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Assessment Task 3 BSBLDR511 Develop and use emotional intelligence

Assessment Task 3
Coach others towards improved emotional

Learner instructions
This task is in 4 parts.
● Part A: Plan a 30-minute team workshop to develop the emotional intelligence 1 of your
team members.
● Part B: Conduct the team workshop.

● Part C: Monitor your team’s development on 3 separate occasions over a 2-week

● Part D: Complete a self-reflection 2 questionnaire about your own performance, using
both your own reflections and feedback from your team.
You will be observed by your assessor and must demonstrate the required skills and
knowledge in developing your own emotional intelligence and the emotional intelligence of

Assessment conditions
The assessment must be conducted in a safe environment where evidence gathered
demonstrates consistent performance of typical activities experienced in the management and
leadership field of work and include access to:
● relevant workplace documentation and resources

● case studies or, where possible, real situations

● interaction with others.

Required resources
For this assessment, learners will need access to:
● a computer with access to the internet and a printer

● workplace team members to complete a 30-minute coaching session

Emotional intelligence (EI), emotional leadership (EL), emotional quotient (EQ) and emotional
intelligence quotient (EIQ), is the capability of individuals to recognize their own emotions and those of
others, discern between different feelings and label them appropriately, use emotional information to
guide thinking and behaviour, and manage and/or adjust emotions to adapt to environments or achieve
one's goal(s)

Self reflection - serious thought about one's character and actions.

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Assessment Task 3 BSBLDR511 Develop and use emotional intelligence

● appendices to this task:

○ Appendix 3.1: Training planner

○ Appendix 3.2: Learner workshop record
○ Appendix 3.3: Evaluation form – Participant
○ Appendix 3.4: Monitoring worksheet
○ Appendix 3.5: Self-reflection form.

Part A: Plan a team development workshop
1. Develop a plan for a team workshop. The goal of this workshop is to promote the
development of emotional intelligence within the team, and encourage them to use
emotional intelligence to:
a. Enhance (improve) team performance to achieve organisational objectives
(aims) and goals
b. understand the effect of behaviour and emotions on others in the workplace and
develop a greater degree of self- management
c. create a positive, inclusive (involve all) emotional climate 3 in the workplace.
Note: If you do not have a suitable workplace that you can use to undertake this task,
discuss an alternative with your assessor – they may be able to provide you with a
simulated workplace or scenario.
2. Complete the training planner template located in Appendix 3.1.
a. Review and incorporate all applicable workplace documentation, including:
i. workplace targets
ii. individual development plans
iii. relevant organisational policies and procedures
b. When planning your workshop, allow sufficient time for your team members to
ask questions, discuss thoughts and practise using new skills.
3. Research the topics that you wish to cover during the workshop. Topics could include:
a. identifying the impact of your behaviour on others
b. self-management of emotions
c. using emotional intelligence to maximise team outcomes
d. identifying different cultural expressions 4 of emotions.

Emotional climate - is a concept that quantifies the “climate” of a community, being a small group, a
classroom, an organization, a geographical region.

Cultural expressions - Those expressions that result from the creativity of individuals, groups and
societies, and that have cultural content.
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Assessment Task 3 BSBLDR511 Develop and use emotional intelligence

4. Submit your plan to your assessor for review prior to conducting the workshop.
5. Before the workshop:
a. Draft and distribute a communication about the workshop to your team. This will
provide them with an overview of what to expect and help manage any emotions
your team members might be feeling about participating in the workshop. Retain
a copy of your communication to submit as part of your assessment. Include in
your communication:
i. why the workshop is being conducted
ii. who will deliver the workshop
iii. what participants must complete before the workshop
iv. what participants will learn
v. what the intended outcomes are
vi. how it will help participants improve their workplace relationships and
b. Ask participants to identify and make notes on what they feel are their emotional
intelligence strengths, weaknesses and areas for opportunity and bring their
responses to the workshop.
c. Ask participants to complete the online GEIT test located at:
Emotional Intelligence Test, Global Leadership Foundation,
6. Think about how you will behave in the workshop. During the workshop, you will be
observed by the assessor, so think carefully about the following.
a. Maintain awareness of your own behaviours throughout the workshop. This will
help you to build trust with your team members and foster (grow) positive
working relationships.
b. Model emotionally intelligent behaviours by demonstrating emotional
management and keeping control of your emotions.
c. Consider how your behaviours might impact on your team during the workshop
and be prepared to be flexible enough to modify your behaviours to achieve the
best outcomes.

