Nghe - Noi 2 - Giua Ky

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I. C6, p. 114-115
1. Listening for main ideas (part 1). Listen to the first part of the conversation. Choose the best answer to each question.
1. What’s wrong with Ali?
a. he didn’t get enough sleep last night.
b. he went to a party last night and missed a big test today.
c. both a and b
2. Who is worried about Ali and why?
a. Beth is worried because Ali went to a party and didn’t study last night.
b. Alicia is worried because Ali only got four hours of sleep last night.
c. Beth and Alicia are worried because Ali is not sleeping enough.
3. What does Alicia say about remembering what you study?
a. It’s important to sleep after you study.
b. You should study in the morning.
c. You should study late at night, after a party.
2. Listening for main ideas (part 2). Now listen to the whole conversation. Choose the best answer to each question.
1. You may forget how much (what percent) of what you studied if you don’t get enough sleep after you study?
a. 30 percent
b. 13 percent
c. 70 percent
2. People who are sleep deprived --------------------
a. don’t get enough sleep
b. forget a lot
c. both a and b
3. Beth says that eating foods like fish can help you -------------------
a. get enough sleep
b. forget almost one-third of what you study
c. study and stay alert
3. Listening for specific information. Listen again. Choose the best answer to each question.
1. Where did Alicia learn about sleep deprivation?
a. she read a research study
b. a professor lectured about it
c. Beth told her about it.
2. If you want to remember what you study, what should you do?

a. get enough sleep
b. eat more food
c. both a and b
3. Why do some foods help you study?
a. They have chemicals that help you stay healthy
b. they have chemicals that help you stay alert
c. they have chemicals that make you sleep deprived
II. C7, p. 136, 137
1. Listening for main ideas. Listen to the first part of the conversation. Choose the best answer to each question.
1. What are Alicia and Ali doing?
a. They’re looking for summer jobs.
b. They’re looking for the Placement Center.
c. They’re looking for jobs in Maryland.
2. What kind of jobs are Ali and Alicia looking for?
a. jobs in their majors
b. jobs that they have experience in
c. both a and b
3. What did Ali and Alicia do last summer?
a. They worked full-time
b. They worked part-time
c. They were full-time students
2. Listening for specific information (part 1). Now listen to the whole conversation. Choose the best answer to each
1. What kind of job does Ali want?
a. Part – time work in a lab
b. A job in public health
c. A job writing for a newspaper
2. What did Alicia do last summer?
a. she worked part-time for a newspaper in Mexico city.
b. she wrote international stories for Excelvior
c. she traveled around Mexico
3. How did Alicia find her job last summer?
a. she looked on the internet
b. she went to Mexico city
c. she looked at the job announcement bulletin board

3. Listening for specific information (part 2). Listen again. Choose the best answer to each question.
1. Why did Ali come with Alicia to the Placement Center?
a. He wants to work for the same kind of company as Alicia
b. He needs to look for a job on the internet
c. He enjoys Alicia’s company, and he also needs to find a summer job
2. Someday in the future, what does Alicia want to do?
a. She wants to write international news stories
b. She wants to write local news stories about Mexico city for Excelsior
c. She wants to help people around the world
3. What does Alicia think Ali should do?
a. She suggests searching on the Internet
b. She thinks he should look in Mexico city
c. She tells him to come back to the job placement board
III. C8, p. 155, 156
1. Listening for main ideas. Listen to the first part of the conversation. Choose the best answer to each question.
1. What are Dan, Meryl and Pat doing?
a. they are waiting in line at a restaurant
b. they are eating at a food court
c. they are deciding what to eat
2. Where is Dan going to eat?
a. at a fast-food restaurant
b. at a picnic because he likes cheeseburgers
c. at a vegetarian restaurant
3. What do Pat and Meryl think?
a. Dan eats too many cheeseburgers
b. Cheeseburgers are good for you
c. At a vegetarian restaurant
2. Listening for specific information (part 1). Now listen to the whole conversation. Choose the best answer to each
1. Who is not going to order a cheeseburger and why?
a. Pat is not going to order a cheeseburger because she’s a vegetarian
b. Meryl is not going to order a cheeseburger because she’s on a diet.
c. Both a and b
2. Who is going to have a salad?
a. Meryl only

