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Colloids and Surfaces

A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 143 (1998) 89–94

Determination of the first and second CMCs of surfactants by

adsorptive voltammetry
Chengsong Ma a,b, Ganzuo Li a, Yongming Xu a, Hanqing Wang b, Xingfu Ye c
a College of Chemistry, Shandong University, Jinan, 250100, China
b Lanzhou Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Lanzhou, 730000, China
c Department of Chemistry, Jinan University, Jinan, China
Received 26 November 1997; accepted 24 April 1998


The first and second critical micellar concentrations (CMCs) of sodium dodecylsulfate and cetyltrimethylammonium
bromide were determined by adsorptive voltammetry with an electrochemical probe. The distribution of probe inside
and outside the micelle at the second CMC was calculated. The electrode reaction mechanism of the probe on the
hanging mercury drop electrode is also discussed. © 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Critical micellar concentration; Adsorptive voltammetry; Surfactants

1. Introduction of cetyltrimethylammomum bromide (CTAB) and

cetylpyridinium chloride (CPC ). Krichmar [8] put
When the concentration of a surfactant is forward a polarographic method for the determi-
increased, its structure may change from single nation of the critical concentration of micelle for-
molecules to spherical, rod- and lamellar-shaped mation in dye solutions. Cyclic voltammetric
micelles. Spherical micelles are formed at the first techniques without a probe have also been used
critical micellar concentration (CMC ). The second to determine the first and second CMCs [9].
CMC indicates the structural transition from Adsorptive voltammetry is one kind of voltam-
spherical micelles to rod-like ones. Many methods metric analytical method which has been developed
have been used to determine the first CMC such over the last 30 years [10,11]. It is extremely
as surface tension, conductivity, solubilization, and effective in the analysis of organic compounds,
light scattering [1]. These methods are simple and because many organic compounds can be adsorbed
easily utilized. However, few techniques have been onto the electrode. If the appropriate preconcen-
applied to determine the second CMC. Miura et al. tration condition is selected, the compound accu-
determined the second CMC of SDS by four mulated on the electrode, and the sensitivity of the
methods [2–5]. Li Fang et al. [6 ] determined the adsorptive voltammetry is better than other vol-
second CMC of several surfactants by the fluores- tammetry techniques. In this paper, we used the
cence probe technique. more oil-soluble, but less water-soluble ‘‘neutral
Electro-analytical methods are relatively simple red’’ as the electro-active probe. When a micelle is
and cheap. Mandal [7] used the cyclic voltammet- formed, neutral red is solubilized into the micelle.
ric technique for the determination of the CMC After a rod-like micelle is formed, the concen-

0927-7757/98/$ – see front matter © 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
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90 C. Ma et al. / Colloids Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 143 (1998) 89–94

tration of neutral red outside the micelle decreases thermostated container for 24 h before being ana-
sharply. The trace neutral red can be accumulated lyzed by voltammetry.
on the hanging mercury drop electrode, allowing
its determination after the rod-micelle is formed. 2.3. Procedure
Thus adsorptive voltammetric technique with neut-
ral red as a probe is used to determine the first The diluted surfactant solution (containing neut-
and second CMCs. The electrode reaction mecha- ral red) was transferred into the cell and deoxyge-
nism of neutral red on a hanging mercury drop nated with nitrogen (99.99%) for 15 min. The pre-
electrode in the micelle system is also discussed. concentration potential was applied to a fresh
mercury drop. Following a pre-concentration
period the stirring was stopped, and after 10 s the
2. Experiment voltammogram was recorded by applying a linear
reductive scanning potential. Each measurement
2.1. Materials and reagents was performed with a fresh drop.

CTAB was purchased from Jining Chemical

Company and purified by three crystallizations 3. Results and discussion
from ethanol/acetone. Sodium dodecylsulfate
(SDS) was also obtained from Jining Chemical 3.1. Adsorptive voltammogram of two surfactants
Company and was recrystallized twice in ethanol. system
hydrochloride (neutral red) was obtained from Fig. 1 shows the adsorptive voltammograms of
Beijing Chemical Company. Ethanol and acetone the CTAB–neutral red system and the SDS–neutral
were analytical grade reagents, water used was red system. CTAB or SDS solution in the absence
doubly distilled. of neutral red has no obvious reductive peak (see
A Jp -1 voltammetric analyzer (Shandong No.7 curves a and d). This means that neither CTAB
electric factory, China) was used in connection nor SDS is reduced on an HMDE. CTAB–neutral
with a self-made cell, using a three-electrode system red gives one reductive peak at −0.72 V and two
which consists of a hanging mercury drop electrode small oxidation waves at −0.50 and −0.62 V
(HMDE) as the working electrode, a Pt plate
electrode as the counter electrode and a saturated
calomel reference electrode (SCE ). A model 173
potentiostat/galvanostat accompanied by a model
179 digital coulometer (PARC, USA) was used to
measure the charge, the working electrode being a
mercury cell electrode.

