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Verbs tell of something being done; Most adverbs are formed by adding
To read, count, sing, laugh, jump or run. ‘ly’ to an adjective. Check the
How things are done the ADVERBS tell; spelling rules on ‘ly’ endings.
As slowly, quickly, ill or well.


1. Pick out ten words from the list which you do not know and look up their meanings in a
dictionary. Copy the words and definitions into your books.

2. Some of the words in the list have very similar meanings. E.g. rapidly and swiftly. See
how many matching pairs of adverbs you can find. Copy the pairs into your books. Underline the
most interesting and original adverb.

3. Select ten adverbs. Change them back into adjectives. List ten of your own adjectives.
Turn them into adverbs. Use the ‘ly ending’ spelling rules to help you. Check your spellings in a

4. Any verb you use could have an adverb. E.g. She got up energetically. The car braked
fiercely. The moon shone coldly. Write ten sentences, using adverbs as imaginatively as you
can to create a precise effect.

5. Occasionally, you could start a sentence with an adverb. This will add variety to your
sentence openings and structures. Write ten sentences starting with an adverb. E.g. Slowly, ….
Tragically, … Mysteriously, … Luckily, …

tightly calmly apprehensively politely warily slyly angrily firmly sadly idly
suspiciously jauntily furtively awkwardly cunningly cautiously furiously
relentlessly dejectedly swiftly morosely shiftily sheepishly gracefully anxiously
carefully slyly guiltily obviously deftly rapidly nervously nimbly nonchalantly
stealthily craftily placidly grimly wickedly cruelly eagerly stubbornly daintily
clumsily sedately gently frantically jocularly sternly jovially viciously truthfully
meanly sharply restlessly menacingly urgently maliciously valiantly fiercely
boldly joyfully monstrously desperately bravely luckily mysteriously tragically
hurriedly willingly falsely crazily lovingly bashfully threateningly eloquently
peculiarly regrettably seriously obliviously merrily admittedly suddenly obstinately
devilishly faithfully drolly haughtily grimly gutsily gradually graciously edgily
ecstatically devotedly lazily morosely proudly arrogantly feebly

This adverbs worksheet by Chantel Evans Mathias was found free at
© 2000 English Resources, all rights reserved
Adverb Poems

Slowly the tide creeps up the sand,

Slowly the shadows cross the land.
Slowly the cart-horse pulls his mile,
Slowly the old man mounts his stile.

Slowly the hands move round the clock,

Slowly the dew dries on the dock.
Slow is the snail – but slowest of all
The green moss spreads on the old brick wall.


Write a similar poem. Either choose an adverb yourself or use one from this list:
quietly, gently, softly, lightly, swiftly, brightly, loudly.

Before you begin, collect your ideas together by drawing a spider diagram. Below is
the start of a diagram for the word ‘rapidly’. Suggest other ideas to complete the

Then, draw a spider diagram of your own for the word you have chosen. Draw an
oval shape for the spider’s body and write your adverb in it. Then, draw lines to
represent the spider’s legs. As you think of an idea, write it down by one of the

Meteors shooting across the sky burst of gunfire


Collect pictures and photographs that you can use to illustrate your adverb poem.

This adverbs worksheet by Chantel Evans Mathias was found free at
© 2000 English Resources, all rights reserved

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