Form 1 English PPT-20

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Part 1
Questions 1 – 8
Read the text given for each question carefully. Choose the best answer A, B or C and mark
your answers in the answer sheet.

Dear Friends,
Here are the details for tomorrow’s picnic. Please gather at the
school canteen. The bus will leave at 8.00 a.m. Bring your own snacks.


1. Haslinda wrote the message to

A. remind her friends to bring snacks for her.
B. inform her friends that they are travelling by bus.
C. provide details about the picnic they have planned.

Design Homes Lorry For Rent

Interior designer at your service. Moving out? Any heavy loads to move
Call Damien at 03-67967567. Call Bala at 03- 77760989

Termite Exterminators

Call C.K. Lim at 03-627669081 to get rid of

termites and other pests from your home

2. If you want to shift to a new place and you need to move your furniture, you should
A. Bala
B. C.K.Lim
C. Damien


A valid passport (and visa wherever applicable) is

required from all people when entering Malaysia.
3. From the notice, the word people refers to
A. Malaysians who live overseas
B. foreigners
C. visitors who come to Malaysia for the first time

Made of fresh strawberries from Cameron

Highlands. No preservatives added!
Manufacturing Date: 31st January 2020
Stays fresh after opening up to three to six months.
Refrigerate after opening.

4. From the description of the strawberry jam, we know that

A. we can buy this jam at Cameron Highlands.
B. the jam can still be eaten after three months if kept in a refrigerator.
C. only sugar is added into this jam.

Please wait for me at Texas Chicken when you are
done with your group project. I will be there at around
6.30pm. We can have our dinner there as mom and dad
are going to attend their friend’s party.

5. Larry and Lucas will have their dinner at Texas Chicken because
A. their parents are going to a party.
B. Lucas is doing his group project there.
C. it is dinner time.

Rock Plumbing and Roof Leaking

H/P: 016-3987663 TEL: 03-59987700
Operation hours: 8.30 am – 9.30 pm (every day except Monday)
Reasonable charges with good quality service.

6. Rock Plumbing and Roof Leaking

A. works on Monday 8.30am until 9.30pm only.
B. will give good services and the price will be high.
C. can fix a clogged toilet problem in our house


7. The sign says
A. car will be removed if the owner does not park in an assigned space
B. car owner will be fined if he or she does not park in an assigned space
C. car will be locked up until the car owner pays the fine.
launched by
Nerdy Reader Bookstore©
Kids who live in rural areas will get a chance to enjoy
different varieties of books. Recently, we have more than
5,000 books in the bookmobile and WE NEED MORE!
You can help us by:
 Donating books(for the children)
 Donating money(for more libraries)
 Becoming volunteers(for the experience!)
Log on to to know more!
Small contributions build a big impact

8. From the poster above, we know that

A. Nerdy Reader Bookstore is looking for people to help out.
B. children who live in cities can enjoy the bookmobile service.
C. Nerdy Reader Bookstore will collect books at donors’ doorstep.

Answers: 1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8

Part 2
Questions 9 to 16
Read the story below and correct the underlined errors. Write the correct word in the space
provided on your answer sheet.
The Travelling Frogs

Once, there were five frogs having (0) a adventure in the forest and two of
them (9) fall into a pit accidentally. They felt hopeless and as the pit was too deep and
for it was impossible for them to escape. However, both the (10) frog did not give up
and kept jumping to get out even though they had (11) failing many times. The other
frogs on the safe side yelled and advised them to stop trying after seeing them
exhausted. Subsequently, one of the frogs decided to listen to what the other frogs
were (12) say and died. The other frog meanwhile, insisted on trying and finally
managed to reach the top. “Did you not hear us?” The other frogs asked (13) he. He
explained that he was deaf and thought the other frogs were encouraging him the
whole time. In short, words(14) has the power to either build people up or break
people down(15) because choose your words carefully whenever you speak. Always
remember to instil belief and hope within ourselves. Try hard to (16) achieved success
in life despite what life offers you.
Answers: Example: 0 an

Malay Food Culture

In Malay cooking, meats like beef, chicken, mutton and fish play a big role.
Because of the religion of Islam, the forbidden meats in the religion, such as pork and
dog, are totally absent in the food culture.
In Malay food culture, the most popular traditional dish is nasi lemak which
9 has rice as the main ingredient.
10 As we can understand
11 from name, it is12
presented as
1 oily or fatty rice. The 14
rice is cooked in coconut 15milk. It is usually cooked
16 together
3 with pandan leaves to enrich the taste. The dish is served with sambal, anchovies,
cucumber and some other side dishes according to the religion of Malaysia.
Traditional nasi lemak consists of peanuts and boiled eggs.
In addition, rendang is another popular
Part 3 traditional dish in Malay food culture.
The main ingredient
Questions 17 to 24 of the dish is chicken or beef. This popular dish has become a
Read meat
the text dish and
below to accompany
complete the ourtable
nasi given.
lemak You
meals or warm,
should steamedmore
not choose rice,than
of the day. This curried and stewed meat is
words and/or a number from the text for each answer. said to have originated from Padang, West
Traditionally, rendang is made with beef and cooked with coconut milk,
galangal, lemongrass, kaffir lime leaves and other spices like tamarind or turmeric
leaf. The dish is braised for hours until almost all the liquid is gone, allowing the meat
to absorb the spicy condiments. The longer the cooking process, the better the dish
will taste as the meat not only absorbs the spices but becomes tender as well. The
locals believe that rendang tastes best on the second or third day after it is cooked.
Rendang is often served with rice, ketupat and lemang.