Part B: Conduct workshop

7. Arrange a time and place with your team members and assessor to conduct the
workshop. During this workshop, your assessor will observe you and record your
performance using an observation checklist. Read the observation checklist attached to
this task before the assessment to ensure you understand what is expected.
8. Conduct the workshop with your team, making sure you fulfill the evidence
requirements below.
a. Commence by being mindful of verbal and non-verbal cues. Introduce the
session positively by establishing why the workshop is occurring. Ask your team
for input and their thoughts on what they hope to take away from it.

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Assessment Task 3 BSBLDR511 Develop and use emotional intelligence

b. Advise your team members you will be making notes throughout the workshop to
help you further develop the workshop outcomes. Use the Learner Workshop
Record located in Appendix 3.2 to capture this.
c. Provide a brief overview of the principles (values) of emotional intelligence and
strategies (plans) including self-control (willpower) and self-management 5. Link
the theory to your goal for the workshop:
The goal of this workshop is to promote the development of emotional
intelligence within the team, and encourage them to use emotional intelligence
i. enhance team performance to achieve organisational objectives and goals
ii. understand the effect of behaviour and emotions on others in the
workplace and develop a greater degree of self- management
iii. create a positive, inclusive emotional climate in the workplace.
d. Work with the group to establish guidelines for the workshop. For example, it is
a confidential environment and what is discussed in the workshop stays in the
e. Ask team members to describe:
i. the team’s recent performance, and obstacles (hurdles) to their
ii. how their recent performance is making them feel, along with their level of
job satisfaction
iii. the effects their current emotions and behaviours could be having on the
team outcomes (results).
Take notes of responses using the learner workshop record located in
Appendix 3.5.
f. Demonstrate (show) listening and questioning skills to clarify (make clear)
understanding of your team’s thoughts and feelings.
g. Initiate (start) a discussion with the team on their strengths, weaknesses and areas
for development. Include their findings from the GEIT test if it was completed.
i. encourage the team to be open, and help them explore common areas; this
will encourage a more positive, inclusive climate
ii. note that some team members may not wish to discuss their results with
the whole team; responses to this discussion might require you to modify
your approach based on observed emotional cues (signals, prompts)
iii. reinforce (strengthen) how participants can use their strengths both
individually and as a team to achieve objectives
iv. discuss ways participants can work on their identified development
opportunities. These might include, for example: creating a more positive

Self management - management of or by oneself; the taking of responsibility for one's own behaviour
and well-being.
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Assessment Task 3 BSBLDR511 Develop and use emotional intelligence

and inclusive team climate; or understanding the impact their behaviour

can have on others.
h. Ask participants to develop and document a plan to develop the areas of
improvement they have identified.
i. Provide a copy of the team’s plan as part of your assessment documentation.
j. Discuss how different cultures express emotions and how these can be identified
and responded to appropriately.
i. ask the participants to discuss how this applies to their own team
ii. ask them to review their plan from above and incorporate any additional
ways they can identify and respond more effectively to cultural
expressions of emotions.
k. Ask each member of your team to commit to implementing the plan they have
developed to improve performance and help build a better climate.
9. Identify and address any difficulties during the session and provide feedback to team
members throughout.
10. Have each team member provide feedback to you by completing Appendix 3.3:
Evaluation form – Participant. Collect this feedback and use it for Part D.

