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Reading text for the third semester


The earth, the home of all known life, is a great ball of rock surrounded by air. Water lies in the bases of
the rock. This makes oceans, seas, and the lakes. About 71 percent of the earth’s surface is water, and 29
percent is land. The earth is constantly changing. It does not look the same today as it did several million
years ago or even one hundred years ago. The earth is spherical in shape with an average diameter of
about 12,740 kilometers.

To learn what the earth is like and how it is changing, scientists study the land surface, the air, the oceans,
and the interior of our planet. Earth science consists of several sciences that are related to one another.
Among them are geography (science of the earth’s surface, climates, population, etc), geology (science of
the earth’s history), meteorology (science of the earth’s atmosphere) and oceanography (science of the
earth’s ocean).

There are two paragraphs for reading so I would like give some questions for you all to answer

1. What is the topic of the text?

2. How many sentences are there in the first paragraph?
3. What does the first paragraph tell us about?
4. What is the shape of the earth?
5. Which one is more land or water in this planet?
6. Translate the first paragraph into Indonesian !
1. The Earth : Our Home Planet
2. 7 (seven) sentences
3. Explanation of the earth
4. Circle
5. 71 % is Water 29 % is land
6. Bumi, rumah dari semua kehidupan yang dikenal, adalah bola batu besar yang dikelilingi
udara. Air terletak di dasar batuan. Ini membentuk samudra, lautan, dan danau. Sekitar 71
persen permukaan bumi adalah air, dan 29 persen adalah daratan. Bumi terus berubah.
Sekarang ini tidak terlihat sama seperti beberapa juta tahun yang lalu atau bahkan seratus
tahun yang lalu. Bumi berbentuk bulat dengan diameter rata-rata sekitar 12.740 kilometer.
Untuk mempelajari seperti apa bumi dan bagaimana perubahannya, para ilmuwan
mempelajari permukaan tanah, udara, lautan, dan bagian dalam planet kita. Ilmu kebumian
terdiri dari beberapa ilmu yang saling berkaitan. Diantaranya adalah geografi (ilmu
permukaan bumi, iklim, populasi, dsb), geologi (ilmu sejarah bumi), meteorologi (ilmu
tentang atmosfer bumi) dan oseanografi (ilmu tentang samudra bumi).

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