b. Dan only
c. Both Meryl and Dan
3. What is bad about cola and other sodas?
a. they have a lot of sugar
b. they are bad for your teeth
c. both a and b
3. Listening for specific information (part 2). Listen again. Choose the best answer to each question.
1. At the beginning of the conversation. Pat can’t decide what to have. Why not?
a. she’s a vegetarian, and there are no vegetarian choices
b. she’s on a diet, and there are no places to order a salad
c. there are so many choices at the food court
2. Why are Pat and Meryl worried about Dan?
a. he eats a lot of fast food
b. he’s fat
c. he drinks a lot of soda
3. Who orders a diet soda and why?
a. pat does because she’s a vegetarian
b. Meryl does because there’s no sugar in it.
c. Dan does because he’s worried aobut his teeth
IV. C9, p. 185
1. Listen for specific information (p. 185)
Listen to the conversation and fill in the chart below. Where do Ali, Beth and Ming want to go? What reasons do they
Person Place they want to go Reasons they give
Ali Go on a bike ride The beach is too cold,
Beth Go for a walk in the mountain It is free, need more exercise
Ming Have dinner at a Chinese restaurant Mexican food is too spicy

2.Using context clues (p. 189)

You will hear five conversations. Listen to each conversation and choose the best answer. Continue to listen to check
each answer.

1. What did Beth, Dan and Ali finish doing?

a. Changing a flat tire
b. Putting everything in the car
c. Taking everything out of the car
2. What are Beth, Dan and Ali going to do?
a. Eat a picnic lunch in the desert
b. Look at a map
c. Find a restaurant
3. Why is Dan going to turn on the radio?
a. To listen to some music
b. To hear a weather report
c. To find something to listen to
4. What is the weather probably going to be like tonight?
a. Rainy and hot
b. Cloudy and cool
c. Rainy and cold
5. Why is Dan sorry?
a. He didn’t listen to the weather report
b. He didn’t want to go camping in the rain
c. He didn’t see a stop sign

3.Listen for specific information. Listen and choose the best answer to each question. (193)

1. What kind of ticket does Alicia want to buy?

a. first class


c. business class

2. When does Alicia’s flight leave?

a. on Saturday afternoon

b. on Sunday evening

c. on Sunday morning

3. Why doesn’t Alicia want the nonstop, direct flight?

a. she wants to visit Atlanta.

b. it’s much more expensive

c. it takes longer

4. Why is Alicia’s ticket nonrefundable?

a. it’s a special low fare

b. it is nonstop

c. she’s going economy

V. c10, p. 202 – 203

1. Listening for main ideas

Listen to the first part of the conversation. Choose the best answer to each question.

1. What is Alicia doing?

a. She’s studying about Earth day.
b. She’s making a sign for Earth day.
c. She’s thinking about pollution.
2. On Earth day, what do people think about?
a. The first Earth day in 1970
b. Problems with the environment
c. Clean air and water
3. When is Earth day?
a. In 1970
b. The last Monday in April
c. April 22nd

2.Listening for specific information (part 1)

Now listen to the whole conversation. Choose the best answer to each question.

1. What do people talk and learn about on Earth Day?

a. Washington, D.C.
b. The Earth and the environment
c. Riding their bicycles
2. When did the Earth day start?
a. Last year
b. Last April 22nd
c. More than 30 years ago

3. What kinds of things do people think about on Earth Day?
a. Air and pollution
b. Clean energy
c. Both a and b
4. What are Alicia and Lee going to do on Earth day?
a. Give a speech and carry signs
b. Go to Washington, D. C
c. Plant some trees

3.Listening for specific information (part 2)

Listen again. Choose the best answer to each question.

1. What Earth Day activity happened one year?

a. One thousand people came to Washington, D. C. to support pollution.
b. People in 150 towns in Italy didn’t use their cars.
c. Students at Faber college planted trees around the student union.
2. What’s going on at Faber college next Monday?
a. There will be exhibits at the student union.
b. Alicia will give a speech about pollution.
c. Both a and b
3. What does Lee say he wants to do on Earth Day?
a. Give a speech
b. Carry a sign
c. Plant trees

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