Part C: Provide feedback and monitor progress

11. Monitor the progress and performance of your team.
a. On 3 separate occasions over a period of at least 2 operational weeks, observe
your team members completing a challenging task as a team in the workplace
environment and provide support if required.
b. The first observation should be shortly after the workshop. This will establish a
baseline (starting point) against which you can compare ongoing performance.
c. Record your observations using the monitoring (checking) worksheet, located in
Appendix 3.4.
d. Provide feedback and suggestions for further improvement to the team during
your observations.

Part D: Self-reflection
12. Complete the self-reflection form (Appendix 3.5). You should reflect on the following:
a. how conducting the workshop helped you to improve your own emotional
b. if the workshop met the goals you developed in your training workshop planner.
(Did the workshop encourage others to develop their own emotional intelligence,
to build productive relationships, and to maximise workplace outcomes?)
c. what you would do differently if you ran the workshop again.
13. Complete the assessment evidence requirements and submit within the timeframe
agreed with your assessor.

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Assessment Task 3 BSBLDR511 Develop and use emotional intelligence

Assessment Task 3 – Observation checklist

Learner’s name Chin Yee, Lim

Learner’s ID number Cri0100Icv

Unit code and title BSBLDR511

Assessor’s name

Supervisor’s name

Assessment overview

For the assessor: For the learner:

These observations must be conducted while the Your assessor will observe you using the criteria
learner demonstrates performance outcomes, in the following checklist to ensure you meet the
skills and knowledge required to conduct a requirements of this assessment. This may be
coaching session to develop the emotional done in a simulated environment.
intelligence of a team member. Read this checklist before your practical
Ensure that the environment meets health and demonstration.
safety requirements prior to assessment.

Part B: Conduct workshop


Assessor/Supervisor initials

Observation number 1 2
Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory S U S U

1. Arranged a suitable time and place with

their team and assessor to conduct the    

2. Demonstrated effective communication

skills, including:
● the use of verbal and non-verbal
   
● effective questioning and listening
skills to ensure they have fully
understood what was being

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Part B: Conduct workshop


Assessor/Supervisor initials

Observation number 1 2
Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory S U S U

3. Took a collaborative approach by using

inquiring and inclusive techniques.
For example:
● asking for the team’s input on the
guidelines for the workshop
● creating an environment where the team    
felt safe to discuss their strengths and
weaknesses along with their feelings
● having the team develop a plan to
improve performance and help build a
better team climate.

4. Modelled behaviours that demonstrated

management of emotions during the
workshop. For example:
● remained calm and even-tempered
throughout the workshop    
● responded openly to each team member
● demonstrated flexibility in the
workshop to create opportunities for
everyone to express their thoughts.

5. Recognised and responded to the

emotional states of the team by being
inclusive and flexible and adapting their
approach as required. For example:
● respected team members’ privacy when
they didn’t want to talk
● assessed the emotional cues of the team
members and moved the group
discussion along    
● did not make an example of team
members who have struggled to
manage their emotions in the
workplace, instead used scenarios to
encourage self-management of
 was sensitive and appropriate in
discussing a range of cultural
expressions of emotions.

6. Promoted the development of emotional    

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Part B: Conduct workshop


Assessor/Supervisor initials

Observation number 1 2
Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory S U S U

intelligence by providing opportunities for

their team to express their thoughts and
feelings, and supporting them to
understand and manage their emotions.

7. Explained emotional intelligence

principles and strategies.    

8. Provided feedback to both team members

and the team as a whole throughout the    

9. Identified and addressed any difficulties

the participants encountered during the    

10. Advised that they would be taking notes

throughout the workshop and explained    
what the notes would be used for.

11. Sought feedback from their team on the

workshop through the evaluation form.
   
Collected all completed forms during the

Assessor comments:

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Comments, declaration and signature

Assessor comments

Assessor name

Assessor declaration I declare that all requirements in Assessment Task 3 have been
satisfactorily completed and verbally authenticated if required.

