It Is Okay To Say

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It is okay to say ‘NO’

We are not obliged to say yes but it's very odd to think that it's too hard to say no. So weird but so true.
Just like the article highlighted. The hardest thing to do is to say no. Why? Simply because we are
scrared that they might think that it's too unfair on their side for us to say no. It's hard to say no because
we fear they might reject us or ignore us forever. We have these negative thoughts and we don't know
how to thrive with it. The worst thing is, we forgot to think that we have us, our self. We become selfless
by saying no. I remember Berl, a very kind friend of mine. He's very approachable. Everytime a person
asks for help, he always nods and says "sige tol". Then one time, we got surprised when we visited him,
he's busy sketching something and then we asked "Para san yan pre?, e di ba exam mo?", he replied, "Si
Thresha kasi may project na ipapasa ngayon, hayae na nakapagreview na naman ako kagabi." A week
later, the exam result came out and we're momentarily shocked that he got zero on his sheet. We asked
him again " Di ba sabi mo nagreview ka?" Nope, it's not just a question, it's expressing our worries on
our friend that he always helps someone without even alloting something for himself. See, this is what
selflessness leads us. It came to such a point where we totally forgot to think for our own benefit.

Since we have the need to feel that we need to belong, it is very easy to say yes and agree to as what is
told. But at the end of the day, all boils down into just two things: it's either you are overloaded with a
lot of requests to the point where you become exhausted and forgot yourself or you choose to not
accomplish the requests that they want you to do and end up disappointing the people whom you
sworn. Now here's the thing: We are not forced to comply with requests of people. We have the
freedom to say no especially when have ton of tasks to be accomplished for our self. Learning to say no
doesn't mean you're turning your back against them, it just happened that we have something
important to do, it's called knowing your responsibilities and priorities for yourself.Just tell them politely
that you are saying no because of this, that and those. I'm sure if they really are understanding, they will
not get mad at you otherwise they are selfish if they don't. We don't have supernatural abilities to take
all the requests and accomplish it on time. Sometimes, selfishness is a good thing at times like this.We
have to say no in order to make way for our priorities in life. Truly, saying no is not a bad thing. It's how
life operates, we say no, we respect our self.

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