
like furnaces can act as ignition sources leading to fire and explo- As observed from the expression, inherent availability is a
sion, similarly, failure in reactors handling toxic chemicals can lead parameter that captures the expertise level of the maintenance
to the release of hazardous chemicals to the environment. The scor- personnel (through MTTR) and the probability of the failure of
ing of equipment in this study is based on inherent safety index the equipment (through MTTF). If an equipment is highly reliable,
methodology (Heikkila, 1999) (Table 2). it would have high MTTF and thus higher inherent availability.
The process equipment safety index (PESI) is calculated as, The MTTF and MTTR values for general process equipment can be

Fig. 4. Effect of inherent safety principles on overall process safety index.

N. Ade et al. / Process Safety and Environmental Protection 117 (2018) 100–110 105

obtained from the center for chemical process safety (CCPS) and Overall production cost = 3.3 x cost of raw materials (Peters and
offshore reliability equipment data (OREDA) databases. It is impor- Timmerhaus, 1991)
tant to note that the implementation of linear failure rates available 8) Compute the annualized profit obtained for the given alterna-
in these databases to quantify reliability and availability is bound tive by assuming an appropriate selling price of product and using
to epistemic uncertainties and it might be beneficial in terms of the overall production cost
accuracy to implement relatively complex reliability models like ii) For detailed engineering stage
Weibull distribution in the suggested framework if comprehensive The described methodology in Fig. 3 can also be applied to
reliability and failure data is available for the process equipment detailed engineering stage with certain modifications. The first step
under consideration. in the methodology is to evaluate the design alternatives existing
In the initial design stages, redundant equipment are generally for the design stage under consideration. The design alternatives in
not considered. Thus, the equipment in the process system can be detailed engineering stage for an equipment can be the same equip-
assumed to be in series with respect to their reliabilities and avail- ment design under different operating conditions. The suitable
abilities. Therefore, the inherent availability of the system can be range of operating conditions for an equipment such as a reactor is
expressed as: generally governed by thermodynamics and kinetics of the reaction
along with mass and heat transfer occurring within the equipment.

i Also, since, the focus of this stage is the design of an individual
Ainh,sys = Ainh,i equipment and not the entire process system, it becomes essen-
n tial to analyses reliability alone rather than focusing on availability
as the reliability can be modelled as a function of the operating
Where, conditions whereas, the maintainability of the equipment can be
Ainh,i is the inherent availability of ith equipment, considered to be independent of the operating conditions.
n is the total number of equipment in the process system, The modified methodology for detailed engineering stage can
& Ainh,sys is the inherent availability of the process system. be described as:
Thus, from the process flow diagrams (PFDs) of the process Since the detailed engineering stage comes after a process is
designs, different types and number of equipment involved in selected, Dow F&EI is deemed to be suitable for quantification of
the process design can be known and the inherent availability of inherent safety. The quantification of Dow F&EI is mainly based on
the system can be estimated from the inherent availabilities of general process hazards such as exothermicity of the reaction, ease
equipment involved in the process. The corrective maintenance of material handling and transfer, access to emergency equipment,
downtime for the system is computed using the following expres- drainage and spill control measures at the facility, special process
sion: hazards such as toxicity of materials involved, whether the process
is sub-atmospheric, closeness of operation to flammable range of
corrective maintenance down time
Ainh,sys = 1 − materials, possibility of leakage, possibility of dust explosion and
total process time
lastly on material hazards such as reactivity and flammability. The
Finally, by computing OPSI and Ainh,sys for all process design Dow F&EI calculation in this study is based on Dow Fire and Explo-
alternatives, the required relationship between these parameters sion index hazard classification guide, 7th edition.
can be established. The formulated methodology for detailed engineering stage is
This was followed by a predesign economic analysis (a study described using an example of reactor design. The third step of the
estimate with a probable accuracy of ±30% for annualized profit) for described methodology requires the quantification of reliability of
a defined capacity of 1 KTPA of Acetic acid (Peters and Timmerhaus, the equipment (i.e., reactor) with respect to operating conditions,
1991). The economic analysis included the following steps: the mode of failure for reactor under consideration is bursting due
Estimate the current fixed capital investment (FCI) based on a to excess pressure and thus, the failure probability (mathematical
known fixed capital investment at a certain period and chemical counterpart of reliability) can be modelled as a function of internal
engineering plant cost index by: pressure of the reactor. The relation between this failure probability
1) Current , FCI, by, 6-10th, rule = and operating pressure has been described by Arnold, 1972. In this
current chemical engineering plant cost index
FCI, in, period ‘T’x chemical study, the induced stress in the reactor (due to internal/operating
engineering plant cost index at period T
 required capacity
0.6 pressure) and the allowable stress of the material of the reactor are
x capacity for which FCI is known at period T assumed to follow a normal distribution, and the overlapping of
2) Annualize the calculated FCI by assuming appropriate num- these distributions governs the failure probability.
ber of expected service years of plant. The problem of reactor design used in this study is partly based
3) Estimate the annual operating time of plant from the calcu- on reactor design described by Suardin, 2005. The design problem
lated inherent availability (Ainh,sys ) of the system by: is described as follows:
Annual operating time of plant = Total annual time x inherent Reaction: A → B
availability of system (Ainh,sys ) Feasible range of operating pressure (P): 8–14 atm
4) Estimate the corrective maintenance labor cost by: Required annual capacity: 645 million lbs of B
Corrective maintenance labor cost = Annual operating time x Reaction rate constant (k): 0.0025 s−1
corrective maintenance labor rate x [(1/Ainh,sys ) − 1] (Goel et al., Feasible conversion of reaction: 60% (defined on mass basis)
2003) Molecular weight of A: 100 lb.mol/mol
5) Assuming the corrective maintenance material cost is roughly Temperature of reaction: 800 ◦ F
the same as corrective maintenance labor cost the overall corrective Material of construction of reactor: A312 alloy steel (selected
maintenance cost can be estimated as: based on operating conditions) with maximum allowable working
Overall maintenance cost = 2 x corrective maintenance labor stress (M) of 14,750 psi from (Seider et al., 2004).
cost (Branan, 2005) The governing equations for described methodology for reactor
6) Estimate the cost of raw materials required for the desired design can be broadly divided into three sets of equations, equa-
capacity by appropriate mass balance tions pertaining to calculating reactor dimensions, equations for
7) Estimate the overall production cost (excluding overall main- reliability calculations and equations for Dow F&EI calculations.
tenance cost) from the cost of raw materials by: a) Equations for reactor dimension calculation:
106 N. Ade et al. / Process Safety and Environmental Protection 117 (2018) 100–110

