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‘Young people today have no time or respect for the old.’ Do you agree?

It is important to understand what the word ‘respect’ means. The definition is a feeling of
deep admiration for someone or something elicited by their abilities, qualities, or
achievements. Unfortunately, the majority of youth do not honour the elderly nowadays.
Why’s that?
First of all, young people feel like they have nothing in common with old people thus they
have no intentions of making time for them. I think that the majority of youngsters never
tried to find any similarities with the elderly and blindly follow the narrative their friends or
even social media tell. The inability to form their own opinion has young people doomed.
Secondly, the knowledge that the older people possess can be found on the internet, hence
the youth appear to be uninterested in the stories their elders tell them. From my own
experience, I can say that no internet stories will ever top the stories that my great-grandma
used to tell. The stories were personal and it felt like I was living at that time too, that is
something that cannot be found on the internet. It is also intriguing to have a better
understanding of your roots.
On other hand, older people usually are dull and repetitive. You can also find it hard to
communicate with them. They can go for hours and hours telling the same story, which can
be frustrating.
All in all, I believe that older people today do not receive enough time and respect from
young people. Society has the youth thinking that they have nothing in common with the
elderly and that the internet can tell the stories of their roots.

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