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At the end of
 Identify the circuit configuration of resonance.
this topic the  Solve problems on Series and Parallel Resonance.
students will  Familiarize frequency Bandwidth and Quality factor
be able to:
Resonance: a Special condition
in AC circuits where all the
energy stored by inductive
components is provided by
capacitive components, and vice
versa. This occurs in a particular
frequency. This condition implies
other facts such as:
1. The net reactive power to be
2. The power factor to be unity.
Resonance of a circuit
involving capacitors and inductors occurs
because the collapsing magnetic field of the
Electrical inductor generates an electric current in its
Resonance windings that charges the capacitor, and then
the discharging capacitor provides an electric
current that builds the magnetic field in the
LC Circuit inductor. This process is repeated continually. An
analogy is a mechanical pendulum, and both are
a form of simple harmonic oscillator.
(See image next slide)
LC Circuit
At resonance, the series impedance of the two elements is at
a minimum and the parallel impedance is at maximum.
Resonance is used for tuning and filtering, because it occurs at
a particular frequency for given values
of inductance and capacitance. It can be detrimental to the
operation of communications circuits by causing unwanted
sustained and transient oscillations that may cause noise,
Uses of signal distortion, and damage to circuit elements
Electrical Parallel resonance or near-to-resonance circuits can be used
to prevent the waste of electrical energy, which would
Resonance otherwise occur while the inductor built its field or the
capacitor charged and discharged. As an example,
asynchronous motors waste inductive current while
synchronous ones waste capacitive current. The use of the
two types in parallel makes the inductor feed the capacitor,
and vice versa, maintaining the same resonant current in the
circuit, and converting all the current into useful work.
Series and
Since the inductive reactance and the capacitive reactance are of
equal magnitude,

Inductor and
where 𝜔 = 2𝜋𝑓 , in which f is the resonance frequency in hertz, L is
Capacitor are the inductance in henries, and C is the capacitance in farads, when
equal in standard SI units are used.

In the RLC series circuit, when the circuit current is in phase with the
applied voltage, the circuit is said to be in Series Resonance. The
resonance condition arises in the series RLC Circuit when the
inductive reactance is equal to the capacitive reactance XL = XC or
(XL – XC = 0). A series resonant circuit has the capability to draw
heavy current and power from the mains; it is also called as Acceptor
Circuit. The series resonance RLC circuit is shown in the figure below

Resonance at
Series RLC
 XL and XC are 180 degrees out of phase.
 XL and XC are equal in value (100 Ω), resulting in a net reactance of
zero ohm.
 The only opposition to current is then R (10 Ω).
 Z is equal to R and is at its minimum value, allowing the greatest
Impedance will amount of current to flow.

be equal to
Example 1.

Impedance vector for a series RLC resonant circuit.

Example 2.

For the series RLC resonant circuit shown in Figure 3, determine:

1. Impedance (Z).
2. Current (I).
3. Voltage drop across the resistor (ER), inductor (EL) and
capacitor (EC).
4. Apparent, true, and net reactive power.
5. Power factor.
When an inductor and capacitor are connected in series in a circuit, there
will be one resonant frequency at which the inductive reactance and
capacitive reactance will become equal. The reason for this is that as
frequency increases, inductive reactance increases and capacitive reactance
Resonant decreases.
Frequency of The following formula is used to determine the resonant frequency when
the values of inductance and capacitance are known:
Series RLC
As an example, suppose that a fixed AC voltage of variable
frequency is applied to a series RLC circuit. As the frequency of the
applied voltage is increased, the inductive
reactance XL increases but the capacitive
reactance XC decreases, as illustrated in Figure 4. You can see from
this graph that at the resonant frequency XL=XC.
Example 3.

Calculate the resonant frequency of a RLC series circuit containing a 750-mH inductor and a 47-μF capacitor.
Example 4.

A series circuit consists of a resistance of 4Ω, an inductance of 500mH and a variable capacitance connected
across a 100V, 50Hz supply. Calculate the capacitance require to produce a series resonance condition, and the
voltages generated across both the inductor and the capacitor at the point of resonance.
Effects of Series
The following effects of the series
resonance condition are given
Resonance at
Parallel RLC
In many ways a parallel resonance circuit is exactly the same as the
series resonance circuit we looked. Both are 3-element networks
that contain two reactive components making them a second-order
circuit, both are influenced by variations in the supply frequency and
both have a frequency point where their two reactive components
cancel each other out influencing the characteristics of the circuit.
Both circuits have a resonant frequency point.

The difference this time however, is that a parallel resonance circuit

is influenced by the currents flowing through each parallel branch
within the parallel LC tank circuit. A tank circuit is a parallel
combination of L and C that is used in filter networks to either select
or reject AC frequencies. Consider the parallel RLC circuit.
A parallel circuit containing a resistance, R, an inductance, L and a
capacitance, C will produce a parallel resonance (also called anti-
resonance) circuit when the resultant current through the parallel
combination is in phase with the supply voltage. At resonance there
will be a large circulating current between the inductor and the
capacitor due to the energy of the oscillations, then parallel circuits
produce current resonance.

