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Put the words in the coorrect order to make sentences.

7 1.last/Peter and Josh/to/weekend/did/italy/travel?

Answer:Did Peter and Josh travel to Italy last weekend?


Answer:We did not water the flowers yesterday

Answer:I visited my grandpa two days ago

4.their/Fiona and Martha/tidy/not/bedroom/did

Answer:Fiona and Martha did not tidy their bedroom

b)Read the text in Ex.1 again and answer the question

2 1.Did Ringo Starr form the Quarrymen?

Answer:No,he didn’t

2.Did George Harison join the band in 1958?

Answer:Yes,he did

3.Did the Beatles record their first album in 1960?

Answer:No,they didn’t

4.Did people love them?

Answer:Yes,they did

6.Did they break up in 1980?

Answer:No,they didn’t

Circle the correct item.

1. “ is this… bikes ? “
“ no, it isn’t my bike. It’s ben’s.”
Answer : b. your.
2. “ …. Are they carrying an umbrella?”
“because it’s raining.”
Answer : b. why.
3. … you and lisa at the cinema last night?
Answer : a. were.
4. There aren’t .. carrots in the fridge.
Answer : c. any.
5. .. they have dinner at 8 o’clock?
Answer : c. do.
6. My dad goes fishing.. Sundays.
Answer : a. on.
7. … got a son?
Answer : b. has jim.
8. What.. aunt Brenda cooking?
Answer : c. is.
9. .. is a mouse in the kitchen!
Answer : b. there.
10. Tigers have got big …
Answer : a. teeth.
11. … you water the plants last night?
Answer : b. did.
12. “can Philip ride a bike?”
“ no, he.. ,”
Answer : b. can’t.
13. I love Shakira.. is my favorite singer.
Answer : a. she.
14. “did you brother tidy his room?”
“yes, he … “
Answer : c. did.
15. … are my nephews, teddy and scott.
Answer : c. these.
16. “was elvis Presley a famous singer?”
“yes, he….,”
Answer : a. was.
17. Marilyn Monroe…. In many films.
Answer : a. stared.
18. Have you got … new CDs?
Answer : b. any
19. Kevin … to Italy every summer.
Answer : c. Traveis.
20. … you like rock music?
Answer : a. Do

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