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2017 Baltic Geodetic Congress

Geometry Design and Structural Analysis of Steel

Single-Layer Geodesic Domes

Robert Szmit
Faculty of Geodesy, Geospatial and Civil Engineering
University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn
Olsztyn, Poland

Abstract—The research paper presents the results of a static the sky and thoroughly dominates the island on which it is
analysis of selected geodesic domes. Geodesic domes are spherical located.
architectonic structures formed by triangular, presenting great
sturdiness while keeping the structure very light. Geodesic Fuller domes built nowadays can span even up to over 200
domes, especially single-layered, due to their small mass metres. There are of course other types of truss domes.
compared to the applied loads must be carefully analysed, not However, for comparison, with the bearing capacity of a
only with respect to statistics, but also subject to modal analysis. geodesic dome amounting to 100 %, the bearing capacity of a
The basis for generating geodesic domes rod can be polyhedra Lamell dome is approximately 75 %, with the bearing capacity
shapely such as octahedron or icosahedron. In the first part of of a spiral-latitudinal dome amounting to 50 %, and the
the paper presented the historical development of geodesic bearing capacity of a Schwedler dome being only 30 % [8].
domes. The last issue showed in the work is the presentation of This suggests that geodesic domes may be the optimal covers
the results and conclusions of the analysis carried out on geodesic for certain buildings.
domes with the base of octahedron and icosahedron, depending
on the density of geodetic division. Domes were loaded with its
own weight and the effect of the wind. II. METHOD OF GENERATING 3-WAYS GEODESIC GRIDS
The basal surface of a geodesic dome is a sphere, and
Keywords—structural engineering; numerical analysis; because most used construction elements are flat, Fuller
algorithm design and analysis; load modeling; geodesic domes. proposed the previously unseen method of splitting a sphere
into flat triangular fields. The starting points for creating the
I. INTRODUCTION grid of a dome are Platonic polyhedra inscribed in a sphere,
being regular convex polyhedra. In practice, two Platonic
The geodesic domes, also known as geodesic spheres, are polyhedra are used most frequently: an octahedron or an
among the most common types of truss domes and belong to icosahedron, with a tetrahedron and dodecahedron being less
the broadly defined group of light constructions. The designers common (Fig. 1).
of domes are committed to the idea of creating an ultra-light
construction with high rigidity of the cover, characterised by
very low wear of steel per unit of the covered surface, making
it possible to cover very wide ranges without using
intermediate supports, which would at the same time be easy
to assemble and possibly disassemble. Geometric optimisation
of geodesic domes results in the factual wear of the steel in
them reaching several kg/m2, which is several to even about a Fig. 1. Some Platonic solids used to construct for geodesic domes.
dozen times lower than in standard steel covers. The world’s
first construction of this type, designed by the German The larger the area of the basal polyhedron, the more
engineer Walther Bauersfeld, was the cover of the planetarium similar it is to the sphere circumscribed about it, and hence the
in Jena, constructed in 1923. Over 20 years later truss domes icosahedron is the best solution [2].
fascinated Richard Buckminster Fuller, who patented and
popularised such constructions and called them “geodesic” In the case of a regular octahedron we have 12 edges, 8
[6,7]. faces (equilateral triangles) and 6 vertices. The length of the
edge is:
Of all of Fuller's domes, the Biosphere is perhaps the most
spectacular. At a diameter of seventy-six meters, the a = 2 R = 1.41521R (1)
expansive sphere reaches an astounding sixty-two meters into

