I. Objective: - The Pressure Resulting From This P

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Topic: Fluid Mechanics Week 6

Learning Sheet 1
At the end of the lesson, the learners CAN……
Apply Pascal’s principle in analyzing fluids in various systems
1.1. Summary of the Essential concept
Pascal’s Principle
Pascal discovered that any change in pressure in an enclosed fluid at
rest is transmitted completely to all parts of the fluid. This statement is
known as Pascal`s principle, with this principle, Pascal invented the
hydraulic press, which is used in operating tables, dental chairs, car jack,
and automotive repair stations to raise cars.
Consider the hydraulic press shown in figure 9-9. Suppose F 1 is
applied to a position having an area A1 . The pressure resulting from this
force is transmitted without change throughout the confined fluid and
acts on the bottom of the large piston. Letting P1∧P2 be the pressure
acting at the small piston and big piston, respectively, the following
relationship can be shown.

F1 F 2
A1 A2
F 2=F1 2

Since A2 is greater than A1, F 2 is greater than F 1. Thus, a hydraulic press is said to be a force multiplying
machine. A small force applied on the piston can produce a great force that can be exerted by the big piston.

A hydraulic press the pressure of area 0.006 m2 and 0.350 m2, respectively. A force of 25 N is applied to
the smaller piston. (a) What is the lifting force on the bigger piston? (b) Find the pressure exerted on the
smaller piston and on the big piston.

a. Let P1∧P2 represent the pressure acting on the smaller and the bigger pistons, respectively. Let
A1∧ A 2 be the areas of the smaller and bigger pistons, respectively. Solve for F 2 and substituting
F 2=F1
0.350 m2
F 2=(25 N )( )
0.006 m2
F 2=1 458 N ≈ 1 000 N

P 1=
25 N
P 1=
0.006 m 2
P1 = 4 167 N ≈ 4000 N

According to Pascal`s principle, P2=P1=¿ 4 167 N = 4 000 N

1.2. Testing of Knowledge
Instructions: Solve the following problems and show your complete solutions.
The plunger and the needle of a hydraulic syringe have areas of 0.5 m 2 and 0.00006 cm 2 ,
respectively. To inject a vaccine, a nurse pushes the plunger with a force of 5.5 N. what
pressure is transmitted to the vaccine?

1.3. Knowledge Scanning

Explain the hydrostatic paradox.

1.4. Integration of Learning

1. Three things you learned from this topic

2. Two things that are confusing

3. One thing you like the most


Instructions: Solve the following problems and show your complete solutions.
1. If the area of  A1 = 0.004 m 2 and the area of  A2  = 0.3 m 2, external input force F 1  = 100 N, then the
external output force F 2 ?

2. The hydraulic lift has a large cross section and a small cross section. Large cross-sectional area is 25
times the small cross-sectional area. If on the small cross section is given an input force of 30 N, then
determine the output force.

3. Two pistons of a hydraulic lift have diameters of 60 cm and 5 cm. What is the force exerted by the
larger piston when 50 N is placed on the smaller piston?
Sometimes, you feel pressured about lots of things that are going on in your life at the moment.
What kinds of pressure do you experience in your life? How do you deal with them?

Arevalo, R.L (2017). General Physics 1. Makati City: Diwa Senior High School Series
Prepared By: Jerry G. Tubongbanua

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