Assessor signature Date

Learner name Chin Yee, Lim

Learner declaration I declare that I have been informed of and accept the results of this part of
my assessment.

Learner signature oTTo Date 30/09/2020

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Assessment Task 3 appendices

Appendix 3.1: Training workshop planner

Time Workshop part Content Activity Resources

Introduction The goal of this workshop is to promote 3 Minutes

the development of emotional
Explanation and introduction
intelligence within the team, and
encourage them to use emotional
intelligence to:
a. Enhance (improve) team performance
to achieve organisational objectives
(aims) and goals
b. Understand the effect of behaviour and
emotions on others in the workplace and
develop a greater degree of self-
c. Create a positive, inclusive (involve
all) emotional climate in the workplace.

Topic 1: Current Team In the fierce market and workplace 3 Minutes Brief introduction
Performance competition in modern society, people
1. Emotional
often feel that they are internally
controlled by negative emotions and
pressures, as if they have fallen into a 2. Develop awareness
curse of a bad cycle. From a range of of individual
unpleasant emotions to a series of emotional intelligence

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Assessment Task 3 BSBLDR511 Develop and use emotional intelligence

unpleasant emotions, work enthusiasm strengths and

and sense of professional weaknesses
accomplishment are greatly reduced, and
3. Cultural diversity
at worst, it develops into the group
"emotional virus infection", which 4. Options and ideas
destroys the harmony between team
members and affects work efficiency and
performance. Only by understanding
emotions can we manage emotions and
be the master of emotions.

Topic 2: Emotional Understand what emotional intelligence 5 Minutes 1. Recognize

intelligence is emotions
2. Emotional
3. EQ improvement
4. Develop a white
self-management plan

Topic 3: Develop Awareness of individual emotional 5 minutes 1. EQ improvement

awareness of individual intelligence strengths and weaknesses
2. Develop a self-
emotional intelligence
management plan
strengths and weaknesses

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Topic 4: Cultural Different ethnic/religious cultural 4 minutes Simple understanding

diversity background of each
cultural background

Topic 5: Options and Check if everyone understands 5 Minutes Questions time and
ideas discuss thoughts and
practise using new

Conclusion and evaluation Share experience 5 Minutes

Appendix 3.2: Learner workshop record

Time Workshop part What was discussed?

Introduction a. Enhance (improve) team performance to achieve organisational objectives (aims) and goals
b. Understand the effect of behaviour and emotions on others in the workplace and develop a greater

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Participant expectations degree of self- management

c. Create a positive, inclusive (involve all) emotional climate in the workplace.

Participants expect to improve their emotional intelligence

Agreed workshop guidelines Participants agree to the guiding principles of the seminar

Current team performance Current team performance is positive

How their performance is Everyone has the courage to ask questions and express their opinions, and accept different responses
making them feel

Effects their current When everyone's emotional intelligence improves, the team will have more tolerance and understanding,
emotions and behaviours which will enhance everyone's work efficiency.
could be having on team

Discussion: strengths and Strengths: Self-Management

weaknesses, development
areas Weakness: Self-Awareness & Social-Awareness & Relationship Management

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Common strengths Self-Management, they can improve their flexibility and Communication skills

Common development areas 1. Flexibility

Because today’s business environment is so dynamic, employees must develop skills to help them adapt to
ever-changing work-related situations.