2.2. Sample preparation

2×10−4 mol l−1 neutral red stock solution was

prepared by dissolving 0.0058 g neutral red in an
alcohol/water mixed solution; 0.01 mol l−1 and
0.05 mol l−1 CTAB stock solution was stored
in a 30°C thermostated container while Fig. 1. Adsorptive voltammogram of two surfactants system
5×10−2 mol l−1 and 0.5 mol l−1 SDS stock solu- (scan speed=345 mV s−1; t =90 s; E =−0.1 V (vs. SCE)):
a a
curve a, 6.5×10−4 mol l−1 CTAB; curve b, a+1×
tions were kept in a 40°C thermostated container. 10−6 mol l−1 neutral red; curve c, 6×10−3 mol l−1
Each diluted surfactant solution which contained SDS+1×10−6 mol l−1 neutral red; curve d, 6×10−3 mol l−1
1×10−6 mol l−1 neutral red was stored in the SDS.
C. Ma et al. / Colloids Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 143 (1998) 89–94 91

(curve b). However SDS–neutral red gives two

reductive peaks—one at −0.75 V and the other
at −1.02 V and no obvious oxidation peak appears
(curve c). Experimental results showed that the
reductive peak potential (E ) of neutral red in the
surfactants solution shifted in the negative direc-
tion when the potential scan rate increased. There
are no corresponding oxidation peaks on the cyclic
voltammogram. These results suggest that the
reduction of neutral red in CTAB and SDS solu-
tions is irreversible. The oxidation and reduction
behavior of neutral red was different in these two
surfactant systems. We will discuss this in another
paper. In the current study, the peaks at −0.72
and −0.75 V are used as the reductive peak of
neutral red in the CTAB and SDS system
The following experimental factors affect the
shape of voltammetric curve: pre-accumulation
potential, scan-end potential, pre-accumulation
time, scan rate of potential. The best analytical
result was achieved with the following conditions:
pre-accumulation potential of −0.10 V (vs. SCE ),
scan-end potential of −1.20 V, pre-accumulated
time of 90 s and scan speed of 345 mV s−1.

3.2. Determination of the first and second CMCs

Fig. 2. Relationship between the peak current of neutral
red and the concentration of the surfactants: curves a, a∞,
In this section, the concentration of neutral red CTAB; curves b, b∞, SDS. Concentration of neutral
was fixed while that of the surfactants was varied. red=1×10−6 mol l−1. Other experimental condition as in
The adsorptive voltammogram of each neutral Fig. 1.
red–surfactant system was recorded in order to
measure the peak current (i ) of neutral red. The
relationship between peak current and the concen- neutral red enters into micelles, and the i continues
tration of surfactants is shown in Fig. 2, it can be to decrease.
seen that i is constant before a threshold surfac- From curve a∞, we can see that i falls slightly
p p
tant concentration is reached and above this if c <7.0×10−3 mol l−1 but falls steeply when
threshold i decreases. The two turning points c >7.0×10−3 mol l−1. It is the same for curve b∞
p s
are 8.8×10−4 mol l−1 for CTAB and whose turning point is at 6.3×10−2 mol l−1. When
8.3×10−3 mol l−1 for SDS respectively, these the shape of the micelle changes from a sphere to
values being similar to the first CMC value in a rod, the solubility of neutral red into the micelle
Refs. [12,13]. Curve a and curve b can be explained increases, the i decreases even deeply, thus the
as follows. Before the first CMC, surfactants exist curves of i –c have turning points. The two turn-
p s
in their monomer form and all the neutral red can ing points correlate with second CMC values
be determined. After the spherical micelles are reported in the literature, at which the micellar
formed, a certain portion of neutral red enters into aggregates are known to change form. The second
micelles. Its concentration reduces, while the i CMC are 7.0×10−3 mol l−1 for CTAB and
decreases. With increasing micelle number, more 6.3×10−2 mol l−1 for SDS respectively. These
92 C. Ma et al. / Colloids Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 143 (1998) 89–94

Fig. 3. Relationship between peak current of neutral red in

the surfactants system and equilibrium time: curve a, Fig. 4. Effect of pre-accumulation time on peak current: curve
1×10−3 mol l−1 CTAB+1×10−6 mol l−1 neutral red; curve a, 6.5×10−4 mol l−1 CTAB+1×10−6 mol l−1 neutral red;
b, 1×10−2 mol l−1 SDS+1×10−6 mol l−1 neutral red. Other curve b, 6×10−3 mol l−1 SDS+1×10−6 mol l−1 neutral red.
experimental condition as in Fig. 1. Other experimental condition as in Fig. 1.