978-1-5090-6040-5/17 $31.00 © 2017 IEEE 205205

DOI 10.1109/BGC.Geomatics.2017.9
where R is the radius of the sphere circumscribed about this generated grid onto the surface of the sphere [5,6]. This
polyhedron. method is presented using the example of a second degree 2V
dome based on a regular octahedron (Fig. 3a) and a third
In the case of a regular icosahedron we have 30 edges, 20 degree 3V dome based on a regular icosahedron (Fig. 3b). In
faces being equilateral triangles and 12 vertices. The length of the first case, each edge is divided into n = 2 equal segments,
the edge is: and in the second case into n = 3. The resulting splitting points
on the edges generate the division of each face of the solid
into n2 equilateral triangles (Fig. 2). Upon projecting these
( )
a = 0.2 R 10 5 − 5 = 1.05146 R . (2) grids of triangles onto a sphere we obtain the corresponding
number of spherical triangles on its surface, most of which are
However, 20 faces is still too few, since it would mean that no longer equilateral triangles. Based on them, a traditional
with greater spans of domes the beams would be really long polyhedron is built, having the corresponding number of
and would have to transmit greater forces. A solution to this is vertices, edges and faces (Fig. 3 c,d).
to divide each wall into a higher number of equilateral
triangles, for example 4, 9, 16, etc., thus creating a
characteristic tridirectional grid. There are three classes of the
geodesic division of a polyhedron’s faces into smaller
triangles (Fig. 2). In the class I system, the truss grid lines
extend parallel to the edges of the triangles of the polyhedra,
connecting the points splitting the given edge into any number
of equal segments. In the class II system, the dividing lines are
parallel to the angle bisectors of the given triangle, or in other
words, perpendicular to the base. There is also a class III
system, functioning as an intermediate one between the
previous division classes. However, in practice it is seldom
used. In the case of the first two classes, the number of
Fig. 3. An example of triangulation and projection nodes on the sphere
segments into which the edge is being split defines the
frequency (degree) of the division (e.g. 2V, 4V etc.) (Fig. 2). When creating a dome grid based on a regular icosahedron
with class I division, the number of elements creating a
geodesic sphere is calculated from the following formulae:
• number of vertices: w = 10 · V2 + 2,
• number of edges: p = 30 · V2,
• number of faces: s = 20 · V2,
on the other hand, when using class II division the
corresponding values will amount to:
• number of vertices: w = 7.5 · V2 + 2,
• number of edges: p = 22.5 · V2,
• number of faces: s = 15 · V2,
where V is the frequency of subdivision.
Fig. 2. Triangulation methods (Class I, II, III) and frequency of subdivision

The advantage of class I triangulation is the fact that the Frequency subdivision (Class I)
degree of division may be either even or odd. Moreover, a 1V 2V 3V 4V 5V 6V
geometry is created in which the edges of the triangles lie in Octa 6 18 38 66 102 146
latitudinal series, leading to a simpler design of the domes. Icosa 12 42 92 162 252 362
Class II triangulation results in lower diversification of the Edges
Octa 12 48 108 192 300 432
beam lengths. However, the differences in length are greater Icosa 30 120 270 480 750 1080
compared to class I with the same frequency of division. Octa 8 32 72 128 200 288
Icosa 20 80 180 320 500 720
It is easily noticeable that after the triangulation of the Chord Octa
1.41- 0.77- 0.46- 0.32- 0.24- 0.20-
faces of a regular polyhedron we still have flat surfaces, which 1.41 1,00 0.67 0.58 0.47 0.39
is why the next stage, bringing the faces of the triangles closer 1.05- 0.55- 0.35- 0.25- 0.20- 0.16-
(šR) Icosa
1.05 0.62 0.41 0.33 0.26 0.22
to a sphere, is the central projection of the vertices of the

Table I presents a list of the number of vertices, beams and It is obvious that the CF coefficients must be determined
faces forming a dome constructed based on an octahedron and for all types of geodesic domes, taking into account the type of
an icosahedron with the degrees of division ranging from 1V the basal regular polyhedron, the method of division, the class
to 6V; in addition to this, the beam length range is presented in of division and the degree of division.
proportion to the dome radius R.
Because the process of modelling the geometry of
It is easiest to generate vertices and perform all geodesic domes in the calculating software by manually
calculations related to the topology of the grid using the inputting the coordinates of the subsequent vertices is tedious,
spherical coordinates in a mathematical system [4, 9], in and with more complex structures indeed ineffective, one may
which the location of any vertex is determined by the use ready-made generators of truss structures or develop one’s
azimuthal length and the zenith distance θ (Fig. 4). own algorithm based on the above-mentioned guidelines.


The analysis involved domes with radiuses of R = 10 m
and R=20 m, in which the grid of vertices was generated based
on a regular octahedron and icosahedron, using the degree of
division ranging from 1V to 8V. The authors’ own algorithm
generated in MathCad software was used to form the grids of
the domes based on an octahedron, while the domes based on
an icosahedron were generated in R3D3-Rama3D software,
which was also used to perform static strength calculations.
Comparative analyses were also conducted using ANSYS
Workbench 14.5R software. During the calculations it was
Fig. 4. Spherical coordinates used to describe the topology structure of the assumed that the beams forming the structure would be made
dome. of round steel pipes of S355 steel, whose cross-sections were
chosen so that the maximum truss tensions for the analysed
The following formulae are used when switching from the domes would be comparable and fall within the range of 88-
spherical coordinates to the Cartesian coordinates x, y, z of 90 %.
point PK:
In the domes with radiuses of R = 10 m the load was
interpreted as the specific weight and the wind affecting the
x = R sin θ cos ϕ , y = R sin θ sin ϕ , z = R cos θ . (3) walls of the domes for two options (Fig. 5): a) option I – the
distribution of the external pressure coefficient cpe,10 according
In order to determine the lengths of the elements forming to the American ASCE 7-05 quality standard [11] and b)
the given dome, it is also convenient to use the so-called beam option II - the distribution of the cpe,10 coefficient derived
length coefficient CF, which is a dimensionless quantity from experimental tests with a Reynolds number of
determined from the following formula: Re = 1.6x106 acc. to [1].