2. Communication skills

An organization is nothing without clear and concise communication.In its absence, employees
are working and reworking problems, in a buddle, with NO shared knowledge, insights, or

Identify the impact of own emotions on others in the workplace

Develop document plan
 Identify and use evaluation criteria to determine own emotional strengths and
 Identify personal stressors and own emotional states related to the workplace
 Analyze and document potential emotional triggers in workplace situations which
may require determine appropriate emotional responses
 Evaluate the impact of own workplace behaviors that demonstrate management of
 Use self-reflection and feedback from others to improve development of own
emotional intelligence

Recognize and address the emotional strengths and weaknesses of others

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 Respond to the emotional states of co-workers and assess emotional cues

 Develop a plan for identifying and responding appropriately to a range of cultural
expressions of emotions
 Apply techniques to demonstrate flexibility and adaptability in dealing with others
 Demonstrate consideration of the emotions of others when making decisions

Cultural diversity Race – Race is maybe one of the first things you think of when you think about diversity. Employees of
colour have often faced challenges — getting hired, being accepted by the co-workers, receiving fair

Religion – Religious diversity can impact your staff’s dress, dietary requirements, and request for
particular days off.

General observations Are careful about who and what they let into their heads
Are present and aware of how they are feeling
Actively work to regulate or manage their mental and emotional well-being.
Find out what motivates them, and they do plenty of it.
Build their personal resilience.
Learn when to let go and what to hold onto.

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Appendix 3.3: Evaluation form – Participant

Coaching evaluation form

Name: Sandy Date:30/09/2020

Part A: Place an ‘X’ in the box to indicate your answer to the following questions.

Strongly Strongly
Statement agree
Agree agree nor Disagree

The outcomes of the session were

clearly defined.

I understood the information
explained to me and felt
encouraged to use it in the

My manager encouraged me to ask
questions, share feelings and
supported me in doing so.

The content was organised and easy

to follow.

My manager was knowledgeable

about the topic or skill.

My manager was well prepared and
able to demonstrate flexibility when

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Part B: Answer the following questions by providing a brief written response.

1. Describe how the workshop helped you to identify areas where you can build better
relationships within the team to assist in achieving organisational goals and objectives.
Empathy, Social skill

2. Describe how the workshop helped you to understand the effect of behaviour and
emotions on others in the workplace.
This workshop is a good way to let me understanding of my own emotional intelligence,
and my previous prejudice against others was also based on my incomprehension of

3. What action can you take from the workshop to improve your self-control and self-
management whilst at work?
Understanding of my emotional intelligence, improve deficiencies in the

4. What action can you take from the workshop to create a more positive and inclusive
emotional climate in the workplace?
When I hear different opinions, I don’t immediately deny the other person, but respond
in a better way.

5. Describe your key learnings from the workshop, how you will use them in the
workplace and what you hope they will achieve.
The key thing I learned from the workshop is empathy. In the workplace, I will be more
cautious about my words and deeds and will no longer be as self-centered as before.

This workshop I a really good way to let me improve and know myself.

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Assessment Task 3 BSBLDR511 Develop and use emotional intelligence

Coaching evaluation form

Name: Andy Date: 30/09/2020

Part A: Place an ‘X’ in the box to indicate your answer to the following questions.

Strongly Strongly
Statement agree
Agree agree nor Disagree

The outcomes of the session were

clearly defined.

I understood the information
explained to me and felt
encouraged to use it in the

My manager encouraged me to ask
questions, share feelings and
supported me in doing so.

The content was organised and easy

to follow.

My manager was knowledgeable

about the topic or skill.

My manager was well prepared and
able to demonstrate flexibility when

Part B: Answer the following questions by providing a brief written response.

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6. Describe how the workshop helped you to identify areas where you can build better
relationships within the team to assist in achieving organisational goals and objectives.
In this workshop, I learned about everyone’s different cultures through communication
and learning, and I also learned and improved my emotional intelligence. Through this
workshop, I believe that in the days to come, everyone will have fewer
misunderstandings at work.

7. Describe how the workshop helped you to understand the effect of behaviour and
emotions on others in the workplace.
In the workshop we learned about emotions, empathy and different cultures. This allows
us to have more tolerance and understanding with colleagues at work

8. What action can you take from the workshop to improve your self-control and self-
management whilst at work?
Empathy, tolerance and understanding

9. What action can you take from the workshop to create a more positive and inclusive
emotional climate in the workplace?
Will not be prejudiced against others without knowing it, and solve problems directly
with the people when encountering problems, and do not hide things in your heart

10. Describe your key learnings from the workshop, how you will use them in the
workplace and what you hope they will achieve.
I have learned about emotional intelligence. If everyone has no prejudice at work and
builds a pleasant workplace, work efficiency will be improved.