results are tabulated with those determined by inside and outside the micelle. In order to get a
other methods (see Table 1). reliable analytical result, we selected 24 h as the
steady time for the probe–surfactants solution.
3.3. Equilibrium time of neutral red in surfactant
solution 3.4. Adsorptive voltammetric characteristic of
neutral red –surfactant systems
When the concentration of surfactant is less
than the CMC, the voltammetric curve does not When the concentration of surfactant is below
change with increasing equilibration time of the the first CMC, that of neutral red is fixed. With
neutral red–surfactant solution before determina- an increase of pre-accumulation time (t ), i of
a p
tion. At concentrations approximately equal to, or neutral red first increases then plateaus. This means
greater than the CMC, the peak current of neutral that the adsorption–desorption balance is set up
red decreases with increasing equilibration time, (see Fig. 4). If the concentration of neutral red
then plateaus at a constant value (see Fig. 3). The increases or decreases, the t value of balance
equilibrium time for CTAB is 18 h and that for changes similarly. The peak current varies linearly
SDS is 16 h. This means that neutral red needs with the potential scan rate. These phenomena
some time to attain equilibrium concentrations suggest that the reactant is adsorbed on the

Table 1
The first CMC and second CMC values determined by various methods

1st CMC (mmol l−1) Method 2nd CMC (mmol l−1) Method

SDS 8.3 Conductivity [2] 65 Conductivity [2]

SDS 8.0–8.5 Viscosity [3] 65–70 Viscosity [3]
SDS 8.3 Light-scattering [4] 70 Light-scattering [4]
SDS 8 Cyclic voltammetry without probe [9] 56 Cyclic voltammetry without probe [9]
SDS 8.3 Adsorptive voltammetry 63 Adsorptive voltammetry

CTAB 0.6 Cyclic voltammetry with probe [7] 6.2 Fluorescence [6 ]

CTAB 0.88 Adsorptive voltammetry 7.0 Adsorptive voltammetry
C. Ma et al. / Colloids Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 143 (1998) 89–94 93

electrode surface. Fig. 2 shows that when the con- Table 2

centration of surfactants is lower than the first Results determined by the coulomb method
CMC, the surfactant concentration does not influ- Q a (×10−3 C ) c (mmol l−1) V (ml ) F (C ) n
ence i . This indicates that CTAB and SDS do not
p 8.146 0.2 0.2 96487 2.1 (SDS )
adsorb on the hanging mercury drop electrode and
hence do not affect the adsorption of neutral red. 8.476 0.2 0.2 96487 2.2 (CTAB)

a Average value of three determinations.

3.5. Mechanism of the electrochemical reaction

The overall electrode process in adsorption vol-

tammetry can be divided into two steps. 3.6. Distribute ratio of neutral red inside and
Adsorption accumulation of neutral red: outside the micelle
NR=NR(ads) (1) As shown above, neither micelle nor monomer
Reduction of the adsorbed reactant: SDS or CTAB can be adsorbed onto the HMDE
surface, thus neutral red molecules inside the
NR(ads)+neR∞ (2) micelle do not take part in the electrode reaction.
NR, NR∞ are the oxidative and reductive state of This is supported by the observation that, at
neutral red respectively. n is the number of concentrations above and below the CMC, the
electrons required by the reduction of one neutral shape of the reduction peak is unchanged. So only
red molecule. the neutral red outside the micelle can participate
The electronic transfer number of the neutral in the reaction and obey the above reaction mecha-
red was obtained from nism. Thus the distribution ratio of neutral red
inside and outside the micelle is estimated as
Q=mnF (3) follows: N represents the molar number of neutral
where m is the molar number of the electro-active red inside the micelle, Nout represents the molar
substance, n is the electronic transfer number, and number outside the micelle. The ratio is
F is the faraday (96 487 C ). For solution: N /N =(i −i )/i . As the concentration of
in out p max p p
neutral red is fixed, i represents the maximal
Q=cVnF (3∞) p max
peak current at all concentration of surfactants
where c is the concentration of electroactive and i is the peak current at a certain concen-
species, V is the volume of the solution, so tration. At the second CMC of the two surfactants,
the distribution ratio of neutral red is 2.3 for SDS
n=Q/cVF (4) and 4.7 for CTAB. This indicates that the solubility
Prior to adding the neutral red, the potential is of the probe in the CTAB rod-shaped micelle is
set to the desired electrolysis potential; compensa- greater than that in the SDS micelle. The above
tion controls are used to ‘‘zero’’ the integrator, phenomenon may be caused by the fact that the
thus canceling any background current. The neut- second CMC of CTAB is lower than that of SDS.
ral red is then added and the subsequent electroly- This conclusion is similar to that drawn from the
sis performed. When the measured cell current first CMC of surfactants [14].
equals that before the sample was added, the
endpoint can be considered to have been reached.
The results determined by this method are shown Acknowledgment
in Table 2.
The electronic transfer number of the single This work was supported by the Fund of
neutral red molecule obtained by the coulomb Chinese National Natural Science and Open
method is 2 for both systems. So Eq. (2) can be Laboratory of Photographic Chemistry Institute,
written as NR(ads)+2eNR∞. Academia Sinica.
94 C. Ma et al. / Colloids Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 143 (1998) 89–94

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