A parallel resonant circuit stores the circuit energy in the magnetic

field of the inductor and the electric field of the capacitor. This energy
is constantly being transferred back and forth between the inductor
and the capacitor which results in zero current and energy being
drawn from the supply.
Thus at resonance, the impedance of the parallel circuit is at its
maximum value and equal to the resistance of the circuit creating a
circuit condition of high resistance and low current. Also at
resonance, as the impedance of the circuit is now that of resistance
only, the total circuit current, I will be “in-phase” with the supply
voltage, VS.
Derivation of
Notice that at resonance the parallel circuit produces the same
equation as for the series resonance circuit. Therefore, it makes no
difference if the inductor or capacitor are connected in parallel or

Also at resonance the parallel LC tank circuit acts like an open circuit
with the circuit current being determined by the resistor, R only. So
the total impedance of a parallel resonance circuit at resonance
becomes just the value of the resistance in the circuit and Z = R as
Note that if the parallel circuits impedance is at its maximum at
resonance then consequently, the circuits admittance must be at its
minimum and one of the characteristics of a parallel resonance
circuit is that admittance is very low limiting the circuits current.
Unlike the series resonance circuit, the resistor in a parallel
resonance circuit has a damping effect on the circuits bandwidth
making the circuit less selective.
As the total susceptance is zero at the resonant frequency, the
admittance is at its minimum and is equal to the conductance, G.
Therefore at resonance the current flowing through the circuit must
also be at its minimum as the inductive and capacitive branch
Current in a currents are equal ( IL = IC ) and are 180o out of phase.

We remember that the total current flowing in a parallel RLC circuit
Resonance is equal to the vector sum of the individual branch currents and for a
Circuit given frequency is calculated as:
Total current
equals to
Current through
Example 5.

A parallel resonance network consisting of a resistor of 60Ω, a capacitor of

120uF and an inductor of 200mH is connected across a sinusoidal supply
voltage which has a constant output of 100 volts at all frequencies.
Calculate, the resonant frequency and the value of inductive reactance.
In the previous slides parallel resonance, we have assumed that the
the two reactive components are purely inductive and purely
capacitive with zero impedance. However in reality, the inductor will
contain some amount resistance in series, R with its inductive coil,
since inductors (and solenoids) are wound coils of wire, usually
made from copper, wrapped around a central core. Let us
understand the Parallel Resonance with the help of a circuit diagram
Parallel shown below.

with impure
 Impure means an
inductor that has
resistance also known
as coil.
Consider an Inductor of L Henry having some resistance of R ohms
connected in parallel with a capacitor of capacitance C farads. A
supply voltage of V volts is connected across these elements. The
circuit current Ir will only be in phase with the supply voltage when
The Phasor the following condition given below in the equation is satisfied.
Diagram of
At the Resonance condition,
the circuit draws the minimum
current as under this
(resonance) condition the
reactive component of current
is suppressed.
The value of inductive reactance XL = 2πfL and capacitive reactance
XC = 1/2πfC can be changed by changing the supply frequency. As
Frequency at the frequency increases the value of XL and consequently the value
Resonance of ZL increases. As a result, there is a decrease in the magnitude of
current I2 and this I2 current lags behind the voltage V.
Condition in
Parallel resonance
On the other hand, the value of capacitive reactance decreases and
Circuit consequently the value of IC increases.

At some frequency, fr called resonance frequency.

Therefore the basic equation
above for calculating the
parallel resonant
frequency, ƒr of a pure
Derivation of parallel resonance circuit will
Resonant need to be modified slightly
to take account of the impure
Frequency inductor having a series
Frequency of
Impure Inductor
Effect of Parallel
Bandwidth is the difference between the upper and lower
frequencies in a continuous band of frequencies. It is typically
measured in hertz, and depending on context, may specifically refer
to passband bandwidth or baseband bandwidth. Passband
bandwidth is the difference between the upper and lower cutoff
frequencies of, for example, a band-pass filter, a communication
channel, or a signal spectrum. Baseband bandwidth applies to a low-
Frequency pass filter or baseband signal; the bandwidth is equal to its upper
cutoff frequency.
Bandwidth of a Series Resonance Circuit
If the series RLC circuit is driven by a variable frequency at a constant
Bandwidth of a voltage, then the magnitude of the current, I is proportional to the
impedance, Z, therefore at resonance the power absorbed by the circuit
series RLC must be at its maximum value as P = I2Z.
If we now reduce or increase the frequency until the average power absorbed
by the resistor in the series resonance circuit is half that of its maximum
value at resonance, we produce two frequency points called the half-power
points which are -3dB down from maximum, taking 0dB as the maximum
current reference.
These -3dB points give us a current value that is 70.7% of its maximum resonant
value which is defined as: 0.5( I2 R ) = (0.707 x I)2 R. Then the point corresponding to
the lower frequency at half the power is called the “lower cut-off frequency”,
labelled ƒL with the point corresponding to the upper frequency at half power being
called the “upper cut-off frequency”, labelled ƒH. The distance between these two
points, i.e. ( ƒH – ƒL ) is called the Bandwidth, (BW) and is the range of frequencies
over which at least half of the maximum power and current is provided as shown.
The frequency response of the circuits current magnitude above,
relates to the “sharpness” of the resonance in a series resonance
circuit. The sharpness of the peak is measured quantitatively and is
called the Quality factor, Q of the circuit. The quality factor relates
Q-factor the maximum or peak energy stored in the circuit (the reactance) to
the energy dissipated (the resistance) during each cycle of
& oscillation meaning that it is a ratio of resonant frequency to
Selectivity bandwidth and the higher the circuit Q, the smaller the
bandwidth, Q = ƒr /BW.
As the bandwidth is taken between the two -3dB points,
the selectivity of the circuit is a measure of its ability to reject any
frequencies either side of these points. A more selective circuit will
have a narrower bandwidth whereas a less selective circuit will have
a wider bandwidth. The selectivity of a series resonance circuit can
be controlled by adjusting the value of the resistance only, keeping
all the other components the same, since Q = (XL or XC)/R.
Then the
between resonance,
selectivity and
quality factor for a
series resonance
circuit being defined
by these formulas:
Example 6.