C F = 2 sin (4)

where α is the central angle between the radiuses extending to

the ends of any segment AB, whose ends are placed on the
Using the spherical coordinates defining the beginning and
the end of the given beam, assuming that R = 1, the beam
length coefficient adopts the following form [3]:
Fig. 5. External pressure coefficients cpe,10 according to the ASCE 7-05
Standard [10] and obtained from experimental research [1] for domes in a
CF = 2 − 2 ª¬ cos θ1 cos θ 2 + cos (ϕ1 − ϕ 2 ) sin θ1 sin θ 2 º¼ (5) circular projection [9].

Based on the above-mentioned distributions and

Therefore, the length of any beam forming the dome may superimposing the grids of the analysed domes over them, the
be calculated based on the following formula: average value of the cep,10 coefficient was determined for each
face, and subsequently the value of the surface load affecting
L = CF R . (6)

the individual triangular faces was calculated using the Differences in the length of the struts
standardised formulae [12].

Number of different struts [pcs]

Octaedr Icosaedr
In the domes with radiuses of R = 20 m the load caused by 35

the wind was adopted according to the guidelines of 30

Eurocode 1 [12]. Figure 6 presents the way in which the push 25 23

and suction caused by the wind are distributed according to 20
the authors’ own developed methodology. 15 12 11
4 6
5 2 3
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Geodesic V-frequency subdivision

Fig. 8. Differences in the length of the struts in geodesic domes based on the
octahedron or icosahedron depending on the V-frequency subdivision.

The test would not be complete without taking into

account the maximum stress in the beam depending on the
density of division. The stress values are strictly related to the
Fig. 6. The wind load of the dome, according to the adopted methodology for
number of beams and their lengths. The values decrease along
octahedron (8V). with an increase in the number of beams.
A number of numerical analyses were also conducted in
The static strength calculations involved a whole group of order to investigate the behaviour of the spatial constructions
structures, for which the point of reference was the regular of geodesic domes with radiuses of R = 10 m involving the
octahedron as well as the regular icosahedron. Class I division static strength, and numerous results were obtained, including:
was used when generating the domes, while the degree of
cross-sectional forces, displacements, and normal stresses σ
division ranged from 1V to 8V.
(Figs. 9÷10).
Analysis showed that the total length of all bars depending
on the degree of division of surveying increases linearly
(Fig. 7), does not include here the size of the nodes. The
following chart provides a quick estimate of the weight of the
structure depending on the cross section bars.
Total length of the struts
1600 1472,2
Octaedr Icosaedr
Total length [m]

1200 1110,3
1000 935,5
747,3 821,3
800 707,1
600 477,3
380,3 361,1
242,5 Fig. 9. Example of maximum and minimum normal stresses ı [MPa] in the
200 113,1
struts (for Octa 5V subdivision, R = 10 m).
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Geodesic V-frequency subdivision

Fig. 7. Total length of the struts in geodesic domes based on the octahedron
or icosahedron depending on the V-frequency subdivision.

The calculations showed that with the increase in the value

of the frequency subdivision variation bar length grows. Note
that in the case of domes based on the icosahedron diversity
bar length is about twice as large for the density distribution
than in the case of the octahedron (Fig. 8).

Fig. 10. Example of deformations of the structure of the dome (for Octa 5V
subdivision, R = 10 m).