Meats absent in Malay food culture

17. …………………………………………
Popular traditional dishes in Malay food
culture 18. …………………………………………

19. …………………………………………
Rice in nasi lemak is cooked with
20. …………………………………………

21. …………………………………………
The birthplace of rendang
22. ………………………………………….

The benefits on meat in rendang after a long
cooking process 23. …………………………………………

24. …………………………………………

Part 4
Questions 25 to 34.
Read the text below and answer the questions. Choose no more than three words/or a
number from the text for each answer.

Oxford University

Oxford is only a small university town in the United Kingdom with a population of
about 200,000. It has never been the capital of Britain, yet it still gets more than 10 million
visitors a year and is often cited as travellers’ favourite city in the country.
The most obvious reason for Oxford’s fame is the prestigious Oxford University. It’s
one of the oldest universities in the world, the alma mater of 28 Nobel Prize winners, and is
often cited as the best university on the planet.
However, the reason for the fame of the university is not only because of its high
teaching standard and enviable reputation. In fact, it is well-known partly due to its corrupt
practices in history. There was an influx of students at the university in 1167 after Henry II
of England forbade English students from attending the University of Paris. Oxford
University thrived as the only one higher learning institution in United Kingdom until
protests broke out, forcing scholars to leave and found Cambridge University. After the
establishment of Cambridge University, no other universities were founded in England until
Why was it so?
Oxford University and Cambridge University used their political power to block the
foundation of other universities. The two universities and the royalty members believed that
other universities would encourage dissenting ideas and create warfare in England. Oxford
University and Cambridge University in the past are definitely not the freethinking
institutions they are now.
In addition, Oxford University is also famous for being the language regulator of the
English language. The university decides when and how to use words in the English
language by publishing Oxford English Dictionary (OED).
The project of creating OED began in 1857. The process of compiling and editing
was so interminable that it took the lexicographers four years from the word ‘a’ to the word
‘ant’. But in the end, the dictionary is a huge success. It has been published by the Oxford
University Press for over 100 years and it is one of the main reasons why the name ‘Oxford’
has been well-regarded globally.
Actually, OED was not the first dictionary in the United Kingdom. Samuel Johnson
is accredited with making the first dictionary. Unlike the OED, there are a few vague but
humorous definitions in the dictionary published by Samuel Johnson. For example, the word
‘dull’ was defined as ‘Not exhilarating; not delightful; as, to make dictionaries is dull work.”
Besides, the word ‘oat’ was defined as ‘a grain, which in England is generally given to
horses, but people in Scotland eat it as a staple.” Although these definitions are amusing,
they are not fit for learning purposes. So, we should thank Oxford University for creating
objective definitions for words of the English language.

25. The number of inhabitants in Oxford is about ___________________________________

26. A total of 28 Nobel Prize winners studied at ____________________________________


27. Before the ban of Henry II of England, English students went to study a the ___________


28. Scholars were forced to leave and later found Cambridge University after ____________

______________________________ at Oxford.

29. After the establishment of Oxford University and Cambridge University, no other
universities were founded in England until 1832 in order to prevent dissenting
____________ __________________________________________

30. Oxford University regulates the English language with ___________________________


31. The first dictionary in the United Kingdom is created by __________________________


32. The word definitions in the dictionary created by Samuel Johnson are________________


Question 33 and 34
Complete the table below with a word from the text.

Meaning Word
33. admired and respected by many people

34. dictionary writers

Part 5
Questions 35 – 40
You are going to read a newspaper article about social media. Six sentences have been
removed from the article. Choose the sentences (A-H) to fit each gap. There are two extra
sentences which you do not need to use. For each question, mark the correct answer (A-H) on
your answer sheet.

Social Media: Part and Parcel of Everyone’s Life
Social media are web-based communication tools that enable people to interact with
each other by both sharing and getting information. 35 Some of the prominent
examples of social media include Facebook, Twitter, . Google+, Instagram,
Whatsapp, YouTube and so on.
36 The power of social media is the ability to connect and share information
. with everyone. It provides everyone the freedom to upload a wide range of
content and talk to whom they want.
The use of social media has helped students learn through the various online learning
platforms available. It can also help to enhance students’ academic performance and increase
their knowledge through access to data and other information. Furthermore, the internet
provides access to information from people around the world. 37
38 A lot of people turn to it when they catch a break at work
. or just want to relax at home. It is often satisfying to see comments and likes
showing up on one’s own posts, and it’s convenient to be able to see exactly what friends are
up to.
Moreover, it provides great opportunities for business owners. Social media can be a
good way of attracting new customers and developing your business. 39
Social media is like an open field which everyone and . anyone
can access. Life has become more convenient because social media is a very useful tool of
the 21st century.
40 If everyone uses social media wisely and responsibly, social media has the
. potential to improve lives, but like any other tool, if it is misused, the
consequences will be detrimental.

A This has made the students’ learning process a global one.

B Social media open doors to different career opportunities.
C It is a channel designed to allow people to share content quickly, efficiently and in
D Firstly, social media allows everyone to share their ideas and thoughts freely.
E It is used to build relationships among people.
F However, everyone has to be aware of how to use social media responsibly.
G Social media is also seen as a getaway from the stress and routines of our daily lives.
H If used wisely, social media can be a powerful business tool.


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