W −W cylindrical shell of length L, to which are welded two ellipsoidal

1)Conversion of reaction with respect to mass(X) = A0 WA0

Where WA0 and WA are initial and final mass of A respectively. heads at opposite ends. The method employed is based on the
F 1
2)Volume of reactor(V ) = kCA0 [(1+ ∈ ) ln( 1−X )− ∈ X] weight of the shell and two 2:1 elliptical heads. The calculated free
A0 on board (FOB) purchase cost is for carbon-steel construction, and
Where FA0 is the initial flow rate of A, CA0 is the initial concen-
the vessel (Cv ) is assumed to be vertical and with a weight range of
tration of A and ∈ is the coefficient of volume expansion.
4200 < W < 1,000.000 lb, and is expressed as follows:
3)Volume of reactor(V ) = 4 D2 L
1) Cv = exp {6.775 + 0.18255*[ln(W)] + 0.02297 x [ln(W)]2 }
4)Length to diameter ratio of reactor(r) = L/D
(Seider et al., 2004)
Where D and L are the internal diameter and length of reactor
As previously stated, the vessel is constructed of A312 alloy steel,
the vessel cost must be multiplied by a material factor, which was
5) Residence time of reactor ( ) = vV
0 found to be 1.7 from Seider et al. (2004). To calculate the vessel cost,
6) Design pressure of reactor(Pd ) = exp(0.60608 +
the weight of the shell (W) must be calculated as follows:
0.91615 ln P + 0.0015655(ln P)2 )
2) W = ␲(D + t)(L+0.8 D)t␳ (Seider et al., 2004)
Seider et al. (2004)
Apart from serving as a tool for designing of chemical projects,
Where, v0 is the initial flow rate of A.
the developed methodology can be used for analysis of past process
Pd × D
7) Thickness of reactor wall(t) = safety incidents. This study focuses on the incident of T2 Laborato-
2 × M − 1.2 × Pd
b) Equations for Dow F&EI calculation: ries explosion and fire. The application of described methodology
The main equations for Dow F&EI calculations are as follows: to this incident not only provides a novel view towards the failure
1) F3 = F1 .F2 mechanism but also serves as validation for the methodology.
2) F&EI = MF.F3 T2 Laboratories explosion and fire occurred on December 19,
Where, F1 , F2 , and F3 are the general process hazard factor, 2007, in Jacksonville, Florida (CSB, 2009). T2 Laboratories Inc.
special process hazard factor, and process unit hazard factor respec- manufactured specialty chemicals, mainly gasoline additives. This
tively and MF is the material factor. incident resulted in the death of 4 employees and injured 32
The Dow F&EI index is calculated for the reactor at different (including 4 employees). The 28 public members were working in
values of operating pressure (from 8 to 14 atm) and a sensitivity neighboring areas (CSB, 2009). The explosion occurred in a reac-
analysis is performed as per the procedure described by Suardin tor manufacturing methylcyclopentadienyl manganese tricarbonyl
(2005). (MCMT). MCMT is used as a supplement for leaded gasoline. The
The obtained equation relating Dow F&EI to operating pressure impact of the explosion was so immense that the debris of the
is as follows: exploded reactor was found at a distance of one mile and the shock
3) F&EI = 1.409P + 112.27 waves resulting from explosion damaged buildings at a radius of a
c) Equations for reliability calculation (Arnold, 1972): quarter mile from the facility.
P( D ) Chemical safety board carried out a detailed investigation of the
1) Mean hoop stress in the reactor(Sh ) = t
