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Name : Ainul Mardiah

NIM : 11810423252

Reinforcement Skill
Reinforcement refers to any stimulus which strengthens and encourage the student behavior or
increase the probability of their responses and participation as a feed back in teaching and
learning process. The main aim of use the skill is to increase pupils’ participation, motivation,
interest, and attention to learning material, to build their self-confident, and also to maintain
a conducive atmosphere of study so that the teaching and learning process can be more effective.

Types Of Reinforcement Skill :

1. Verbal Reinforcement
Verbal reinforcement is positive statement given by teacher such as compliment, support,
and recognition which is used to give positive feed backs for the effort of the students.
Types of non-verbal reinforcement:
 Reinforcement of mimics and gesture
 Reinforcement by approach
 Touch reinforcement
 Reinforcement by fun activities
 Reinforcement by symbol and object

2. Non-verbal reinforcement
Non-verbal reinforcement is a form of social reinforcement that is delivered as a
nonverbal communication.

The Principle of Strengthening Skills in providing reinforcement should be considered the

following principles:

1. Warm and enthusiastic. It is shown in movement, face expressions, sounds as well as

body language.

2. Earnest and meaningful.

3. Avoid negative responses and comments if students are unable to answer questions as

4. Reinforcement should vary, both verbal and non-verbal (can be nods, smiles, touches,
body language, and hand gestures).

5. The goal of strengthening must be clear to the particular student by mentioning his or her
name and towards the view to the student.

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