This is a good workshop to let us to know each other and know myself. I hope to improve
everyone’s working atmosphere through this workshop

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Appendix 3.4: Monitoring worksheet


Observation log Observation #1 Date: Observation #2 Date: Observation #3 Date:

Current team performance

(% to target)

Current use of emotional

intelligence to increase
(include examples)

Implementation of ideas
from plan developed in
(include examples)

Feedback provided to
team following observation
For example:

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● use of strengths
● positive
● inclusive behaviours
● management of

Opportunities identified

General comments

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Appendix 3.5: Self-reflection form

Use the following questions to reflect on your own performance planning for and conducting
the workshop.

You were expected to set the tone for behaviour in the workshop. Did you model
emotionally intelligent behaviours throughout the workshop?
Yes, but not very complete.

How did you do that?

Through Internet searches and some reference books to model emotionally intelligent
behaviours throughout the workshop.

What could you have done better?

I have to take more emotional intelligence course to improve myself.

Were you aware of the impact of your behaviours throughout the workshop? Do you feel
this helped you to build trust and positive working relationships?
Build trust is important in workplace. When trust is established, everyone will work
actively. If there is no trust in each other, work efficiency will also decrease

Did you model emotional management and being in control of your emotions?
Emotional Intelligence Model based on Ability
Emotional Intelligence definition and upgraded it to read as “the ability to perceive
emotion, integrate emotion to facilitate thought, understand emotions and regulate emotion
to promote personal growth.

This model upholds emotions as vital information sources that enable a person to make
good use of the social environment. According to the model, an individual’s ability to
process emotional information varies from one person to another and certain adaptive
behaviours manifest themselves in this ability. The model thus goes further to propose four
ability types that include.
Perceiving of emotions, Using of emotion, understanding emotions and Initiating the

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Were there times when you found this challenging? If so, please describe this.
Once I was angry because of some bad criticism from the leader, I went to complain to
other colleagues about the bad leadership.

Were there times where you needed to modify your behaviours to achieve the best
outcomes? If so, please describe this.
You need to understand why you are angry, and whether there is something wrong with

What could you have done better?

Next time if I encounter the same situation, I will not complain to others, but first ask
myself what went wrong.

You were expected to provide opportunities for your team to express thoughts and feelings.
How did you do this? What could you have done better?
Take a deep breath in advance if you encounter a bad mood, ask yourself why this is
happening, understand your current mood, and don’t be rash

You were expected to assist your team to understand the effect of their behaviour and
emotions on others. How did you do this?
Plan an emotional intelligence workshop and let them participate.

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What could you have done better?

Hold more workshop to let them improve.

You were expected to encourage the team to self-manage emotions. How did you do this?
Let the team know more about self-emotion management in the workshop.

What could you have done better?

Hold more workshop let them improve.

You were expected to encourage the team to develop emotional intelligence and build
productive relationships. How did you do this?
Give encouragement

What could you have done better?

Give encouragement

You were expected to encourage a positive emotional climate in the workplace. How did
you do this?
Keep cheerful.

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You were expected to use the team’s strengths to get both their own and the team’s
performance back on track. How did you do this?
Let them know more team’s strengths they have.

What could you have done better?

Give encouragement

What would you do differently if you were to run the workshop again?
Set up some simulation games

Identify and list feedback from the participants that supports your reflections.
Sandy and Andy’s feedback.

What have you observed during your observations in the workplace that support your
Develop your own empathy

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How successful do you feel you were in achieving your workshop goals based on the
monitoring you conducted after the workshop?
I feel I were in achieving your workshop goals based on the monitoring my conducted after
the workshop is good

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