incident. The energy of explosion was estimated to be 1400 tons
p ( D )
2) Standard deviation of hoop stress(h ) = t 2 TNT equivalent (CSB, 2009). The explosion occurred due to a run-
Where, p is the standard deviation of operating pressure. away reaction leading to uncontrolled temperature and pressure
Sh +P elevation. CSB converged on the failure of the cooling system as the
3) Mean induced stress in reactor(Si ) = 2  primary cause leading to the explosion based on witness interviews
4)Standard deviation of induced stress(i ) = 12 p2 + h2
and elimination of other likely causes. CSB conducted laboratory
Failure probability of reactor(F) = = 0.0014(m4 ) − 0.0267(m3 ) + testing of the recipe used by T2 Laboratories and observed a run-
0.178(m2 ) − 0.5011(m) + 0.5055(5) away reaction occurring at a temperature of 390◦ F apart from the
Where, m is an integral parameter given by, desired reaction occurring at 350◦ F. The owners of T2 Laboratories
−Si + Sa were unaware of this runaway reaction leading to the improper
m=   design of cooling and relief systems. The reactor involved in the
i2 + m
explosion was constructed in 1962 and bought by T2 Laboratories
in 2001. After purchasing the reactor, certain modifications such
Where ␴m is the standard deviation of yield point. as replacing the nozzles were carried out leading to decrease in
6) Reliability of reactor (R) = 1 − F maximum allowable pressure of the reactor from 1200 psig to 600
Note: The polynomial equation for F is obtained by carrying out psig.
a regression analysis of F and m values as described by Arnold, The methodology described for detailed engineering stage
1972 and represents the overlapping probability of distribution of (Fig. 5) was applied to the incident of T2 Laboratories explosion and
induced and allowable stress. fire with slight modifications. Since the dimensions of the reactor
Following assumptions are made for the reactor design: are known, Dow F&EI and reliability of the reactor can be directly
The reactor length to diameter ratio (r) is 5. evaluated. An important aspect that can be understood is the vari-
Initial flow rate of A (v0 ) is 100 ft3 /s ation in Dow F&EI and reliability of the reactor as the pressure of
The reactor follows ideal isothermal plug flow characteristics. reaction continuously increases due to the occurrence of a runaway
The pressure relief valve is set at 15 atm. reaction.
The standard deviation of operating pressure (p ) is equal to the Following data has been used for application of the developed
mean. methodology to T2 laboratories explosion and fire:
The standard deviation of yield point (␴m ) is 15% of maximum Incident data (CSB, 2009):
allowable stress. Reactor Volume: 2000 gallon
In addition to the reactor dimension, reliability and Dow F&EI Reactor thickness: 3 inches
calculations, the cost of the reactor vessel was calculated using the Operating pressure: 50 psig
method described in Seider et al., 2004. Rate of pressure increase: 32000 psig/min
d) Equations for vessel cost calculation: Maximum allowable working pressure of reactor: 600 psig
The reactor vessel was assumed to be a pressure vessel, cylin-
drical in shape with an inside diameter (D) and consisting of a
N. Ade et al. / Process Safety and Environmental Protection 117 (2018) 100–110 107

Fig. 5. Modified methodology for detailed engineering stage.