The next step was the performance of comparative the structure of a fullerene particle C60. Along with the change
analyses for the maximum displacements of the vertices in the main parameters defining the topology of a dome we
within the individual domes in the wind load option for the obtain structures with varying bearing capacities and
distribution of the cpe,10 coefficient according to [11, 12] architectonic qualities, and therefore it seems appropriate to
(option I), and in the wind load option for the distribution of analyse domes with various geometric layouts, and the
cpe,10 according to [1] (option II). Figure 11 presents the course resulting outcomes of the calculations will constitute a basis
of the changes in the maximum displacement values vz for the designer to choose the desired form of cover. Geodesic
determined for 24 domes. domes, especially single-layered, due to their small mass
compared to the applied loads must be carefully analysed, not
Comparision of maximum displacements vz only with respect to statistics, but also subject to modal
30 analysis.
Displacement vz [cm]

25 The conducted analyses have proven that maximum

20 vertical displacements of the vertices in a structure affected by
15 wind load according to the quality standards PN-EN 1991-1-4
10 are slightly lower (up to 10 %) than the wind load according to
5 the distribution resulting from experimental tests. This is
caused by the fact that in spite of an overall higher
1V 2V 3V 4V 5V 6V standardised wind load affecting the spherical surface of a
Degree of division of the geodesic dome dome, a considerably larger area is subject to suction, which
relieves the construction. These small differences in the
Octa - option I Octa - option II obtained results suggest that adopting a standardised wind
Icosa - option I Icosa - option II load is definitely safe in most cases. However, for widely
spanning structures and for those of considerable significance
Fig. 11. Comparison of the maximum vertical displacements vz for two wind
load options.
it is recommended to conduct experimental tests in a wind
tunnel, since the distributions of the external pressure
From the charts it can be observed that along with an coefficient with different values of the Reynolds number can
increase in the rigidity of the structure the displacements much more considerably deviate from the distribution
decrease with an increasing division of the grid, while the indicated in Eurocode 1 [12] or the American standard [11].
differences in displacements between the wind load according
to the standardised distribution (option I) and the wind load References
according to an experimental distribution (option II) are not
major and generally does not exceed 10 %. One interesting [1] C.M. Cheng, C.L. Fu, and Y.Y. Lin, “Characteristic of wind load on
a hemispherical dome in smooth flow and tubulent boundary layer
conclusion is that the standardised wind load with flow,” BBAA VI International Colloquium on: Bluff Bodies
predominant “suction” combined with the specific weight Aerodynamics & Applications, Milano 2008.
result in smaller maximum displacements vz than when [2] T. Davies, “Geodesic domes,” [Last access: 17.01.2016], 2007.
subjecting the same dome to wind load according to the
experimental distribution. The increases in the rigidity of the [3] H. Kenner, “Geodesic Math and How to Use It,” University of
structures of the analysed domes observed on the charts with California Press, Berkeley, California 1976.
an odd degree of division, and therefore relatively smaller [4] M. Kubik, “Structural Analysis of Geodesic Domes,” Durham
displacements, are caused by the fact that 5/8 of domes were University School of Engineering, Final Year Project, Durham 2009.
chosen for the analyses instead of 1/2. This results from the [5] T.T. Lan, “Space Frame Structures” (Chapter 24). In W.F. Chen, E.M.
fact that with an odd degree of division the beams do not align Lui: Handbook of Structural Engineering (Second Edition), CRC Press
along the circle of latitude.
[6] M. Lewis, “Architecture. Elements of architectural style,” Arkady,
Warsaw 2010.
IV. CONCLUSIONS [7] R. Motro, “Review of the development of geodesic domes. Analysis,
Design and Construction of Braced Domes,” pp. 387–412, 1984.
Nowadays, one of the most important tasks faced when
[8] G.S. Ramaswamy, M. Eekhout, and G.R. Suresh, “Analysis, design and
designing widely spanning covers is the use of the lowest construction of steel space frames,” Thomas Telford Publishing, London
possible amount of material, which would make the 2002.
construction as light as possible, at the same time providing [9] R. Szmit, „About designing and static analysis of geodesic domes,”
high bearing capacity as well as the ease of assembly and InĪynieria i budownictwo, No. 6/2016, pp. 310-312, (in Polish).
disassembly of the individual elements. The paper describes [10] T. Tarnai, “Spherical Grid Structures: Geometric Essays on Geodesic
the creation of a dome grid based on triangular tessellation. Domes,” Hungarian Institute for Building Science, 1987.
However, there are also other types of grids for geodesic [11] ASCE 7-05: Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other
domes. Among the most common ones is the Bucky grid, Structures.
consisting of pentagons and hexagons spread over the sphere, [12] PN-EN 1991-1-4:2008 Eurocode 1: Actions on structures. Part 1-4:
in the simplest form generating a cut icosahedron, identical to general actions - Wind actions, (in Polish).


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