A series resonance network consisting of a resistor of 30Ω, a capacitor of 2uF

and an inductor of 20mH is connected across a sinusoidal supply voltage which
has a constant output of 9 volts at all frequencies. Calculate, the resonant
frequency, the current at resonance, the voltage across the inductor and
capacitor at resonance, the quality factor and the bandwidth of the circuit. Also
sketch the corresponding current waveform for all frequencies.
Bandwidth & The bandwidth of a parallel resonance circuit is defined in exactly
the same way as for the series resonance circuit. The upper and lower
Selectivity of a cut-off frequencies given as: ƒupper and ƒlower respectively denote the
half-power frequencies where the power dissipated in the circuit is
Parallel half of the full power dissipated at the resonant frequency 0.5( I2 R
Resonance ) which gives us the same -3dB points at a current value that is equal
to 70.7% of its maximum resonant value, ( 0.707 x I )2 R
As with the series circuit, if the resonant frequency remains
constant, an increase in the quality factor, Q will cause a decrease in
the bandwidth and likewise, a decrease in the quality factor will
cause an increase in the bandwidth as defined by:

BW = ƒr /Q or BW = ƒupper - ƒlower
Also changing the ratio between the inductor, L and the
capacitor, C, or the value of the resistance, R the bandwidth and
therefore the frequency response of the circuit will be changed for a
Q factor and fixed resonant frequency. This technique is used extensively in
selectivity tuning circuits for radio and television transmitters and receivers.
The selectivity or Q-factor for a parallel resonance circuit is
generally defined as the ratio of the circulating branch currents to
the supply current and is given as:

𝐼𝐿 𝑜𝑟 𝐼𝑐
Q= - > Current magnification factor
Example 7.

A parallel resonance network consisting of a resistor of 60Ω, a capacitor of

120uF and an inductor of 200mH is connected across a sinusoidal supply
voltage which has a constant output of 100 volts at all frequencies.
Calculate, the resonant frequency, the quality factor and the bandwidth of
the circuit, the circuit current at resonance and current magnification.
More Problems with solutions

1. A series RLC circuit has a Q of 5.0 at its resonant frequency of 100 kHz. Assuming the power dissipation
Of the circuit is 100 W when drawing a current of 0.8 A. determine the capacitance C of the circuit.

2. A resistance of 5 ohms is connected in series with a capacitor of 442.1µF. The combination is then connected in parallel with an
inductance of 21022mH. Solve for the frequency of the impressed voltage with the inductive reactance is equal to
Capacitive reactance in magnitude.
3. A series RLC circuit is connected across a 110V, variable frequency source. When the frequency is varied, the maximum
Effective current is 5.5A and occurs at a frequency of 45 cps, the voltage across the capacitor is 200.8V. Find the power factor
Of the circuit at 60 Hz.

1. An RLC series circuit consists of 1000 ohms, an inductance of 100 mH and a capacitance of 10µF. If the voltage
of 100V is applied across the combination, find the upper value of the half power points of the frequency in kHz.

2. A coil having a 2-ohm resistance is connected in series with 50µF capacitor. The circuit resonates at 100 Hz. What
Is the inductance of the coil?

3. A radio receiving set is tuned to a certain station by the use of 0.25 mH inductance and a 32.2 picofarad condenser.
What is the wavelength of the station signal?

4. A two branch parallel circuit branch 1 (resistance of 5 ohms with an inductor of 0.6mH), branch 2 (resistance of 4 ohms
With a capacitor C). Find C at resonance when the frequency of the dividing voltage is 5000 red/s.

5. A series circuit consisting of a 30 ohm resistor and 4µF capacitor is connected in parallel with a variable inductor. For
what value of inductance with the circuit be in resonance if the frequency of the source is 1200Hz?
Answer Key

1. 159.8 kHz
2. 50.66 mH
3. 170m
4. 20µF
5. 8mH

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