Raw materials: Molten sodium metal, methylcyclopentadiene Prior to the dominance of low-pressure carbonylation process, a
(MCPD) dimer and diethylene glycol dimethyl ether major proportion of the Acetic acid was produced by Acetaldehyde
Oxidation (Hintermann and Labonne, 2007). Thus, if regulations to
5. Application of methodology, results and discussion enforce the consideration of inherently safer designs are imposed,
upcoming facilities might need to reconsider the potential of
The described methodology for initial design stages is applied Acetaldehyde Oxidation (or any other alternative) for Acetic acid
to the case of Acetic acid manufacturing in the process selec- manufacture over Low-Pressure Carbonylation due to its higher
tion stage. Various processes which utilize different chemicals, associated inherent safety. This can lead to the implementation of
reactions and equipment have been developed for Acetic acid a process that has a higher corrective maintenance downtime and
manufacture. The processes considered in this study are Ethylene thus ultimately higher associated risk.
oxidation (U.S. Patent No. 7491843 B2, 2009), Acetaldehyde Oxi- Similarly, the described methodology is applied to the case
dation (Cheung et al., 2012), Low-Pressure Carbonylation (Cheung of Hydrodealkylation of Toluene to Benzene in the conceptual
et al., 2012), Ethane Oxidation (Soliman et al., 2012) and Butane stage of design. In this stage, different process design alternatives
Oxidation (Cheung et al., 2012). The results obtained by applying that are similar in terms of reactions and chemicals but utiliz-
the described methodology on the mentioned case study are as ing different number and type of equipment (i.e., different process
follows: configuration or process flow diagrams) are evaluated in terms of
Analysing the graph obtained between OPSI and corrective economic feasibility. For a selected chemical synthesis route, dif-
maintenance downtime for process selection stage (Fig. 6), it can be ferent configurations of process flow can be obtained based on the
observed that a process that is inherently safer in terms of involved implementation of recycling of mass and heat streams and the
reaction, chemicals, and equipment may not necessarily have the feasibility analysis of these alternative configurations is typically
least corrective maintenance downtime. This is primarily because, carried out in the conceptual stage. The processes considered are
in process selection stage OPSI is governed by the inherent safety described by Douglas, 1988; Bouton and Luyben, 2008; Konda et al.,
principles of minimization, substitution, attenuation and simplifi- 2006 and Mata et al., 2003. The results obtained by applying the
cation (Fig. 4), whereas corrective maintenance downtime depends described methodology to the described case study are as follows:
only on the number and types of equipment present in the process From the graph obtained for the conceptual stage (Fig. 7), it can
system and therefore, only depends on the principle of simplifica- be observed that the corrective maintenance downtime of pro-
tion. Therefore, implementing a process that’s inherently safer in cess systems increases with increase in OPSI. A detailed analysis
terms of involved reaction, chemicals and equipment might lead reveals that the number of equipment involved in the process sys-
to an increase in the associated risk of the system by increasing its tems increases as we move from a process with lower OPSI and
corrective maintenance downtime. lower corrective maintenance downtime to a process with a higher
In 1972, around 10% of the Acetic acid manufacture was carried OPSI and a higher corrective maintenance downtime. Due to sim-
out by low-pressure carbonylation. However, due to the economic ilarity of process systems in terms of reactions and chemicals in
superiority of this process, its dominance has increased over the the conceptual stage, inherent safety principles of minimization,
years and currently more than 90% of Acetic acid manufacture is substitution and attenuation become redundant, Therefore OPSI is
achieved using low-pressure carbonylation (Cheung et al., 2012).

Fig. 7. Corrective maintenance downtime (days) vs. OPSI for Hydrodealkylation of

Fig. 6. Corrective maintenance downtime (days) vs. OPSI for Acetic acid case study. Toluene case study.
Note: The numbers in USD represent the annualized profit obtained from economic Note: Numbers above data points indicate the number of equipment and the annu-
analysis alized profit for the design alternative with a capacity for 300 TPA capacity
108 N. Ade et al. / Process Safety and Environmental Protection 117 (2018) 100–110

