Ringkasan Florence N

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Nama: Khusnul Khotimah

NIM: 201701011

Kelas: 3-A

Prodi: S1 Keperawatan

1. Historical summary of Florence Nightingale

Florence Nightingal is a public health pioneer and founder of modern nursing. Because
Florence Nightingale nursing is one of the most regulated and respected professions in the
world. Named after the city of his birth, Florence, Italy, Florence Nightingale was born on May
12, 1820 in an upper-class English family. As a woman in her day and class, she was expected to
be married. But Florence Nightingale has very different plans. Even though breastfeeding is
not a respected profession, Nightingale feels strongly called to be a nurse. At the age of 24
Nightingale opposed her parents' hopes of marrying a suitable partner and left England to study
at the Kaiserswerth Hospital in Dusseldorf, Germany. When he returned from Germany he took
a job as a nurse in a hospital in London and he was finally promoted, after only one year, to
become the head nurse. And he improved his health. During the Crimean War, the British press
publicized the terrible conditions of wounded soldiers in Turkey. The army turned to Florence
Nightingale for help. Sidney Herbert, Secretary of War, reaches directly to Nightingale. When
Nightingale and her group of nurses arrived at Scutari, a hospital in Crimea, they were shocked
by what they found. Field hospitals are positioned in sewage pools of dirty water, patients lying
in their feces. More soldiers die from infections than injuries on the battlefield. Many of the
reforms instituted by Florence Nightingale are quite revolutionary. Nightingale insisted that
there was fresh air and water for all soldiers, that restoring soldiers received healthy food to
eat to help make them better, and that all bandages and sheets and bags had been washed
adequately every day. By the time he finished, Florence Nightingale had succeeded in reducing
the death rate at this military hospital by 2/3. Known as the Crimean angel, Nightingale
returned to England and received a hero's welcome, a medal from Queen Victoria, and a $
250,000 prize. He devoted the rest of his life to influencing changes in medical care. In 1860,
Florence Nightingale was founded at the St. Thomas in London, Nightingale Training School for
Nurses. He was a pioneer in the use of sophisticated statistical methods at the time to design
hospitals and medical systems to maximize public health in general. This really helped him
convey his message to lawmakers and government agencies who would make important
decisions about hospitals and health services. A few years later, Nightingale was officially
respected by Germany, France, Norway and many prestigious British communities. She died at
her home in London on Saturday 13 August 1910. To this day, Florence Nightingale is widely
recognized and respected as a pioneer of modern nursing.

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