essentially governed by the principle of simplification wherein a

process with lesser number of equipment will have a lower value
of OPSI and thus will be inherently safer. Similarly, corrective main-
tenance downtime of process systems increases with the number of
equipment involved in the system. This explains the trend observed
in the results for the conceptual stage (Fig. 7).
The described methodology for detailed engineering stage is
applied to the reactor design problem for the pressure range of
8–14 atm for the described reactor. The results obtained are as fol-
For detailed engineering stage, As the value of Dow F&EI of the
reactor system increases, the reliability of reactor decreases. This
trend (Fig. 8) exists because as pressure increases, the value of Dow
F&EI increases due to an increase in the value of special process haz-
ard factor (F2). This essentially implies that the process becomes
more hazardous at increasing value of pressures. Thus, ultimately,
the process becomes less inherently safer owing to the principle
of attenuation. Reliability subsequently decreases with increase in
pressure as this leads to an increased overlapping of induced and
allowable stress distributions. Thus, for detailed engineering design Fig. 9. Reliability vs Dow F&EI & Failure probability with increasing pressure due to
stage, inherent safety and reliability decrease simultaneously with runaway reaction for T2 Laboratories case study.
the pressure of the reactor. An important point to note is that at Dow
F&EI value of 128 (Fig. 8), which is deemed to be intermediately
Table 3
hazardous as per the guideline (Dow, 1994), the failure probabil- Reactor reliability at different MAWPs for T2 Laboratories explosion and fire.
ity of reactor is as high as 0.25. Thus, in the event of failure of all
layers of protection designed to prevent bursting of the reactor MAWP (psig) Dow F&EI Reactor reliability

(such as basic control systems, safety instrumented systems such 1200 246.67 0.9999
as pressure relief valve and others), there is a 0.25 probability of 600 246.67 0.5588

the reactor bursting. This severity of the situation is not reflected

by the Dow F&EI value. Lastly, the cost of the vessel increases with
increase in the operating pressure, as higher operating pressure siderably high since molten sodium (highly reactive in nature and
requires a thicker reactor leading to an increased weight of material thus, having a high material factor) is involved in the reaction. Also,
of construction for the reactor (Fig. 8). the methodology can predict the decrease in reliability of reactor
Similarly, the developed methodology for detailed engineering (Table 3) due to a decrease in its MAWP which is not reflected by
stage is applied to T2 laboratories explosion and fire incident and the Dow F&EI value (since F&EI considers the relief set pressure
following results are obtained: Fig. 9. and not MAWP of the reactor). This result is in alignment with the
Focusing on the T2 Laboratories explosion and fire, one of the analysis from the CSB report.
contributing causes towards this incident was the decrease in max- From the results obtained for the 3 stages it can be inferred that
imum allowable working pressure (MAWP) of the reactor from the relationship between inherent safety varies with the design
1200 psig to 600 psig following replacement of certain components stage under consideration. This relationship depends on the impact
of reactor such as nozzle. Following are the results obtained after of the 4 inherent safety principles on the parameters of inherent
10 centiseconds from the onset of runaway reaction for MAWPs of safety and reliability. In the process selection stage, Since the design
1200 psig and 600 psig from the developed methodology. alternatives vary in both chemistry and the equipment involved,
Application of developed methodology to the case study of T2 there is possibility to implement all the 4 inherent safety prin-
Laboratories explosion and fire reveals that although Dow F&EI can ciples i.e. substitution (by using less hazardous raw materials),
capture the increasing hazard associated with rising pressure from minimization (by using reactions with higher yield and thus lesser
runaway reaction in the reactor, it fails to increase at the same rate quantities of raw materials), attenuation (using processes with less
as the probability of failure of the reactor due to excess pressure. It severe operating conditions) and simplification (using processes
is also important to note that, the initial value of Dow F&EI is con- with lesser number of equipment). Although it is important to
understand that implementing processes with different raw mate-
rials will lead to the implementation of different process flows i.e.
different types and number of equipment ultimately affecting the
reliability of the system. In conceptual stage, the design alternatives
vary only in terms of process flows and are similar in terms of the
process chemistry. Therefore, the impact of the chemistry depen-
dent inherent safety principles of substitution, minimization, and
attenuation becomes insignificant. As a result, both the parameters
of inherent safety and reliability depend on the principle of simpli-
fication where a process with a lesser number of equipment can be
deemed to be inherently safer and reliable. Lastly, in the detailed
engineering stage, that deals with the design of specific equip-
ment, the impact of the inherent safety principle of simplification
becomes insignificant as the design alternatives vary with respect
to the design of specific equipment and not with the design of pro-
cess flows i.e the number and type of equipment are fixed. The effect
Fig. 8. Reliability vs Dow F&EI for representative case study of reactor. of principles of substitution and minimization becomes insignifi-
N. Ade et al. / Process Safety and Environmental Protection 117 (2018) 100–110 109

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